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Approved For Release 2005/08/03 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001500900001-5 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT 25X1 COUNTRY SUBJECT 25X1 DATE OF INFO. USSR (Arctic) 1. Port of Mhr>e ,nek 2. Ammunition Xcp'loeion at Pier This Document contains information affecting the Na- tional Defense of the United States, within the mean- ing of Title 18, Sections 793 and 794, of the U.S. Code, as amended. Its transmission or revelation of its contents to or receipt by an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. The reproduction of this form is prohibited. REPORT NO. DATE DISTR. NO. OF PAGES REQUIREMENT NO. REFERENCES /0 T'vly 25X1 ILr3 25X1 25X1. 25X1 "".2. At noon on 31 January 19531 a group of Soviet warships, coming from the direction north of Eildin Island (N69-21. 134-.26), approached from. an easterly direction, steering for the entrance of Murmansk Inlet.1 ,They Were sighte when approximately at X69-25t E33-2.. The group included five 25X1 destroyers they all were of the same type. The ships were in good condition,. having a dark-gray coat of paint, and were cruisin inperfect or r They proceeded in line about 100 meters apart; they 25X1 Inlet, quickly disappears in the 25X1 ze. the rearmost destroyer was 25X1 flying a white flag with a red inclined cross at her signal yard. the group 25X1 turned away to starboard, and probably put into Olenya Bay (N69-13, 233-21), or PotYam(N69-12 yy , 233-28). These destroyers, which were abort 100meters long, had two, raking funnels with a black top band or a smoke hood, 4lhey also had a tripod mast betweeiz the bridge and the forward funnel, a sm ll signal mast forward of the after funnel, and carried a rangefinder on the bridge, as well as a top, a radar installation, with a pear-shaped cupola. They had a twin turret on the foredeck and two other turrets on the fantail. A torpedo mount, which 2 5XI d h II h a t ree tubes, was located between the two funnels. A similar torpedo Z DA] mount was located aft of the second funnel, and two depth charge throwers were located on the stern. Antiaircraft s were ted in various places on the 25X1 ships NAVY AIR H 25X1" Approved For Release 2005/08/03 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001500900001-5 Approved For Release 2005/08/03 : CIA-RDP80-00810A001500900001-5 SNCB 25X1 -2- 25X1 25X1 25X1 ov a ype patrol vessel, which was en m or vesse w ou a funnel arrived from the southern entrance of rekaterininskiy Island (N69-13, 133-27) 25X1 IIruct The Soviet vessel was about 45 meters long, and had two masts, a bridge II ure on the after deck, and an antiquated shieidless gun with a short, thick barrel in front of the bridge structure. At the peak of the gaff of her mizzen mast, she flew the Soviet war ensign, which had a blue stripe on the lower edge. Three men wears far coats were in the bridge house. while no crew members were 25X1 on deck. the patrol vessel turned off at high speed in the direction of Polyarn through the southern entrance, making a good speed and a large bow wave.3 The pilot vessel, which had come from.Tyuva Bay., 25X1 was a single-masted, motor fishing cutter; it was painted black, and had a plain bridge house aft. A ermanentl mounted machine Rtm was located each of the bridge house. 25X1 soldier was posted on the forward and of the ship, and the other on the fantail. All sea charts and binoculars were locked in the charthouse. 4. At dusk, a large, brightly illuminated, floating dock was observed at the western 25X1 corner of Vayengs Bay (N69-05, -26). =the entire upper edge of the dock was 25X1 illuminate the dock could accommodate ships up to 20,000 tons. Brightly Illuminated workshops, apparently installations of the shipyard to which the floating dock belonged,, were observed ashore. No details 25X1 of the shipyard installations, which seemed to be very large, could be observed. The silhouettes of some large warships, which were totally blacked out and 25X exhibited only riding lights, were observed in Vayenga Bay. 25X 5? I Imooring berth 25X1 near a rbor installations in rmana The mooring berth was in the commercial harbor near a signal tower at the head of the south pier. A total of 15 border - guards . and customs officers arrived on a small tugI 6. Three auxiliary ships of the Soviet Navy were near the signal tower on the south pier. They were painted gray, and carried the Soviet war ensign. One,: a si le-stack vessel of about 1,500 GET, was a former freighter of modern design,, which 25X11 was a tender or supply ship. The second ship, which was a single-masted 2 5X1 one-stacker of about 1,500 GRT, had a flush and unencumbered after deck, fitted with a large bulb on the upper eArs of her square stern, and large net-lifting cranes 25X1.at the 8 ern- it was a netlayer. The third ship, which was an auxiliary ship of about 2,000 GRT, had two masts and a single stack. zt-bac rak .bow and a low foredeyk- and had her deck structure in the mid-section . 