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Publication Date: 
June 30, 1953
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Approved For Release 2004/02/13 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001900240007-8 `' ASSIFICATION 5!"G ,"I ?~K`':-._ :111;?si? ,.,.w_,,.?,- ,) o +s-erved at -.he i ri ,a. .a- .1or,, I -..PLACE X13 TAl?!iEl~~~_~.~ s..,25X L .. On 22 Pay's, the iae3. gardehusaren Kaserne was occupied by about 20 VP officer 00 candidates with :rer-d and green service color? except for the building in. -she.south? rhih was occupied by a Soviet uni or office. Between 1/+ and. 22 Na up to 200 troops were aee drilling in. the bar racks areas end about 200 to ;250 troops received flol.d train: rif, oai~sid.e the barracks in::~ta11aticn, individual ~: oups of goidiers were once seen a` practice' marches with. map reading imd con ase orienrta.tio . The south building, in the 1n~itallixtlon was o r era, ~-ed by about', 100 trr?o s e~Q,az ~~zzt black-bordered cx :,Ison apa.~.e .osts Trd,chi_I' .s 25X1 On. 20 May 1:53,, ,he b---zrracko insta llat: on Goilin P toda: ~t, had beep;. vacated from the vi et Any , dual Ws al::.~re drab are {. 'o rye with _re epaulets were seen in ,;.he rear 25X1 25X1:. O 22 1'fay, '`.t e ~it?LC:?.:iu orps Krse 'ne ` ad been 'vacated by t., ' r a 25X1 ;~1$e UAL vro:' e .t.l,ve drab uxeif or i)s with lhack service c Aloz'a zsTI the a5 n: .i ! .?. ' on hoed not Tet even occupied by I~'.,, as neither 'i,2 ain n i nor 'i lcu1 traffic .x e observed.> The iwwty.tch -oweer ;5revicftu sl observed at the r taZiaticr was no icmg& r Seen.., 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 ()n 22 Play. the igdo3.f Hitler K sxn.e corteary- to the other ~r installations of the post, was occupied by 1 500 to 2,000 troops wearing red-bordyred black epau .ots . a few ith artillery i.rjaignia0 Between 11;. any' 22 Maya, about 200 troops area.o r z a t.: nr; : + the barracks area o -a several days. About 120 troops Left the :~ nstaj.la4iuA.. ~: he ..? r~ C : ,. r, the `_raining area. Intensive vre:dcula..r traffic to and fr -.q insta-11 oL rv a Stir; 22 May, the h?u .nenberC. aserue was vacated, except for an undetermined riu~rrber' of uraitior ied women stationed ther-e~ No sentries had been observed for some time". or dint DA T FREPARED_.., _.. . E CLOSIJ RES (Cd any training activity. Motor vehicle at the .?,r,o-r 4e11. a 4_i.o1-i ~ On 22 May. all the barracks installations in Nedl itz were vacant except for guard af3.:?say.vae! and a few soldiers. Only a fd~w win.-lows of the barracks b,l -i -1 1-dings atere U. ; 1tcd 'tusk CI._A -,SIT ICAT10N iMT, 25X1 25 1 .._,._(REPORT IV _.:.. .~ Approved For Release 2004/02/13 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001900240007-8 Approved For Release 2004/02/13 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001900240007-8 F', 0 25X1 25X1 25X1 7. On 20 May the north section of the Delius Kaserne was occupied by about 1N00O troops wearing red-bordered black epaulets with artillery motor transport and signal insigniao At about 2 p.m. on 13 May,, about 30 soldiers armed with carbines and carrying practice targets left the installation toward Potsdam,, About 10 soldiers received telephone instruction in the barracks yar'1 On 15 May, about 150 troops engaged in physical training ands on 18 May, about 100 trop s entered the installation coming from a cross-country run. Sedan II entered the installation. 8. On 20 May, the Kavalllerie Schule, Krampnitze was occtkried by about 400 troops wearing red-bordered black epaulets with tame artillery or motor transport Insignia. On 16 May, 14 driving school vehicles were seen en route from K' to Potsdam., and about 70 troops received field training and 20 troops practiced the throwing of .hand grenades in the training area north.