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Approved For Release 2002/07/15 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA001100050001-3 _CE.N.TRAL INTE,LL.I.G.EN'CE 'AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT This Document oontaine "Information affecting the Ne- tionel Defense of the United states, within the mean- ing of Title 18, sections 793 and 704, of the U.S. Code, as amended. Itstrrnsmiesion or revelation of its conten$a to or receipt by an Unauthorised pen n is prohibited by law. The reproduction of this foam is prohibited. SECRET/CONTROL U.S. OFF IC IA.IS ONLY SECURITY INFORMATION? COUNTRY East Germany SUBJECT Funkwerk Koepeniok Production of Ship's Radio Equipment 25X1A DATE OF INFO. 25X1X REPORT NO. DATE DISTR. 5 May 1953 NO. OF PAGES 2 REQUIREMENT NO. RD REFERENCES THE SOURCE EVALUATIONS IN THIS REPORT ARE DEFINITIVE. THE APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. (FOR KEY SEE REVERSE) 1. In the development division of the RFT Works at Berlin-Koepenick that is concerned with the development of ship's radio equipment, a universal-wave apparatus has been developed and put into production that has a range from 150 kilocycles to 2 megacycles over nine wave bands. A sea distress wave band is provided. he output power provided is for normal head receivers; the tube used for it is the American tube 6AC7 which Soviet ships also use. However, the output power is too low for the Russians, although the operator receives with headphones, because the Russians want music transmission in message-free time. Accordingly, another end tube has to be installed, probably the 6AG7 which is suitable for a two-watt loudspeaker. 2. This apparatus is a'?colbmercial types > dio.; n~tte alt .oxi`,:,'of'prescri.bed sensitivity and wave range. This kind of apparatus is mostly delivered as reparations goods; informant has never known of any on German ships. According to workmen's statements, this apparatus was; distributed by the ITEB Anlagenbau, Rostock, and installed on Soviet ships, but all the apparatus delivered from these to the Soviet Union were rejected and returned on account of technical and mechanical defects. They ware not made by the VEB Anlagenbau. The commonest cause of failure in this apparatus is a reversible turret coil which is subject to contact failure, be.calLee ,.of4del;eetiveaapri.rigs. In addition, the frequency stability of both oscillators appears to be excessive for unmodulated senders. Apparently, a 'modification by means of temperature compensation was undertaken. Insensitive apparatus is used on the drifters, 3. The development division of the Koepenick plant is also working on a nautical distress sender.(Havarie-Sender) to be used in emergencies. It is graduated from 400 to 530 kilocycles, but it also has fixed frequencies.that can be tuned into the scale. The SOS call is sent with the key, and not auto- matically. The apparatus has an antenna power of 60 to 80 watts, and is accordingly more powerful than the fornierly manufactured 50 watt apparatus. SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY ARMY x NAVY XAIR FIXI FBI AEC ORR i TosI E (Not.t Washington Distribution Indicated By "X"f Field Distribution By "#".) Approved-.r-Release 200210745: CIA-RDP80-0.081OA001100050001-3 Approved For Release 2002/07/15 : CIA-RDP80-00810A001100050001-3 SECRET/CONTROL - U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY 25X1A 4. A new development is a drifter station for medium, long, and short wave calls. The apparatus is about 1.6 meters high, of equal width, and 50 cm. deep. It is not intended for general use, because it is too expensive for the ordinary radio traffic of fishing drifters. This apparatus has a great deal of clock- work and is to a great extent automatic. It is very easy to operate, but extremely complicated. A special training course of at least two weeks is required to learn ita operation. Its power is unusually great for a drifter and so is its radius of action. 5. The drifter station is not yet in production, because the development work is not completed. It probably will be finished late in the summer of 1953. The first apparatus can be completed in a year at the earliest.. 6. The Koepenick plant has a shortage of high frequency litz wire. Only small residual stocks with little choice,are available. The newly delivered litz wire is not pro+erly'braided; the dissipation in the coils is too great, the circuit diblectric loss rises and the radius of action is reduced. The newly supplied high frequency litz wire is composed of 100 wires combined in a single strand and twisted and 3 sWa ted like a normal litz wire. 7. There is also a shortage of steel, and of good cog wheels. Those available are _laoorly 'cpnstructad and cis not mesh properly. 8. The quality of the tubes .has improved over a year ago, but still cannot be described as satisfactory. The tubes are supplied by the HF Plant at Berlin- Obersohoeneweide. SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2002/07/15 : CIA-RDP80-00810A001100050001-3