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Document Release Date: 
September 21, 2009
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Publication Date: 
March 17, 1953
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Approved For Release 2009/09/21 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA000900530010-3 ;L`UN'?RY _ _.a.sR c o rn nv Y.~. -REPORI i ...,....... Military Information fro a nest Germ v EVALUATION DATE OF CO DATE OBTAI NED- REFEREN CES -- -'AGES.. ENCLOSl1RFR REMARKS... DATE PREPARED ?"~ March >? _. I 25X1 auletc, rabow. , At about 1 p.m0 on 8 February, a convoy of 10 tank trucks driven by soldiers with l!-3d-bordered black came from the direction of Perleberg airfield and proceeded toward 73 railroad carloads 25X1 with lumber were to arrive at Dailgow railroad station during the following days ena that the lumber was for the eni.argeanient of the summer camp, iae. the Hasenheidonberg barracks installationm2 J,, Prior to 22 February9 the Panzer Kaserne in Neubrandenburg was occupied by 1,500 to 29000 troops who wore black-bordered black epaulets and red-bordered black epaulets. Firing practice was observed almost daily, Driving practice was no' longer observed. No changes were observed at the engineer water trains site. Motor v$Aicles were determined in traffic to and from the installation, 25X1 25X1 4. At 9 a.m. on 21 February., about 250 troops, 20 x 37 nnnL& guns, radio truck 7 and about 40 trucks were detrained at the Eberswalde railroad station and su sequently ffiarched Brig in the woaads 25X1 On 17 February, the eastern section of the Adolf Hitler Kaserne in Schwerin quartered tank units. Sixteen T-34/85 tanks were observed a The western section quartered an infantry unit of undetermined strength. On 20 February, four 122-mm field howitzers were observed in the Moitke Kazerne for the first timep in addition to the tanks previously seen there. o. On a8 and 19 February, the Fritsch Kasernee xSoltke Kaserne, ;Krueger Kaserne and Adolf Hitler Kaserne in Schwerin were only partially occupied. No training activity was noticed. No heavy weapons were observed.- CLASSIFICATION Sri /CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2009/09/21: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA000900530010-3 PLACE 0BTAI N ED - Approved For Release 2009/09/21: CIA-RDP80-00810A000900530010-3 SEX RL'T fCoW'R0L. - U.S. OFFlCIAI; ONLY C ae Elements of the 94th Gds Mtz Rifle Div from the above mentioned barracks inst 1lations were probably involved in field exercises. 25X1 of the IX Mtz Rifle Corps in the area of Schwerin@.Wittstock from 10 to 14 February. - ,ia the troops had not returned by 19 February, it is possible that they used the return movement for small exercises, suer as winter bivouacka9 practice .mar chesa etc. No comments can be made for the tanks in the Adolf Hitler Kaserne. Possibly,. several. T-34,s belong to the 286th Gds Mtz rifle Regt of the above mentioned division. The appearance of a large tank unit in the installation is plausible only during the field exercises; 25X1 25X1 6. C Units of the 6th Arty Div from the three Wald Kasernen have been rotated to various winter exercises in Last Germany since 9 February. The installations are believed to have therefore been only partially occupied since that time. 25X1 7. ] the AT artillery coluann belongs to the 6th Gds Mecz Div. the shipment at )4alchin railroad station probably carried AT artillery units of the Third Shock Army. Possibly9 the train was bound for Schwerin. The train at the Neustrelitz railroad station presw.ably carried artillery units of the 9th Gds Tank Div which went to Luckenwalde for combat firing ractice ~Co____ n units of the 19th Gds.Metz Div from the Herrenkrug-'Anger KaseriAe moved out on 25 February,,, presumably for winter exercises. The present report tends to indicate that the 63d Gds Mecz Regt of the division from the Vachrichten Kaserne and the 36th Pon Bridge Regt of the GOFt from the Seeckt Kaserne were at their quarters on 24 February 1953 25X1 SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Camment Approved For Release 2009/09/21: CIA-RDP80-00810A000900530010-3