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Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST): 
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Document Creation Date: 
December 16, 2016
Document Release Date: 
August 12, 2005
Sequence Number: 
Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
June 1, 1953
Content Type: 
PDF icon CIA-RDP80-00810A001700030005-5.pdf89.29 KB
~..__ ~_ .__.~~ .~..w.. ,.. 25X1 App T OY691FIVIR t t]iiiUTRY_--- +dW? y A -k .=s.~. k ~til;y aasd uruafis 4.6`e:i3. d r"viu +i~cisxaF,a rs.t~r.t EVALUATIONS DATE OF CONTENT- DATE OBTAINED REFERENCES.. 25X1 CE OBTAINED, 25X1 .DATE PREPARED PAGES ~r ENCLOSURES REMARKS 25X1 25X1 1 From .1 to 12 May 1953, the Prinz-Louis-Ferdinand Kasern e in Saalfeld was occupied by an estimated 300 to 400 troops who wore red-bordered black or black-bordered blac`c epauletso Three units of 120 to 150 m aach~, lined up for a roll call, were seen on 25X1 oeveral days e 3 to 5 groups,, each of 12 to 15 soldiers,,, wearing red- - a epaulets, engaged in practic es in the training area on the 25X1 Saalfeld-Unter?wirbach road. The soldiers,, who were arme carbines tookoover in a ditch.., while 1 officer and 2 ot towers mounting machine guns on tripods. the machine gu ditch alternately opened fire and ceased fM ring., follow d with submachine guns and her soldiers each were on two n?iers and the soldiers in the i: a tr ed over a. field telephone., Motor vehicles and drivi 25X1 school trucks were seen on rout e to the instal.J.a.tzono II 25X1 rocket launchers were entrained i n Saalfeld on 23 April.;, 25X1 25X1 1n S=. ``he black-bordex?ed black epaulets obser v,,d are a rather -vague indication for the 45th Gds Sngr bn of the 39th Oda Mtz stationed there. jiifle Div,.which is believed 25X1 2'I t t_W ,6. It can be assumed that elements of the 3:$ 6th RL Regt (US) of the 3 T11 Gds Mtz Rifle Corps, which was repeatedly conf'in transferred to Ohrdruf0 nod in , alfeld,, have been CLASSIFICATION 5; F- CR i'j Approved For Release 2005/08/24: CIA-RDP80-0081OA001700030005-5