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This is UNEVALUAT Approved For Release 2009/09/21 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA00050004001 1 -0
1. Intro6uetion
2, The >> IT 380 ( N T A U C E T T O G ISL ;DCVi~TYELSi'IY
INSTITUT = Scientific Research in titutu)
in LL''dhGRAD.
pilot Plant attached to the 11II 380
production in the pilot plant
Supply of ,accessories and parts
Technical qualifte&tions of the Soviet
engineers crrnloyed at the "?II 330.
h Technical literature
4zages, State Loan, anc. disputes
Civil Defence in.the NII 330.
3. Gonditiohs as a:ffeoting the Gerrj;ana
(a) Documentation, and restrictions in
(b} MG:~3
c)) ::'o3:ltica 1
Observations i ade chile inn contact with Russians
a) Complaints
,rIthor-, goneral impressions
d~ Poverty among certain sectiofN of
5. Listeni;:ig, to foreign broadcasts
6. Television
1. Introduction:
;evict officer responsible for the ac
In r 4
nel t
Colonel. SL'LEZ jNV, requested Vila. Cer an; technical ?ersari o
sign oncycar 'eentracte to v or.i in I.,?'7T-_'7Ten similar rose x~h,
and he offered comparatively good sala.r ies. 'ith the exception
of very Pea, 1,:-jho aisaineared rather than enter into any contract,
ther z:'ith t;ieir families
nd to
the C,err.n+:;tochl.biass accepte
left. ~' II 36~
for L?`T GRAD mid Apr 4a.. The r jrere employed with the
(TTY"CITh1O ISL~'T~D(?V~T`ITTSTLIY fTOTIIUT = Scientific Research
- )EGR:'T?
Approved For Release 2009/09/21 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA00050004001 1 -0
Approved For Release 2009/09/21 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA00050004001 1 -0
'in spite of their contracts being for one ;rear only, the
Gerrnans hero not repatriated until Dec. 50. They- were told that
the contracts vivre not legally. binding on the Soviet Government,
as they not drawn up. on proper. Goveri ont paper by
Gol S=I21 7T who had, offcxed tneia on his mm initiative!
The NII 380 '~UC_t~."t I$LY' 7::trl r 5 :1`~ IN TITU T = Scientific
Research InstX t in L7 GRAD:
(a) Gt;neral
The 1 II 3h0 in Z:: NICGRAD is subordini to to the 1,47?SS
(hinisterstvo ?=ro sishlye. osti r;r4duty ; vya+:zi = Ministry for the
Production ')f T~;lecoru_ranicn tion quipricnt). :t first it oxi_I.ted
as a branch (f hivl) of an institute (of the saran design "ion
in ')t7t sor,x;tiriQ in 1`-AL.'I both equipr,cxt and
(-Russian as well as German - the latter having been taken to
shortly after the war from T.ti1 1,1;D in Dzuchoslava kia, where the
Pern.seh of 1 EJDi had been Evacuated durin ti 1% war) were
tre.aisfurred to Iu 3'?fl'Gl`AD. no
Institute of that designtign exists now in
(b) Loa_,.tion
The ?"?II 380 (for the lotion Of :which sec sketch (a) of
Aenexe I to this A >pcndix) is coriccrncai with esc rch. on television
oqui .:..nzt, in all its asix cts.
Institute u riployc a staff of UGL to 1, CC0 engi~ieers,
1=:,',)Oratory :assistents, techn ciaas ':L n:'- irfe c !7nl cs.
list of t.lr. leading .`7ovi 1'. p rso~a? ztics is givenn in
Arnexc 2 to this report, aa7,.d's Annexe 3 names the German technicians
employee at the Institute h the ~cx zod from 19)4-#; to and .195:.'.
a ,-rox half of the staff were
female, and that as rzany as 15 - 2C::; .of the staff were tc nporary,
being students gamin, so,- aufture OTy a 3iz Cs,;i:'~; PnAd H.,SCI?'~ i 1 ,.r 1 :SDI it sild so
were resistances (t factory in T: 'i TO :'1 t?.l?cl^rd: siglal gci rator3,
frog the
Dion instru:.ents for dcci:zetr. c t ch-nics e..:?a
precision s as vrolclin d p tin ~rore of
Sac such
4 i t< r;
G ,m rn ox~_gifl.
