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Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700220265-9 - MAh 1552 51-4C 25X1 25X1 25X1 COUNTRY CLASSIFICATION RESgTED CENTRAL 11 _ , -_-,=-.._- ..j-.._ _ JV~JGNI ~?? ??-??, ra.q aa, a, , Biographic - Government pereopnel HOW PUBLISHED Daily newspapers WHERE PUBLISHED Mogadiscio; Asmara DATE PUBLISHED 25 Sep 1952 - 10 Jan 1953 LANGUAGE Italian T51D DGIAw[$V CDh T-I$I ITIDiSA TICS UI[CTIN0 TIT h-TIO -? 0[I[-[[ DI 151 UN II[D %1.7t 1. 51151$ 151 YCONI$0 DI 111 Lit I5, [TOT I ON[ 1[1 AND 751. 01 T5[ U.[. COD[, -[ -U[ND1D. IT) T5-h1UIO5ION 05 -[Y[. C-TIOh 01 IT[ CO$T[h T[ TO 0- -[C[ITT ?Y ?h Uh1Ut50512N -[5555 I! ? - - ? I - I T I O - 1 1 5 . ?5[-[r 5000 00!0 h O r h i l t ?O.. II .-O..I [IT[C_ 25X1 DATE DIST. ~ May 1953 NO. OF PAGES 7 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION SOMALI AND ERITREAN REPRESENTATIVE, Lnformation on graphics material is appended] COMPOSITION OF NEW SOMALI TERRITORIAL COUNCIL -- Mogadiscio, 11 Corriere Following. .is. the-lis_t of the members of the Somal Territorial Council who will-seve.3 n 1953. Regional Representatives Abdi Bulle Aden, Abdullah Aden Fido, Abdurahman All Issa, Arshe Au, Musa, Duale Cahie, Hagi Abdulcadir Abubaker, Hagi Ahmed Alio, Hagi Dahir Set Giama, Hagi Mohamed Sheik Ahmed, Hagi Mussa Samantar, Hagi Osman Ibrahim, Hagi Said Farah Aden, Iko Hassan Baharo, Islao Omar All, Mahallim Omar Mohamed Hussein,' Omar Bogor Osman, Sheik All Giumale Barale, Sheik Ali Sheik Mussa, Sheik Muktar Mohamed, Sherif Abdullah Sherif Abdurahman, and Shaf fat Hussein. Political Representatives Abdi Nur Mohamed Hussein,; Aden Abdullah Osman, Aden Shire Giama, Ahmed Tusuf Shaffi, All Mahallim Abiker, Alio Mohamed, Hagi Abdio Ibrau, Hagi Farah All Omar, Hagi Mussa Bogor, Ha i Salah Sheik Omar, Hussein Osman Hassan, Iman Osman All, Islao Mahadalle Moh ed, Issak Bashir Ibrahim, Mohamed Sheik Osman Haile, I4ahamud Abdi Nur Giugio1 Osman Mohamed Hussein, and Sheik Mohamud Mohamed Farah. Economic Representatives All Shido Abdi, Dr Ferdinando Bigi, Genesio Ciccotti, Antonino Falcone, Hagi Nur Mahallim, Mohamed Is4a Osman, Osman Ahmed, and Sherif Salah ben Omar, STATE NAW ARMY __ AIR NS- x1 FBI RESTRICTED ~-~ DISTRIBUTION 1 I 1 _~.T----1 Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700220265-9 Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700220265-9 25X1 RESTRICTED 0 Cultural Representative Sheik Faghi Sheik Mohamed. Minorities Representatives Attorney Francesco Bona, Ahmed Fadel Hasham, and Hagi Mohamed Obadi. COMPOSITION OF NEW MOGADISCIO RESIDENCY COUNCIL -- Mogadiscio, I1 Corriere della Somalia, 4 Nov 52 The members of the Mog.adiscio Residency Council, vi,o;e term of office is to run from 1 November 1952 to 31.October 1953 are lilted below, with the tribal membership, political party affiliation, natlerality, or country of origin of each given after his name. Sheik Abdullah Sheik Mohamed, Deghedi; Sheik Abucar Sheik Mohiddin, Rer Faghi; Sheik Mohamed Osman .curl, Shanshn; Imen Mohamed Ahmed, Abgal Iacub; Hagi Musa Bogor, Osman ;?;ohamud; Sherif Eiuarus All, Asheraf; Mursal Mohamed, Iantar; Ugaz Tarambi ltgaz Mumin, Murusada Fol Ulus; Sheik Ahmed Giaule, Murusada Septi; Hagi Mohamed Abdi, Ogaden Auliahan; Beiene Derar, Eritrea; Mahadalle lero, Murusada Fol. Ulus; Hagi Mohamed ObRdi. Tnr+.