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June 5, 1953
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A?--p-rovecTForl~elease 7 R 41 : CIA 0-00810A001700530007-8 pp CLASSIFICATION COUNTR`d'. _:r~tstTGar';, ?cz r _ s _ ..... TOPIC,. Military Information from Schwerin ___.....REPORT NO. 25X1 EVALUATION 25X1,PLACE OBTAINED ? DATE OF CONTENT 12 April to 8 Marc 195. DATE OBTAINED- 25X1 _-DATE PREPARED . REFERENCES PAGES.._.. REMARKS ...ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE)_ 25X1 0 25X1 25X1 25X1 S J?anq. 1,jqj a sketch on ditto and Between 12 April and 8 I4ny 1953,, the TMoltke Icaserne in Schwerin was o :cupied to 25X1 capacity by 1,500 to 2,000 troops who wore red-bordered black epaulet:3, including some with tank insignia. T-43 tank l entered the installation on 13 April T-43 tanks on 14 April,, and T.-43 tanks left the installation on 15 April. 2 a Prior to 8 1 , the Krueger Kaserne was occupied to capacity by an estimated 1,200 to 2,000 troops who wore red-bordered black epaulets with artillery insignia. Trucks 25X1 were identified in front of the barracks gate., 3. Until 8 May, the Fritsch Kaserne was occupied to capacity, by an undetermined number 25X1, 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1. of troops,, About 50 percent of the soldiers observed wore red-bordered black epaulets, about 40 percent black.-bordered crimson epa;l.ets, and about 10 percent blue-bordered black epaulet From 70 to 100 soldiers.with suitcases assembled in the barracks yard on 24 Aprilo hey were addressed by an officer. Seven tracks were seen nearby,, Motor vehicles identified in traffic At about 6 p.m. on 21 Aprils 40 to 50 officers with suitcases wore about to be en rained at the Schwerin railroad station. At 10:30 a.m. on 7 May.' a convoy of 7 trucks carrying coops with luggage Between 28 April and S Nays the Adolf Hitler Kaserne in Schwerin was occupied to capacity. The windows were about 95 percent lighted at dusk. On 28 April, 34 officers and 270 soldiers wearing black-bordered crimson epaulets and carrying 15 light mortars and IS heavy machine guns marched out of the installation0.At 12,030 pnm on 30 Apri].Q 60 soldiers with black-bordered crimson epaulets carbines and S officers and 40 EK wearing red-bordered black epaulets practiced aiming with 4 x 37 Hoax AA guns. At 5:30 p.m. on 4 May, 300 troops wearing black-bordered crimson epaulets fell in in the barracks yard. Three officers and 80 124 with gasoline cans came running from the Buchholseraald (forest) to the barracks installation. At 6:30 p.m. on 6 May, 6 x 57_mm AT guns were pushed from the barracks yard into the gun shed by groups of 8 soldiers each. CLASSIFICATION SEOIi a Approved For Release 2004/02/11 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001700530007-8 Approved For Release 2004/02/11 : CIA-RDP80-00810A001700530007-8 "ECRET/ 25X1 equipped with 122-mm guns as, among other units, the 136th Gun arty itegt is carried as belonging to the brigade 0 The equipment of the brigade would then be entirely unusual,, especially, this observation would be the first of its kind after a large number of sources have supplied periodical information from this post over a period of several years. Although the existence of 1.22 Y guns is not entirely impossiblee,, the observations indicating 210--ffim guns are definitely not credible,, as this type of gun has not yet been seen in East Germany and as even the 34th Arty Div (z S) of the GOFG has no such gun equipment, The unit in the Pliegerhorst reported by source to have worn black-bordered red epaulets does not fit into the picture of the occupation of the Fliegerhorst 25X1 and cannot be interpretedo 25X11 M I unidentified AAA Regt of the IX Mtz Rifle Corps in Schwerin, which was previously confirmed until 11 January 19530 25X1 174th (liv?) Tank S Regt oaf the 94th Gds Mtz Rifle Div in Schwerin. Gds o one Verba. (fnu),, the regimental connandera, hUs previously been carried as lieutenant colonel o SECR `TA Approved For Release 2004/02/11 : CIA-RDP80-00810A001700530007-8 Approved F&' se 2004/02/11 : CI 1 80-00810A001700530007-8 5-CHVVERIN -- EIS ,rive, Airfield Borrack& InsfojIahhon. nod to scale 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/02/11 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001700530007-8 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/02/11 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001700530007-8 RET! 25X1 I Guardhouse 2 Damaged barracks buildingsa except for the heating installation in the basement 3a Kitchen. 3b) 14. )Four-story barracks buildings, occupied by troops with 5 )red-bordered black epaulets 6 ) 7 Motor vehicle gara..ges 8 Billets for officers with red bordered black epaulets 9 P% 10 Headquarters building with a high.-echelon headquarters ] 1 )Gina sheds 12 ) 13 Dispensary and administrative build.ii3gs 14 Gun shed 15 Kitchen and quarters with troops wearing black-bordered red epaulets 16 ) 17 )Barracks buildings quartering troops with black bordered red epaulets 19) 20 igineer bridge-building equipment,, except for pontooneg piled ups in the billeting area. SE,CRETJ Approved For Release 2004/02/11 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001700530007-8