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Publication Date: 
July 1, 1953
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-..._Approved For....Release_200002113 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA001900300006-2 25X1 CLASSIFICATION REPORT NO...~ I. 25X 25X 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 2. On 2 June, the Fuchsberg K'aserne was occupied to capacity. All barracks buildings were lighted after nightfall Sentries observed wore red bordered black epaulets, including some with artillery insignia. Prior to 31 M.~ay,, rather little activity was observed in the barracks installations, except for intensive vehicular traffic. Ibdividual trucks occupied by troops were seen en route from the installation to the firing range and numerous vehicles loaded with ration supplies were observed. At about 4 p.m. on 1 June, 19 trucks, including 16 towing 76.2 mm AT guns, left the Installation for an exercise,.proceeding to the training area. east of the camp,, and south of Scharnhorst hill. The same column was seen in this area on 2 June..2 3. On 25 1?'ay, the Altes Lager was occupied not to capacity by about 800 to 1,000 troops,. with the sentries wetaring red-bordered black epaulets with artillery insignia,. Between 20 and 28 MayD 0 did not observe any training activity in the barracks area,, The troops almost daily went to the firing range for marksmanship and field training during the period under review. On 22 Maya a col-arm of about 10 trucks, towing about 100-ran guns,, was seen leaving the installation. In the afternoon on 22 May, a column including 3 jeeps and abcut 25 trucks including 12 to 15 towing 122mm howitzers 25X1 I was seen on the aeni.cken or to enfe . e road. CLASSIFICATION SECRET; Military Information from Jueter ov EVALUATION ,--PACE OBTAINED._.J DATE Oc r+O NTEN". 9 MAY to 5 June 1953 DATE OBTAINED-] PAGES REFERENCES 4 nA 1 F PRRFPARFn 1 July 1953 ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE) REMARKS On 2 June 1953, the barracks ins+a1lations in Jueterbog II were occupied not to capacity. Sentries observed wore red-bordered black epaulets.. including some with motor transport insignia. estimated the occupation strength at abou? 1,800 to 1,900 troops,, Between 29 May and 2 June, did not observe any training activity in the barracks area. Alnost he troops left the installations for exercises. returning at dusk. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/02/13 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001900300006-2 Approved For Release 2004/02/13 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001900300006-2 25X1 25X1 25X1 39*1 25X1 25X1 25X1 5. On 27 Nay, 12 T-34/85 tanks 8 JS-R UAA and about 250 troops with 24 x 76 u;. field guns and 26 trucks. were seen in the training area of Altos Lagers, Jueterbog0 6. Motor vehicles seen on route to and from Altos Lagers 7n One Major Shimidorski (Snu) was in charge of the kitchen in Altes Lager between 11 and 21 May. 25X1 25X1 8. On 30 Nay, the Darn Fliegerhorst installation was occupied not to capacity by about 1,400 troops. including an artillery unit of about 1,0CC~ troops wearing recd-bordered black epaulets with artillery insignia- a tank unit of ? about 135 to 150 troops wearing red-bordered black epaulets with tank insignia; an AAA unit of about 120 troops wearing red-bordered black epaulets; and an air force unit of about 125 troops t. The tank unit was equipped with 30 to 35 T-34 tanks, which were stored in the sheds on the northern edge of the farrier landing field- and the AAA unit was equipped with 10 to 12 x 37-mm AA gayvs, which were stored in a building on the eastern edge of the former landing field. Between 9 and 30 Y;ay, 60 to 90 troops were as most daily seen at service of the piece drill with 3 to 6 x 76-intr. field guns; about 200 troops were seen at Infantry training; about 40 to 60 troops a*a training in firing; and about 55 troops received basic training. On U Y'ay, three T-34 tanks, left the installation toward Jueterbog-Ueues Lager and reti. ned at about 3 p.m. on 12 Nay. On 14 Nay, about 20 to 25 troops wearing red-bordered black epaulets with artillery insignia received instruction on three mortars in the barracks areas and an undetermined