l clinical CtLaiifi atiofe Of the. ,~ov t n~1no s
c;c loycd_at th_II 3C
the general
a a ~tznr 2n ere *'~ ~ his fact,
run of so-; i ot enginc
which justifiable failure is dealt, notV!ithstanlr;
A. _-P _t..l'' e irZ Y]t-i.'?Z. oooncorno.d..
Approved For Release 2009/09/21 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA00050004001 1 -0
Approved For Release 2009/09/21 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA00050004001 1 -0
seen "vcc u cl;y'r (l eading)c.nginecrs rc;liov?d of their positions
!: ithout further ado r---hen they had to ace pit failure in
certain task,' even 'their desks. being removed fro the laboratory
cerxeerned. Under these cireuristances (i.e. the 1 a ck of opportunit-.r
to learn from r.~3?stalccs) it is understa? blo tit:_t lie; ~r j ors
Concerned nre:cer to conduct rese-aroh on. lines 1. i~J.ai. axe bo:1.nd t-,
bring them oertaili, though limited success," that is in co , ring chat
has been achi, ved lic fore.,. perhaps adding slight unproven r nts. i'his
is bound to kv,;p tli,c zi in Ca,;ir positions,
On taking over . tas'; of sohie ii.iportancc, against his
si nature, an engineer beooi.ies the "veeiusohy; (leading) engineer and
' thus the ::-holly and pea sonally responsib1 e for fulfilling th ;
task, All those essistizic-, him in the to slc concemed, even thot'. ;h
ti~; y rX t y ordinarily be his equals or Qv on superiors, become
subordinated to him fox the time being. It is he who i-,rites the
report on th prooe::di~~gs of the researoh in a ?pool; sy~ecially
provided for the pur -pose; the more. detail ci these re ort arc the
more they are appro-dated by the po+7ers that be. On completion of
the task the report. is handed to t;-i archives (Dpt 1) for safe
keeping. It ~*las, at a l .tex date, made available only to those
~-nga ed on the sane task. r.'ven th.; writer of the r- >art hiinsalf,
ncc he as engaged on a different task, could no longer obtain
the, report from tL.e archives.
(!1) TTt ch-Iia a l literature
''h tech= is al st?tf of t,-tu i, IT
oxcellcnt? l;tbrary.
80 had the use o f an
Ge r: zs: ere; concern~u, an -nom _rr techni
acccssi'ale to thou.,.
Foreign. technical liter2.ture ava-i_la al
~.S th i OlloFw'1 :.
1 Icotronias
r3:irv (Frequency odulatio:Z i~-:lo7lisicn)
RC, t vier,
B-11 Telephone
'fireless et gineeri 6
A;;~liad 7hysics
:Philips Research Reports,
as far as the.
(Great Britain)
it to
":l~e:~~ta..ta,~I,oa~ .nci 4is~n.;te~.
rhilo the (-c:nma.n moch4i.ies, technicians and eridnecrs ~~re
com aratiuclir 11 (fron. 2, C,00 to 7,r 0 rouzil:~s -),r mon.t'zl,
the wages/sc:laries of the Sovle% staff as folio -s:-
G leonors
Unskilled labourers
iii-?ski11od labourers
SI i1J.ed iporkers
Technici s
Tool t; eicc rs
250 rouble
5c" - 350
40u - 500
600 - 800
*1, 000
1,000 -
per mo"ith
i1 to
/ri' ginoers
Approved For Release 2009/09/21 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA00050004001 1 -0
Approved For Release 2009/09/21 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA00050004001 1 -0
-S .aORwT--
ginoexs with Uiix.vcrsity dkiSru e
lfrads of l boratorios
x.,200 roubles ?pop month
2., 000 tl tl N
1V11 ile the Germans wore? not asked to aontxibuto, the. Soviet staff
was c~Zpuctod to buy State- Loan bonds for the qt;ivajant of on
month I's yr .gus/salaries, to' b4 pt id in. instrLllnonts,
''As long 6s-the
re gime .,%s .such ,?1.mc not 'attn.cked, it ins certainly passible for the
Workers to shout, at,. and. cvfln.'insult their' supt:xiors, This iv s
t'regtxciitly the, case on y d.:ys. when d : crepanoias in the pa
paoket of 100 a.-nd.. even more. roubles caused the workers to give vent
they were. taking notes of t e. and wOi ght of the various
installations, as :~ro_ll as thy; .width of. the; -doors through ' a AA'
GE TECKVICIA' S E1TL0 D '; H THE 111 380 - SIG
R.. "''?"'tS ADT ( T_E1lIItiTS at5t1 AR~TSF,H C. )
~ a~.rd
1. SIEWMA`'N, fnu, Dipl.Ing. Reoatri D o $C;
Z. MALY, fnu, Dipl.Ing.
ZI.LTZ r frs'., Trey_
4, LL