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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/16: CIA-RDP80-0081OA002000490008-8 7 1, y -F i CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY Bulgaria This Document contains information affects the N tional Defense of the United States, within t~:e meaa- n- ing of Title 18, Sections 793 and 794, of the U.B. Code, an amended. Its transmission or revelation of its contents to or receipt by an unauthorized person I. prohibited by law. The reproduction of this form is prohibited. CONFIDENTIAL/CONTROL--ULS. OFFICIALS ONLY SECURITY INFORMATION SUBJECT Order of Battle and Miscellaneous Military Information REPORT I DATE DISTR. 1.3 O; itober 1953 NO. OF PAGES 4 DATE OF INFO. REQUIREMENT NO. RD PLACE ACQUIRED REFERENCES This is UNEVALUATED Information THE SOURCE !VALUATIONS IN THIS REPORT ARE DEFINITIVE, THE APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE, (FOR KEY SE! REVERS!) Order of Battle 1. An unidentified rifle regiment with "horse-drawn artillery, mountain artillery, mortar and heavy machine gun units" is located in a large area in northeast Zvezdete (N 42-07, E 26-24)c Malko Turnovo Okoliya, with only the Burgas-Ma:Lko Turnovo highway separating the barracks area from the city proper. The highway bounds the area on the south and east, and the remaining sides are enclosed in a barbed-wire fence. The 'buildings consist of the followings a. Three 3-story buildings used as barracks; b. A garage; c. A stable; d. Several smaller unidentified buildings; and e. A considerable number of 'buildings used as quarters for about 80 officers and their families, both those of the rifle regiment and those of the Komandatura of 7 Border Guard Otryad approximately 25 families). A small area which might possibly be an ammunition dump is located beside a stream which flows through the camp. 2. In 1952, there were Trudovak units in Zvezdete, but after a Trudovak from l urvomai Okoliya escaped to Turkey, the unit was moved to the interior. 25 YEAR RE-REVIEW STATE X ARMY X NAVY CONFIDENTIAL/CONTROL--U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY (Note: We-6!n. icon 4i.tributn.. Ry "X"; r!eia 9; Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/16: CIA-RDP80-0081OA002000490008-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/16: CIA-RDP80-0081OA002000490008-8 CONFTDENTl&l'GONTR0L--U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY 25X1 3. An unidentified rifle regiment ins o ailed in Tsa:r?elo 11 some of its ammuritiork st~or~ee are kept in, t,c ~ 'ta ~ ~W, k area of 25X1 3 Komandatura of 7 Border Guard Otryad In Koeti (N 42-04, E 2? -4S) p so that if the regiaiteht has to move toward the border rapidly it will not have to t'raniport ammunition. 4. An unidentified rifle regiment. is l,ocat,ed in Burgas, where it ehar s Its barracks area# on the northeast aide of the city near the sea, with an unidentified ay1nored unit. In 1952, the rifle regiment o ioupied a, Feu ,mar tent encarnpmerit in a v alloy between Gramatikovo (N 42-0~, E 21-39)? and B ilgari (N 42-06,, EE 2?-43), Malko T rnovo Okoliya. The regiment it -,, luded artillery and heavy mach.hine gust unite. 5. An unidentified unit of perhaps 300 men is looated in the eoiithwe say, part- of Lagers Quarter, Sofia, at a plaoe where 10 to 15 steel doors are located in the aic.e of a long eloping hill 60-100 meters high avd. 11.5 to 2 kilometers Tjt,.e area is heavily guarded and entirely surx;:;unded by barbed wire, a large r=naber? of trucks have been observed leaving and entering the area. Miscellaneous Military Inf9 m8tior~ 6. There are training school;a for Border Guard officers at Simeono'v-c (N 42.-"37, E 23-20), Sofia 0koliya, a training :snhocl. for Interior T.r~oop;s (1Xitreshni Vc:yski) officers in Gorrna Banya (N x,, E 2; -13), on the outskirts of Sofia, an-1 n school for Any communications offioe.r^e i :n Silietra. There are military training schools in Lovech, Pleven, ` hrnovo and Ruse. 7. Military instruction is obligatory for secondary school and, u:nifzer?sityy, st udkants as preparation for military sere.-ice .)r ;;ivil.ian defense in case of ea. war. Thi 3 training is the responsibility of the administrations of the so?hools and is given to the student body as a whole. Tests are given at the end of each yea ?:.y oourie nrid those who pass are given a certificate whi 1h exempts them from courses the foll.cwing years. Similar instruction is also gi-ren by the DSNM (Dimitrovski S)?W z ra Narednata Mladezhi l Dimitrov' a Union of Pea%: pleI s Youth) to its members and to employees in vari,:sue factories and other eatablishmente. In the technical ce:ca i :s institute in Sofia, the instructors were al z::ivilians and gave classes in the fo,~"a ^M ing rmub,;eotes a. Antiaircraft and chsmica`'L war:f'a, ?e;, one hour daily for three :Inonthsv -whip included instruction in airoraf1', ideratifi:at;1on,, bomb shelters, poison gars and u,ie of gas masks,, b. First aidj one hour daily for t,;wr4o months- any . o. Weapons familiarization. fnertxuc lion and practice in assembling and using various weapons. 