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Approved For Release 2002/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-00810A001700250004-2 NTRA!_ INF-ORIWIAT90N COUNTRY East Ge:-many SUBJECT 1953 Production Plax or Edel to*xlwark Doehien PLACE ACQUIRED E ME OF INFO.. 25X1 C "J' TUB F5N TED STAT"S:, VW F11C1 THE LEANING 49 nTL' D, 59C? Q S 791 .MD 'TSC, CR T$ U, 8, CODE, AS AREUMA. [T$ ;3AM3MtSS OW O:: LEVEL- F71JZZ Op AT: CORT+_t#ST3 TO O? RE4.$U''T C`,' At CNAUT1C",`^2Et. EPSON SOURCE 25X1X The attached chart xIves the actual .1956' production and the planned 95 prri uct~ can of i%LE ,: delstahlwerk Ioe h,7.era. All a:nou:tits -rs it netric rox:.s ff1so included is =x con p ~.a l.~n. of t~,e 1952 and 1953, fixed del suety p:~:tic~ the actual 1952 delivery price.??s, the actual 1952 orodac.'cic'n costs, and t.re ant:.c;ipa tad 193 production costs e. Approved For Release 2002/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-00810A001700250004-2 REPORT N,;3. ;,U NO, DATE DISTRR. N 0, OF PAGES NC. OF ENC S. (USS7ED MOM SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT O. .25X1A 11-11S IS UNEVA:I_UMED I AJ ORMJvr o 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA001700250004-2 000 DM 1 Production Cost Page 3 Production Profit or Lass Total Profit or Loss ' Product Production Costs per Unit , Total Production Costs in t 1 . Reductions Time in Days per Unit in DM in 1,000 DN Actual 1952 Planned 1953 in 1952 at 1952 Coss in 1953 at 2 Coate 953 a in 1 Cots 1,000 DM Percent 1~ 965 887 3,428 3,184 2,927 257 8,0 34 33 109 2 19 2 6 4 - 64 93 . 3 208 195 1,634 302 283 11 . 7 4 . 4 - 57 365 . 4 240 222 2,207 19538 1,423 5 . 18 8 . 4 233 - 49 . 5 252 207 330 53 43 10 . 3 9 4 50 15 . 6, 253 579 76 73 3 . 7. 6 31 1 10 10 - 122 - 122 6. 307 276 363 307 27 18 109 . 6.0 10 - 126 - 556 414 389 1,223 1,827 1,7 6 16 2.2 10 163 - 340 - h 10. 343 335 111 715 99 2 10 2 1.0 10 49 14 366 362 2,553 962 95 10 209 - 403 11. 12. 505 497 975 974 959 2 15 18 1.5 0.5 10 m 550 - - 938 988 1 1 978 853 3,390 3,37 10 79 - 15 - 13. , 859 , 847 106 159 157' 2 1.3 10 90 5 - 14. 15. . 644 638 283 .58 57 1 80 1.7 2 7 10 - 2,722 - 490 16. 6,187 5,744 1,021 1,114 1,034 . 1?. 4 1 3 44 ? 248 161 8 484 478 520 315 311 . 600 642 . 1 1 022 1 018 1 1,010 1,093 1,090 3 0q2 44 58 9. 20. , 1,120 , 1,087 1,045 112 109 3 18 2.7 6 7 44 44 - 490 98 21. 1,340 1250 639, 268 250 923 53 . 5.4 44 365 190 22 1 877 1 774 818 976 - 808 1 814 . 23. , 4,944 , 4,783 890 2,225 2,153 81 72 43 3.2 5.0 44 44 - , 763 24 24. 2,688 2,553 296 860 7 1 125 22.1 44 - 798 1 25. 2,695 2,097 73 566 44 8 804 17.2 44 - 7,888 2,209 26; 16,611 13,738 97 4,651 47 3, 25,725 23,914 1,811 7.0 1,074 7,090 SRCRET Approved For Release 2002/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA001700250004-2 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001700250004-2 SECRT 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Product p,. f0MPAAA' ".F PROT)U!,TTGiO (vergleithbare Werenproduhtion) 10. 11, 12. 13, 14. s6. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. ..X-,L b4VI;;_ .x . 31; 4oa:. ingots unalloyed corstru tion rtzel a11oy4 construction steel unalle,yed tool steal alloye, i tool steel Electric steel ingots anall hod constr urti ~n stall alloyed construction steel unallt;yed tool steel light alloy tool steel mediu.'.- alloy tool. steel heavy alloy tool steel non-corrosive steels heat seistant steep high-epeed tool steel Bar ste;-1, forged unallc>yed construction steel alloyt.1 construction steel unallc;yed tool steel light alloy tool steel mediu-? alloy tool steel heavy alloy tool steel non-cc.-rosive steels heat resistant steels high-peed tool steel Page 2 Actual 1952 Planned 1,953 Fixed Unit Delivery Paces in DN 1952 Production 1953 Production 1953 Production Production Production Actual Fixed 1952 Fixed. 1953 at 1952 Prices at 1952 Prices it 1953 Prices in tons in Lone 1952) 1 in 1.000 DM in 1,000 DL in 1.000 DPI 3,552 3,300 1,013 920 920 3,268 3,036 3,036 9957 1,450 94 13'. 