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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/30: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA002100230010-2 0 2 3 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT This Document contains information affecting the Na- tional Defense of the United States, within the mean- ing of Title 18, Sections 793 and 794, of the U.B. Code, as amended. Its transmission or revelation of its contents to or receipt by an unauthorized person Is prohibited by law. The reproduction of this form is prohibited. SECRET/CONTROL - U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY SECURITY INFORMATION COUNTRY Hungary SUBJECT Wilhelm Pieok Railroad Car Factory, Gyor REPORT DATE DISTR. NO. OF PAGES REQUIREMENT REFERENCES 19 August 1953 THE SOURCE EVALUATIONS IN THIS REPORT ARE DEFINITIVE. THE APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. (FOR KEY SEE REVERSE) 1. Location gyer) Wilhelm Pieok Railroad Car Factory (the former Magyar Waggon 6e Gep 40 is located on Mirtirok Street. To the north, it borders on the Danube and the industrial harbor. 25X1 25X1 2. Personnel a. Faoory arement s Director General: Tare Lakatos, former metal lathe operator. Head of blueprint officeI Sendor Nanik, a former technician. Head of personnel office: Hilmslin Redo, a blacksmith. Head of general planning offices Engineer Jozsef Szottfried. Director of industrial organisations J.zeef Vadas. Party secretary: Sebtk (fnu) Chief engineers Eerenyi (fnu) Head of bridge department: Engineer Joseef Lengyel. b. Three Soviet employees are assigned to the factory administration= one of them has to do with acceptance of goods made for the USSR under the heading of war reparations; the other two have general supervisory fono- tibne o. The factory employs about 20,000 blue-collar and white-collar workers, of whom about 23 percent are women. The number of workers in the SECRET/CONTROL - U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY STATE x ARMY I X NAVY J _ JAIR 1 LFBI AEC Evi a 1081 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/30: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA002100230010-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/30: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA002100230010-2 SECRET/CONTROL - U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY various units are as follows: (1) Bridge department 2,800 (2) Railroad car department 2,700 (3) Screws 1,600 (4) Steel foundry 600 (5) Forge 100 (6) Automobile department 2,000 (7) Crane department 800 (8) Central installation 1,700 (9) Mavag department 4,300 (10) Office workers and supervisors 2,400 To these figures should be added about 9,000 skilled workers, about 2,000 specialized workers, about 5,000 laborers, and about 4,500 women helpers. 3. Work Shifts and Pay a. Each unit of the factory operates on a 3-shift basis daily. The workers are distributed on the various shifts as follows: lot shift, about 50 percent 2nd shift, about 30 percent 3rd shift, about 20 percent b. A skilled worker who fulfills 100 percent of his work norm receives 400 forints per week. The etakhanove system has oompletelyfailed. At first, by much maneuvering, the stakhanovites were able to earn up to 3,000 forints per month, although the factory's output did not increase. Thus, it became necessary to eliminate this system. 4. Seecurit a. The factory is under the surveillance of the Gy&.ri Rendiszet, i.e., of the industrial police which is controlled by the AVH. The guard consists of about 100 men. b. Only persons carrying identification documents issued by the factory may enter it. o. The AVH has a good informer organization among the workers, which operates efficiently and keeps tab on even Communist Party officials. 5. Product ion a. Railroad Car Department (1) Pullman oars, called CAK, which are divided into compartments with upholstered seats. These oars are produced only on order. As of 31 March 1953, 8 such cars had been made, 6 of which have been shipped tQ the USSR. (2) So-called gondo14 oars, used for transporting heavy tanks and cannon. These oars are built very solidly and are equipped SECRET/CONTROL - U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/30: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA002100230010-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/30: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA002100230010-2 SECRET/CONTROL U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY -3- with four axles and eight wheels. Three types of such cars are made as follows: (a) Flat cars, without side plates. (b) Flat cars, without side plates on each of the four aides and sides and in the center. These care are equipped with small steel