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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700230025-7 STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700230025-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700230025-7 STAT STATUTES OF THE HUNGARIAN WORKERS PARTY A Magyar DolAOZOk Partin Szervezeti Szabal eta Budapest I. NAME OF THE PARTY 1. The name of the party is the Hungarisn Workers Party. The Hungarian Workers Party unites the forces of the Hungarian Communist Party and the Social De:.ocratic Party, thus ending the decade- long disunity of the Hungarian working class. In the first places the party is the shock troop of the only consistently socialist class. At tiie same time, it is the workers' nsrty, which unites within its ranks the peasants as well as the best of the working intellectuals. It embraces s wide range of workers and is a mesa party, which recruits its membership from the entire working people and is welded together with the wor'rers. The party is the highest form of organization of the working class and of the working people. The party's activities are directed by the teachings of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin. The party carries on the revolutionary traditions of the working class, continues the Hungarian people's fight for freedom; and is the heir and promoter of Hungarian pro~?essive ideas. The party fights for a socialistic society in which exploiting classes and exploitation of man by man will cease, the differences of the working classes will vanish, and progress will lead toward Communism. II. RESPONSIBII,ITIES r\ND RIGHTS OF PARTY ME2+IDERS 2. The party member identifies hissel_? with the sins, the program and the political line of the party participates in the work of a basic organization, subordinates himself to party discipline, and pays his membership dues regularly. Only persons who have attained the age of 16 years can become party members. 3? The responsibilities of the party member are as follows: a. To fight with all his might for the party, the working people, the country, and the prosperity of the Hungarian Republic. b. To develop continuously his political knowledge, increase his cultural level, and make every effort to ::.aster Marxist-Leninist doctrines. c. To safeguard vigilantly the party's ideological purity and organizational unity and to protect the party against all enemies. d. To carry out the resolutions of party organs with discipline. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700230025-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700230025-7 STAT e. To strengthen his relations with the masses, ~nligh:r:n them on the party's politics, and be their counselo:? and leader. f. To lead in production, Set an exar..ple in work discipline and professional training, and guard law and order and the discipline of the people's democratic state. }+. The rights of the party member are as follows: a. To participate in the party's political an3 organizational debates and in the formulation of resolutions. b. To criticize the work of the patty and the actiiit:es of party members and organs at party meetings and conferences. c. To participate in the election of ti:e ,aarty's leading or Gans as candidate for election and voter. d. To address questions or petitions to higher party organs, as far as the Central Com::ittee and the National Conte ess. III. RESPONSIBILITIES AIID RIGHTS OF CANDIDATES FOR PARTY MEDIBERSHIP 5. The preliminary school for party membership is the probationary membership. The purpose of the probationary membership is to enable a person who desires to beco:ce a warty member to familiarize himself with the progrn,^., bylaws, and political line of the party, and also to give the party an opportunity to study the candidate's sincerity toward the party and the People's Democracy. u. The responsibilities and ri:,hts of the candidate are similar to those of the merbers. However, the candidates participate ;n the deliberations of party meetings and conferences but do not possess voting rights an3 are not eligible for election to any party organ or coa_.ittee. IV, ADMISSIDN OF PARTY MEMBERS AND CANDIDATES, TERMINATION OF PARTY MEMBERSHIP AND CANDIDACY, DEMDTIDN OF PARTY MEMBERS ANi! CANDIDATES 7. New party members can be ad^itted to the party only individually. Generally, new party mec:bers can be selected only fro:. the candidates, and then only from those who have been candidates for 6 months and have proved to be worthy of party me:::oership as a rea?_ilt of their work. :\ candidate is required to submit his written request for party me::.bership to the secretary of his kcal party organ. The request must be accompanied by the written reco;.mendations of two sponsors who have been members of '.nc Hungarian Co^r unist Party, ti;e Social Democratic Party, or 'the Hungarian Workers Party for at least 2 years, and have kno~.m the candidate as a result of common activity for at least 5 months. The sponsors are respon- sible to the party for their recom;::endations. Recommendation for the ad::assion of a new :::ember is submitted by the coc_.ittee of the basic organ to the membership ?eetin~ of the basic organ and the admission is approved by the megye or jams Harty conusittee. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700230025-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700230025-7 STAT In exceptional cases, applicants may be admitted io gist:;; :::e:~.bership without the recommendation of the basic organ or after a period oi' candidacy of less than 6 months, by the Central Committee, a megye co:rrrittee, or the party committee of Budapest, Szeged, Miskolc, or Pecs. 8. Candidates can be admitted to the party only individually as candidates. The applicant for candidacy is required to complete nn admission declaration accompanied by written recommendations of two sponsors who have been members of the Hungarian Co:mnunist Party the Social Democratic Party, or the Hungarian Workers Party for at least one year and who are familiar with the candidate as a result of common activity. The sponsors are responsible to the party for their recommendations. Recor.