= Arab; Islao Omar Culmie, Avergbedir Soleirran, and Sheik All Zeno, Ash, ncf,. Also Hagi Ahmed Iusuf Ali, Osman Mohamud; Sheik Mohiddin Sheik Mohamed, Her Faghi; Mahadi Mohamud Mohamed, Abgal Aves Ali Nur, Seddahghedi; Sheik Abicar Mahad, Rabaruen; Carama HaEi ?ir;? An, her Magno; Sheik Moheddin Sheik Hagi Aves, Tunni; Iiagi All Mahadio, kar?sho; Herzi P:,r?,h, Meheri; Cali C Mohamed Aves Abdi, Calmashube; Abdi Beri Alas:so, HartiA'.bgral; `?agi All Abdi, Hauadle; Hagi Said Abucar, Her 1.aF,no; HaFi Ahmed Shibin, Osman Mohamud; Sheik Mohamed Soleman, Umrni Arab; Mohamed All Iusul, Osman Mohamud; Hilole I`..ihallim Mohamed, Ogaden; ;oho Ibrahim, ::lei; Abucar HaCi All, Dafet Erdo; Mohamed Mohamud Roro, Eli Omar; Eden Salad, Dafet Huber; and Abdulloh Ahmed Mire, Abagibil. Also Abdullah Hagi Abdi :fur, Shidle; Abdur:,hme,n Ahmed, Ogaden; Muddei All. Ahmed, Bandabo; Sheik Abdaliah ,Mohamed, ;?:iglurtinie; Abdulhamid Salim, Yemenite Arab; Iman Mohamed Hussen, Gabauen; Herzi Gueri. Averghedir; Catib Abdurahman Abucar, Dandabo Gudmane; Sheik I+ar Huosin, Eritrea; Auad Mohamed Dirshe, i:ir; Moha:rud Mohamed Harur, Abgal CavaLle; Hagi All Hilole, Abgal Uaesle; UEaz Abdulle Ugaz Omar, Abgal baud: Hiin'.r 14ohallim, Abgal Daud; Mohamud Mohamed ShiLale, Averghedir Aer; Reale Osman:, Hillivi; Dagane Ahmed, Scekal Loboghe; Male Osman Moharned !?Iumin, Scashietti; Abdullah All Ahmed, Bandab; and Osman Hagi lusui?, Osman 1..iharnud. Also Iola;; Omar All. Abgal Iacub; ;Iuane Herzi Ear, Osman Mohamud; All Iassir. Osman Mohamed; it-tgi Osman Mohamed, Hillivi; Hagi Ahmed Cahie, rghedir ;er?; Ahmed ;ohuned Giumale linanze, Eli Omar; Ali Farah, Meheri; 1,;Iao ; ol. ::;ed Apchel, Abgal lacub; Osman Diblave Danshe, Murusada Septi; All Hao:;an Giumale, Murusada Fol Ulus; Sheik Nur Abdi Shacur, Sheik Slnu:;in; Sh'ik Abucar Sheik Abed, Gheledi Gobron; Farah All Farah 01of, Omar 1?fuhamud; !u.1na MohulLim Mahal, AbdallFlh Galmah; Herzi Dorre, Marehan; 1;ohamud Addo Kelahe, Abdullah Galmah; Xohirnud Herzi, Meheri; Iahia Sadick, Her eghi; HaEi Ali Sadicl:, Amudi; Hagi Mohamud ;ubrie, Abgal Uaesle; Abdutcudir i:ur Omar, Shidle; Mohamed Sheik Ahmed, '.bgr,l baud; Ibrahim Mohullis All Deghei, Abgal Matan; Mohamud Ilunsen liilole, Abgal Iusuf; Mohamed Eanto, GeLgial.; :!ohamed Her H si, Shekal; and Mohamed Olol Dinle, Agiuran. Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700220265-9 Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700220265-9 25X1 Political Party Representatives Islao Mahadalle Mohamed and Hagi Mohamud Fodle, Conferenza della Somalia (Conference of Somalia); Hagi Abdurahman Olusso and Mohamud Nur Mohamed, Unione Nazionale Somala (Somali National Union); Mohamed Hagi Adnan and Mohamed Has- san Gurei, Unions Africani Somalia (Union of Africans in Somalia); Abdio Eno Mohamed and Hagi Abdullah Mursal, Hizbia Dighil Mirifle; Hagi Mohamud Siad Fodle and Sid Mohamed Ali, Legs. Progressista Somala (Somali Progressive League); Mohid.din Mohallim and, Abdi Uehelie, Associazione Gioventu Abgal (Abgal Youth Association); Hagi Mohamed Abucar and Omar Daud Mahdi, Hidaiet Islam Shidle Mobilen; and Sherif Mohamed Hussein and Hagi Sufi Mohamed Dinle, Unione Giovani Benadir (Benadir Youth Union). Also Mohamed Sheik Hussein Abrar and 3heiir Sr_i= Saji.:Bafadal, Unione Difrsa della Somalia (Somali Defense Union); Hagi Omar Git~aa ana rioi-med Ossoble Uassu te, Legs. Nazionale Somala (Somali *14*i' -j TAgoue); Hagi Mohamed Sahidi and All Tuber All, Unione Patricttica Bimalia (Bimal Patriotic Union); Mohamud Mohamed Omar Afgirib and levaro Omar, ;om.L ato Progresso bomalo (Somali