posts to which tanks and cannon are tied with steel cables. (c) Flat cars, with low and folding sides, which connect the cars with the forward ramps and act as bridges for loading tanks and cannon. The unit in question is currently manufacturing oars of this type at a weekly rate of 22-24. (3) Mail cars, which have four axles, are 32 meters long, are covered with armored plates, and their doors and windows are equipped with grates. They are manufactured on order only. (4) Regular freight cars of every type for the Hungarian State Rail- roads (MAV). Weekly production amounts to about 25. (5) Field kitchens of various sizes, which were produced at the weekly rate of about 150 units of 70 liters each in March 1953. b. Bridge Construction Department (1) Most of the products of this unit go as war reparations goods to the USSR. The bridge components are mass produced and are 40 in, long and 10 in. wide. They have a minimum capacity of 50 tons. Monthly production amounts to about 14 bridge components, which are shipped to the Zdhony border station by means of flat cars. (2) On Hungarian orders, the unit also produces currently 14-meter poles for high-tension power lines. Monthly production comes to 50 poles. o. Crane Depajtment This unit makes steam-operated cranes on wheels, with a capacity of 20 tons. These mobile cranes are manufactured here in their entirety and then shipped by railroad after being disassembled into four parts. Monthly production amounts to 8-10 cranes, of which five go to the USSR. d. Mavaa Department This unit mass produces 60-ton metal freight oars. The axles and wheels are manufactured at Di6sgy8r. Monthly production amounts to 80-90 oars, including about 50 for the Soviets. The oars ship- ped to the USSR travel on standard-gauge track as far as Zahony- Chop, where they are mounted on broad-gauge axles which are sup- plied by the Di6sgy&r factory. The standard-gauge chassis are sent back to Gy&r. 9. .crew Department (1) Some of the machines of this unit have been transferred to the aircraft shop at the Gy6'r airfield, where there is an aircraft engine shop. (2) The remainder of the unit works only to supply the plant itself. SECRET/CONTROL - U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/30: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA002100230010-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/30: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA002100230010-2 SECRET/CONTROL - U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY Monthly production amounts to about 30 tons of screws of every size, as well as rivets for the bridge unit. The part of the unit vacated as a result of the above-mentioned transfer was taken over by the automobile unit. Automobile Department According to Steyr specifications. the following parts for the Steyr- Diesel, i.e., the Csepel-Diesel 350, automobiles are being manu- factured in this department. (1) Electric distribution systems (2) Joints (3) Differentials (4) Front axles (5) Chassis (rear) ,i27 (6) Steering apparatus (7) Towing bars (on springs) The parts are assembled at the Csepel automobile plant. The rate of output is variable and is not known. g. Heavy Machine Department When the plant ceased production of whole automobiles, some shops became idle; as a result, some machinery and workers became avail- able for the formation of a new department, called Heavy Machine Department (Nehh Ggposzttly), which is a cover name. The depart- ment is supposed to manufacture reapers, but actually it produces the following items: (1) Mounts for 85- m.model 39.L /55, antiaircraft guns. The wheels and rims for the vehicles are supplied by another plant and we assembled here. Weekly output amounts to 10- 12 units. (2) Supports and armor plated covers for 120-mm., model 38 heavy mortars. Weekly output amounts to about 25 units. h. Steel Foundry (1) Its equipment is as follows: (a) 1 Electric furnace with a capacity of 4 tons (b) 2 Electric furnaces with a capacity of 2 tons each (o) 1 Conveyor belt for dies (Modellkisten) (d) 1 Wheel conveyor belt for transporting dies (see above) (e) 1 Air compressor (f) 1 Sand screen (g) 1 Sand grinder and mixer SECRET/CONTROL - U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/30: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA002100230010-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/30: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA002100230010-2 SECRET/CONTROL - U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY (h) 1 Furnace for drying patterns (2) The following types of steel are fused in the 4-ton furnace: (a) "C-13" Material--Used in the manufacture of machine parts. Four tons of material contains the following ingredients: 80 kg. of chrome; 