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Approved For Release 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP80-00810A001600470004-9 CLASSIFICATION SECRFT CENTRAL INTELLIGL tiummo, KU-LW I NU. 4iNIFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY East Germany CD NO, 25X1 25X1 DATE DISTR. 10 July 1953 SUBJECT Rail Freight Traffic through Frankfurt/Oder NO. OF PAGES 11 PLACE 25X1 ACQUIRED 25X1 DATE OF INFO. THIS DOCUSIEI4T CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL REFEREE OF THE UNITED STATES. WITHIN THE WEARING OF TITLE 10. SECTIONS 709 AND 704. OF Tom U. S. CODE. AS !WENDED. *TS TRANSMISSION OR REVEL. ATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON. IS PROHIBITED EV LAW THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS ronos IS PROHIBITED. 017-47enit.STIMMEad5P2.7 SOURCE NO, OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION the raurnang rail shipments crossed the border, in tho directions indicsited, from 28 April through 9 May 1953: 25X1 B - boxcar F - T tank ear Date in Number and APZL-1_,ParLarh- a. Westbound. flatcar G - gondola car Load From - R - refrigerator To car 25X1 28 54 11 grain Brest Litovsk Frankfurt/Oder shuttle -train 1 29 1 R butter Plauen 2 25X1 1 `1: cotton seed " oil Riesa 23B wool to Dresden 22 B military " goods Erfurt 3 3 11 rye el Cottbus shuttle-train 10 B oats ft 22 G ore n 7 R canned meat Poland CLASSIFICATION SECRET,' STATE[ X .1 WAVY NSRB DI?TR-IBUTION ARMY AIR Kix FBI I I 1 25X1 Fuerstenberg shuttle-train 1 25X1 Ziltendorf 4 Leipzig Cottbus, Dresden 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP80-00810A001600470004-9 Approved For Release SECRET/ 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP80-00810A001600470004-9 25X1 25X1 - 2 - 29 23G 6.B ore Brest Litovsk barley Il Ziltendorf 4 Halle shuttle-train 4B rye 1 25X1 20 B wheat 25X1 3T empty n Leipzig 5 30 6 G 33 G 9B manganese n ore ate zotton Ziltendorf 4 Riesa 3D 1 T 1 B seed oil flax Dresden Gotha Torgau 3F structural Wiederitzsch 2F Iron a'r sheet metal May 1 25G ore n Ziltendorf 4 2 3D 28 B 2 T cotton ? n n seed oil Dresden Riese 1 T 1 B motor vehicle Gotha Tare parts " Chemnitz 11 p Alitary Wuensdorf 25X1 :oods 213 Muellrose 3 Bp /5 B 25 G 11 G 13 B marganese or t oro cotton Ziltendorf 4 Riesa SB 3 B hemp tl Dresden TOrgau SECRET/1 Approved For Release 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP80-00810A001600470004-9 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP80-00810A001600470004-9 SECRET, 25X1 2 1 B 2T 213 6R 4 F 3 flax fibres benzol Brest Litovsk champagne II butter combines 25X1 Merseburg Leipzig Chemnitz 2 Zwickau Wandsleben, Gotha, Weida 11 Fp 11 G 313 1 B ore barley ft oats Ziltendorf Bockow 4 113 1 F 1G 2F 1 F F 4F 2G structural " iron chrome iron " structural ft iron tubes structural iron sheet metal " wire cables " Cottbus Zittau Bitterfeld Leipzig Wiederitzsch Riese Chemnitz 2F rod iron It 25X1 213 Ii military Leiptigr. 1 B !moods it Lindenau Muellrose 113 It Satzkorn 3 31G ore Ziltendorf 4 213 wheat ft Wurzen shuttle-train 16 B barley 1 12B 413 oats rye 25X1 SECRETi Approved For Release 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP80-00810A001600470004-9 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP80-00810A001600470004-9 3 4B 14 15 T 2T 2R 2R 16 B 17 T 7T 23 G 8B 2F 1 F 2F 3B 6F 213 SECRET/ 25X1 - 4 - 25X1 barley Brest Litovsk Nittenwalde shuttle-train Friedersdorf 25X1 Teuplitz woolII Leipzig Riesa Dresden empty Boehlen benzol It Merseburg butter ft Chemnitz 2 wine rye ci Leipzig 2 Halle shuttle-train it empty Merseburg 5 125X1 ii Delitzsch 5 ore ii tl military Ziltendorf Jessen 25X1 goods 4 new trucks " Strausberg 6 1 aircraft crate / new trucks " Herzfelde ammunition ammunition and bomb boxes shellac it 2 B medical Poland