~;:andation for the admission of candidates is subm~cted by the com.?nittee of ti:c basic organ to the membership meeting of the basic orgsn for decision and i~ approved by the megye or ,jaras party committee. 9. The party member who performs his party duties with negligence, fails to participate in party rallies and meetings, fails to train himself, or fails to perform party work can he demoted to candidate status. The remotion is decided by the megye or Maras party committee on the basis of the recommendation of the co:n::iittee of the basic organ. 10. The party me:.ber or candidate who without justification fails to pay his membership dues for 3 months or to fulfill his responsibilities after a warning loses his party membership or his designation as a candidate. The termination of party membership or of candidacy is recom:ended by the coc:-Sttee of the local organ, and the decision is made by the membershin meeting of the basic organ, which must submit it to the district, regional, or city party committee for approval or disapproval. 11. Party members and candidates employed in institutions and enter- prises are affiliated with the party organ of their place of employ:;.ent, but the party organ of their residential area must also keep n record of them. All other party members and candidates belong to the ?arty organ of their place of residence. 12. If a psrty member or candidate changes his residence o_ place of employment he must be transferred to the party organ of his new place of residence or employment. The party member or candidate must also leave the transfer recorded in his membership book. V. STRUCTURE OF THE PARTY ORGANIZITION 13? The party is organized on the principle of democratic centralism. This means the following: a. The important top organs of the party are elected democratically at membership meetings, party conferences, and national party congresses. b. The leading organs are required to give an account of their activities to the party organizations. c. The party organizations and?co:luittees de:ocratically debate the political line and tasks of the party. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700230025-7, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700230025-7 STAT d. In case of a difference of opinion, the minor_ty is -squired to abide by the decision of the majority, and each party member and candidate is obligated to carry out the decision. e. The lower organs and party members as well as tl:e candidates are required to carry out the decisions of the National Congress and of the leading organs, even thounh individual mecbers, candidates, or party organs are not in agreement with the decision. f. In all organs and orgsnizations of the party, decisions are reached by sicple majority. g. Each party organ can decide local proble s indepe;:dently, but these decisions cannot conflict with the party's program, pria:i.les, or practical policy. h. Democracy within ti:e party cakes possible and demands wide development of solid party discipline, constructive criticism, and self- criticism, a prerequisite for the good work of party organizations, r,.embers, and candidates. 'J1? THE NATIONAL CONGRESS 14. The highest organ of the party is the Pational Con~?ess, which is convo};ed every second year by the Central Co::_~ittee. The Central Co:;;;:ittee may, on its own initiative or on the motion of one third of the party members, convoke a special congress. Delegates to the re~lnr as well as the special congress are elected democratically at party conferences. The number of delegates of each party organization is established by the Central Caunittee. 15? The Ilationnl Congress does the following: a. Hesrs and reviews the reuort of t!;e Central Co::_:attee, approves or ;7odifies the party's pro?ra and statutes, and works out the political, tactical, and organizational lines of the parts;. b. Establishes the nu:..ber of members of the Centrsl Cou..ittce and the Central Control Cocun_ttee and elects these organs der.ocratically. VII. THP NATIONAL ?ARTY :.ONFERi;Ir'CE 1.;. Between two congresses, the Central Co::;.attee may, on its own initistive, convolve n national party coni'erence. The nctional :arty con- ference consists of the delegates and Ikarty funetionarics of the megyek and of Dudapest, Szeged, Miskolc, and Pecc. The proportion of ;arty cember- ship and the significance o? the individual party organizations are con- sidered by the Central Comrittee i.n determining the nur.:.~ei? of delegates of the Hari;;; committees at the national party confer::nce. 17. The national party conference decides on political and orgar.ii~:- tional problems arising during the interim between two con.;resses. 18. The national party conference .s authorized to re-elect one fifth of the members of the Central Cocv::ittee. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700230025-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700230025-7 VIZI. THE CENTRAL COh4fITPEE 19? The Central Committee directs the party during the interim between two national party congresses and represents the party before other political parties, organizations, state institutions, or state authorities. 