8. Miscellaneous Arm= a. First Lieutenant Petko Stoyanov resides at Vladayska Reka S-t ee'.o the following Army cffic;eras b. Senior First Lieutenant Dimitur Stankov Ananiev, assigned t.) an unidentified unit in Blagoevgrad Okoliyaq gives speashes to new rea?,ruits and ie on their physical examination board- CONFIDENTIAL j OONTROL-.JJ.S . OFFICIALS ONLY Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/16: CIA-RDP80-0081OA002000490008-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/16: CIA-RDP80-0081OA002000490008-8 CONFIDENTIAL/CONTROL-U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY 25X1 Ammunition Stores 9. There are ammunition stores in the following placeso a. On the southern outskirts of Loms,on a high, bare place opposite the artillery barracks, in a heavily guarded underground ammunition dump surrounded by barbed wire, b. In a "castle" in Vidin9 underground ammunition dump not surr..,,and'ad by barbed wire because the castle is enclosed by a, wa11; Next to a cemetery in the southeattern part of Vidin opposite the oarra;:ke of an unidentified unit; d. Under a hill palled. "Dzheorr;ern Tope" 4~, the eouthaeeter, autskirt.s of Plovdiv] the hill is oomple't+ ly surrounded by barbed wlr* and the see: entrance doors are on the ea:aterrx sidle of the hilll e. Near Karlovol f. One hundred meters south of the iulgariya textile factory east of the Sofia- Dragalsvtsi highway; under1r;>uaad storage area for both ammunition and gasoline surrounded by barbed wirsl a barracks buildir.-g is alv.i in the areal and g. About 2-5- kilometexe north of Mal,ko Ti rnovo and one kilometer cast of the Malko Turnovo-Burgas highway, two, underground ammunition dumps whijh are always guarded by eight soldiers wha have a smell barracks building inside the 200 z 250 meter areal the area is surrounded by a double row of on s- ras;eed barbed wire and anyone who approaahee withia~ 60 meters is fired upon without warning. Munitions Plantii 10. All the ammunition for the Bulgarian Ax{my ia, allegedly supplied, by a n-anitions factory in Kazanluk, and a smaller one;, located just south of Sopot (N 42-~g9 .1 24-46)p n, the other side o2' the road to Karlovo, which consists of one or two 2-st.nry b;ild;inge oamoufl.aged with yallra';e?ish- treen paint and surrounded by stores *is lls. A&djo Stations 11. There is a radio not the size of a table in the radio shack of ^ Border Our.rd Otryad headquarters in Malko Mrrirav4s. the sat as of 70-watt capacity. On top of the house are Wo arrtennae;v one east-west,, the other r~orth- south, which consist of wires ;tonne W ti. g two 35-40 oentimetsr rings 10 z l', meters apart, as shown below. They are about 10 meters above the top of the roof. this radio vas used. to contact agents in Turkey; W jam foreign radio broadcasts and sometimes also as a simple lo,.al, radio statiozr. r.oru~1lArY".R+w?w-~- riMrM-,.:.~ft.~~'+:wWM:il,xr~MU M111irt:i:~~OS-M~~.a1PRMn1~~YN~~y~~.M ~.~, ?'. r +rr rrrrrxrrwr+r i 'ur''~ ,q. ,~`'~~.._...,,t...~...r ....err. /? .. /I /I'd., CONFIDENTIAL/0ONTROL-U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/16: CIA-RDP80-0081OA002000490008-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/16: CIA-RDP80-0081OA002000490008-8 CONFIDENTIAL/CONTROL-U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY 25X1 -4- 12. A military radio station is located at an elevated place about 1-00 meters east of a secondary road leading from the Sofia-Dragalevski highway to an advanced seminary for Eastern orthodox priests. It is 1. kilometers south of ?anot.er seminary. The area, which is guarded by soldiers, contains three or four 1-stor7 buildings and five or six antennae which are 15 to 20 meters high. 13. Another radio station guarded by soldiers is located in a small pine wood;'3 near the clay pits of the brick factories just outside Ivan Vazov quarter in the southeast part of Sofia. Antiaircraft batteries are located near the station. Possible Radar Installations 14. In the villages of Zvezdets and Bulgari, IvIalko Turnovo Okoliya, in houses guarded by soldiers, are sets of equipment which 25X1 were used to detect enemy aircraft. The sets are the size and shape of a radio, 50 centimeters long, 30 oent2meter.s high and 30 centimeters deep. The top half of the front of the 'coxes have glass covers behind which are various dials resembling clock faces, The sets have antennae 10 to 15 meters long which are strung between "pipes" on the roofs of the housee and nearby trees. 15. Your soldiers, one of whom is a oorporal, maintain a oorstant watch on the seta and mount ward in front of the buildings housing the sate. In Zvezdets he set is in a newly built l-mbory house with a red tile roof on a road off the lain road which leads from the Burgas-Malk.o ' urnov highway to the oerltar of the of j of Zvezdets. In Bhari, it is in a white-washod 1-story building oppoo3ite the schoolhouse and about 30 meters south of a pastry shop and a church. CONFIDENTIAL/CONTROL-.--U.S. OFFICIALS ONLI Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/16: CIA-RDP80-0081OA002000490008-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/16: CIA-RDP80-0081OA002000490008-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/16: CIA-RDP80-0081OA002000490008-8