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ApprQ) ,~ FV@Ne 2QWU /10: CIA-RDP80-00810A000700640006F8 09 e'r ,ti, r_ ,..~, ?~TP -.rrr . r . r. rte,.-,.+s TOPIC '_ EVALUATION_ see below REPORT NO. -.,.....--..YLACE OBTAINED DATE OF CONTENT 16 December 1952 to 26 January 1953 BATE PREPARED 2 March 1953 ~_._. -.ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE)-- SOU RCE 25X1 1. On 2"a .December 1952, about 700 troops assembled in an open square in the barracks yard of the Koenig Georg Ka-serne, Dresden, where they were addressed. About 120 soldiers practiced in the terrain north of the barracks installation on 30 December. About 300 men engaged in exercises u:ith tanks in the area northeast of the barracks installation on 1.4 January.1 the installation on 15 January. were identified. targets in the t:o.rrain. Troops practiced with tanks in the area east of 2d From 21 December 1952 until 7 January 1953, the SS Kaserne Wilder Maim on the east side of Moritzburger Land Strasse was occupied by about 1,000 to 1,200 troops who wore red-bordered black epa.'.lets. About 60 soldiers practiced the throwing of hand grenades against dummy soldiers on Auf dem Heller on 30 December. On 6 January, a sedan. with van-like superstructure and rounted machine gun practiced firing against practice 25X1 125X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 "!-?,7=kn?.ver.Yw~..TTdnn ?-j nrn YTANI fTpQ~011 ~.t,.b+[ skntCb:s:YGfheT.,....LY ?~?? w. - ??tE~Ar3~...S,A...:3. - i S ..~-?-.___.,....-~.~. On 16 December, the Grenadier Kasorne -n. the northeast side of Kurt Fischer JEllee housed an arrry he'dquarters. F_ _J 25X1 on 16 December, 60 officers we: Ting red-borders black epaulets, incluAing sore with tank insignia,. black-oordared crimson epaulets and black-bordered black epaulets and rang- ng from .l ltti1Lenant up to and including lieutenant colonel were so ?,n Mae road from the officers' billets to the barracks install o -'-'Lot, and vice versa. 25X4 5.. On 2 February, the Nachrichten Kaserne on the cast side of Washington Strasse in Dresden-Uebigau was occupied by about 20" troops who wore rod-bordered black epaulets, 100 men who wore blue-bordered black epaulets and 100 men who wore black-borderee: black epaulets. Four fifths of the quarters were lighted at ni.htfall. On 18 December, 6 soldiers, some of whom wore bridge-construction insignia, were seen in the lumber yard can CLASSIFICATION S?C RE MARKS-_., .,..,__ ---- 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/02/10 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA000700640006-8 2 iXATE OBTAINED Approved For Release 2004/02/10 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA000700640006-8 G ~;CRr:TA 25X1 25X1 er ti tra se and about 40 men at practice marching in the nber f S h ; e c a.r barracks yard:. About 20 soldiers mar,.hed into ;she installation from t F1utrirrie Kaditz on 30 December and Janua each t rn 25X1 6. On 2 February, the OS Kaserne Wilder Mann was occupied by 600 to 7GG troops who wore red-bordered black epaulets. 25X1 a motorcycle battalion stationed there. Twenty-two . sa ers prat Ce7 ,%ount:ing and disri.ouznting on 10 sidecars on the square in front of the barracks installation on 14 December. On 19 December, 10 soldiers pract r t ec driving o, Auf dem Helier. On 31 December, about 1.0 soldiers engaged in close-combat practice with L r?n. ? gren ?:: es against 4 T 34. tank on Auf dem Yeller north of the instKallatio s 25X1 while about 20 soldiers engaged, in aiming practice with 2 x 57-lm', AT guns in the same area. Three T--34 tanks arn-:d about 100 soldiers at combat trai. oiinZ _,.,ere seen in the area of the Heller on 14 Jan? L 7. On 23 January, the Grenadier Kas:rne housed a headquarters. The quarters were about 80 percent lighted in the evening. On 16 January, about 40 soldiers