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Approved For Release 2002/07/12: CIA-RDP80-00810A000600450005-1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION This Document contains information affecting the Na- tional Defense of the United States, within the mean- ing of Title IL Sections 793 and 794, of the U.S. Code, as amended. Its tramanimion or revelation of its contenle to or receipt by an unauthorized Deleon IR Prohibited by law. The reproduction of this form IS prohibited. COUNTRY Feet Germany SUBJECT DATE OF INFO. PLACE ACQUIRED Industrial Production in East Germany 25X1A REPORT NO. DATE DISTR. NO. OF PAGES REQUIREMENT NO. REFERENCES 25X1A RD 17 March 1953 3 THE SOURCE EVALUATIONS IN THIS REPORT ARE DENNITIVE. THE APPRAISAL OP CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. (FOR KEY SEE REVERSE) 25X1X SOURCE: 1. Budkalk-Wolf, Magdeburgt In October 1952/the plant delivered sixteen 20 hp. engines to the Soviet Union as reparations. They are understood to be booster motors for jet engines. They have aluminum housings that will be delivered separately. Engines of the old Junkers 205d airplane engine type were built for the Seepolizei. The engines are water-cooled, of 200 hp., mounted three twrowther. Three engines were produced, part of an order from the Ministry of Machine Construction; ? they are said to be for the national shipyard at Stralsund. There is a current program for the same ministry for sixteen 320 hp. Diesel engines, each with a 120 hp. auxiliary engine. ' Of smaller engines, up to 80 hp., about 60 have been manufactured in the last three months (August to October). Other October production included 10 tons of track links for cater- pillars, and quantities of single parts for vehicles. 2. SAG Marten: The Marten steel works at Silbdtz bei Cross= produced about 3,000 track links for vehicles in October. Steel plate was also manufactured in the dimensions, 60 =wide, 1 meter long, and 5 to 8 am thick. In November 1952, 224 plates, mostly 40 am, were delivered to the SAG Waggonbau Weimar for further processing. They are reportedly intended for front plates for a type of armored vehicle resembling the Soviet T-9. The production of gears for cranes has dropped sharply. The Marten works atBesberg produced 52 tons of steel for ball bearings in October 1952. 3. VEB Geldechrankbau, Leipzig (formerly Fabrik Keeter)t This plant has been granted a credit of 6,000,000 Dl'! East, for purposes of making changes in the plant. The new uses to which it is to be converted are not yet known. 4. Meyer &Weichelt (VBB GUS)t This plant produced 11,000 track links in October 1952, which were delivered in semi-finished state to the Werkzeugunion Schmalkalden and the VEB Maschinenfabrik Salzungen. There has been a noticeable rise in the produc- tion of 55 mm and 88 mm shell oases; the daily output now is 150 to 180 pieces. 25X1A SECRET Approved For Release 2002/07/12 : CIA-RDP80-00810A000600450005-1 Approved For Release 2002/07/12: CIA-RDP80-00810A000600450005-1 i SECRET -2- f 25X1A PrOdbetion rates in other respects aim no changes, except that castingi are being atiyie for the NEB Kabzeugwerk Auerhammer, which is constructing an ellotrie steel furnace. : The Auerhammer plant ;rill also make shell cases. 'Maar FlUgzengbat, Bengsdorf: This plant employs only Soviet citizens. It Oakes parts for rockets. pixteen railroad cars were counted leaving the works in October. 6.-KrupptOrnsonl_NegdobUrg: This Plant operated at 100 percent capacity in, October 1952. Pert fox' locomotives Were the chief product. About 28 tone of track links were PrOdueed-. About the same number (28) of motorcycle* were delivered to a field postal service unit at Kirchmaser. 7. I= Widen, near Merlin-: This plant delivered six tank bodies to KrOpP-Orhaon for further fabrication, in October 1952. This work Will be done at Wildau after the enlargement of the works is completed. ,Tank turrets arecast in the plait; the plates are Made by the 8ilva4terke at -Magdeburg. The blanks for the turrets come froM thelialtverk Kirchnetser. The teaks apparently are a light type. The pro- duction of undeemOperti for motor Vehicles has increased, axle* and *Xle parts are manufactured and. delivered. to various' up plants. About 1,500 castings are made monthly, which are -said to be for Use as Warheads for rockets or torpedoes. The partare -of.theteme size-as,thope made in the Iasi war. 8. ifEB Naschinenfabrik Wrlitz: In October 1952, this plant turned out 12 rotary pu,s having a-capacity of 300 pe minute. They are for use in submarines. ?241actipfpr, 32 valves for submarines were delivered to the Chemische Maschinenfabrik Rudesliben, Kr. Arnstadt. The spring steel was of Belgian origin. 9. Bleichertundtp.,.telpidst This plant manufactured 12 spherical buckets for excavation lork:fer.the Soviet Union Lu October 1952; also cranes for customers in Czecho- slovakia and. Poland. Because of materials shortages, only 12 crane cars were pro- ducted? fro m 1 to 15 October. The shortages hindered the manufacture of vehicles generally.- More effort is being given to the production of parts, such as semi- finished shafts. Six large motor winches are in construction and will soon be rea4.7 for the finishing shop. 10. Eombinat titterfeld. Large quantities of electron-alloyjsic)bhave'been:xammOitured here since .22 October 1952. Production is estimated at 5 to.T.tons monthly. '? 11. Zeiss Janet :Infra-red equipment (searchlights and icodoscopes) is being produced An large quantity, about 4.0 piece* during the-pastmOnth. They are made in two _side's: 'for vehicles, wit% an Icreen'40 x P5 op; as telescope sights for small guns. The production of optical aiming devideslcontinuet-at the rate of ,abeut,30-piecea per month, Of type Al. Potentiometers (KOrompotentiometer) with .individual 24-1rolt.motors and eccentric potentiometer diScs Are manufactured in the folldwine*Oes: 0214.4.0, 0814-13, 0814481 0814-49. The VMS Nedizintechnik 4.04cipzigis:the prior deliverer. The SchOttwerke Make* reflectors and glass parts for searchlights. The searchlights are generallyOf 60 or 80 ren-in diameter. Sass parts for airfield. lighting units are also produced, with a length of about meter*. 12. Ihinainwsit-B8hleh: This Plant produced 4,096 tons ofamti-knodk-aviation gasoline ia the period from 27 October to 12 November 1952; also 1,620 tons of Diesel fuel. MO:aviation:gas is 96 octane. The Diesel fuel ie for the Red. Army in .the Soviet Union.-; Tar was delivered to chemical works in East-Germauy. SECRET.' Approved For Release 2002/07/12 : CIA-RDP80-00810A000600450005-1 Approved For Release 2002/07/12: CIA-RDP80-00810A000600450005-1 SECRET ??? -3-_ 25X1A 13. Drahtweberel Tem, Neustatit (Orla): A 14,ww, pure nickel-wire fabric has been manufactured #ere for the pant 11Ldas. It is of only about600 mess per square Lani instead. of 7,000 mesh as' Output for the period -Vas . 1,O0 square meterei. 'Cables for observation .,j2-!_ ?-1. were also manufactured. and abiPped,to Leipzig._ ?.! 25X1A ,I Lammattio Previous reports have ref to A-1 serialezunnery training.deviees-only.- . ? - .- 25X1A 2 pam.,12a0 Submitted undated, 1s-received. SECRET AMTP.(,,, Approved For Release 2002/07/12: CIA-RDP80-00810A000600450005-1