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Publication Date: 
April 27, 1953
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Approved For Release 2009/02/18: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA001000390005-3 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT This Document contains Information affecting the Na tional Defense of the United States, within the mean- ing of Title 18, Sections 793 and 794, of the U.S. Code, as amended. Its transmission or revelation of its contents to or receipt by an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. The reproduction of this form is prohibited. SECRET/CONTROL - U.S..OFFICIALS ONLY SECURITY INFORMATION COUNTRY East Germany SUBJECT Developments at Funkwerk Koepeniak, DATE OF INFO. PLACE ACQUIRED 0sZl 09r9% ie rAeteWe. _ Zwoenitz, Fermneldewerk Bad.Blankenburg, and Funkwerk Erfurt REPORT DATE DISTR. NO. OF PAGES REQUIREMENT REFERENCES THE SOURCE EVALUATIONS IN THIS REPORT ARE DEFINITIVE. THE APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. (FOR KEY SEE REVERSE) J, VEB Funkwerk Roepeniek la. The buildings in'the Wendensohioss Strasse area are being , enlarged "so that eventually part oe al,l of Plant No. 2, now located' on Edisonstrasse, may be' a .al.iddated with the main plant on Wendensohloss-Straese,' b velopment of the anti-collision equipment (Mollisionseohue'sgeraet 2e ZThe AFTdNoe K2-35). is the only work on any type of radar e(luipiaent kn'ov to ..have ''taken 'place at the Koepeniok plant 'during the last sour years. 3. During the past four years no work on radar , , been -known ta laggs has b have taken place; furthers so far as id ?known, none is at present 'under development, Were suoh developmental work to be undertaken by the Boepeniok plant, it .is prb sable that it .would be under the. supervision of Dr Jrioh Sohuettl oe'fel. 49 The only work on, navigational aids is under the direction of Wilhelm Griirmf? this work is still in the preliminary theoretical stage,,and hd further de- tails .,are known. 50 The mobile 20 'kw medium wave transmitter ' constru eted by the lloepeanidk lint which has been transmitting on a freauenov very olose to that used] 6. Funk,rerk Koepeniak al-so-includes-the Meesphysik Zernedorf (Mess-rhysik Dr. ?8oerensen { ribH), Zernadorf nos.;: Sorlin (liear Unigswusterhausen), Breite r Strasse 101, telephone &oenigswusterhausen 381/382. This plant,produois measuring instruments of various typos, particularly loop oscillographs (S.ohleifenoezillographen)? S!C'RET/CONT'ROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY STATE X ARMY NAVY I 7C AIR X FBI (Note, 'L' I'-wten DIstrt ,.+.". 1n I1., o?4 RRv ,Xrr, A1.,1_1 r11.r ?~...Nwn RV n e. 25 YEAR RE-REVIPXA/ an Approved For Release 2009/02/18: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA001000390005-3 27 , April. 1953 Approved For Release 2009/02/18: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA001000390005-3 SECRET/CONTROL.. ?.UQ S O OFFICIALS ONLY 7, Germans repatriated from the USSR ao Sohn,idt (fnu) ~ 1, 9141 Zeletzky (phonetic spelliing), o /went o Hintze (phonetic spelling), 3o Dr,,,Ibser (fnu). 4o'Dro Lange (fnu) be In mid-February 1953, it was rumored in the Koepenick plant that another._. large shipment of Germans was on route from the USSBL The rumor"'was based apparently on letters received by plant employees-o. Vibotronic specialists were reported to be included in the group of returnees, but neither Dr. Kotowski (fnu) nor any other member of his group were included. Qszillographerigeraetewerk Zwoenitz 1 In January 1953, FYi'edrioh and Gaertner (fnu), from the laboratories of the Zwoenitz Qscillograph Equipment Plant, visited the Funkvrerk Koepeniok. They said that the Zwoenitz plant had manufactured approximately 300 switchboards recently and had delivered them to an unspecified destination by the end of 1952. The men stated that the equipment' was probably for tele-recording munition dump temperatures, but did not mention on what grounds," if any, they based this information. 0, VEB Fernmeldewerk Bad Blankenburg In January 19530 the Bad Blankenburg plant was engaged in the production of several thousand field telephone sets," among -other unspeoif` ed T items It was believed that this equipment was for the East German Government; D. VLFB Funkwerk Erfurt A publication of this plant lists its 1953 produotton, including among other items the followings to Megohmmeter, type 00x6 2 Industrial 11heatatone bridge (Indu'strielle Mesabryeoke), type 219 3, HF.measuring generator (HF 3iessgenerator , type 159 4, UHF radio signal general (URIC Empfaenger-,Pi?uefgenerator), type 184 5o Vacuum tube voltmeter (Roehrenvoltme#er) type 114a et testing equipment KabelsuohgeraetS, type 238 6CCable 70 p .H type 158 8. Ultrasonic generator 150 kw (Ultraschallgenerator), type 807 9o Ultrasonic material testing equipment (Ultrasohall Material4Untersuohungsgeraet type 608. 25X1 25X1 25X1 to Coffin Probably VEB Messgeraetewerk Zwoenitz, formerly Siemens and 25X1 Halskeo SECRET/CONTROL ? U,S I OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2009/02/18: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA001000390005-3