45 kg. of tungsten; 22 kg. of silica; 4 kg. of titanium. The fusion of the materials requires 3 hours. The daily productive capacity of this furnace is 28 tons. (b) "S" Material--Forge steel; alternatively fused in said furnace. (c) (3) "FE" Material--Composed as follows: 200 kg. of chrome; 400 kg. of tungsten; 15 kg. of silica; balance of 4-ton load consisting of old iron. (d) "Mold" Material--Used above all for making motive axles of locomotives, brakes, machine parts. In addition to old iron, a 4-ton load contains 30-40 tons of coal and 80 kg. of manganese. The two-ton furnaces produce these same types of steel. Their rate of fusion is 2 hours and 40 minutes, and their daily pro- ductive capacity is 22-26 tons. i. Old Foundry Equipped with one 2-ton furnace and one 1-ton furnace. It pro- duces only common types of steel. Daily production amounts to about 20 tons. 6. Raw Material Source of raw materials used by the plant: a. Scrap from all parts of the country; some from the USSR. b.. Steel plates from the Csepel (Rakosi) and Pestszentl8rinc plants. c. Tool steel from Mavag of Budapest, Csepel, and D16egyor plants. d. Rolled iron from Mavag of Budapest. e. Molded iron and steel from the Ceepel plant. f. Precious metals - There is a considerable shortage of nickel, copper, and zino, which can only be imported from the West with a great deal of difficulty. Coal from Tatabinya; coke is supplied in sufficient amounts by the Gy gasometers. h. Complete machinery, lathes, etc. of the CIP type and other machine tools i. Ball bearings J. Milling cutters and grinding wheels for gears perforating machines 7.. Power supply The plant is connected to the network of the Banhida power plant. SECRET/CONTROL - U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/30: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA002100230010-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/30: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA002100230010-2 SECRET/CONTROL - U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY 8. Motor Pool a. 24 Csepel-Diesel/350 trucks. b. 6 busses. c. 6 automobiles. d, 2 ambulances. a. 1 mobile dental laboratory f. 1 3-ton tank truck The vehicles are parked in the plant's garages. 9. Fire Brigade There are 60 firemen. They are not plant personnel, but are sent daily from the city's fire department to the plant. They are equipped with three fire engines. 10. Potential War Production a. In the event of war, the plant could be converted to war production in 3 or 4 weeks. Eighteen machines for producing artillery shells are currently being installed in the so-called "Central Machine Room." b. The plant's machinery is such that it cannot be used to make artillery guns; at most, it can make rifles, submachineguns, and antiaircraft machineguns, o. Artillery and small arms ammunition can be produced without difficulty4 d. Armor plates can neither be molded nor rolled, because the necessary equipment is lacking. However, armor plates can be flattened, treated with acids, and out. e. The railroad oar unit is in a position to produce armor plates for armored trains. Annex: Sketch-map of the Wilhelm Pieck Railroad Car Factory in Gyor (with legend). Leger of the Wilhelm Pieck Factory in Gv&- 1. Main entrance, occupied by AVH guards. 2. 2-story office building which contains the material office, the local "'Commnuiist Party offices, and the personnel: relations office. 3. 2-story building, occupied by the AVH 4. Laboratory, equipped with a Rontgen apparatus and machines for testing pressure, fragments, breaks. 5. Seat of the management with the office of records, the patent office, the telephone switchboard, the main cashier's office, the office of organization, the personnel office, and a conference room. On the SECRET/CONTROL - U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/30: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA002100230010-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/30: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA002100230010-2 SECRET/CONTROL - U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY second floor are located the statistics office and the safe room, which contains secret plans and blueprints. The third floor houses the accounting office, the finance unit, the in- voice checking office, and the computing office. 6. 3-story building, which houses all the offices of the construction unit and the drafting rooms. a. 3-story building--The ground floor houses the model-making carpenters; the second and third floors house the offices and drafting rooms of the railroad car unit. 7. Foundry 8. One-story building which is used to store forge supplies. 