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Approved For Release 2005/07/28 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001700090003-1 25X1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY USSR (Ukrainian SSK) 25X1DATE OF INFO. 25X1 1. Health and Sanitation in Uzhgorodd 2. Kducation in Uzheorod ThlsDocossentcontahm infoemationaffecungthe HM tioaal Defense of the United Stag. within the mean- leg of Title 18. Sections 793 and 794.0ftbeU.S. Code. an amended. Its traneIaiselon or revelationofiteo ntents to or receipt by an unauthorized person is prohibited by law_ The reproduction of this form 1s yrdbibited. REPORT NO. DATE DISTR. NO. OF PAGES REQUIREMENT NO. REFERENCES 25X11? zhgorod had a population of 100,000 as of 1952 and covered Ru area approximately 36 sq. km. 2. Uzhgorod. had no water traffic since the Ush River was not navigable. The city was connected with Inov and Kiev, USSR, through Chop, by a railroad. There was also a line to Satoraljaujhely and Zahony, Hungary. Uzhgorod had air connections with-- ov and Kiev, USSR, for both commercial and passenger traffic. 25Xf 25X1 25X1 ITuberculoslza was vue ox a leading causes of d atb in wangurom and its surrounding area. 30,E of the deaths were caused by TB; Many women died of cancer of the uerns. Infantile Paralysis eriaUa since 1950, F- 1 7 there were no diseases regarded as endemic. 25X1 25X1? 25X1 25X1 4. There was an adequate public water-supply system which was owned by the city of Uzhgorod. The source of the water supply was ground water,which-was distributed by means of a network of pipes. The city provided hydrants on the streets. The water was Probably 25X1 treated with chlorine and filtered through sand. 25X1 ince I s r ous and peo Velleved p 431 a the reason was the insufficient disinfection of water u der" tbalAwiet, regiae 25X1 STATE I IARMY NAVY AIR FBI AEC (Nobs Wodiinu/on DtnbW-.- 1.-yted by "x". can+s ee-.,,sl.u$ thy. le" Approved For Release 2005/07/28 CIA-RDP80-0081OA001700090003-1 13 July 1953 Approved For Release 200 SECRET 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25XP ? Before the Soviet administration, goiter was never a~serious problem. 25X1 This water system seemed ads uate for the whole population in a-1 seasons, rom the central supply and also from private wells. Btled waters were not sold except mineral waters for the sick and those on special diets, the Health Department of Za,rpatak'aya voinst exercised control over the slauzhterinz anc1 , hA i i na of n,mA+& _ ? 1 iaix bfe11l-18n ?ana other foods in markets and restaurants. 25X1 e ea spar men o en spo check a quality, quantity and content of the food in this manner, The Soviets. introduced a test for determining the edibility of?salt mined-and sold in Transcarpathia. The salt was obtained from the Solotvina mines, ground into a fine powders and delivered to the state stores. Before being put on sale, the salt was subjected to,the following test: representative samples of the salt were treated with a colorless liquid. If the sgLlt did not turn blue the store was rohibited l~+m sell- , p m 25X1 ing it. this treatment is based on iodine content. 6. Only skim milk was available in the stores. Kolkhoz workers used to Sell milk in. the markets (bazar). all dairy cattle were 25X1 tuberculin tested by state veterinari . milk, 25X1 sold on the market was controlled by personnel. o the Health Department. 7. Uzhgorod had an adequate sewage system; approximately 60% of the population was served by it. The owners of those houses which were not connected to the city water pipes and sewage mains used wagons to take human excreta to the fields or the Uzh River outside the city, where sewage was ultimately dumped. A very low percentage of human excreta was used for fertilizing the land. no 25X1 vegetables were raised on such land. City carts collected the garbage early every morning; other types of refuse were not collected. Garbage and other refuse were dumped into holes and low areas around the city by the people themselves. 8. The drainage system was adequate to carry surface runoff with storm sewers inside the city and open ditches in the outskirts. There were no places near the city where surface water stood for any length of time after heavy rains. Dead animals were burned but human corpses were buried. No other method was used for disposal of the dead in the city or anywhere in this area to my knowledge. 10. There was no organized method of controlling mosquitoes, flies, lice, rodents fl , eas.tor other pests, 11. There was one general hospital a pol clinic d , y an a T otixl Cross), for ambulatory natients in M,.hanrnd 25X1 25X1 11 1xiaere ware , surgical, dental, nura ng, and obstetrical services available. However, there was a great shortage of even the common drugs. SECRET Approved For Release 2005/07/28 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001700090003-1 Approved For Release 2005/07/28 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001700090003-1 SECRET 25X2. there were no divisions dealing with tuberculosis C,., venereal disease, sanitation, maternity, child health, or social services for follow-up of infectious diseases. There were absolutely no non-governmental health organizations operating within 25X1 the city or its environs. In most cases. people reported cases of C ofirilunj n a h l ra A i at -m a- v j~ some o crier aiseases too. 25X1 p c s ante s so u e y no system .o the out'or 25X1 in any of the surrounding areas. There hadrbeenino p ublicsorie tation on health matters since the Soviet rule began. 13. e con ono were a r, Howe l sanitation was very general The available medical care was Inadequate, dental care was fair and hospital ear, nnn" - mm" :, '- ' k_.. - ._ , 25X1 - - I z cJ.e co Infantile aral sis. 25X1 25X1 l.. There were two primary schools (pya~tiletka type), three intermediate schools (semiletka type), two high schools (desya,t'iletka type), two teachers' training schools in Uzhgorod. English was taut iand n the semi- and desyit?.etka, in the teachers' trainin sc s, and in the university. a very low level. the 25X1 25X1 university had a faculty of medicine an a ou 5 medical students. SECRET Approved For Release 2005/07/28 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001700090003-1