- vest of the installation., On 18 May, detachments entered the installation coming from the direction of bullenwinkel and about 40 troops were seen at aiming practice in. the terrain,, while 80 troops received theoretical instructionb 25X1 On 15 May, the north section of the Delius Kaserne was occupied by an artillery unit wearing red-bordered black epaulets with artillery or motor transport insignia. On 10 Nay9 70 to 80 percent of the windows of the two barracks buildings on the road were lighted at dusk. On 7 and 12 May,, about 30 soldiers received instruction on three 122 -am field guns at Bornstedter Feld opposite the barracks entrance. After the instruction,, the guns were picked up by Diesel prime mover. s ; which came from the barracks installation. On 11 Nay, about 40 sold4e 1 r a i g er~ w th s3abm~~.ch3r a guns entered the installation. Track loo On 15 May,, the south section of the Delius Kaserne, the Hohenlohe Kasrrne and the Ludendorff Kaserne were occupied y guard details. On 11 May,, three 25X1 trucks were in front of the Hohenlohe Kasern a l1. On 15 Maya, the Krlegsschule was occupied by about 29000 officers and KM, organized into sic battalions, On 6 May, three battalions left for an exercise, according to a local resident, On 10 Mayo two officers and 24 officer candidates wearing gold-bordered black epaulets and armed with carbines left the installation toward the firing ran.e. Motor vehicles observed or 25X1 leaving the Kriegssohu e .12. On 7 May, about 15 soldiers. received instruction on three 76-Mm field ,guns,, at ornstedter Feld in the vicinity of the Adolf Hitler Kazerne; 15 soldiers wearing red-bordered black epaulets with artillery insignia. 25X1 marksmanship training with carbines in the vicinity of the e z fiasernei about 40 soldier, wearing red-bordered black epaulets trained with rifles in front of the high lookout pasts; and 8 trucks driving school 25X1 practices in the terrain. 13. On 3 May, the Adolf Hitler Kaserne was partially occupied by troops wearing red-bordered black epaulets with artillery insignia. About 80 percent of the windows of one building and. 30 to 40 percent of the windows of four other buildin s li ht g Pare g ed at dusk. At 2 p.raa on 2 May, about 80 troops were falli i ng U n he b c and 50 to 60 officers engaged in Plxvs-ic 25X1 25X1. 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/02/13 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001900240007-8 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/02/13 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001900240007-8 25X1 14" 25X1 150 25X1 25X1 25X1 SECRET/ 25X1 Between 1 ar.d y May, billeting equipment was continually hauled away from he barracks inst ll.ation in Golm. he barracks installation was occupied by a. rear detail o 100 troops wearing black-bordered black epaulets with sig si insignia. On ,l May, the rear detail had left,, except-for a small guard detail. All ' he officers', deperAents left the Installation and the infirmary was dissolved. only part of the units previcusly stationed In the installation were entrained, and that the unit of troops wearing black bordered black epaulets moved to the barracks `Installation in WildparkWest, whereas the troops wearing black- bordered 1rimson epaulets probably were entrained. It was rumored in CYoim tr,at the ~'nstallation would be occupied by KV?. 16,, Beginning 15 April, the $5D) school in the area of the barracks installation in Goim vas unusually strictly guarded. Everybody passing the installation was being cot trolled.l? 25X1 1. I ~r The installations mentioned, except for the Adolf Hitler 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 serr~.e; which is occupied as previously, are probably scheduled to be opcupie3 by KVP and/or partially occupied by the Torryau cadre unit whic moved to Potsdam as early as early Aprils the barracks installation in Goist occupied by &VAr. However, the transfer to Wildpark .Jest of the signal unit Previously stationed in Goim appears . robable indications are.tha,t this I unit r?ans erred to the barracks installation on 3ohumke Lake, Kummeredorf. I It is not impossible that these units were also quartered in the Wueasdorf area. The occupation by a VP officer candidate school of the Le+ibgardehutaren Kaserne is known. 25X1 2 I The occupation of the barracks installations in Nedlitz is confivmed by this information. The entire 30th Gds Gun Arty Brig is station X1 in the north section of the Delius Kaserne; while the south section of the Delius Kaserne as well as the Ludendorff and Hohenlohe Kasernen quarter o 25X1 guard details of the two other brigades of the 34th Arty Div { . 25X1 The information' in paragraph 6 is, therefore, only of 25X1 3. .i. The Kriegssrhuil:e. is carried occupied as reviously by the 25X1 officers' school of the G3i 3 ~,~ !^ ? c h firms the 30th Gds Gun Arty Brig in Potsd 25X1 lentil 11 April 19530 uECF.,"r Approved For Release 2004/02/13 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001900240007-8 The th nenberg Kaserne was occupied by 400 to 600