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Publication Date: 
March 11, 1953
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Approved For Release 2002/08/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700210142-6 CIASSIFICAT~ RESTRICTED URITY INFORMATION CENTRAL INTEt.UGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN r~OCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CGU NTRY Finland SUBJECT Political -Communist Pt:rty activities HOW PUBLISHED Daily newspaper WHERE PUBLISHED Helsinki DATE PUBLISH ED 29 Jan 1953 IYIf DOCYY[YT CDYT.IYS 1 I .YSTIOY ?(ILCTIYG TYf Y3TIOY[l Olt [Yff 01 TY[ YYI i(0 3}[Tlf. ?ITN IDY TM[ Y[?YIYO Of TlTll if. S[CIIDMf lff [YD 11[. 0I TMf U.f. CODE, ~! IY(r0[O. Ilf TII ],]YIffIOY 0. [[v[? L. TI OY 0I IT[ COY T[Y Tf TO O. f([(IIT [Y ( ?Y1YOfl![0 I([1VY If tEp.nlnD . Ln? .ri_!IL1!4PLSZIDS_e? r _ _ _. _ 11 .10?!f~?[D._ REPORT NO CD NC DATE OF 25X1A DATE DIST.// Mar 1953 N0. OF PAGES 1 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT N0. INTENSIFIED PROPAGANDA, NEW TAC^t ICS OF FINNISH COMMUNISTS Professor Eea Itaitila, deputy chairmen of the Finnish People's Party, sur- veyed the present economic and polltical situation and the future mission oP the Finnish People's Party at the annual meeting of the party's T8fS18 local on 27 Jan- uary 1953? He also discussed the activity of the Communist Party. The speaker considered the dii'ferent aspects of international Communism and confirmed the noticeable decrease of Communist support in France, West Germany, Suedes, the Netherlands, and elsewhere, pointing out that the exposures of ar(d changes in Cominform tactics are evident also ir. Finland. In Finland, however, he stated, no actual decrease in the influence of the Communists is apparent, and is the 1951 rational elections they regained a great portion of the loss euPfered in previous elections. He mentioned the Elanto Cooperative election in Helsinki last fall, where the Communist vote actually decreased, but where the percentage decrease ?wae leas than half that of the Social Democrats (the total number of votes cast also decreased from earlier elections}. Ii'he Finnish People's Party, he said, was the only party whose vote increased in the Elanto election -- over 70 percent, in Pact -- and the Finnish People's Party thus emerged as the largest aonsocialiat party in this election. Several months ago, Professor I;aitila continued, the contents of Communist newspapers were monotonously devoted to the forging of the "peace cha in ," but the tactical errors which ocr_urred recently within the Social Democratic Party gave the Communists new political ammunition. Moreover. he stated, the Communists greatly intensified their field woxk and propaganda during the winter oP 1952 and are now using more diversified methods. One of their special tactics, he pointed out, is to try to take advantage of the i.icrerisingly unfavorable eco- nomic situation, one of their. most common arguments being that unemployment is coused purposely. Their tactics, he continued, i>.:-.ude an attempt to expand unem- ployment pro3ecte by urging people to get their names on the card files of the em- ployment offices; after large unemployment projects have thus been artiYicislly creoted, large-scale Communist propaganda programs are started at the projects. Such practices, Professor Kaitila concluded, indicate that the motivating force of the Communists is not the improvement of the people's sociological. and economic conditions, but the attainment os' goals quite foreign to Finnish society. 25X1A ILLEGIB l - Approved For Release 2002/08/06: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700210142-6 l - - - ~.~f~ml ~