Progress Committee); Osman Alio and Abucar Omar Shego Danane, Unione Maniferro Somalia (Naniferro Union of Somalia); and Osman Ahmed Roble and Uarsama Hassan Egal, Legs dei Giovani Somali (Somali Youth League). Eminent Personalities Sheik Abdullatif Sheik Omar, Hagi Mahamud Abdullah Dirir, li:agi Dirie Herzi, Gueld Mohamed Giama, Hagi Mahamud Farah, Mohamedali Jammohamed, Mohamud Agana Omar, Abdulcadir Tabit Galib, Giumale Barre Toho, Hussen Malak, Abucar Gassim, Mohamed Sheik Mussa, Harilal Han:;raj Batavia, Gaid Mohamed Muradi, All Shiddo, Mohamed Mahamud Ghibin, Madina Mahamud Amir, Mumina Uehelie Husain, Dahira Ibrahim Hamud, Habiba Osman Muddei, Asha Giama Bilbil, Sherif Omar Abo Imanchio, All Mohamed Binquer, Ahmed Mudhish Carbash, Ahmed Fadel Hashim, and Chiaanbhai Ambalal Patel. Also Abraha.Ghebriet, Fitrturant Gheresgher:dedin, Sheik Addo Sheik Mohamed Sheik Suii, Sherif Mohamud Abaurrabman, Hagi Mano Aves, Sheia Abdullah (Cadi), Iahia Hagi Abdullah, Shiir Mohamed Ronei, Maccaran Addo, All Mohamed Halanle, Aden Shire Giama, Geilani Malak Osman, Hagi Saleh Sheik Omar, Mohamed Sheik Osman Edmondo, Abucar Hamud Socoro, Dilaho Giumale Gaal, Sheik Mohamed Abucar Afrah, Hussenbhoi A. H. Jevraji, Hagi Ahmed Barre, Insuf Egal, Ahmadei Mussa Hagi, Hagi Omar Shego, and Sheik Mohamed Aden Mussa (First Cadi). SOMALI COURT ASSESSORS SWORN IN FOR 1953 -- Mogadiscio,. 11 Corriere della Somalia, 10 Jan 53 On 9 January 1953, the assessors of the appeals section of the Court of Assize and the assessors of the Court of Assize proper were sworn into office for 1953 The swearing-in ceremony was attended by the following officials: Dr Mario Canino, Secretary General of .oma]ia; Dr Ferdinando Cannavina, head of the Office of Judicial Affairs of the Italian Trusteeship Administration and Court of appeals Counselor; Dr Carlo Gentilucci, judge; Col Walter Marciante, prosecutor of the appeals section of the Court of Assize; Dr Carlo Prisco; and Sheik Hagi Abuker Abdullah, caidal chief. The Moslem assessors were sworn in by Sheik gag'. Abuker Abdullah and the Italian assessors, by Dr Carlo Gentilucci. The assessors appointed to serve in the appeals section of the Court of Assize are as follows: Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700220265-9 Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700220265-9 25X1 Sheik Abdullah Sheik Mohamed; Sheik Abdullah Sheik Omar; Ahmed Alaui Gherbi; Sheik Ahmed Giaule; Ahmed Mohamed Giumale; Hagi Ahmed Shilin; Sherif All Zeno; Veglio Bertani, land surveyor; Dr Sebastiano Caccetta; Carama Hagi Nur Afi; Genesio Giccotti, land surveyor; Lindo Ciurli, accountant; Dr Cesare Corno; Dr Camillo Decina; Elios Dussol, accountant; Domenico Deganello, ac- countant; Hagi Hersi Gurei; Dr Italo Gentilini; Marco Gioacchino, land sur- veyor; Prof Vincenzo Greco; Guido Guarino, accountant; Islao Mahadalle Mohamed; Islao Mohamed Afeheri; Islao Omar Ali; Enrico Lagorio, accountant; Dr Carmelo Lo Magro; Hagi Mohamed Abdi; Hagi Mohamed Abadi; Mohamed Sheik Osman; Mohamud Agane Omar; Mussa Erzi Bogor; Sherif Omar Abo Imanchio; Armando Pizzoglio, land surveyor; Prof Carlo Guido Raggi; Ugaz Tarambi Ugaz Mumin; Said Abucar; Dr Vito Rella; Pietro Sartori, accountant; Vincenzo Salsilli, accountant; and Dr Giuseppe Traina. Sheik Abucar Sheik Ahmed, Abdulcadir Nur Omar, Abucar Hagi Alio, Aden Salad, Aden Shire Giama, Addo Alesso, Aues Ali Nur, Alfonso Avella, Francesco Bianchi, Carlo Biondi, Enrico, Capone, Ugo Concari, Hagi