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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
June 26, 1953
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/09: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA001600090009-6 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT Baagary COUNTRY This Doeu..sat aontatas Infaesestlan sing the a&., tMnsl Wan= of the Vatted mates. within thsmasn? ft at Mu 17.8eeUeae 7x1 end 77k of Vag VM.Oodo. ss anowed. 3b trLaelalettaq ar me sa of lte eegtel~ to or receipt by an n lied pereaa I. paeh>f ed by law. no at ON fol.. M pelted. OMXT/Q 1MW& - U. S. 0171CIALS 01111T 3ICURTTY INFORMATION SUBJECT "Ohinoin1 Chemical. Products Factory DATE OF INFO. PLACE ACQUIRED DEPORT DATE DISTR. 26 JRe 1953 NO. OF PAGES THE SOURCE EVALUATIONS IN THIS FORT ARE DUINITNE. THE APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TEMfTATVI. (FOR KEY SIR REVERSE) 1. On 7 January 1953, a Soviet csmaissioa of five persons arrived at the l inoin factory to control production and dispatch of ptlaraaeeutieal products to t III. The cetlsLissi n ordered tat 95 pe"eat of the total prediction of tide factory is to be held in reserve for the USSR and for the peoplesI doaoe=asies. 2. Sevens]. production has been ac. ented considerably. a. ]In.ring January 1953 the following quantities were exported: 150 container, to Rumania 300 containers to Poland 720 containers to the VS4R b. SoVena,l is packed in boxes of 12. There are 50 boxes to each container. 3. The prediction of ,Amidasophea is still in the initial stage and therefore vary small. 4. Ultraseptyl is protrcod in large quantities. Rnever, is c~ risen, the quality i u t s l erior to that pro-war woman product by the same AM*. Until 1951 the effectiveness of this medicim% %pas solro, or class to it. Then we spat .barman chadsts were invited to ~ove the quality. This medicine is produced,in tablet and liquid form. .10 percent of the output remain in ftkam, the rest goes to the III. Pgpsverlae is produced sie,ce November 1952. The entire production is reserved for the USSsR. 6,. Tetrocid is produced is large quantitied. December 1952, exports ,muted to.: 2F YEAR RG_RG\/IE 418=1111T/co TBoL - V. $.. CS 'I CIALS my STATE i AIRY X NAVY Z z FB I N.t., w? ldrilie oidrtbuNss Is- = = by Mx", Field DbMbuHsn by "#u.) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/09: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA001600090009-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/09: CIA-RDP80-00810A001600090009-6 SECRET/C?NTHOL - U. S. OJFICIAL8 ONLY 25X1 Smiania Half a carload Poland Half a carload The USSR - Two carloads 7. Isemicid is a new product to combat tuberculosis. Having been employed first experimentally in Hungarian hospitals, the. medicine since October 1952 is being regularly produced. Hungarian doctors consider this product the most important postwar Hungarian medicine. It is said to be highly effective. SEODiT/OOHTPAL - U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/09: CIA-RDP80-00810A001600090009-6