9. Forge, a ground-floor structure with corrugated sheet metal roof, lOOx5OxlO m. Its machinery is ae follows: a. 4 large hammers. b. 1 metal hydraulic press. a. 4 presses (Exzenter) for making dies. d. 4 compressors (Exzenter Druckpressen) used in making railroad cars. e. 1 large coal furnace with hot air compressor. f.? 10 small gas furnaces. g. 8 automatic hammers with belt ji 7 transmission. 10. Old Foundry, equipped with 4 gas furnaces for refinishing fused pieces, whose thidkness can be reduced to 75 kg. of pressure strength. 11. Junk yard. 12. Newly-built building: baths and showers. 13. 2-story building, where induction coils of electric motors are made and re- paired. This shop works only to supply the plant's own needs. 14. Boiler room, equipped with two boilers which supply steam to operate the two large hammers and hot air for the compressors. 15. Coal dump. 16. 45-meter smokestack. 17. Assembly room (or assembly shed) for the railroad oar unit. 18. Warehouse, 25x15 m., containing automobile spare parts. 19. Entrance and exit for trucks. 20. Control point; all trucks entering and exiting are checked in accordance with their shipment orders. 21. AVH guard house. 22. Wooden structure, 45x18 m., where political meetings are held. SECRET/CONTROL - U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/30: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA002100230010-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/30: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA002100230010-2 SECRET/CONTROL - U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY 23. Large outdoor iron and raw material storage area, where steel plates and special iron (Facheisenst{foke) are kept. There are always from 1,800 to 2,000 tons of material. There is a traveling crane which runs on a track of about 150 m. It has an operating radius of 15 in. It is electrically operated and has a capacity of 10 tons. 24. Offices dealing with storage of iron and other material. 25. Preparation of material. The iron pieces are cut according to speci- fioations with a motor-driven saw. 26. Two blocks of 3-story buildings. Area: about 150x80 m. There is the workshop for processing the lumber to be used by the railroad car unit. The ground floor houses the following workshops: 27. a. Large machine shop for the railroad car unit, equipped as follows: (1) 25 lathes, pitch of centers, up to 3,500 mm. (2) 10 lathes, pitch of centers, up to 2,000 mm. (3) 10 lathes, pitch of centers, up to 4,000 mm. (4) 8 lathes, pitch of centers, up to 1,500 mm. These lathes are of the following types: "Ward," "Skoda," "WM." "Krupp," and Soviet "Dynamo." An autonomous 220 volt, 3-5 hp. electric motor is connected to each lathe. (5) 40 400 to 800 mm. milling cutters of the "Krupp" and "Skoda" types, each equipped with its own electric motor. (6) 3 planers and "Hornmasohinen" with bench 4 m. long. (7) 12 hand drills. (8) 8 small machine drills. (9) 2 gear-type horizontal planers, which can be used in the prepar- ation of gears 4 m. in diameter. (30) 6 small horizontal drills. b. The ground floor also houses the blacksmiths' repair shop, the electric workshop, and the welding shop. o. The second floor houses the office of the chief of the railraod car unit, the planning section, the drafting rooms, the construction of- fioe, and the computing office. d. The third floor houses the living quarters of the plant managers. Railroad Car Department with underground storage space. The workshop is about 15OxlO0 m. and is divided into four parts, as follows: a. Section producing car iron frames. b. Assembly of chassis, axles, and wheels, using only electric welding machines and compressed air riveting machines. o. Installation of electrical system and wooden sides; also lacquer work. SECRET/CONTROL - U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/30: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA002100230010-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/30: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA002100230010-2 SECRET/CONTROL - U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY d. Assembly shop for brakes, axles, bearings. e. Machine shop of the railroad car unit, equipped as follows: (1) 8 eccentric metal presses which can work on armor plates up to (2) 20 mm. In thickness. 2 steel cutting machines capable of cutting long steel plates from 15 to 30 mm. thick. 2 machines for curving steel plates 15 to 30 mm. thick. 2 hydraulic machines for flattening steel plates. 14 autogenous welding apparatus. 28. Tool storage, offices, and central machine room. 29. One-story building. 30. Special workshop (Pullman cars). 31. Works for gondola oars. 32. Works for gondola cars. 33. Machine tool central unit, which produces tools and machine parts for local use. 34. 