20. The Central Committee elects the following Prom its own members: a. The president, secretary-general, and deputy secretary-general of the party. b. The Political Committee, which executes the resolutions of the Central Co:mnittee and decides on all questions during the interim between two sessions oP the Central Committee. c. The Organizing Committee, for the supervision of organizational cork. The Committee has the task of directing, unifying, and supervising the al~oaratus and organs of the party. The Organizing Committee submits its more important resolutions to the Political Coi;~:.ittee for approval. d. The Secretariat, which conducts the affairs of t:ie party during the interim between two sessions of the Political Co~rittee. The Central Committee also appoints the responsible directors of the central party press. 21. The operations of the Political Com.-Sttee and Secretariat are directed by the Secretary~;eneral. IX. CENTRAL CONTROL COMi~IITTEE 22. The tasks of the Central Control Co mittee are as follows: a. To watch over the political attitudes, morality, and loyalty to the party of party members and candidates. b. To wage a relentless fight against all undisciplined actions, factionism, and all forns of corruption. c. To guard against infiltration into the party 'oy persons who are injurious to the interests and moral beliefs of the working people, snd by enemies of the working people. 23? The Central Control Committee may institute investigations against party members and candidates and impose penalties in accordance with the organizational regulations. 24. In addition to the Central Control Cocunittee, all Harty orga:., and basic organ committees can conduct disciplinary investigations against party members snd candidates and can render decisions; however, the decisions must be submitted to the higher party organ for review. 25. Decisions on expulsion or disciplinary punishment cannot be announced erithout the approval of the higher organ or of the Central Control Committee. 26. The Central Control Committee is subordinate to the ,jurisdiction oY the Central Committee. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700230025-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700230025-7 STAT X. MEGYE, JARAS, ARE.q (KGAZET), CITY, AtiD CITY DISTRICT CO:IIrSTTEES 27. The supervising organ of the megye party orgnnizntion is tiie megye party conference, which democratically elects the member :,:egye board of 31-41 members. During the interim between two megye conferences, the megye com?ittee is the directing organ of the party megye orgnnizntion. The megye committee elects a subcommittee consisting of ~-13 members frog its mcnber- ship to conduct routine matters and to unify and direct the party organiza- tions. The megye comnattee meets monthly and the subcommittee meets weekly. 2B. The supervising organ of all party organizations of the ,;aras of area is the ,jaras or area party conference, which elects a 25-31-member jaras or area committee. The jaras or area committee elects from its membership a jaras subcommittee consisting of j-11 members to unify and direct the jaras party organizations. 29? The supervisory organs of the Budapest, Szeged, MisY.olc, and Pecs party organizations are the Budapest, Szeged, Miskolc, and Pecs party conferences, respectively. Each of these has a com ittee consisting of 31-43 me::isers. Each cor,.mittee, in turn, elects n subcommittee of ','-11 members for the purpose of unifying and directing the party organizations. The Budapest, Szeged, 6fiskolc, and Pecs party com.ittees are directly under the jurisdiction of the Central Com::attee. 30. In Budapest, the party organization is co.:iposed of city district organs. The supervisory organ of the basic organizations of the city district is the city district party conference, which elects a city district comrittee of 31J~1 members. Each city district, in turn, elects a sub- committee of 11-15 members to direct the city district, area, and plant basic organizations. 31. The supervisory organ of city party organizations is t:ie ci~y party conference, which elects a city com:.:ittee of 25-31 mer:bers. In turn, each committee elects a subcom:~ittee of ,-13 members to unify an3 direct the area and industrial basic organs. 32. The party may have only one central com:ittee in each city and town. It has the task of unifying and directing all basic organizations and party members in the city or town. 33? A secretary and a deputy secretary are elected from the me:.:bers of the party com:::ittee of each of the follo~ring: Budapest, Szeged, Miskolc, Pecs, and each county. A chairman and a secretary are elected in each city, area, and city district from the me::::ers of the party committee and basic organizations. The secretary directs the committee's worFc. He is responsible to his own cocucittce and to the supervisory organ for his work. The chairman presides at committee and membership meetings, assists the secretary in the litter's work, and, together with the secretary, represents t;hc party before other political parties, organizations, and authorit`_,.. Yrithin the committee, work is divided. Each com::;ittee member directs a branch of party work: organization, training, cadre, propaganda, rroduction, adml.,is- tration, mass organizstions, trade unions, cooperatives, women's and youths' work, the cashier's department, etc.- 34. The membe~?s of the megye; ,;aras, area, city, and city 3istrict com- rattees are confir~:ed by the Central Committee. The Central Cou:ittcc has authority to declare the election of a local co::_::ittee or of r.:er:bers of a local committee null and. void. In unusual circumstances, the Central Com- mittee can appoint a temporary local committee. i Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700230025-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700230025-7 STAT XI. BASIC ORGANIZATIOi1S 35. The party structure is based on basic organizations. The msic organization is the smallest independent organizational unit, which cannot be subdivided. The basic organizations are the plant, area, village, and farm party organizations. Ever~~ basic organizat'.on is n supporting factor for the party in the accomplishment of the party's political, propaganda, and organizing work among the masses. To form a basic organization, at lea^,t three party members are required. 