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Bas uera3r r TRY- _...~. ~~. ?..~. PA-1 --REPORT NO. rr Dtf% Soviet ,Simply : .iaments in the Halle Railroad District EVALUATION... 25X1 X _--PLACE OBTAINED_ 25X1 A 1--11 DATE OF CONTENT. DATE OBTAINED 25X1 AJ REFERENCES PAGES ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE) REMARKS 25X1 In March 1953,, the following numbers of cars were loaded at 39 railroad.stations in the Halle railroad districts B - boxcar C/B - converted boxcar F - flatcar F/S flatcar with sideracks C - gondola car My). SS ) heavy-duty flatcar T - tank car load From Number of Load Altenhain AAmmelshain 41. military goods crushed rock Bitterfel.d Boehien Brandis Collmenl3oehlitz 5 377 16 2/40 chemicals fuel military goods crushed rock I Dessau 3 trains with und etermined load Lialeben furniture El star concrete slabs 25X1 ~! a 12111 Notes The figure in brackets under Load indicates the number of cars with a given CLASSIFICATION SBCRETd Approved For Release 2003/12/18 : CIA-RDP80-00810A001900280003-8 Approved For Release 2003/12/18 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001900280003-8 25X1 CRETA From Number of Engelsdorf 2 Falkenberg Geithai.n 1 Grimma 26 Grosskorbetha 346 ffalle 282 Heiligenthal 2 Jessen 16 men spa Zaussig Leipzig 451 Markranstaedt 15 Neinsdorf 61 Merseburg 36 i4ookrehna 4 Neu iaderitzsch 1 Piesteritz Rositz Rosslau. Rueckmarsdorf 38 .iohkeuditz 6 Seeligenstadt 368 Taucha 13 Torgau Wiederitzsch Wildschuetz 115 Wittenberg 67 iurzen 221 rbst 16 NGRETI Lead tarpaulins fuel bricks 1 troop train (12) and military goods fuel 2 12 troop trains and military goods sand military goods ammunition oil gravel gravel (340) foodstuff (74) and other military goods 1 1 train with undetermined load 3 2 trains with undetermined load (45) and other.military goods I train with undetermined load and other military goods ammunition and timber military goods oxygen sugar military goods 2 troop trains refrigerators and cardboard crushed rock 1 military goods tractor military goods crushed rock 1 3 troop trains (25)9 tanks military goode and 25X1 foodstuff (188) and other military goods military goods 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/12/18 CIA-RDP80-0081OA001900280003-8 Approved For Release 2003/12/18 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001900280003-8 SECRET! 25X1 2. Some of the above shipments are broken down belowa Parch 121L. Number of Cars 25X1 C 25X1 C 25X1 C 16-31 14 18 20 41 G 1 B 1 C 2 B 5 2 F/.S 16 4 B 22 9 T 1-31 223 C 17 G 10 22 24. 42 26 21-24 4 G 25X1 C is 2 B 25X1 C 24 2 T 25X1 C 1 B 25X1 C 3 C/B 8 SS 6 B 25X1 C 25X1 C 25X1 C 25X1 C 25X1 C 25X1 C load Dispatcher - -tons.-- chromic oxide chromic acid cloride of lime military goods Brandis military goods 60 tons 1.58 tons crushed rock a military goods Dessau concrete slabs tarpaulins gasoline 36 tons military goods soldiers tanks and military goodsp 160 tons military goods 12 soldiers and vehicles 250 tons 32 uz detern tied 240 tons . 14 i'ehicles and soldierss100 tons SEGRET4 lster Engelsdorf Falkenberg 0 0 0 0 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/12/18 : CIA-RDP80-00810A001900280003-8 25X1A. Consignee Oranienburg I Strausberg I Fuerstenwalde 0 Berlin-Gruenau Buckau Velten Vogelsang Oranienburg Haldensleben 5 Jueterbog D 6 ea Fallcenberg 0 Rosengarten I Schwepnitz 7 Tauchap Lei3nig,. Meissen, Wurzen? Magdeburg$ Dres- den-Heustadt Approved For Release 2003/12/18 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001900280003-8 25X1 CRFT March I ber of 14 21 25X1 C 25X1 C 16 6 25X1 C 25X1 C 17, 34 25X1 C 17 26 25X1 C 15 7 25X1 C 2-13 2 B 25X1 C 25X1 C 3.