3'-stbry'build ing.: a.' On the first'-floor: boiler room with one boiler to produce steam and heat, a steam room for drying lumber and axles for the railroad car unit, and the upholstering unit. b. On the second floor: the unit chief, tool manufacturing, and studies. c. On the third floor: dressing rooms and conference room. 35. Assembly sheds where the final work is done on the railroad cars; there are three double tracks. 36. Preparatory workshop for carpentry work. 37. F9remen?s quarters. 38. Metals warehouse. 39. Garage and shop. 40. Former aircraft plant building; 2 stories high. a. The basement houses food storerooms, a kitchen, and offices of the automobile unit. b. The first floor houses the management of the automobile unit, the materials (registration) office, the infirmary, a secondary store- room. c. The second floor houses the construction section of the automobile unit, the blueprint office, and the disbursing office. SECRET/CONTROL - U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/30: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA002100230010-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/30: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA002100230010-2 SECRET/CONTROL - U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY d. The third floor houses the crane unit, the bridge'unit, and the cen- tral materials office (accounting of materials). 41. 2-story building. The first floor houses the finance office and the AVH offices. The second floor houses the office which checks on norm fulfill- ment, press and propaganda office, library, and technical publications library. 42. Underground pump installation. 43. Two-story building, about 140x35 m. The first floor houses the office sup- ply room, storeroom for semi-finished materials used in producing essential automobile parts. The second floor houses offices, the auditorium, and the movie hall. 44. Bridge unit: a hall about 150x70 m. Four cranes travel lengthwise from one end of the hall to the other. Epch of them has a reach of 10 m. and a lifting capacity of 15 tons. 45. Machine room No. 2, about l50x4O m., equipped with the following machinery: a. 35 automatic lathes. b. 25 milling cutters. c. 8 grinding wheels for gears. d. 12 grinding wheels for molded materials. e. 16 milling cutters for gears. f. 3-wheel milling cutters. g. 8 grinding wheels for plates. h. 8 grinding wheels for points. 1. 8 bolt screwing machines. J. 6 planers for metals. k. 6 rolling mm,ohines. 1. One large planer with bench 4 m. long. 46. Work room for refinishing antiaircraft gun mounts and mortar support plates. This room is closely guarded; no outsiders may enter it. 47. Automobile machine shop equipped with the following machinery. a. 75 lathes of various types. b. 22 perforating machines called "coil machines." c. 60 perforating machines. d. 30 horizontal perforating machines. e. 10 face lathes f. 12 center grinding wheels. SECRET/CONTROL - U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/30: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA002100230010-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/30: CIA-RDP80-00810A002100230010-2 SECRET/CONTROL - U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY g. 2 screw grinding wheels 25X1 h. 12 grinding wheels for plates. 1. 12 wheels for molded materials. 48. Crane unit, with michine shops. a. Crane assembly room and testing shop for steam turbines. 49. Tools storehouse; carpentry shop, lumber storage. 50. Automobile essential parts unit, which also produces basic parts for anti- aircraft gun mounts. There are also the following workshops: a. Molding workshop and emery grinding wheels with compressor. b. Reagent unit, with the following equipment: (1) 4 gas furnaces. (2) 6 electric furnaces. (3) 6 salt ovens (Salz8fen) (4) 2 small electric furnaces. (5) 2 presses for metals. o. Unit for research on the resistance of basic parts. d. Bending unit, equipped with three hydraulic presses; plates are bent here, e. Foundry. f. Forge. g. Machine department. 51. Electric power plant about 60x45 m. equipped with three "Sulzer" boilers and three turbogenerators. The power produced is conveyed to the workshops by underground cables and is sufficient for the plant. 52. Plantts refrigerator unit is about 22x15 m. and 25 m. high. SECRET/CONTROL - U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/30: CIA-RDP80-00810A002100230010-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/30: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA002100230010-2 i SECRET/CONTROL - U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY 43 49 _L=11 SECRET/CONTROL - U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/30: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA002100230010-2