3u. The tasks oP the basic organization are as follows: formulation oP the party's local policy, raising of the politics? level of i:arty members, dissemination and popularization of policy, organization of membership, collection of membership dues, protection of the everyday interests of xorkers, and execution of party directives. 37? The supervising organ of the ulant party organization with a me:.ioer^,hip of less than 1,000 is the plant party men.;bership meeting, which elects n committee of 5-11 members. The plant party organizations are part of tae city, city district, or town party organization and are under its jurisdiction. 3A? Each plant party organization with a me:;.bership of more than 1,000 elects a com.,.ittee. The most important among these organizations are subordinated directly to the Budapest party committee or, in rural areas, to the megye party committee. 3`J? In large industrial party organizations where a slant party cocrrittee exists, the shop party organization has the privileges of the basic organization. 40. The local organization in the cities, city districts, or larger towns which has a large membership is divided into area basic organiza- tions. The area basic organization has a me:::bership of 100~~00. If membership exceeds 400, a new local organization may be formed with the permission of the supervisory organ. Tito supervisory organ. of the wren organization is the town and farm party mebership meeting, which elects n committee of 3-11 members. 41. In tae villages and farm groups, village and farm party organiza- tions are operating. The supervisory organ of the farm party organization i, the village membership meeting, which elects n committee of 3-11 r..embers. 42. The affairs of a party organization whose me:mbersiiip does not exceed ten are conducted by a secretary elected by the Harty meeting, in- stead of a co.:inittee. h3? The co:;~mittee of the basic organization is confirmed by t'.ie supervisory party organ. 44. A11 tasks set by the party are carried out by the warty workers under the direction of the comr:,ittee of the party organization. The party workers are the most class-conscious and devoted party members, elected on the basis of their party work and upon the recom::endation of the com- mittee of the local party organization by the party workers meeting. 45? The members of the basic organization are divided into groups of ten, headed by stewards, for the p?.upose of improving political and indoctrina- tion work, getting acquainted with party mec:rbers, inducing them to participate in party work, and collecting party dues. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700230025-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700230025-7 XII. NATION~IL ASSEMBLY, i?1UNICZPAL, bIGG7C~, AI7D TOWN GROUPS 4u. Party members of the national assembly, ::unicipal, and megye com- mittees and town councils form parliamentary, municipal, meg?e, and town council groups, respectively. Each group is headed by a com;attee oP 3 9 members. Esch committee is confirmed by tine appropriate supervisory organ and is subordinate to the appropriate local committee or directly to the Central Committee. All party me:ibers employed in the government, public administration, the mass organizations, and elsewhere are subordinate to the Central Committee or the local cocattee. The Central Co:.r.ittee or the local com;:,ittee has the authority to recall the party members from the above bodies. XIII. PARTY DISCIPLINE 1~7? Tlie Hun~arinn '~lorkers Party can fulfill its task only if it is nn embodiment of discipline sad organization. In the party iron discipline exists to which every party member and party organization is required to sub~:it. This iron discipline does not exclude but rather postulates purposeful and voluntary subordination, because only deliberate discipline can be true iron discipline. The discipline in the party car. be realized only with unity of purpose and with the co-.;plete and unconditional unity of action of all party members. Only through a relentless fight against compromising and undisciplined ele:..ents can the Hungarian Workers Party safeguard unity and discipline in its ranks. 1+f1. There is no place in the party for individual groups or factions, because these undermine the unity and fighting preparedness of the party. Anyone who organizes a faction within the party or participates in it, or slackens or disrupts party discipline :::ust be rer.:oved from the party ranks as an enemy. 1+). 2?Ie;;berc who harm the discipline or morale of the party or oppo^,e the party's political line nay be sub,Ject to penalties by the na:?ty.organiza- tion, the local and supervisory com::ittees, and the Central Conc;.ittee. The party penalty to be imposed is, according to the gravity of the case, reprimand, censure, severe censure, or expulsion from the party. The penalty can be appealed to the supervisory party organization, as far as the National Congress. The penalty reu~nins in effect until it is modified by n supervisory organ. 50. The Central Committee iany institute proceedings and take action ngains~ any party member who violates the discipline or intere_ta ;;; lire party. The Central Conmittee is authorized to dissolve any party organiza- tions or local committees whose operations are opposed to the aims, policy. or statutes of the party. 51. The statutes of the Hungarian l~lorl:ers Party are the constitution of tl:e party and constitute a law for every part;,? r..ember and natty organization. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700230025-7