Dere Boro, Franco Degli Eredi, Mario Della Nave, Elvezio Fabbri (accountant), Paride Ferraresi, Ottorino Gonella, Hilole Mohallim, Sheik Hussein Abdullah, Hussein Barcadle Mohamed, Giuseppe Limata, Angelo Uniberto Iacona, Iahia Sadik, Maie Osman Mohamed Mumin, Namo Ibrahim, Dante Miale, Sheik Mohamed Abucar Afrah, Mohamed Hussein Ilole, Mohrmed Mohamud Chibin, Hagi Mohamed Mahamud Harir, Mohamed Mahamud Roro, Alessandro Pecchioli, Antonio Pintus, Osman Diblaue Daushe, Mario Spialtini, Sebastiano Sudano, Giacomo Teruzzi, Carlo Terzigni, Giovanni Valle, and Arturo Zucca. MASSAUA PRICE CONTROL C CU21ISSION NAMED -- Asmara, 11 Quotidiano Eritreo, 6 Dec 52 ,hehrehet Mebratu, SDO (Senior District Office,) of tdassaua, recently uesignated the ioilo...i.v perauns as ,,emners of the 1,.,_al price control com- mission: Capt Angelo Gherardi, Giulio Raguzzi, Ferdinando Fabbri, Saied Ahmed Hassan Haioti, Osman Saied Ramadam, Sheik Omar Abdu Abbasi, Hagg All Osman Hure, Sheik Ahmed Abdallah Neshuan, Bashai Abraha Chifle, and 1st Lt Alhadi Mohamed Nur On 21 September 1952, John R. Rolo, President of the Eritrean Supreme Court, administered the oath of office to the following new judges: Federico Patroni and Sheik Ibrahim el Muktar Ahmed Omar ( Mufti of Eritrea), for the Supreme Court Giovanni d'Avcssa, Dr Fier Carlo Bruns, Sheik Idris Hussein Suleman, and Blatta Melles Fre, for the High Court of Justice; Dr Gaetano I.atilla, district court judge; Azmatch Seium Gabriel and Dedjatch Hagos Ghebre, for the District Court of Asmara and Hamasien; and Said Imnai for the District Court of Asmara 5 ic7. Rolo had already been sworn into office by /umming7, the British Chief Administrator, at. the time of the transfer of authority from the British Ad- ministration to the new Eritrean government. iIn the same issue, I1 Quotidiano Eritreo gave the following information on Cumming's Proclamation 133 of 10 September 1952 concerning the Eritrean judicial system.7 Proclamation 133 provides for the establishment of a Supreme Court, a High Court, and 17 district courts, all of them with civil and criminal divisions. Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700220265-9 Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700220265-9 25X1 The High Court will have exclusive competence on commercial matters. District courts will apply the Eritrean customary laws, Islamic laws in force in Eritrea, and such statutory laws as are now applicable in Eritrea. The latter include, where necessary, the previous Italian civil and commercial codes and the legislation of the British administration. The courts will apply the British code of procedure ia criminal cases and the Italian code of procedure, subject to all modifications and court rulings, in civil cases. Legislative powers have been conferred on a Comitato dei Regolamenti (Committee on Regulations), composed of judges and legal officials, for the eventual reform of the rules of procedure. The committee's rulings will re- quire only the approval of the Eritrean chief executive. In effect, the Comitato dei Regolamenti is a legislative organ with limited powers. ERITREAN MEMBERS OF IMPERIAL FEDERAL COUNCIL Asmara, Il Quotidian Eritreo, 17 Dec 52 The following biographic information concerns the five Eritreans appointed to the Imperial Federal Council in Addis Ababa. Sheik Adum Mohamed Agdubal was born 36 years ago at Cheren. Prior to his appointment to the Imperial Federal Council, he was treasurer of