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r 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700220058-9 CENTRAL INT_CCGEN~CY COUNTRY SUBJECT HOW PUBLISHED WHERE PUBLISHED DATE PUBLISHED LANGUAGE Daily newspapers US: P l6, Ser. . 28 Dc: 1952 THI! DOCUMENT CONTAINS INYOC?ATIO? A/f [C 11AG CUE NAIID AAI O[f[?S^ 01 TH[ 55,100 TAT" T.1 All Y. I [., HI ANT lt, AS Atl[M0[D ITS TH AMSOISSION 0. 1H[ AEVE1ATION 01 Il! CONTL?TS IY ANS MOTHER TO AA UYA ILLD 11N1OH IS 1110 HISIIIO ST LAW,?EIII000CTION Of CH11 IOAS 11 ?00010111c spark methods DATE DIST. I 44f 1953 NO. OF PAGES 5 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION ?h fol? 1=xocrrt. fr::, an article written by A.. Kost.o- yt:aav, M;ri.rer ._ h?a.rlit ^ ^.''.c: 1";-.1ding USSR Tale rrtct,:n1: r.c:.. t? .11:r t:df: try m.;st design, perfect, and put into se- rie= },r_duc tic. tppt :>ltaat : it `7[r;; n-N type size, of a?ichine tools and 1,50 new tytt: cli p. nri Pl.rgiriz ..._.rt,:rei dl:ring the Fifth Five-Year Plan, Ar.;:nc ti,r rtt 2ur,?: *:;ni_ is= salt r??rf cte?1, the first place is occupied by heavy-duty, rind un l.=ue r?.,c ht n?_ c?1:: ; 3L percent of all machine tools being }wr'F" Lrd k , are i rapt t,, ..... azaeed precision. A considerable d?+c,;iopnset:r tc the }n> cn :automate:c rr:?chi.nl_ tools must also he assured to ti:- ? r*a ?r '.nut T.`Ir t ri;: ^Iprt pcroenr. of the total. machine tool out- put. b,/ th- r?n:j .: r. F_ '-` ?'n u as In the prodi:ct:on of presses and fOrairtr ..__....irtl: .1 ?. prl,, ?1-.o.n c; ,I,._mattcs and semiautomatics by the end of p=rt i , th,,3 -L, 5e? ra1 nor-i T' I . 1I_W mach.r:o tno_, n.nd rtachir_es have air already been perfected by plant:. of the Ministry Fiachin?> Tocl Building in the fi.rst 2 years of the new F! l'.t[Y r; a: 'r . :nmtl *nt- Fran. torsk Heavy Machine Tool Building Fl ant, with rho to': F.-%,n, ,y Pl-artt., has set up the pro- ':X n -1 It-:uv; the most powerful of which are in- tea2le?d -or I.::.tOTr.t'Ic t:,rt_ I,i, ^t1s?r: to ~it.aaeter and up to 32 meters long.. In th.? mat. 2 ve?::r: , ?.it- Ko'.I:Imtra Hoc-' .' Machine Tool Building Flant has set up production rf cI?rr.,': r:L'.. of boring milli on which parts up to 5 metcrr, In Iilet'r-ter ::n '_?z~ SIlCoir:,i. At }present., the plant is engaged in the erecl.>ort ut ,:In ? cr, mor?A= po cr?'u.l I, boring mill which will machine parts 10-12 moron in 'I'hol i cvoslt;irek 4'yazhstankog1droprees Plant has mas?- tered the rrodw-t ion of reavy pt antng machines, The table of the largest of ttlese ma.'i.:nc?a r?:rrr.lts nutthinina ports C8 meters Long and 3 meters wide. STATE ARMY CLASSIFICATION Ctr_" 1_LNT1A_i__? NAVY NSRO DISTRIBUTION AIR FBI Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700220058-9 Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700220058-9 25X1 To 1 11.fiil rf,:ignments indicrted by the new plan, all reserves at plants must be fully utilized and shortcomings must be eliminated Some enterprises of the ministry a'e not meeting ?.heir obligations. Among the lagging plants are the Kuybyshev Srednevolzhskiy Machine Tool, Chelyabinsk Tool, and Dmitrov Milling Machine Plants- A large number of enterprises have not achieved rhythmic operation. For exampl,m, last-minute speed-up flourishes at the Moscow Plant imeni Or'dzhoni- k.idze and lcternai Grinding Machine Flant, This situation is due mainly to the fact that productacn planning is not. subjected to the requirements of rhythmic operation Too frequently, production of parts is started, with no consideration being given to the requirements Of *ho technological cycle, but only to the availability of m_ta-1, castings, or forgings. In organi zsricc of rhytYur,ic uperation, machine tool builders must be helped b,v of ba: mr nisi pie r,nte; i.:-is of the Ministries of the Automobile and Tractor industrv and pre Ei.~ctrica_ Industry must improve the supply of nearing::, mr,tor5 and el'rrrrcal *qutpmer?