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December 16, 2016
Document Release Date: 
August 12, 2005
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Publication Date: 
May 29, 1953
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80-00810A001700050006-2.pdf157.07 KB
COUNTRY..... TOPIC- NI' , EVALUATION DATE OF CONTENT DATE OBTAINED? REFERENCES _-PLACE OBTA?NED_~ 25X1 -.~REP?RT 25X1 ...DATE PREPARED 29-May 1953 PAGES ENCLOSURES (NO, .& TYPE) REMARKS 25X1 25X1 to Prior to 9 May l953g, the Quedlinburg airfield was occupied by an estimated 100 troops who wore black-bordered crimson epaulets, 25X1 Thirty to. 4 so ers were repeatedly seen 25X1 receiving training in ri-rlng In the training area south of the instal lationo 25X1 the barracks installation would again be occupied in Maur;; 25X,1 25X1 ruck as almost daily seen on route to the airfield. Six 120 -mm mortars, rather than small guns, had been entrained during the previously reported loadingsn 20 Prior to 9 May, the Harz Jugendheim (home for youth) was occupied by an estimated 200 to 250 troops wearing red bordered black epaulets without branch of service insignia and blue-bordered black epaulets with signal. insignia. On 19 t1pril, abo?tt 90 unarmed soldiers wearing red-bordered black epaulets marched toward the town,, Truck 25X1 I Ioccupied by about 20 troops who wore red-bordered black or blue-0erderad 25X1. black e ets entered the in,~:tallationn On 20 and 21- April, jao and 25X1 sedan ere seen in front of the quarters., On 23 April, eight ere wearing blue-bordered black epaulets with signal insignia, and six officers wearing red-bordered black epaulets without branch of service insignia went toward 25X1 the komendatura. Sedan which almost daily was seen in the town, was seen in front of the komendaturae 2 May, about 120 troops, who wore red-bordered black- and, a few,, blue-bordered black epaulets and carried small arms ma., ched toward the Altenburg firing range. They returned at about 7 p.m. Truck parked in front 25X1 of the installation, On 7 Nay, S officers, including 2 wearing blue-bordered black 25X1 epaulets with signal insignia, and about 90 EM, wearing red-bordered black epaulets and carrying small arts, marched toward the barracks installation at the airfield., The unit returned at about 6 p.m. On S May, three van-like trucks., apparently radio trucks, were seen near the radio station Truck ]arrived at the radio station, coming from, and later returning to, the town o Four underground bunkers were under construction near the radio statione2 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 co ng to informatlon In this repor g e r e , on May,, was oc major guard detail only. Therefore,, the bulk of the 597th Mtz Rifle Regt of the 207th Mtz Rifle Div carried there is believed stationed in the wood cramp southeast of Jaevenitz, where other - elements of the CLASSIFICATION SECRkff, App . i: asse 20_ 0 i Mees C .~ee Approved For Release 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP80-0081OA001700050006-2 Approved For Release 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP80-00816AO01700050006-2 SEGRI:T, 25X1 20 25X1 25X1 division engage in summer training. It is undetermined,, whether the regiment will return in May. ent 2 25X1 conjunction with the preparation of a practice mobilization. The radio station probably also belongs to the signal detail.. unit be :Longs the unidentified signal ree ent of the Third Gds Mecz Army. signal detail presumably serves a forward trunk line of the army,,, which is located in the expected concentration area of the array, north of the Harz Mts0.It is fairly definitely believed that this is a routine practice in sCRET, Approved For Release 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP80-0081OA001700050006-2