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Document Creation Date: 
December 15, 2016
Document Release Date: 
June 14, 2004
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Publication Date: 
September 22, 1953
Content Type: 
PDF icon CIA-RDP80-00810A002200230033-6.pdf84.78 KB
~~IF I TIONease 2/07/ .5' Appro r e - - - CENTRAL INTLLLIUtNL;t 25X1 REPORT 25X1 25X1 COUNTRY East Garr-MV ';S ECT The ,.at Geirnhcri Mt.gnesl Poduction 25X1 ~"Yt_d't''IM J ACQUIRED MATE OF INTO. 25X1 ...,.. ~.. tsar. =,~ , -~r:b , rlYeg Ounet4 . TATEt4 TITNtfl TA[ RIADit O OW MW KaPPONAC? ACT I& u a. C.. $ AM A& A# AV"D". ire rMUSUP W1'n 09 INS Oft" T10" . ::3 GOWM t9t AT t.AIMEtl TO AS CAAUTcit. t U e W9X It FM 25X1 25X1 25X1 NO: OF' PAGES 22 ;gig -;mzt*r l ?~a3 O. OF ENCLS. LUST D EtC.4 W) UPPLEMENT TO 4 ;,REPORT. NQ. . THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION I At -a conference of the Non-Ferrous Metal Section of the Manning Main rt9partmen-t of the State Administration for 1,-ateri.e'.i Supply -in. which ,5i-hiller fnu), technical. chief of the Elektro-Chemisches Kombinat Do- :0,terfeld VEE; Lindner (fnu), chief of the Materiels Accavr:ting r?irtment of the State Adminiatratiog.for 11 a io1 SuF l ' aid i repre,,en- iative of the Chemistry Pain E~.dirinistration, ,took pe-r the 1953 economy plan provided a magnesium production of lIvu, y qr. .i,,000 tons of.magnesium in the first, second, third and fourth quarter i 153 respectively with a total of 1,300 tons in the whole year,: a new magneslw production plant in the 1!:1ektrr.. t henlsches Kombinat V F _r..itterfeld was scheduled to start producing on October 1953 and. most probably would be cor,pleted according, to time t: ~l : the plant would deliver most of its cag< t con to the Vehicle Euliding Industry "ain /dministration with the Flu not torenrerk Dessau, former Junkers---Worker as presumable rain purchaser in fourth quarter of the year? is e 25X1 Comment. A previously forwarded producti=on plan Mentioned only, =ootmctlonof magnesium alloys. The production of pure magnesium, cornfe giiently, started not until 1953. It is to be taken into consideration iliav is addition to the use of magnesium by Junkers Desesu pure magnesium :,g 'asau a, reducing agent for the production of umnic oxide. 25X1 4_AF;SII=ICATION S %Rl"r: ...._cE__...~._ _? _.1 Approved For.-Release 2004/07/08: CIA-RDP80-00810AO02200230033-6