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Approved For Release 2004/02/11 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001500780005-5 COUNTRY SUBJECT PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. T $ DOCO8HIITCOITAINSINFORGIATION AFFECTING THE HATIONNA1. DGFSHSI OF Tat tNITID STATUS. WITHIN THU 1IEAI1I TC Or T1TLU ES, SECT1OUN 798 AVID 704. OF TNt O. S. CODE. AS ANEHDE0. IT6 YRA11518193109 OR REVEi.- CLASSIFICATION ..z:If 25X1 CENTRAL I Vi i LLIumn REPORT INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. Bast Gernany Repair of Locomotives and Tank Cars in En st Germany 25X1 25X1 25X1 DATE DISTR, 29 June 1953 NO. OF PAGES 2 NO, OF ENCL.S. 4L ZTED BELL SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION The rerair ;hors at .icdc rsachs.rerfen are to be closed clown .one: vacated ?+ 3 .' r 1953 boc-ic.c t as h! are ton n.. c,,r *hu Wryest German 2., The re eT-air shol?s at Jena are coin,- very unreliable work.. Thu hop'are over-f lled with cars neudin.- rear air- -:very, day the cars rsvatiable, to the 2eichsbahn for use are dccre:;aua-nt?,~, -0-t of al.l there i5 a lack of wheel sets, Qcstra valves, Loller elate nand c -- ecially of aluminuk:i ate urin7 the lass three aonthc nur crous arrests have seem made in the Jena roTT-air shors :_)eciusc of all..-od sabota,7e. 3. Various ositions =+n the Central Car f+cl1i.nistration have been actually ive;n to two roorle for the urrose of reciprocal control., ;.ix lca'int, c zlo7ees ~.-avc notice as of 31 .arch 19.3 Decnuse they ;'crc ofrnid of Lein,- arrested because of the "'filly incrca.sin;- inadef)uacj-CE,' iur in the :tcichsbahna The coa;um::rcial director of the Roiohsbahn Generaldirektion (fnu) .lctz, has been com'lctcly neutralized (Kaltgestellt) ~-ince about t~~e ::.ic:cl2c of ~.arch0 The ; ocition is actually bcin,' filled bf (fns:) tciner, the son-in-law of ..ilhelrt 'iec':. l:a tccordinc to infor^iation of the Technical Zection of the Central Car .&-iinistration, all repair sho -c are crowded with cars ing repair; they do not even have the :race to put cars on sidings i,ecause of the lac': of steel rails, in Jena steel bars are being cemented into concrete to mace p:.^ovisional rails co that dama~:ed cars can be raaoved from the rail lines. 7.1c rain shortage or the repair of tan:: cars is ";estra valves - -lrich _a t, ^er any is manufacturing'* in violation of ratent rights which arc hold in east Cer;:any, Another considerable bottleneck i ? the lack of lead ; nd rubber linin Is for sulphuric and hyc rochloric acid cars Therefore, there is a continsing decrease in usable cars of this cateror .. Aluminum of the required rurity of 99,0 Per cent is also in short .ul-ply, r.t the present time.lbout 3,500 pairs of wheel Vets are needed for tank cars. On many otherwise usable cars the wheel flanges have worn so thin and give so much -,la to the wheels that derailments occur very frequently. S, ring stool is also badly needed. Cars which te;rrorarily are unrerair< able because of some material shortage are not expected to be rut back into service for months because of these shortat os. In all the larger stations and yards these cars have been rut on sidings and are doterior- atinC,. to infor-7ation from the Technical Section., the number CLASSIFICATION DISTRIBUTION Approved For Release 2004/02/11 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001500780005-5 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/02/11 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001500780005-5 Approved For Release 2004/02/11 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001500780005-5 Approved For Release 2004/02/11 : CIA-RDP80-00810A001500780005-5 S~C.t~TE 25X1 of care which cannot be repaired at the presont time has increased since Ja uary by 289 cars, and the number is continually growing, From October 1952 to 1 March 1953, a total of 515 tank cars were dismantled. A=W pate from these cars were used for repairing old cans, According to information from the Operations Section of the Central Car 'Steering Office,, the planning for transport of goods is currently considerably hindered by the long running time through Poland and the increasing number of damaged cars. If these difficulties continue to increase at the same rates tank car traffic will be practically at a stand-still by the end. of 1953. Tank cars returning to Frankfurt/Oder from Poland arrive shot full of holes? A court made in February showed the following number so damaged: lst weok 2nd week 3:rd week 14th week 12 earn 46 cars 59 care 21 cars Two tank car trains with a total of 76 cars, carrying aviation gasoline to be transported to Brest-Litovsk, left in early January 1953 and have not yet returned, It is thought that they might have been destroyed,, 6v The coal dust cars which are used for the transportation of coal dust 25X1 repair shops. for coal dust locomotives (Kohlenstaublokomotivere) and for heating generators for electricity plants and turbine stations of the. mineral oil industry are also under the direction of the Central Car Steering Office, According to the latest count,, the Reichebahn possesses 522 of these special cars,. Through improper handling of the care and, above all, because of the shortages of replacement material,, there are at present only 1911 of these in service. All the other care are in need of repair, As a result, moray electricity plants are facia difficult problems,, The Reichsbahn possessed a total of 114 coal dust locomotives (rebuilt from other engines); the number of these engines available for service has sunk to 4. The initiator of the coal dust idea was celebrated in East Germany at the time as an important inventor, sinister f'cr Traffic Prof, Tans Reingruher and State Secretary Ernst Wollweber are presently ex* mining the difficulties affecting tank car traffic. The SSD is also currently investigating the situation in the Corm~ent: i'ossibly Richard Stainer, Deputy Getters]. Director, I roa a, i.s noant ., Approved For Release 2004/02/11 : CIA-RDP80-00810A001500780005-5