*: The same is true of the Ministry of Heavy 4achrr,e bui;ding Many p.ant.i of this ministry delay the filling of cooperiitIve orri'-r=. , and ar?-? !otr 3.- supplying machine tool builders with large rastinua and f'!rg?-:1 ,rnr? 1mprc,v.-rnont.. one' bw arid.: in the technology of machine tool buII !drng 'Ln~ -i:noiogy at many `our-Jrien and forging shops of machine-tool building me prit_: at '-:Y :ow v?:.. Ar. aria'ystr? hrts r;via:ad fau?-y c,ist;rigs campsiso G2 5 percent of Iota: lose-:' du,' rc rej%?rts Extran.:iy lsrg- quantities of faulty castings are produced at Plant trner,i moo: kiy, the Chkalov Machine Tool Build- ing. Plant , the Eha: Faa:tt. !?c-lotov, and a number of other enterprises. ide,,e?s4nry rtrastrrrr: mina, o?_ tavr?ri .. ,rr?:, this situation Cr rf r,in t'a-r c. MI_:,*. in min! in designing new machine tools Their weight mu?t b.r d? 're? i... r c:n,? ,.. npr ovemen in their quality, The de- the nrc?olern c,f crushing and removing ch:,re from rnr'kicC _ oils ?L?ri:;ne r:. r::unt also be adequately rigid and with- 5r'ii.i .ibrat i"?n all n ?O rt .'-'ago :.'r,!= p;can:?.,?. ?- n(: .:l.i?:: oY xlsling plants. a huge reserve ::n-a11 -, :ow m.-fhods This reserve must be t,esvy-duty machine tools and press For r:?re :,uc t. ?'ui 1:1a:.rr.r a2' r,:;igrments, the experience of innova- tor:; must be x'.Nn. _ + 1 ; i_.c ra:lnnt-,2 clnd all innovat ions and progressive meth- od, fl ,.,M -:1-n ;ra; t la- upheld and developed ;N i1EW FIVE-fE,;F PLAN -- Petrozavodsh, Leninekoye 1. F'o:1cv. _ p: DIa.hine Tool Ruildirig USSR made he ..,.:?:'wtna :t.-:n nt on. rntna soviat, machine too: nui._ding in to- nt-v F: o'c Y-.r Plan :gin r,'a ort. r i,, p'rbl _:chted in Leni nskovve e.n a, 2.? P? r r'rnb:: r ''- r' ] W-tl'=r~?u: at tn?: :-:?t:.tnni ni; of .a: Tt,nrd Fiv .Year Plan, the types (tipazh) Of nutc:n:a r ... :rn,. . '?r:L+,t ;m,, n?5t. uted 6 percent of toe total types of rrtsr.hcn. .: a' n to ... nr'w F ve ?Y'?ar Fic,n, the tyro-t-, of autoniatica Situ Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700220058-9 Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700220058-9 25X1 semiautomatics will. be expanded to i rercent. Mechanized and partially auto- matized machine tools will comprise b}+ percent of all the types of machine tools produced. On the basis of plans of the Central Design Bureau of Press and Forging Machine Building, an automatic transfer machine line is being built for the production of heavy hauling and lifting chains The cutting, bending, clean- ing, wedding, insertion of spacers (rasporka), and other operations are all done on W.rtomaric equipment. The machines and unit-type machine tools making up the line are electrically interlocked. The entire line is controlled from a central panel The Line is made up of 175 units of equipment. The participation of work- ers in the production process has been brought to a minimum. The entire pro- duction process will be attended by only 30 men per shift. The input of labor for one ton of pro?:iuccc will be only .15 percent of preseut input at plants. Workers of the bearing industry, having had considerable experience of their own in the automatization of production. and inspection of balls and roll- ers, have urgently {:'seated the need to marnine tool builders for conducting work on de.:going complex au.tomatir transfer lines for machining large bearing rime, heat treatment , assembly, and pacing of ball" and roller bearings.. A design hureru was created for this purpose. In a very short time, it had de- iancd automatic transie- ma,nine lines which are now being manufactured at 15 oorhine tool building plarr.r.. At, x?r,r:ent. the manufacture and adjustment of lines are being completed for automatic shop:. where' tractor c_..ton pine are processed. The high produc- tivity of the new equipment will make it possible to reduce the production area 7. 5 timer caul derrea;;e r.f.?? :amber c,f work=?rs 15 times tdeanw'rri