the SDO of Agordat. Ato Chebremedhin Assiel is a descendant of the Gheza Deghezmati princely family of Zazzega, where he was born on 15 March 1919. He was educated in Asmara. In 1936, he vent to work in Massaua at the Commissariat of the Eastern Lowlands. In 1937, he was transferred to Asmara, where he served at the Directorate of Political Affairs until 1941. In July 1941, he joined the Eritrean police force and became a sergeant a few months later, In July 1942, he rose to the rank of deputy inspector of police, and in December, to that of full inspector. In December 1947, when the Four-Power Fact-Finding Commission visited. Eritrea, he was one of the five signatories of the "Memorandum From the Police" submitted to the commission. Before his appointment to the Imperial Federal Council, he was the lieu- tenant in command of the market-place police station of Asmara. Dlatta Gheresghier Gherenchiel was born 41 years ago at Biet Gabriel (Serge District), son of the nobleman EndafegCan Adi Enchirti. In 1927, he joined the Post and Telegraph Service as a radiotelegraph operator. In 1935, he was transferred as a filing clerk to the Directorate of Personnel, later to the Directorate of Economic Affairs, and finally to the Directorate of Civil Affairs, where he served until 1941_ At that time, he returned to the Post and Telegraph Service, where he remained until he was appointed to the Imperial Federal Council.. In 1946, he joined the Mahber Fekri Hagger LUnionist Party of Eritrea7 and, in 1948, he founded and became chairman of the party's section at Adi Quala. He has also been chairman of the youth section of the Mahbi Fekri Nagger in Serae and president of the Ascociazione Impiegati Eritrei dell' Amministrazione (Association of Eritrean Employees of the Administration). Blatta Mohamed Omar Cadi, an industrialist, was born at Massaua on 2i November 1909, of the family of the Det Cadi of Zula. He took corre - spondence courses from a school n Rome. For some time, he was interested in the canning iuduszry. Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700220265-9 Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700220265-9 25X1 25X1 He was one of the founders of the Mahber Fekri Hagger in Asmara. Later, he was converted to the ideas of independence for the Moslem League, and in 1949?founded the Independent Moslem League, of which he became president. In 1948, he was appointed defense attorney at the Asmara Native Court. He has devoted much of his time to journalism, first as editor of L'Unita and then, of the trilingual weekly newspaper Unione e Progresso, which he founded. In 1949 and 1950, he attended the sessions of the UN General Assembly as a representative of his party. Ato Tzeggai Teferri, an attorney, was born in November 1914 at Addisc Addi (Acchele Guzai District). Immediately after completing his studies at Adi Ugri, he was employed at the regional commissariat in that locality, serving in the census bureau and th., commerce section. In 1937, he was transferred to Asmara to the Directorate of General Affairs and Personnel. In 1938, he resigned and devoted himself to commerce. In 1941, he opened a public scribe's office, remaining in this activity until 1943, when he was appointed defense counsel at the native court of Asmara. On 15 September 1952, he was admitted to the bar of the Supreme Court in Asmara. He was one of the founders of the Mahber Fekri Nagger and is now a mem- ber of the party's central