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Document Release Date: 
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80-00810A002200230012-9.pdf106.74 KB
Y ~j7 App r se 2Q, AtQh08 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA0022002300 2-925X'1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 2bAX1 REPORT INFORMATION REPORT CD NO, .;CYI, NTRV Es.s#. Germ -m -. f ?I C'T Rueri.nnz Supply Shir ?: nts 25X1 LACE' -CQUIREG) DATE OF WO. DATE DISTR. 2 Octob4, 1953 N0:-OE PAGES 2 A'QE~ (LISIEI SELOW1, SUPPLEMEM:T TO REPORT N(). i M HlBITEO 9i' LAW THE RIP"U riOA OF TRIEFORK IB FF7k RITED i,t 3 .ic.F..3 t-..a.,..,:., 25X1 0 ear?ts were handled ror 25X1 N,i_and TYP a 25X1 Carte 25X1- 45 3 G 50 B 5'l 33 'C 25 T .>A THIS IS UNE1 PA' TED -NFOI ATIO f ]the following Soviet 19 July 1.953 2 through 12 Unterbreizbach Frankfurt Unterbreizbach I Troeglitz Boehlen 40 9 Unterbreizbuch 45 B Aue 22 T Buda . . T Troeglitz 24 T :.5 B 24 T ;6 T t2 B. 4 B. 1 GB ? 1 GB GB 0 B. 1CB GB B. : GB Schwarzenberg I''l gwitz Toepchin su t ).fir Kuestrin Wismar Brest Litovsk uestrin Velten Zhabd nka Kuestrin Brest L.:tovsk GdirAgen (Gd~nni,.a) Velten Zb tbin'Isa Brest Litovsk Zhabin'ka Vahan Brest Litovsk Dannenwalde R Altenhain Jueterbog Alt Finow Altengrabow Vel_ten 25X1 I SSIFIC/ ftON ` PrRF.' " caa6 i L and intei?est 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-F DP80-0081OA002200230012-9 Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA002200230012-9 25X1 2 12 31 T '25X1 34 T 26 T 25X1 t qntea B stands for boxcar, F for flatcer, G for gondola car? T for tank car x 1" t.,r boxcar., 33 a undetermined ft Y". T a ft . B with ,otash Kaeatrin 4,. B B4d Salzungen I' 25X1 [ntp Probably potash deliveries by tic lur/;a potash pl4nt it Unt* 1 m- m _ Deliveries by isast German b,ydro;;enutio i plants to the iarf.- rt; '.s F::Le: . In Velteno Gc xent Fuel deliveries to the U`'` snarl Poland. C 1; . Shin tents of uraniuri ore to t' ,e USS1... The indo : figure w '.ies he.n been changed to 66; 25X1 25X1 25X1 Probably a :zunition shipments from the l r= e wr.:unitiori drat . _~ '.r'aepchin to any a::xiuaiition depots. Index #i{'ure 94 is being. used for int:'a4 zoa--.Il r:a;,_unition shio.ientsn S1.fGR E 11 Troeglitz wtettin Boehien Zbf "9-A Grosskorbet1-i.. Gdineen (Gdvnia) jc ,ex . The information contained in this rePoi t was obtained at a t z.n cral. 'railroad hecdquarterso It does not furnish any clues as to the usability of ?a.llroL..ri :Ii es in Poland,, because rerouting measures are taken 'y local railroad auk -)r':itie: 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA002200230012-9