herbs 3 G pig iron Brest Litovsk 3B 4F 1 B 2G structural iron sheet metal empty (Imams !I tt ci motor vehicle " spare parts Fuerstenwalde Ellerholz 8 if Leipzig Dresden Krossen Wiederitzsdh Nerseburg Heidenau SECRET/ Approved For Release 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP80-00810A001600470004-9 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP80-00810A001600470004-9 SECR.2/ -5 3 1 B bronze Brest Litovsk Rackwitz 1 R canned meat 4 . l'B tobacco 2 F sheet metal 8 B wheat 12 B oats Heidenau 2 Teltow Chemnitz EUellrose 25X1 25X1 shuttle-train 5X1 Cottbus thuttle-train Z5X1 3 B seed pota- Poland Halle toes 39 G ore Brest Litovsk Ziltendorf 4 2 G manganese cre 4 6B wool " Riese 2 B graphite " Reiohenbach 3 F tubes n Leipzig , 4 F structymal Wiederitzsch iron 2 F sheet 4eta1 13 F shee, metal if Riesa 4 F tube l u Chemnitz -7-78 11 Erfurt ahutt1e-train 25X1 15 B cottri if Riesa 2 B flax u Torgau 1 B bronle If Rackwitz 2 B mott,:r vehicle " Heidenau spo:e parts 15 G 07 a n Ziltendorf 4 1 R canned meat Poland Leipzig 30 B barley Brest Litovsk Erfurt shuttle-train 215X1 12B rye SECRET/ Approved For Release 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP80-00810A001600470004-9 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP80-00810A001600470004-9 SECR - 6 - 4 12 B ?a:Let Akeet- LitbiLlti FliefttenbergiOdei 1 , 2 B oil cake 61 Cottbus 4 Bwool " Riess, Leipzig 1 B bronze II Rackwitz 2 B empty drums " Merseburg 5 3, 3 G anthracite 1, Berlinm-Lichtenberg 22 G ore " Ziltendorf 4 2 F sheet metal " Leipzig 2 F tubes 2 F sheet metal n Wiederitzsch 2 F structural iron 2F n n Chemnitz , g 13 13 wool li Riess. ' 10 B pig guts si Dresden I. F rod iron t? Wiederitzsch 7 F seni-finishod -wheel disks r Uoterwellenborn 3 B oil cake u. Cottbus 9r,?sc3en n"d1n7-71. 3 B barley ft Erfurt shuttle-train I B carbon black China Beiligenstadt 1 T benzol Brest Litovsk Merseburg 4 B wool ft Leipzig 12 B cotton Riese 3ECRET) Approved For Release 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP80-00810A001600470004-9 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP80-00810A001600470004-9 S -CR:T/1 5 B military Brest Litovsk goods 7 B. 6 G semi-finished --iheel disks " 1 F structural iron 1 F sheet metal " 2 F sheet metal " 2 F structural iron 32 B barley 23B oats n 41G ore at 12 G pig iron " I B oats 20 B military goods 20 B ft 5B 2B it ft 2B hemp 9 B wool 1 B canned meat " 11 B oats ft 6 3 G pig iron 9G 25X1 25X1 Satzkorn 25X1 Nockrehna 7 Unterwellenborn Wiederitsch Riess Zittau Frankfurt/Oder 1 shuttle-train 25X1 Cottbus area 1 Ziltendorf 4 Dresden, Krossen Riese, Groeditz Cottbus 1 Erfurt Fuertenberg Satzkorn Jessen Torgau Riesa, Dresden, Leipzig Schlauroth Cottbus Riesa Freital, Groeditz Krossen SECREZ shuttle-train Approved For Release 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP80-00810A001600470004-9 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP80-00810A001600470004-9 6 4G 11 G 2F 4B 3B BT 26 B 3 7 5G 43 G 1 B ]4B 2B 4B 2B 3D ir 3 F 3F 7 2F 1 F 6F SB SECRET) manganese ore Brest Litovsk Ziltendorf 4 ore structural iron oats barley empty wool barley !I Ii manganese ore " ore terra-tungsten " wool rye oil cake empty drums naphthalene empty structural iron sheet metal structural iron ft ft sheet metal " wire cables " tubes military goods " Wiederitzsch 25X1 25X1 FUerstenberg shuttle-train 1 25X1 Boehlen 5 Leipzig Dresden, Riess Erfurt 1 Ziltendorf 4 Wiederitzsch Leipzig, Dresden, Riess Sachsdorf shuttle-train 125X1 Muehlhausen Merseburg Wiederitzsch 5 Unterwellenborn Erfurt Leimbach Leipzig, Halle Jueterbog SECRET/ Approved For Release 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP80-00810A001600470004-9 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP80-00810A001600470004-9 SECRET 8 290 ore 10 B oats