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Document Release Date: 
August 12, 2005
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Publication Date: 
July 23, 1953
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Approved For Release 2005/08/18: CIA-RDP80-28MA001700200005-6 CLASSIFICATION T CENTRAL IN?I'E REPORT NO. INFORMATION REPORT CD No. COUNTRY SUBJECT 25XPWE DATE OF INFO TNIB DOCC11tsYNT CONTAMRS INFORCATION AFI'ICTINS THR NATtONAp. DRFEHSC OF Two VNITED STATES. WI7NiN TNt NEA?flI OF TITL* IS. *ZCTIORS 799 AEti 104, OF Tat V. I. CODE. AS AIENDM Tf8 TRANSMISSION OR REVEL- gnu CF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RZCSIPT Si AN UNAUTHORIZED PTRSOl Is PEDSISITIIb BT LAw TNt REPRODUCTION OF This roam IS PROWDITED. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 DATE DISTR, ?3 July 1953 VEB lilAI e!aCrt3Z'tt'? ?C?'S cc i S,tst Germs, V MB IKA Kbelwerkp Meissen NO. OF PAGES NO OF ENCLS.. (LISTED BEWW SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO 25X1 THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION e>r t1e xollowin- plants: a) IKA 5cha tgeraetearerk, Dresden2 _- Produces capsulated distributors for household electrical outlets Switches. b) IKA Leuchtenbau, Dresden :3 c) IKA Schal tgeraetewerk,, Weimar oduces household lighting fixtures and explosion resistant (safety) lamps for the mining industry. d) IKA Leitungswerk, Plauen - Produces cable and wire? e) .r.?- Kabtiwe k, Nissen -- Produces cable, mainly for telephone installations,. f) IKA ElektroinstaIlatiorn, Annaberg m. Produces switches, electrical plugs 2.; VEB 1XA"r a1.,c produces electric heaters and electrical household equipment., using the same modals as formerly produced by Siemens P1.ania, it is not known which plant produce= these items., 3? The Sales Department5deals with an office known I las the 5DSRK" which is he accep' _..ce section in Dresden; it han es repara ons and export orders going to the Soviet Union The acceptance engineers are. offi- cials of the Soviet Control Ccn r:i.ssion in Dresden, but the main headquarters is located in Last Berlin. The acceptance engineers who carne to Rabeiwerk Meissen all carne from Dresden and appeared to be technicians, The only engineer identified was a "erman acceptance official named Von Berg (Fnu),, L. The head of the Commercial Division of Kabeiwerk Meissen is Dipi. Ing, bruckmueller (fnu), who lives in Soernewitz, Koehlerstrasse,, He deal$ directly with the Soviet Control Commission officials. 5 ~ Chiof of the section which checks the quality and performance of the rm-anu- f-co,ured products, prior to shipment, is Ingenieur Hentschke (fr u ). He lives in lirresdcn; he i.s not a member of the SOLD, Hentschke is an electrical, enpinee r CLASSIFICATION 25X1 1-1 ~ iI Approved For Release 2005/08/18 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001700200005-6 25X1 25X1 50 Approved For Release 2005/08/18 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001700200005-6 25X1 Comments Possibly VVB IKA Is indioatedo Conrnent-a Probably VEB INA Elektrosohaltgeraetep Dresden. Comment: Probably V IKA Bel euchtungskoerpel p Dresdeno Comments Possibly associated with VEB IKA Eielctroinstallation,0 Gom ents Probably VEB IKA Kabelwerk,? Meissen, Comment: The initials DSRK usually represent Deutsche oohifCarevis1ons-.und Klassifikations Gese'lachafto Approved For Release 2005/08/18 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001700200005-6 25X1