with red-bordered black epau-Iets marched from the main building; toward the drill hall. Four soldiers with rifles, relieved guard detail marched from the utrdhouse a gate No wa a Vhn n bu.ildin S. On 23 January, the AAA emplacement In the debris area of the Grenadier Kasersxe was occupied by about 60 soldiers. The westernmost of the three fenced-in buildings was 70 percent lighted at nightfall. The AA guns wee still emplaced there.3 9. On 17 January, the laftnachrlehtef K;a.serne on the east side of Alter Postweg apparently quartered only 2'Y', to 250 men while, on 19 and 23 January, it was occupie. by 500 to 600 troops who wore red-bordered black epaulets and, sore black-borde?ed crimson epaulets. the installation to be a processing camps with the occupation strength there always fluctuating. On 21 January, the rrt i.n building was 80 percent lighted and the barracks camp about EEO percent. From 12 to 23 January, 120--rmi mortars were observed 10. On 23 January,, the Adolf Hitler Kaseerne on. the south side of hurt Fischer Allee and on -V .-e east side of Koenig, bruecker :'.trasse was occupied by a DoUt 500 troops who wore black-bordered black epaulets. A repair shot tra:ilec and a. delivery van were seen in the yard on Toiler Strasse on 12 Januan;). About 50 soldiers were at march rac';ice in the barracks yard on 16 Jaxiaary. 11. On 23 January, the Bucher EaFerne on Marien Alice, on the east side opposite the Kriegs Schule, quartered about 500 troops who wore black- bordered crimson epaulets. About 20 soldiers with bayonets fixed and i tgrtystR entA-rAd the barracks 5.nstallAtion.r 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 12. On 26 January, 150 soldiers were soon on the target range at the Kl of eche 25X1 airfield, while 80 other soldiers wearing black-bordered crimson epsul.ete el'M r? in f i nI d tra i ni n near the Grenz Strasse. Troops practiced dri ~F ing s CRRET/ 75X1 Approved For Release 2004/02/10 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA000700640006-8 Approved For Release 2004/02/10 : CIA-RDP80-00810A000700640006-8 SER?,T railroad station to the Luftnachrichtef Kaserne on 26 January . 5 l3. On 30 December, 3 JF-2 tanks :loved out of the F r.a.nn.-Goering Kasorne, l Ion South or o zsche, for practice driving on Auf dem Heller. A tank unit was quartered in the south- er_snost section of the installation. Szurce beli-ved that the barracks section north of the southernmost section quartered a unit whose personnel wore red-bordered block epaulets and vas equipped with arnoa ed scout cars anr1. armored personnel carriors. Source believed the Hermann. Goering Kaserne and former Napola to have quartered a total of about 3,030 troops who wore red-bordered 1" Eck epaulets. 7 black' 11~. On 26 December, the SH.r., ann Goering Kaso_rne quartered about 1,000 troops, according to source, a tank unit. Six soldiers weerin~, red- border ed. black epaulets and carrying s'abraachine guns and spades left the Installation through the southern gate toward the Heller area on 20 January. About 30 soldiers engaged. in firing :.:ractice in the northern section of t 3 e .? wAre 31:itihted at ni?htf 25X1 25X1 25X1 5. On 17 January,, the Napola in K] otzsehe quartered a headquarters. Almost ' er.i l quarters were lighted at dusk. About 30 soldiers wearing :red-bordered black epaulets left tt e installation toward the 'L otzsche railroad st_tti0:c on 29 Ja.o nry. trucks coming from the direction of DDreeden, stopped in front of the Napo la. eye two vehicles carried about 40 soldiers with rifles and submachine cunss who marched into the S' a. ola 25X1 25X1 17. On 30 December, 2 T-34--tonics were observed on the training grounds norl~h of the Koenig Georg Ka.serne. Eight soldiers each practiced aiming with 2 AT gu.ns. Hay " noise of zaaeriering as heard from the