131 1,029 190 190 9,197 6,410 161 165 165 1,517 1,058 1,058 1,,308 210 163 440 440 576 92 92 2,290 300 184 294 294 673 88 68 1,182 1,000 14 154 154 182 154 154 2,955 4,/815 206 263 263 177 1,161 1,161 324 2,085 187 4-98 498 161 1,038 3,038 6,976 2,630 252 411 411 2,807 1,081 1,081 1,931 1,930 398 706 706 1,364 1,363 1,363 429 1,705 519 1,428 1,428 613 2,435 2,435 1.24 185 926 926 926 115 171 171 440 90 381 728 728 320 66 66 165 180 ?022 3,022 3,022 499 544 544 1,075 650 215 230 230 247 150 150 989 1,070 386 418 418 414 447 447 933 100 357 1,145 1,145 1,068 115 115 477 200 553 760 760 363 152 152 436 520 1,249 1,409 1,409 614 733 733 180 450 2,104 2,975 2,975 536 1,339 1,339 110 320 2,9382 l..790 1, 790 197 573 573 27 210 3,836 1,299 1,299. 35 273 273 60 280 6,655 5,850 5,850 351 1,638 1,638 17,786 17,897 17,897 Approved For Release 2002/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001700250004-2 Approved For Release 2002/01/10 CIA-RDP80-0081OA001700250004-2 SECRET 25X1A-. Page 5 on~i.) Product Production Costs per Unit Total Production Costs in 14000 Dpi P.odv-~tion Coat Production Profit or Loss Total Profit or Loss Actual 1952 Planned 1953 in 1952 at in 1953 at in 1953 at Reductions Time in Days per Unit in DR in 1,000 DM 1952 Costs 122 Costs 1~ 9 Coats 1-000 DR Percent 8. - 743 - 223 20 357 107 27. - 28. - 349 - - 19 - - 34 198 U 29. - 676 - - 135 - - 34 - 352 70 30. - 661 - 66 . - - 34 128 - 13 31- - 844 17 - - 34 - 214 32. - 1,173 35 - - 34 - 117 33. - 3,622 181 - 34 - 1,976 99 34. - 1,791 1.79 34 - 114 11 35. 1,458 - 146 - - 34 - 390 39 36. - 10,426 844 - - 34 - 5,791 4,691 37. 38. - 378 3,100 - - 40 - 233 - 1,911 39. - 358 2,513 40 - 158 - 1,109 40. - 556 - - 2,168 - - 40 - 198 - 772 qV 41. - 726 - - 624 - - 40 341 - 293 - 42. - 872 - - 1,133 - - 40 28 - ;6 - 43. - - 1,110 - - 1,443 - - 40 331 - 430 - 0 44. - 3,420 - - 1,026 - - 40 - 570 - 171 4-3 45. - - 1,,7o6 2,490 - - 40 - 50 - 73 46. 1,417 595 - 40 - 267 - 112 0 47. - 17,213 - 4,131 - - 40 - 11,363 - 2,727 48. 49. - 736 - - 736 - - 32 - 106 - 106 50. - 953 - - 1,906 - - 32 45 - 90 - 51. - 3,430 - - 1,r318 32 - 1,035 - 621 52. - 1,453 - - 2,906 - - 32 - 553 - 1,106 53. 1,212 54. 55. 490 - 78 56. 880 - 74 57. 4,800 - 58 Total - - - - 36,034 969 13,637 Beginning of this line illegible Approved For I gig 2002101110: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA001700250004-2 Approved For Refi002101110 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA001700250004-2 Actual 1952 Production in tons ~ry (nichtvergle'~ cnare Ware,. pr"odu t on) V. ~i(tll?i.Ln. `sLie 2 pr iuueub, lvTecui B. t lli-0J?~PAt AB1E ? 1DUCTION 28? 29/0 30c 31, a 32 334 340 35t 36~ 37, 38, 390 400 41t' 42, 43-: 440 4s. 46~ 47: lK C 49/0 500 51e 52. 530 554. 550 560 570 unalloyed construction steel all yed construction steel. u,iaiioyed tool steel light alloy tool steel medium alloy tool steel heavy alloy tool steel non-corrosive steels heat-resistant steels high-speed tool steel Bar steel, rolled: "Hasaenat " un"oyed construction steel alloyed construction steel unalloyed tool steel light alloy tool steel med..um R1..l,cv tool steel heavy alloy tool steel non-corrosive stec1U heat resistant steele high-speed tool steel Semi-finished products, rolled: light alloy tool steel medium alloy tool steel heavy alloy tool steel non-corrosive steels Bessemer cast steel Forged pieces: unalloyed tool steel medrwn alloy tool steel heavy alloy tool steel * Illegible line omitted 160 84 12 25X1A Page 4 Planned 1953 Fixed Unit Delivery Prices in DYE 1952 Production 1953 Production 1953 Production Production (Actual in tons 1952` Fixec 1952 Fixed 1953 at 1952 Prices at 1952 Prices in 1,000 DM in 1,000 DX at 1953 Prices in 1,L000 D 55 X51 151 8 200 324 324 65- 100 789 789 79 20 630 630 13 30 1,056 1,056 32 50 1,646 1,646 82 1,690 1,680 168 100 1,068 1,068 107 831.0 4,635 48635 3,754 8,200 - 145 145 1,189 7,020 - 20J 200 18404 3?900 - 358 358 1,396 860 - 1,067 1,067 918 1,300 - 900 900 1,170 18300 18441 1,441 18873 300 - 2,850 2,850 855 1,46 m 1.,6;56 1,6,E 2,418. 420 = 1,150 1,150 483 240 ? 5,850 5,850 1,404 18000 - 630 630 630 2,000 ? 998 998 1,996 600 m 1,995 1,995 1,1.9";,. 2,000 - 900 900 1,800 1,178 320 - 350 728 670 - 884 3,100 310 2,242 23,371 Approved For Release 2002/01/10 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA001700250004-2