-2B 2 B 25X1 C 25X1 C 25X1 C 25X1 C 25X1 C 25X1 C 25X1 C 25X1 C 25X1 25X1 C Load military goods 500 tons soldiersq vehicles and guns, 90 tons military goods 340 tons military goods 200 tons tanks and soldiers 110 tons annealing agens but ter 3 5 military goods 13 33 B engines 144 5 military goods 26 4 B exercise books 25X1 C 13 25X1 C .26 25X1 C Dispatcher 25X1A Consignee Wo a m ` rstedt .) 0 I 0hrdruf I 0 I 0 Rummelsburg Leip zi.g-Wah e , Jueterbog= .1tos lager Wuensdorf I I I 0 I 0 Bad Saarow,, 0 Fuerstenwalde, 0 Teltow9 23 F/S vehicles Ohrdruf I? F 15Q tons 0 B C/B soldiers ~ 1J 4. B military goods 16 F/S vehicles 2. SS 160 tons I 4 C/B soldiers /ssa 4B military goods 2 F/S vehicles I 56 tons 4 C/B 7 F/S 10 SS soldiers vehicles and tanks 195 tors 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/12/18 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001900280003-8 Approved For Release 2003/12/18 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001900280003-8 RETA Number of Load Cars tons 2 military goods 21-30 14 51 tons 7-9 25 G gravel ?r10 10 B hard ware 26 31 12 tons t.t one car 19 oil 289 ton. 10 boxes 2 G military goods 3 1I`/S motor vehicles 2 B textiles 3 B radiators 2 G military goods 25X1 Dispatcher 7-19 340 0 13 0 send and gravel troop -train 110 tons 25X1 C 9 B military goods 2 r. CM tons 5 SS 25X1 C "ECRET,7 25X1A Consignee 25X1 C 25X1 C 25X1 C 25X1 C . l ussig Leipzig 25X1 25X1 25X1 C Leipzig Buessing, Leipzig-Wahren Xostik Leipzig Eutritzscb Leip zig--atritzsch T IFA 25X de-,F3.?agwl,tz 25X1 C 3.agwitz 25X1 C ipzig=Plaguitz I arkranstaed F.t Meinsdorf 25X1 Strausberg Noegelin A Rathenow Altenhains, Roederau? Pfaffendorf, Toepch ,n Finowx Darnnenwalde Jueterbog, Altes Lager, Fuerstenwalde. rankf .rt/0der 0 d tras sgraebchenr- Bernsdorf, 0 Oranienburg 0 Brest Litovsk; Magdeburg .senspalterei Nikolayev Fuerstenwalde 4senspa1terei Nikolayev Oranienburg =i1 tengrabow Haldens1*bon 5 Approved For Release 2003/12/18 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001900280003-8 Approved For Release 2003/12/18 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001900280003-8 25X1 March Number of Load 12-31 1 RRy tank, 60 tons 5 B military goodsv 80 tons 14 B military goods 25X1 C i60 3.9 2 F/S tanks,, 80 tons 19 23 40 awes 312 tons 224 3 B carbide and oxygen 8621 32 B sugar 500 tons m 126 tons 9=-?20 21 B I F/S 94 tone 2SS 6B I kB 330 tons 114, 3 B military goods 25X1 C 1,y3 9 13 25X1 25X1 C 25X1 C 25X1 C 25X1 C 19 F 300 tons T E 3 B 13 F 500 tons 10 3 B refrigerators 2-31 276 G crushed rock 5.,31 92 0 9K:-24 6 B military goods 965 tons I military goods 200 to;ie IF tractor 131 115 0 .shed rock 13 military goods 56 axles 150 tons 0 Dispatcher 25X1A Consignee Kummersdorf lialdensleben. 5 Wuensdorf Merseburg Pjeaterit Rositz Ros slaau Rueokmarsdorf Wittenberg 25X1 Jueterboge A1tes Lager " uerstenberg/navel undetermined 15 Rummelsburg Frankfurt/Oder . Satskorn Jueterbog 0 Altengrabow 9 Sohwepnitz 7 .Frankfurt/Oder Oranienburg Vogelsang Schwepnitz a 7 Dresden--Neustadt: Fuerstenwalde Vogelsang Forat.Zinna Approved For Release 2003/12/18 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001900280003-8 Approved For Release 2003/12/18 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001900280003-8 RBTJ March 1953 16 25X1 C 16 25X1 C m 25X1 Dispatcher Wittenberg Wittenberg 30 7 158 tots t 240 tons tanks 13 3 300 tons military goods 16 3SS 161 tons n 25X1 C 157 tons 26)>28 5 poles 25X1 C fit- 3~ 16 B tank spa re parts Wurzsn 0 25X1 C 5 2 F/S vehicles Wurzen .1.2 5 B soldiers 2 F?