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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/17: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA001400300009-4 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT SECRET SECURITY INFORMAT;ON Naval Installations at Gdynia This Document contains information affecting the Na- tional Defense of the United States, within the mean- ing of Title 18, Sections 793 and 794, of the U.S. Code, as amended. Its transmission or revelation of its contents to or receipt by an unauthorized person I. prohibited by law. The reproduction of this form is prohibited. REPORT DATE . DISTR. NO. OF PAGES REQUIREMENT REFERENCES THE SOURCE EVALUATIONS IN THIS REPORT ARE DEFINITIVE. THE APPRAISAL OP CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. (FOR KEY SEE REVERSE) 25X1 , 22 June 1953 LThe following points correspond to the numbers on Annex A.-7? Point # 1 'ftdio Antenna Toweri This radio antenna tower .is of steel lattice oonstruotion,between?40 and 60 in., high, and 0 in. wide at the base. It tapers off into a peak at the top. Top of antenna had a whip mast about, three to four metbrs h gh.) The tower was supported by a concrete base about 30 omo high, and 13.x 13 me. wide. There were about six lights on this tower, some red and some green. #.2 Radio Antenna Tower Buildings Known as Radio Gdynia (a commercial station). This was of concrete construction, about 7 to 10 in. high, 41 to 5 m, wide, and 13 m. long with a'shingle, deck type # le covered roof. There were about three to:::'four wire -cables leading from the antenna tower to building. a receiving '25X1 and transmitting station for ship to shore communication. This building was maintained by about four or five civilian workers. The area including the building and radio tower was surrounded by a three or four steel strand wire fence about 4 in. high and ' in. long. Entrance was gained by means of a wire gate. The area was always patrolled by an armed guard who belonged to the Polish Youth (Zwiazek l.odziezy Polskiej --ZMP). While aboard the 83 KRAKOW, clear text messages were received from 11adio Gdynia regarding weather, berths, docking, ports, and personal messages. this station 25X1 communicated with stations in Warsaw, Krakow, Bzozeoin, Poznan, and other cities, as well as with merchant marine thipe and fishing boats. SECRET STATE ARMY #X I NAVY AIR 7C. F61 AEC (Nei*, Wathiirgi.w Distribution Indicated By "X", Field Distribution by "#".) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/17: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA001400300009-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/17: CIA-RDP80-00810A001400300009-4 SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION #3 Street leading to radio station Gdynia: it was constructed of crushed rock and about 13 to #4 15 m. wide. Cemetery: about two kilometers long and one kilometer wide. 25X1 #5 Witominska Street: about 5 kilometers long; brick paving; 15 M. wide. #6 Slaska Street: asphalt paving, about 18 m. wide. #7 Polish Ocean Lines Company (Poiskie Linie Oceaniczne PLO); A #8 three or four story concrete building, flat roof, 20% of which was covered with tar paper. Tenth of February Street (10-go Lutego). #9 Starowieska Street #10 Morska Street: formerly called Adolf Hitler Street. #11 School for merchant marine officers. #12 Swieto Janeka Street #13 Port 'Street #14 Rock Hill (Kamienna Gora): an old landmark with a large wooden & cross on top that can be seen from the Hal Peninsula, about 22 km. #15 distant. #16 Grunwalski Square: A park area. #17 Sienkiewicz Street #17A Naval Court (formerly Security Po~;ae) ., {' ~`, #18 Square: a wooded park area and promenade; about one kilometer long. #19 Offices,of Naval Command of Gdynia (Komenda Miasta Marynarki WoJennej). #20 Naval Staff Officers" Building (Sztab Marynarki Wojennej). #21 Main Naval Radio Station (Glowna Radio Stacja Marynarki Wojenne1). Of concrete construction; about 45 m. long, 15 in, wide.. One story in height, about 15 m.; roof is shingle covered. #22 Warehouse and Navy Enlisted Men's quarters: Of concrete construction, about 45 M. long, 15 M. wide, one story high; black shingle, gable type'roof. North side of building was sleeping quarters; south side, supplies of radio equipment. the type or quantity. 25X1 Center of building was used as a classroom for code operators. #23 ,Naval Observatory and Weather Station: Of concrete construction, about 60 m. long, 30 in. wide, about 5 stories high; gable type tile covered roof. Meteorological equipment was on top of building. SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/17: CIA-RDP80-00810A001400300009-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/17: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA001400300009-4 SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION -3- #24 A group of five radio.antenna masts. Four of these were arranged in a square with the fifth and tallest mast in the center. The four masts were about 18 m. high, while the center mast was about 30 m. high. Antennas were connected from the center mast to each of the four masts,-'and each of the four masts was connected to each other with an antenna. All connections were insulated with white porcelain type insulators. There were approximately two or three wires connected between the center mast and a mast located atop of the building /Point #217. #25 Waszyngtona Street #26 Yacht Basin named the President's Basin (Basen Prezydenta). Fishing cutters were moored here. This was about 40 m. wide. #27 Dalmor Office; the Deep Seas Fishing Enterprises office. #28 Street #29 Office of the Security Police (Urzad Bezpieczenstwa -- UB) #30 A merchant marine training school for young men who took a one year's course before being assigned to ships or transferred to the Merchant Marine Officer's school point #17. SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/17: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA001400300009-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/17: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA001400300009-4 A A SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION SECRET Sea Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/11/17: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA001400300009-4