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Approved For Release 2002/08/06 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700210172-3 MPR 1952 "O. CLASSIFICATION CLNFTD .ZU16i. SECLR?ITY INFORMATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS COUNTRY USSR SUBJECT Economic - Nonferrous metals production HOW PUBLISHED Weekly and semimonthly periodicals WHERE PUBLISHED Weinheim, Frankfurt am !min DATE PUBLISHED 1951 - 26 Jan 1952 LANGUAGE German TNn Dacural.r cDNTA INa INroar.n DN .n nl c Twc N.T.DNU ovJNaJ O! TF: UNITED STATE,. SI T.IIS T000CSNING OTNTITSC la. aSCTIOM1S >SS AND JS.. OS TDC U.a. CODS. SS ADENOID. ITa TSAN.SI SS1Dr 00 ASTC? LOTION OI ITS CONTSNTS TO 011 A CCCIET a AM1 4 .UTNOAI J[0 TC$SON IS }II.,.IS TSD Sr S.t._ 10LSL.ETDUr TI Qh_O? Twlf TO.u Is ?n._IIr TTD 25X1A REPORT NO CD NO. DATE OF DATE DIST. I L Mar 1953 NO. OF PAGES 3 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THE ALUMINUM j1DUSTRY IN THE USSR ~?- Weinhcim, Chemie-Ir_genieur Technik, 51 The production of aluminum was begun in the USSR in 1932 by the Swanka Aluo. minum Combine on the Volkhov Fiver. The combir~: in Zaporozhlye on the Dnepr began operaticns ir. 193L and the aluminum plant at Kamensk in the Urals in 1939. In 3941, the first Two of these were evacuated to the plant at Kamensk. whose capac- ity had already been conside-ably increased during the was.. In 1943, still anui.ner plant was put into operation at Stia.lirsk in Western S.tberia and at the end of the war in 1945 an aluminum sm'._ting plant was put into operation at Kras- noturlnsk in the northern Ural-, Here al_c the equipment of the damaged German Lauta Plant was set up. The alt:-ltinum smelting plants et uitterfel3 and Aker were also transported to the Soviet Union. Their present locations are unknown. Today, the USSR, with a pr_-duct:.on rapacity of perhaps more than 250,000 tons, holds third place among the world`; produ'Are of aluminum behind the USA and Canada. Its production is approxLm:itely the came leel as that of the Germans in 1940. USSR Aliminum Production .n Tone iFartiaally r?stimated? 1932 goo 1945 85,000 193 L , toOO 19-6 9x, 000 1934 1'.,-00 1947 l04,000 193' 25,LOCl lath 1 5,000 1935 LO1.800 .1949 55,000 .1940 60,000 950 :'.00,000 The abnv_ figures represent, primary aiuminun Of re':ond.ary alumir00"i, 13,000 tons were obtained in 1935. Sin;-- test: t1'ir f ,gutF fl y YIFi'T. Increased consider.. ably.. . ILLEGIB 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/08/06 : CIA-RDP80-00809A00070021 Approved For Release 2002/08/06 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700210172-3 25X1A D Swanka - This combine is located on the Volkhov River (Leningrad Oblast). Before the war, it yielded annually 80,000 tint ;,f ore and 20,000 tons of alu- minum. The plant suffered considerable damage during the war. it is estimated that aluminum production again reached 15,000 tons by 1917 and may now have been increased to 20,000 tons. Zaporozhtye - The location of this enterprise is about 30 kilometers above the city of the same name on the Dnepr.. The prewar capacity of 35,000 tons was probably attained once more in 1950.. Its production for 1949 was said to be 15,000 tons.. Aluminum oxide extraction in 1949 ai.ountod to about 50,000 tons. Kamensk ??? The most important aluminum plant of the USSR is located in the new city of Kamensk-?Ural`sk in the Chelyabinsk Oblast on the Zset' River. During the war, the Swanka and Zaporczh:ye Aluminum Plants were incorporated into this enterprise. In 19k0, K.nmensk produced 10.000 tons. Its current capacity is es- timated to be 75,000 tone a year, It is ~p