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COUNTRY SUBJECT ? PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. Approved For Release 2002/07/12 : CIA-RDP80-00810A000700540006-9 CLASSIFICATION SECRET P>1,C0RI9Y TNFORMATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO. INFORMATION REPORT CD NO, East Germany 25X1A DATE DISTR. 13 April 1953 Fulfillment of Reichdbaint Priority Construction AO. OF PAGES 4 Projects: 3rd Quarter 1952 "41.t.4.'""'....e.. ...,,, TWA DOCIRIENT CONTAINS INFOIIIIATION AFFECTING TIIII NATIONAT. DEFENSE I., ,;- OF THE UNITED STADES. ITITION THE NRAMIZO OF TITLE IS. SECIIONS TOE AND 784. OF THE 0. 5. CODE. AS AMENDED. ITS TRAIISSISSION 31 REVEL? .' ATION OF ITS CONTRIICS TO ON RECEIPT EV AN IMALIT.IORIZE E. PERSON PROHIBITED DV LAW THE REPRODUCT105 OF THIS ICII2 15 PROHIBITED. '4r,11'44 2,4,...1?27.;ZrEW413- NO. OF ENCLS, (USTED BELOW) 25X1A SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION r5X1A, 25X1X Analysis of the fulfillment of priority_spnstruction orojeots third quaoter 19r,2: The following list gives the status of priority construction projects of tIc?, various Reichsbahndirektionen (RBD): RBD Berlin 4,26 RBD-BeziTkt repair of tracks and switches Total cost and annual installment for 1952 was 2,040?000 DMna % fulfilled), There was a shortage of material for streerntructures 437 Seddin-BeL4g line reconstruction of the second track Total cost and annual installment for 1952 was 5,600,000 DM-a., (3 9 % fulfilledja This construction project was closed down on 21 inlauat, After the completion of the connecting curve at Wildpark all antaala able manpower was to be reassigned to the completion of the Sedn, Belzip peoject, 4,38 Jueterboz-Grossbeeren second track Total cost and annual installment for 1952 was 91350,000 XII (.2,9 % fulfilled In this project the cleaning of the roadbed was 57 finished, 90 % of the sleepers needed for the Ludwigsfeide-Trebbin section wore on hand, Deliveries of rails amounted to 5,000 meters,. Because or a shortage of iron fittinRF , sleepers and the necessary rails, firms employed at the project were transferred on 30 Jnly to the Grossbeeren-Seddin project and to the "3 Stopfuna SAR," 4.86 Grossbeeren-Seddin second track 7otn1 coat and annual installment for 1952 amounted to 4,880,000 DIAL fulfilled), Twelve kilometers of track were in operating CLASSIFEI',ATION 'CtIZINTI Approved For Release 2002/07/12 : CIA-RDP80-00810A000700540006-9 1 Approved For Release 2002/07/12 : CIA-RDP80-00810A000700540006-9 SICRK o nation, Because of material shortages the project could nct be completely realized F_rankfust&der. bric_shatai Total costs Lnounted to 3?230,000 DME (72, 9 % fulfilled) This project was completed with the exception of dismantling work, Approximately 300,000 DME, were needed to complete the project Assessment of the project was begun,. 3 27 Kuestrinpridae_across the Oder Total cost and animal installment for 1952 amounted t.o 1,597DC00 DME (67,6 % fulfilled), The necessary heavy plate was delivered en September. 1 :g) The Havellppidge_yerder. Total cost and annual installment for 1952 wet 500,030 DME % fulfilled) iBD Cottbue 4 80 G.obezo_Faikanberf,, second track Total cost and annual installment for 1952: 27,415c000 DME. (Fulfillment - 22 %), Material for tracks was in short supply ,but work progressed normally. 85 Elsterwerda-Ruhland line?_sepond track Total cost and annual installment for 1952: 4,250,C00 Fulfillment: 31% The Listerwerda-Beihla-Plessa seotion of the /tne was completely iaj' ? (vorgestreckt) Tracks for the Plessa-Ruhland section were delivered only in part iBD Dresden 6 Chemnits-Hilbersdorf-Niederwiesa line, second track for local paseenger tTains Annual installment 940,000 DME, Fulfillment: 10% - Planning tor the project was completedoand grading work was oompleted,, The Rossweln curve entrance was being installed ovi Dresdeo-Schoen?ao_second_trec* Annual installment: 8,000,000 DUE:, Fulfillment: 34,5_ The Aeideoau-Pirna section of the line was in operation. There weree however, shorOages of bolt hooks, gravel, material for sgooretrueturtego rnoks, and manpower Theof;Oemnitkleppel-Siegam..