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Approved For Release 2009/02/04: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA000100580004-6 CENTRAL INTEL-LIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT SEOBET SECURITY INFORMATION This Document contains information affecting the Na- tional Defense of the United States, within the mean- ing of Title 18, Sections 793 and 794, of the U.S. Code, as amended. Its transmission or revelation of Its contents to or receipt by an unauthorized person Is prohibited by law. The reproduction of this form Is prohibited. COUNTRY USSR (Par Bast) SUBJECT Far Eastern, Sakhalin, and Kamchatka- Dhukobi.Stwte Steamship Companies PLACE ACQUIRED This is UNEVALUATED Information REPORT DATE DISTR. 2 April 1953 NO. OF PAGES 3 REQUIREMENT NO. RD REFERENCES THE SOURCE EVALUATIONS IN THIS REPORT ARE DEFINITIVE. THE APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. (FOR KEY SEE REVERSE) Far Eastern State Steamshiv Comnan 1. The Far Eastern State Steamship Company (Dalnevostochnoye Qosudarstvennoye Morskoye Parokhodstvo - DAMP) was subordinate to the Ministry of the- Merch t Peet (NNS) through the Chief Directorate of the Par Eastern Fleet This was 25X1 the largest steamship company of the Ministry of the Merchant Flee The company's administration was in Vladivostok. The director of the Par Eastern Steamship Company was General Director MP Third Class Syrykh (fnu) (formerly director of the UOO1iP and Sovtanker). 2. The historical background of the Par Eastern Steamship Company is similar to that of the other MMF steamship companies which were nationalized in Pebruary of 1918 and went through several reorganizations before 1946. 3. The DGMP maintained freight and passenger transport lines among various ports of the Bering Sea, Sea of Okhotsk, and Sea of Japan. From time to time ships of this company made 'tripe to foreign ports, mainly to San Prancisco. However, since USSR trade relations with the Western Hemisphere have been severed, these transport lines have lost much of their importance. 4. The main cargoes transported by DGMP were as follows: coal from Buchan region (east of Vladivostok) and Uglegorsk region (on Sakhalin mainly to Sovetskaya Gavan 48-58, 3140-18 and Nikolayevek as Amore; POL products and cruide oil from Sakhalin; amber, machinery, and equipment, mainly to Magadan L69-34, E150-4q; processed metals mainl to Magadan; and grain, foodstuffs, fish, etc, from Vladivostok to all the other ports'l In addition to freight, the DGMP was very active in passenger transport, carrying large contingents of slave labor from one Par Eastern port to another. S3OBET STATE 6Z 1 ARMY J#X NAVY #x lAIR 4 = FBI AEC Not., Washin ton Distribution Indicated By 'W'; Field Distribution By "mist",1 25 YEAR RE-REVIEW Approved For Release 2009/02/04: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA000100580004-6 Approved For Release 2009/02/04: CIA-RDP80-00810A000100580004-6 SBCRET/SECURITY INFO TION -2_ The DGMP 1951 transport plate called for transport of 10 million toss of freight. this plan was fulfilled. 25X1 Organization of the I G P ad-ministration was- vei similar to that of the Baltic State Steamship Company However, the T/4 of 25X1 the DGMP rs administration ,was much larger and amounted to approximately 600-700 people. The DGMP's newspaper was called Tikhookeaas ,,y Xo!ZjA and the distribution was approa abtely four ousan d eopiee. The DGVP ' fleet was composed. of ai 'ip34,X1 tONTY 250 ft-sills. steam- 25X1 ships constituted about 7' Per cent of this fleet and diesel ships most of the remainder. the following ships belonging to 25X1 DOMlt (a) Steamships: -Aaa BNTI9_. k" IG 7 , XWR . TT T T,s T ''~Kldt a T', ''ING ~,''' a5'o fl AN. KT I B IN b~ v~ vv. G Y~1+ 5 (1) Diesel ships: 3,IQH. 'SMOL 'Y Amer, '. , D ?Z& ssffz ( icaA Land-Lea ce (c) Tankers p sTAL ,u%I o X4,114024286 and repair,of DOMP vessels was done at evostoobwyy Zavot in Vladivostok, a yard belonging to OlavMorProm; at Zavod #1 in a so% etskaya Oavan , a yard belonging to GlavMasbProay and at ship repair shops of the DGMP in Vladivostok. .SakY -a13n State~Steamshim Qommm~v 9. to 1946 some ships were taken from the DOMP,,,and the Sakhalin State Steamship Company (Sakhalinskoye Galadarstvennoye Parokhodstvo here called SQP) was organised hi an independent steamship **"any subordinate to the Ministry of the Mer h t e. eat brough the Chief Directorate of the Par Eastern Fleet The company's 25X1 administration was in Kholmsk on the eland of 3iakkalia, From 1950 the diroet r of the SOP was General Director NP 1hire class (tam Eorobtsov (formed director of the Baltic Steamship Company, Northern Mar time Steamship Company, and Par Eastern State steam- ship Company). 10, Main cargoes transported by SOP were as followst tuber, coal, POO products, cr-de oil, machinery and eq eat, oonstruetiea materials, rocessed metals, and foodstuffs, The V, S transport plow called !'or transport or two million, tons of cargo, ll. 0101, or m Soh administration was similar to that of 'lot at on a smaller seals. The company's newspaper 25X1 was o led- as SS. The sop maintained freight 404 Pass eennggeer dimes between various ports on Sakhalin, Sea of Okhotsk a Vladtwa~stek. The SOP fleet was oe o~ ? s! s Maintenance and repair of sop vessels was done a Dai - 25X1 nevostoehn: ,n Isivod in Vladivostok cad the company's ship repair shops is ~Chola.k, SIvr (American Lend-Lease) , Approved For Release 2009/02/04: CIA-RDP80-00810A000100580004-6 1 Approved For Release 2009/02/04: CIA-RDP80-00810A000100580004-6 SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION -3- Kamchatka-Chukchi State Steamship Company 13. The Kamchatka-Chukchi State Steamship Company (Kamchatsko- Chukskoye Gosudarstvennoye Parokhodstvo - KChGP) was organized probably in 1951. The company's administration was in Petropavlovsk na Kamehatke. Director of KChGP was General Director NF 'third Q lass : Matyushev (formerly director of KaspYflot, Soviet Danubian State Steamship Company, and Sakhalin State Steamship Company). 14. Creation. of KChGP game about- because' of postwar developments, namely the. Incorporation of E ri1 ,, Ostrova and Southern Sakhalin into the' USSR, and the wish of the Soviet Gover ent . to give these areas, :for propaganda reasons, their own regional organism ions 15. 'The EahOP- intained freight and passe rger ines betty. a Sakhalin, Kuril s - Ostrova., Chukotskiy Peninsula L' of Alask, f, and Vladivostok. The annual freight transport of this -company may amount to approxiMately 1.5 million tons. SECRET Approved For Release 2009/02/04: CIA-RDP80-00810A000100580004-6