executive committee. In 1948. he vas elected president of the Unionist Party's youth section of members from the Acchele Guzai area living in Asmara. He was one of the representatives of the Abbashaul and Ghezza Brahanu districts at the consultations held by UN Commissioner Anze Matienzo and, as representative of the first ward of Asmara, expressed to Anze Matienzo the viewpoint of the ward concerning the draft constitution for Eritrea. He also was a spokesman for Eritrean attorneys. During the bloody incidents of February 1950 he Asmara riots between Copts and Moslems, he was a member of the peace committee, organized to seek an accord between the opposing groups. As a representative of the Unionist Party, he was a member of the com- mittee which, in December 1950, organized the Congress of Peace Zn-ot further explainer. He was also one of the founders of the ECWS (Eritrean Child Welfare Society). He is a member of the executive council of the Associazione Sindacale Forense (Bar Association) and a member of the Istituto per gli Studi Etiopici, Sezione Giurisprudenza.(Institute of Ethiopian Studies, Legal Section). 1? Location: Eritrea, Asmara Caption and Description: "Sheik Adum.Mohamed Agdubal, 36-year-old native of Cheren, Eritrea; one of five Eritreans appointed to the Imperial Federal Council at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia" Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700220265-9 Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700220265-9 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Photograph Description: Size, 2 x 2 3/4 inches; quality, fair, newsprint, I1 Quotidiano Eritreo, Asmara, 17 December 1952, page 3 2. Location: Eritrea, Asmara Caption and Description: "Ato Ghebremedhin Assiel, 33-year-old native of Zazzega; former police lieutenant; one of five Eritreans ap- pointed to the Imperial Federal Council at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia" Photograph Description: Size, 2 x 2 3/4 inches; quality, fair; newsprint 11 Quotidiano Eritreo, Asmara, 17 December 1952, page 3 Caption and Description. "Blatta Gheresghier Gherenchiel, 41-year-old native of Diet Gabriel (Serae District); civil service union leader and section leader of the Mahber Fekri Hager; one of five Eritreans appointed to the Imperial Federal Council at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia" Photograph Description; Size, 2 x 2 3/4 inches; quality, fair; newsprint 11 Quotidiano Eritreo, Asmara, 17 December 1952, page 3 Caption and Description. "Blatta Mohamed Omar Cadi, 43-year-old native of Massaua; founder and president of the Independent Moslem League; founder of newspaper Unione e Progresso; one of five Eritreans ap- pointed to the Imperial Federal Council at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia" 25X1 11 Quotidiano Eritreo, Asmara, 17 Decerbe: 1952, Page 3 25X1 5. Location: Eritrea, Asmara 25X1 25X1 Caption and Description. ":,to Tze, al Teferri, 38-year-old native of $addisc Addi (Acchele Guzai District); attorney, admitted to the Asmara Supreme Court bar in September 1952; member of the central executive committee of the aahber Fekri Bagger; one of five Eritreans appointed to the Impcr.ul. Federal Council at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia" Photograph Description- Size, 2 x 2 3/4 inches; quality, fair; newsprint 11 Quotidiano Eritreo, Asmara, 17 December 1952, page 3 Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700220265-9