-Schoenauline cond trsok Annual installment: 1,330,000 DME, Fulfillment 12% Project planning was oompleted and signaling devices uere under construcir,olo, Material for a 7.,a1-5-e-ii-Eitlelur and switches wore lacking; delivery these arUeies was considered doubtful RBD Erfurt 25X1A Reined:rfo_conne4411gocurve Planned SUM2 700,000 DME.. Fulfillmenta 13% The curve has been partially in operation sinoe 10 August The hand-operated signalling installation Naerterstenwer0 was comoleted d(74:ce:c for the installation of safety devices The atation block wan installed. No difficulties had arinen O- C) DME were saved, RBD Greifswald 4.78 lem21_EJL__,_o-Przern2aio, reconst000tion and improvement of the line Approved For Release 2002/1M12 :-CIA:RDP8041981-0A-0007005400-0t-9-- FLRY: Approved For Release 20(k21//0012 : CIA-RDP80-01 810A000700 40006-9 25X1A Total costs 15400i, DME, Annual installment: 7ia600,000 DME, Fulfillment: 33% Grading work (Erdarbeiten) was in full swing aad 30000 cubic meters of earth had been moved The constructioe sites were provided with electric lighting so that work could be earried on at night too Difficulties had arisen in the procure- ment of coal diesel fuel and motor ail for the steam shovels 4 79 Britz, C21RWARg 9,41.Ye Total cost and annoal installment for 1952: 1,600D000 DME,? Fulfillments 66 9%, Grading was 80% finished and 70% of the material for the superstructure had been delivered Conetructioo of the CTC Illuminated control panel (Biidstellwerk. had beGun, ?res ,-21 the project was termed good. $.4) 4,80 NtNetralittnt,....conneog.mcurye Total cost and annual installment for 1952: 2,6210000 DME, Fulfill ments 439%, work on laying track, grading and bridge aonstruotioa was proceeding according to plan Difficulties in the procurement of paving material had arisen, The curve was to be pue. Into oper- ation on 11 October 1952- 4 82 Obervw?.1de, connestAt&surve Total costs 5,196,000 DME, Annual installment for 1952 2,149, 04. Fulfillment: 100% HBO Halle _woo_ /6 144loc of,the_Geisebsibh ToteJ cost- 18,990?000 DME Fulfillments 59% Because of extremeq, bad weather in early September, a great deal of repair work was neeessary Po_ meS414gEg 4' 77 tIVIA-t1.3.nkombillait _PPW14M4SP_SL.99q4tr119,44Pn Total cost and annual installmentro 1?152,000 DME Fulfillment, 14, Work was proceeding according to plan, but difficulties in orocurAti wood for the construction of roofs for the lommatiee sheds had arisen 6 VaHsic,werfl )oacking gPP??1(41NITAFI -77 Bueg4St5.20YWreconstruction of the line Total costs 3135,000 DME, Fulfilimenos 9P% The line was put into limited operation with a speed limit of 40 kilometers per hour No difficulties were reported yeti little wok still had to be done on the nroJa*t- The following are the basic reaeons why the plan to increase rail capacity 4ae only 41% fulfilled as of 25 SaPtombow 1952v ,:iliorLaKetti a mai4elaI8 for ,superstructure, rails, iroL fittins Lino manpower The manpower situation was parUcularly ate in the Berlin area The main reason for the difficulties incurred was the transfer of netteriale f4r permanent roads, heavy equipment (steam shoveleL and manpower from one proje,lt to another. The results of such transfers can be seen in the Sadao- Belsig project Because of the importance of the special project it. oonste-act a connecting curve at Wildpark, heavy equipment and labor were transferred from the Seddin-Belzig project so that it had to close down completely. In order to speed up the dismantling of linea and tratka internal reserves of materials for superstructures , a special staff, Sonderstab Win.4;er, was creaveo_ moreover special trace, Iay ontrol, groups were formed; they condunted invest- and to mobilise th,.! flve Approved For Release 20-Viii0712 : CIA-RDP80-00810A000700540006-9 0-00810A0007 25X1A Approved For Release 2(4)&01312 : CIA-RDP8 00540006-9 25X1A gations of construction material and of the depots for material for super5i? Through this action the last remaining reservec were to be collect and the circulation of material for superstructures wab to be speeded up Delivery of sleepers, formerly a bottleneck, was causing no trouble as a October 1952,? The Berlin special program had an especially bad effevtt on the realizattos qf the investment program In spite of the many measures undertaken it not possible to increase the Heichabahn fulfillment status t4rfuellUnOm1,and, order to make sure that large sums of money were not tied up uselessly in projects which could not possibly be realised because of shortages cq7 materialsc, an assessment of all overlimit projects (Ueber1iMit4Orhaben) Wee initiated_ The assessment was to cut all projects by the amounts whico were no longer needed in 1952- On the other hand, the Reiohsbahn was forted %o accept into the 1952 plan several projects which absolutely had to be realized. Assessment revealed that a total of 634001,000 DME could not be realised, The draft of a government resolution which had already been fi4u4 warded to the competent offices made provisions to use the 630001i,000 DMZ to help finance extra project0Amounting to about 70,0009000 DME.. The State . Planning Commission was to make up the 7,0009000 DME difference from fun& taken from the vehicle program of the Reichsbahn- :omment Not further inlerY.tff,ed by sour Approved For Release 2002/07/12 : CIA-RDP80-00810A000700540006-9