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Document Release Date: 
August 12, 2005
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Publication Date: 
July 1, 1953
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Approved For Release 2005/08/18 : CIA-RD58tf10810A001700200010-0 'LACE .ACQUIRED 25X1 DATE OF INFO,. CLASSIFICATIO ; ]Cl ,T CE' ITRAL INTELLIGENCE: AGENCY REPORT 4 O. 'INFORMATION REPORT CD 1O 1 asst Goreny Activitlea on Ruegon OF VMS UN*T[U ,TA7ES. WITHIN TUB UrANI IG Of TITLE 18. SECTIONS 70R tIN 494. OF THU D. S. CODE. AS AMSSDED. FYD TUAIISCIIS31O10 OR REVEL? ATIDIt Of ITS CCNTSNT'9 TO Of RZCSIPT fU AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PRORIOISEO f.V tAW THE ROPRODUC7lON of THIS FORM IS PRONALITEO 25X1 ' DAT " I i STR July 1953 NO, OF PAGES NQ OF ENCLS eIJSTf. 0 > ELOW$ SUFPLEMENT TO REPORT NO THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 1., Refugcea #'.rort the island cf Ruegen report that Trine char:ibers (Sprong1 ? nern ) are being built in Ruagenderx, by the Soviete Tp.e effr?l?t :c rsr~1: e ltxae get into the rtres,.gee ~ pillar of the "Baltic i,ni1" is beint ? hurried along; all available means. The Paiaaionw are tai inp ever more and more of the arid, Along with the rersc.val of hotel and penesion l eeners, more and none of the population i' being evacuated. Forenoat among those e: pelled are politically unreliable persons, persona unable to work, and pensioners. The dwelling apace t'~us made available it used to quarter RV8 and K'1P unite,.. Blnz, k'rora, 14esl , Breeg o, Glowe, Sassnitz, :Ieu-: su4 ran, 1ser ;en, P'uttoruss mood Goehren have become completely militarized, The ontirc `eland i, r L rFs ,* military law. 1'aids by the secret police terrorize the rertai n5 n~ p,Y~ui. r ri c 7 ILLEGIB Now parts of the island are continually being added to he off'-liritA areas. Existing artillery installations, airfield, rya na over ar-3as, and seaplane bases are being enlarged and new ones built. Large dep?.tsa partly sub- terranean9 ? hold a tremendous amount of war na.terial cf 1112. 1 inda, Trains loaded with rsunitiona and accesrc?ry naterials roll over the Dann to the island day and night. The People's Police units, Ve asori battalions, and the prisoners confined to tl e3 island as forced laborors are kept aert~- plotely Isolated from the oviet troops,, Recently the work on the fortifications which were auppese}d to be finiolied by the end of 1953 has been cenriderably areeded up by the order of the fuasians. It is anticipated that the woe: on the forts Picotinr_e will be completed in July er Augurt 19530 It can be tall tart for ""ranted that the i u.sei,ans wish to erect another Peels +ala here and nrerer t the free world rJ t.h an ae;ecrlr}:lisped fact before prcteatr can be nade. 5, The noople who were forcefully evacuated fron.::ue gee era said to have been ror:loved to a rawly erected concentration carip 60 1,11oreters southeast of S tottin. 25X1 CLASSIFICATION drer:T 25X1 . MSRa ~` T DJSTRI8UT,0N' Approved For Release 2005/08/18 : CIA-RDP80-00810A001700200010-0 25X1 25X1 ILLEGIB L.