ft - 9 - Brest Litovsk Ziltendorf 4 2B military goods 1 B ft Cottbus Satzkorn Rathmannsdorf 9 B wool n Riese., Dresden 2 B " " Finsterwalde 6 B military " Teltow-SCC (?) goods 39 G ore ft Ziltendorf 4 3 G manganese ore 36G ore n n 1 G manganese ore b. Eastbound. Date in Number and Load 29 560 empty May From To Sehoensweide Brest Litovsk 1 56 B empty grain Rummelsburg " shuttle train 2 600 empty 56 B empty grain Frankfurt/Odor " shuttle train ft ft =deter- undetermined mined ft 3 41 B potash Bleieheroda Tuehola-Wies undetermined undetermined Frankfurt/Oder Brest Litovsk 2 56 B empty grain Aken/Elbe shuttle train?'. undetermined undetermined Frankfurt/oder 580 empty Pasewalk It SECRET/ 25X1 25X1 25X1 shuttle-train L 25X1 shuttle-train 2. 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP80-00810A001600470004-9 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP80-00810A001600470004-9 SECRET/ 8 29G 10 B 2B / B 2 B 6 B 39G 3 G 36G 1 G b. Eastbound. Date in Number and 441 ---DMI-Pf Car4 29 56 G kay 1 56 B G ore Brest Litovsk Ziltendorf oats CettbUsshuttle-train ft military Satzkorn goods if It Rathmannsdorf wool Rieaa, Dresden if fl Fins terwalde It military Teltow-SCC (7) goods It ore Ziltendorf 4 manganese ore ? ore It 4 manganese ore Load From To empty Sehoeneweide Brest Litovsk It empty grain Rummelsburg shuttle train if ft elluotY 4 WA*, 1 shuttle-train 1 56 B empty grain Frankfurt/Oder shuttle train undeter- undetermined " mined It It 3 41 B potash. Bleieheroda Tuehola-Wies undetermined undetermined Frankfurt/Oder Brest Litovsk 2 56 B empty grain Aken/Elbe shuttle train_ undetermined undetermined Frankfurt/Odor 58 G empty Pasewalk if It shuttle-train 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP80-00810A001600470004-9 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP80-00810A001600470004-9 sEcRETA -10- 4 55 G empty ore Rummelsburg Brest Litovsk shuttle train 18 T special Dessau alcohol 23 F machinery Magdeburg It parts Buckau 2 B enamelled Thale kitchen uten- sils undetermined undetermined Frankfurt/Oder ft 5 8 F new Soviet- Weimar 9 gauge wheal sets 25 R 4.-axle? new 5 undetermined undetermined Frankfurt/Oder 56 B empty grain shuttle train 6 56B " 7 55 0 empty ore Rummelsburg shuttle train ft 56 B empty grain Frankfurt/Oder shuttle train 56 G empty Rummelsburg undetermined undetermined Frankfurt/Oder ft tl ft It II If tl 3. 1 40 B apatite Kuostrin border Czechoslovakia 56 G empty Rummeleburg Brest Litovsk 9 42 B, 15 G apatite Xuestrin border " 25X1 25X1 25X1 Note: Source could only cover part of the shiAents passing through Frankfurt/Oder 25X1 1. L----11022121. Grain shuttle trains which have number of the 5mc series when dispatched via Frankfurt/Oder. In Match 1953, a total of 3,389 carloads of 25X1 grain entered East Gsrmame? ? 25X1 SWRETA Approved For Release 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP80-00810A001600470004-9 25X1 25X1 25X1 3, 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP80-00810A001600470004-9 SECRET/ e t. Refri- onauinption -11- Auttle cars carrying food for civilian IComment.Possibly rations for the large ration supply depot of the Eighth Gds Army in Erfurt-Marbach. Comm nt. Raw material deliveries to the Foundry Combine East near Fuerstenber Oder. 5. S2._mmer_it. Deliveries by Enst German hydrogenation plants to the USSR and returning empty tank cars. 6. An ordnance park of the Twenty-Fourth Air Army is located in Strausberg. The crate probably contained aircraft parts. 25X1 8. IIgizalat. Probably bombs for Laerz airfield. 25X1 9. 1 JScitzpat Deliveries by the railroad car factory in Weimpr to the USSR. The Soviet-gauge wheel sets will be used on the new ears in the USSR. SECRET/ Approved For Release 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP80-00810A001600470004-9