number of troops with 10 to 12 x 37-gar: AA guns were seen at an arms inspection at the eastern edge of the former landing field, On 1.7 May, six 76-m n _ guns, troops carrying full field pack, and a field kitchen left the installation for firing practice-. They returned on 20 Nays On 26 Nay, eight soldiers wearing red-bordered black epaulets with artiThry insignia received instruction on an antitank rifle at the firing range 0 On 27 Nay, 5 T-34 tans 25X1 left the installation, Trucks 25X1 were seen en route to and from the Fliegerhorsto 9. On 21 May, 7 armored personnel carriers were seen leaving the Fuchsberg Kaserne, 30 to 40 troops were drilling in the barracks yards and 20 soldiers wearing red-bordered black epaulets trained 25X1 at the engineer training site. At about 8:30, 2 T-43 tanks and 6 sidecar motorcycles left the installation toward the water tower 0 On 21 'ay, T-~-43 tars were seen in the barracks area, and, on 23 Nay, 2 T.-43 tanks and about 50 troops left the installation toward the water tower, A local resident stated that numerous columns passed -through Jueterbog Ii during the night of 25 Nay. 2 100 Be n-aen 21 and 25 Nays0 determined that one Najor Popof (fnu) was chief -)f the bakery, the personnel of which consisted of bakers from all troop o nits of the post, 6 11. On 19 'Nay, about 250 troops wearing red-bordered black epaulets with artillery insignia were throwing hand grenades, and engaged in marksmanship training with rifles and digging of foxholes at the former landing field of the Dam. PlIegerhorst. On 21 P'a s about 200 troops wearing red-bordered black eraulets constructed field fortifications in the a bovenentioned area, and a column of about 180 troops wearing red-border .d black epaulet- arrived. from the direction of Fuchsberg Kaserne. On 26 Nay, an undetermined number of SECRETS Approved For Release 2004/02/13 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001900300006-2 Approved For Release 2004/02/13 CIA-RDP80-00810A001900300006-2 swna, 25X1 25X1 0 to and from the camp F_ I troops Practiced airing on 4 x 76-mm or 87 zi AA guns at the landing; field,, Cn 29 rays about 2C0 troops arrived from the Fuchsberg Kaserne for aiming practice on 6 x 76mr, field guns, r had been in ij hangar., Trunks were seen on the landing field. l2, On 28 the Adolf Hitler Ca-r^p, Forst Zir.nj., was occupied by about 1,530 to 2,000 troops wearing red-bordered black epaulets -?ith artillery and tank insignia, Fetween 15 and 28 I"sy, troops were seen drilling in the quartering area and other troops were aThost daily seen receiving instruction on range fins ..ers in Ja.gen (forest section) Nos 214 25, 32 and 33. On 21 Maya two JS-2 tanks from the camp were entrained at the Forst Z:inns, railroad station, leaving toward Jueterbog7. On 19 MRay, an undetermined nu +ber of troops fired with about 12 x 37-m m AA guns at towed sleeve targets in the training area, Motor vehicles seen en route to and from the Camp 25X1' 25X1 epaulets. An AAA emplacement of 6 x 37-mm AA gusts and 2 large tents was observed about 300 to 400 meters so'itheast of the carp and about 100 meters east of the road to the camp. Between 16 and 29 May, troops raceiv':.g instruction on 14 rocket launchers, and 4 to 5 trucks were observed in an area about 2 Ic nnrtheast of the care, Six SF guns at single shot fire were determined about 1 km-, north of the camp, immediately west of the railroad line,; On 4 May, 16 JS-3 tanks were southwest of the camp and west of the railroad line. The tanks took up position and, subsequently., the crews received instruction on the tank machine guns. Motor vehicles seen en route 13. On 5 June, the Adolf Hitler camp was occupied by an estimated 5,000 troops taring red-bordered black epaulets, including some with artillery or tank insignia; black-bordered black epaulets; and, a few, black-bordered crimson 25X1 14. 25X1 16 25X1 25X1 2. 25X1 25X1 3. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 At 3 pan. on 2 June, a total of about 2,000 troops wearing black-bordered crimson and red-bordered black epaulets, without vehicles and heavy weapons,. was seen between Gottow and Jaenickendorf marching toward Car:ip I'arkendorf. CarriY!Lent 25X1 25X1 The informations by the other of this report