/S vehicles 25X1 C 6 y tanks 630 tons s3 16 military goods Zerbst 330 tons 25X1A jigt Material deliveries -?or the Oranienburg and Sehorfheide airfields under constructioR. As compared with February 1953, these shipments increased from 640 carloads to 1,104 carloads. 25X1A I and the USSR were recorded. As compared with February the volume: of the deliveries] remained about constant. 25X1A 11 ..Xt= Probably troop trains in connection. with the movement of units for r' n exercises; 25X1 rye ,.1 On .,y fuel deliveries for the Soviet Army in at Germany., Poland Number of load Cara t It 7 military goods 26 sxlee 300 tons 5 22 axles military goods 230 tons 0 Approved For Release 2003/12/18 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001900280003-8 25X1A Consignee Wildpark Wuensdorf Ax!naburgq 0 0 Wildpark Schwepnitz I ` uensdorf 0 Radensleben .". Approved For Release 2003/12/18 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001900280003-8 25X1 SECRET) 25X1A ( If an estimated 500 cars which are believed to have been employed in roop movements are deducted from the total number of cars recorded,, about 285liC 25X1 A cars have been used for supply shipments in the Halle railroad district during the reported period. This is an increase of 500 cars over February 1953 which is due to 25X1 the shipment, of building materials to airfields under construction, See Field Co nr.ent 1 of the present report. Apart from the troop and construction material shipments,, Soviet rail traffic remained about constant as compared with February 25X1A .19511 and did not include any unusual shipments. 25X1A 25X1 DivC 25X1 A Cq= .L Small details of the 8th Gds Mecz Div moved from Grim a, Ruecktnara=. dorf,, Taucha and Wurzen to the Koenigabrueck troop training grounds for combat, firing practices. The shipment from 1urzen on 12 March was the only of these to be reported previously. C2nt . Movements of units of the 21st Gds Mecz Div to the troop training grounds mentioned for combat firing practices. The shipments from Hale on 6 and 25X1 A 3.7 March are confirmed. On 14 March, probably a tank firing detail moved to Wolmirotedt and, on 22 March probably details of the 25th Gds RL Bn (US) of the diva. sion ' to Altergrabow. followt ng units of the 21st 25X1 C Gds Mecz Divs 25X1 C Hq 21st Gds Necz Div until 15 March. 54th Gds How Arty Regt until 17 March. 69th Gds iecz Regt until 17 March. 25X1 70th Gds Mecz Regt until 6 March. 586th (i Mort Refit until 11 March- 25X1A Gcnw i The two shipments on 13 March to Altengrabow are reported for the 25X1 A first time. They are believed to have carried the units which returned to A1tengra: x ":Irt A.,3tMM 1. of the RL Refit (US) and an unidentified AAA Reg`t, 25X1A t apb.~ ?-~ jzva~,wu- of the 13th AAA Div both stationed at Via haserne In DC , a,. Possibly the two shipments carried units of the 76th Arty Brig (1 25X1 A to the Ohrdruf troop training grounds. I Movement of tank units of the 6th Gds Tank Div to the Werder- 4arlu;rt- dorf troop training grounds for short-term combat firing prstic ides. The chi sn.~:nt, 25X1 A dispatched from Wittenberg ern 2 and 30 March are confirmed. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 " RT Comment. According to available information the two shipments to Jueterbog carried AAA, units of the 7th Gds Tank Approved For Release 2003/12/18 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001900280003-8 Approved For Release 2003/12/18 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001900280003-8 Approved For Release 2003/12/18 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001900280003-8