25X1 C_ I the ship was the former German auxiliary 25X1 25X1' 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/08/03: CIA-RDP80-0081OA001500900001-5 Approved For Release 2005/08/03 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001500900001-5 SECRET 25X1 -3- the a tits loading quay, a short .stone jetty about 150 meters long. strong current was running. The tidal range was about 1.5 meters. Apatite, which had been dumped in a place close to the pier, was the only cargo shipped at this berth. The apatite dump had three spur tracks. The loading cars were emptied by three,small,traveling, motor cranes. No cranes were on the loading 25X1 Pier. The ship was loaded by a floating crane, which was maneuvered between source's ship and the pier. The crane, which had a capacity of three to four tons uickl patite from the dump; 9. 25A1 A wooden pier,with some wooden sheds and a high iron smokestack was about 800 meters from the apatite loading place in the direction of Rosta (N69-03, 533-05). On 2 and 3 February 1953, two large cargo lighters, each of about 1,000 tone' capacity, lay alongside this pier. They unloaded boxes with their cranes. At about 1400 hours on 3 February, ammunition, anti- aircraft and tracer shells, exploded on the pier. er the explosion, the wooden pier and several wooden sheds were ablaze. The two lighters were hurriedly towed to the opposite shore by a small tug, while firemen and soldiers fought the fire. The area was cordoned off by soldiers. The fire was mothered during the afternoon. F777 I observed at another pier tied up side by side, north of the ammunition dump. Two warships of remarkably large size, with widely separated funnels,, were a heavy, multi-staged 'naYral, mast on one of the ships. In the northern 25X1 e own. about 100 navy men, who wore dark blue, knee-length cloaks with gold anchor buttons; they wore blue sailor'bats'with a black ribbon and gold inscription[ I They were 25X unarmed and loitered about. ]about men walking to the harbor. They wore fur caps with ear I.Laps, as c coats without epaulets. Some of them had fur collars, and wore leather waist belts with istol hole on their coats; others carried rifles slung on the shoulder. I some unarmed 2 5X1soldiers with visor-type caps with flat crimson tops and dark-red edges. They wore camel-hair cloaks with broad, red epaulets, and a brown waist belt. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1.. Approved For Release 2005/08/03 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001500900001-5 1 :1 Approved For Release 2005/08/03 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001500900001-5 Legend to the, of Murmansk: 25X1 2. Three Soviet auxiliary ships. 3. A stone signal tower with a small house on the roof,with a signal moat on the latter. During the night, the signal station made its signals by flashing light. 4. Coaling pier with electric cranes, store sheds, and spur tracks. 5. "Lesnyye"- bridge loading pier. 6. Apatite loading pier. 25X1 7. 25X1 8? Floating crane 9. Wooden pier on which an ammunition dump exploded on 3 February. 1.0. Two lighters which unloaded boxes at the wooden pier. Following the explosion, the lighters were towed to the opposite shore. 11. Two large warships, with two widely separated funnels, and a very large, multi-staged fighting tower (sic). 12. Sunken vessel. 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/08/03 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001500900001-5 Approved For Release 2005/08/03 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001500900001-5 -5- 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/08/03 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001500900001-5 Approved For Release 2005/08/03 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001500900001-5 -6- 25X1 1. Comment. Set Point is probably Set-Navalok (N69-24,.133-30). 25X1 2. I (Comment. The description seems to indicate that these vessels were new "Modified 0-Class" destroyers. 25X1 3. r----]Comment. The description indicates that vessel BO-234,isnot a BO-type or AR'PILLBRIST-Class vessel. It is interesting that B0-234 returned to Polyarn'',. through the southern passage, which in German sea chart No. 1195 (1944 Edition) is charted as a drying tidal flat. The Soviets seem to have dredged this passage, which can now presumably be used by destroyers. 25X1 4. L ____j CQn1 ent. For sketch of Murmansk harbor installations, see page 5. 25X1 5? 0 Comment. A single-funnel netlayer was observed at a pier off Rosta on 22 August 1952. No former German auxiliary by the name of GOMM is 2 5X1 6. I ! Co ent. The two large ships were the two CHAPAYKP-Class crmisers, the CRLP4YJ and the ZHZEI NYAKOV, which were transferred to the Arctic waters from the Baltic Sea in the summer of 1951. 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/08/03 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001500900001-5