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Approved For Release 2009/10/16: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA000700010003-0 .CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AG INFORMATION REPORT This Document contains information affecting the Na tioinal Defense of the United States, within the mean- ing of Title 18, Sections 793 and 794, of the U.S. Code, as amended. Its transmission or revelation of its contents to or receipt by an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. The reproduction of this form is prohibited. SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY SECURITY INFORMATION COUNTRY East Germany SUBJECT East German Ministry for Machine Construction Reorganization Plans DATE OF INFO. PLACE ACQUIRED REPORT DATE DISTR. 20 March 1953 NO. OF PAGES 3 REQUIREMENT NO. RD REFERENCES 1? After protracted discussions, it has now been decided that the Ministry for Machine Construction (Ministeriumfuer Maschinenbau) will be divided inter three groups as follows. Ministry for Heavy Machine Construction (Schwermaschinenbau) Ministry for Transport Machine Construction (Transportmaschinenbau) Ministry for General Machine Construction (Allgemeiner Maschineribau) Each group is to be given the status of an independent ministry, with its own minister, state secretary, etc. The administrative changes will take place as soot as the necessary internal reorganization has been carried out.- 2, The administrations of nationalized factories (Verwaltung Volkseigener Betriebe VVB) have been redistributed as follows. strir for Heavy Mach VVB W (Werkzeugmaschinen and Werkzeuge) (Machine tools and other tools) VVB EKM (Energie- and Kraftmaschinenbau) (Energy and Power Machine Construction) VVB GUS ~Guss- and Schmiedeerzeugnisde) (Castings and Forgings) This is UNEVALUATED Information SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY STATE X IARMY X NAVY AIR (Notes Washington Distribution Indicated By "X"i Field Distribution By "#"?) Approved For Release 2009/10/16: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA000700010003-0 Approved For Release 2009/10/16: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA000700010003-0 3e SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY -2- VVB ABUS (Ausruestung von Bergbau and Schwerindustrie) (Mining and Heavy Industrial Equipment) VVB TEXTIMA (Maschinen der Textil- and Bekleidungsindustrie) (Textile and Clothing Industry Machinery) VVB POLYGRAPH (Bau von Druckerei- and Pa ierverarbeitungamaschinen, Feuerloeschgeraeten and Waagenp) (Construction of Printing and Paper Processing Machines, Fire Extinguishers, and Scales) VVB NAGEMA (Nahrunga- and Genuesmittel-, Kaelte-, and chemische Industrie) (Foodstuffs, Cold Storage and Chemical Industry) (Firms manufacturing heavy machinery) b. YAnietrv for sport Machine Construction VVB LOWA (Lokomotiv- and Waggonbau) (Locomotive and Car Construction) VVB IFA (Fahrzeugzubehoer) (Vehicle Parts) VVB MEWA (Itallwarenindustrie) (Hardware Industry) (only factories that make bicycles) HV Schiffbau - all subsidiary firms (VVB LBH (Land-, Bau-, and Holzbearbeitungsmaschinen) (Agricultural, Construction, and Wood Working Machinery) - possible, but not yet definitely decided.) c. Mini try for General Machine Construction VVB SANAR (Armaturen and sanitaere Einrichtungen) (Plumbing Equipment & Fittings) VVB TEWA (Techniache Eisenwaren) (Technical Iron Products) VVB WERKIN (Werkzeuge) (Small tools such as surgical instruments, etc. - formerly a subdivision of VVB TEWA) VVB VEM (Electro-Maschinenbau) (Electric Machinery Construction) VVB IKA (Installationen-Kabel-Apparate) (Cable Manufacture and Installation) VVB RF'T (Radio- and Fernmeldetechnik) (Radio and Telecommunications Engineering) VVB OPTIK (Feinmechanische and Optische Geraete) (Precision and Optical Equipment) VVB MECHANIK (Feinmechanischen Industrie) ( Precision Machinery Industry) VVB MEWA - all firma excepting those manufacturing bicycles (see 2b, above) VVB NAGEMA - light machinery factories (see 2a, above) Expected personal changes are as follows: a, Heavy Machine Construction 1. Minister - Gerhard Ziller, Minister of the Machine Construction Ministry prior to its reorganization. 2. State Secretary - Lungwitz (fnu) SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2009/10/16: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA000700010003-0 Approved For Release 2009/10/16: CIA-RDP80-00810A000700010003-0 SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY -3- b. Transport Machine Construction A merger of the Bureau of Economic Affairs (Buero fuer Wirtsachaftsfragen) (BfW) Nordhausen (VEB ABUS Maschinenfabrik Nordhausen). 1. Minister - Helmut Wunderlich, at present managing director of Schiepperwerk, 1. Minister - not yet decided, (see paragraph /,below) 2. ,State Secretary - Ernst Wolf,.at present State Secretary, HV Schwer- maschinenbau. General Machine Construction . State Secretary - Friedrich Schneider, the present head of the Main Administration of VVB TEWA, with the Ministry for Transport Machine Construction is under consideration. If this should take place, Maj. Gen. Berndt Weinberger, present head of the BfW, will become Minister. It is said, however, that the Soviet Control Commission has not yet approved this move. 5. Dr. Alfred Wunderlich, State Secretary in the existing ministry and Minister Ziller?s personal representative, is expected to be given the post of Minister for Trade and Supply (Handel and Versorgung). Comment. It is still not known exactly when the new administrations 25X1 will become effective, but the incumbent Ministry is now in the process of setting. its affairs in order prior to evacuating its present premises. SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2009/10/16: CIA-RDP80-00810A000700010003-0