workshops in the instxa.".U atio:a on 2 Je ymi fir. ractice firing was hear from an undetermined -target range sou.t : -,alt of the barracks ' nstallatior'.1 18. On 31 December, troops drilled with the four AA guns emplaced in the. i;,lbs River bent between Wash` ngton Strasse- and Seharienberger "trasse. They predo= na ntly practiced aiming at air ard ground targets. The exercises showed a high degree of training. On 2 January, the gun crews consisting of 6 officers and 38 Ell =arched to the barracks installation in Uehtgeu. Four man remained with the guns./ 19. On 26 January, the Luftnachrichten Ka.cerne was occupied by about 3,300 to 4,0O0 troops who wore red-bordered black epaulets with artillery, tans:: or rotor frr-nsport insignia. About 31X', soldiers drilled in the billeting area and a T-34 tank wan seen near a garage on 20 Decomber.. 952 nier 3 17 O . , on ece cl vaned 2 x 85-m r, AA y*uns 25X1 ldi 3 . ers so About eat: 0 .. m-n 30 officers and about 1.20 s of a t e cember, 3 group on 21 D fell in in the barr:~cks yard. 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/02/10 : CIA-RDP80-00810A000700640006-8 Approved For Release 2004/02/10 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA000700640006-8 ST> RT r 25X1 20. or. .31 Jaidrary, the ?-:G Kaserne we.:t of Alawa. Plat, east of ker 3trassc~ and southi )f Tannen Stras ,s, waz, occupied to ca pacity c 25X1 I ..~ u %bout L9000 to 1,300 troops who wore bla'kbordered crimasorr epaulets h and r 'r ordered black e au lets. The uartei :, were 90 percent :f 3 ~d at .t,,oope 'rho wore red-bordered black . epaulotr . Thv: quarters brere a 7~ percent lighted at T ghtfs.~l, Thirt;-six sol(: ers were daily seen marching tc the ko'-endatu?~ s.. Source had the opinlcn that theese soldier= vere the guard unit of the Dresden kon ndatura . rter 25X1 j., {'ow:.nt A ve.gue indication ..that the Koenig Georg Kasern:: qua ??L - _ - w _1 _ .M_ .-9- Ma -. -& 25X1 the present report, As no information that the regimens: A s stat: ox d in this installation has been received since the fall of 195, it axe pears that the regiment changed quarters. t,;i-lder Manzi. c 10 4 J 11th Gd. Tam: Div is now-stationed-in the 8 h Baer. e VPMK ;he r t The I nTorr: tion tends to indicate that, the 7th tr.'s Hv G ?^ Cominent el,oris on the cumv pier Kaserne. His 8 e!Ts.-.fl Aa are correct a&,, in connection with infox ^Ltion in paragraph 7, confirms the Hq First Mecz Armor. until 23 Tha &&A em-placements in the., debris area were last re or ted 25X1 25Xt. C;qt ey made cirrilar observations ~a the occupation, c mars?acks , l in Uebig_a r and the nearby AAA emplacement during the second half of November. An engineer unit and elements of the (';de AA Div must still be carrie1 in the barracks installation in Dc-b-7,!.-au, 25X1 5o Oomaentbe. The 399th Gds Hoer Art' Reg t of the 11th Gds Tank Div, uhieh has so far en carried in the T,uftna.c} ric;atun Kaserne, canr..ot, be eonfi. 'i d by the present report. The statement Ii paragraph 9 that the installation is `used as transient camp is not given .redenea. Rather, it is believed that the fluctuations In ' the strengths :?eeult from a rotation of troops to training gr?owite for short erin field e,--,,,excises. The actual occupation strength probably is in the rAddle of this estimates made in paragraphs 9 a d 19. The AAA reported in paragraph. 19 :.s indicative of the 1018th AM 25X1 Reg,t of the 11th Gds Tank Div whose location has hitherto been undeterm _;ted. In addition, resorts soldiers with tank insign=ia and 1 T-34 tank in this. ins a ? on. u>:s, a tank unit may also be stationed here. SfCR T1 Approved For Release 2004/02/10 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA000700640006-8 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 21.E On 31 January, the Adolf Hitler Kasern was oc