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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700200153-8 CLASSIFICATION 5-E-r, _R-E-T CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION FROM REPORT FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. COUNTRY USSR SU GATE OF BJECT Scientific -Chemistry, organic fluorine INFORMATION 1954 HOW c ompounds PUBLISHED Book; monthly and bimonthly periodicals; DATE DIST. iq Oct 1954 semimonthly periodical WHERE PUBLISHED Moscow, Berlin, Leipzig, Budapest ,,,, ?_ _.___ DATE PUBLISHED 1949-1954 LANGUAGE Russian, Germsn, Er.~!lish SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT N0. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION USSR TRENI).i iN WORK ON ORGANIC FLUORINE COMPOUNDS AND RII.ATED WORK IN SCME GTRER COUNTRIES P,ecent USSR publications indicate that there is a considerable interest in that country in the technical application of fluorocarbons as heat-resist- ant and fire-resistant lubricants and as chemically inert plastics.(1) The advisability of expanding research that will lead to the production of ficoro- o r~Trnic plastics has been mentioned in an address dealing with Ukrainian cnemical developments and given at the 3d Ukrainian SSR Conference on Organic Chemistry.(2) The most prominent USSR worker in the field of fluoroorganic compounds is I. L. Knunyants, who in cooperation with members of his group has worked on the polymerization of fluoroolefins. extensive investigations on the intera'tionstot allphaticnoxides}~withahydrogenr fluoride.(4) In tl~e course of this work he developed a method for the synthesis of ethylene fluoraliydrin by reacting ethylene oxide with hydrogen fluoz?ide in ether containing 1.5-~';b of water. The availability of ettLylene fluorohydrin and of its analogs prepared in the same Inannar modem pos~ibh the synthesis of many other fluoroorganic compoundc,(3, II, 5,) In the introduction to an -article reviewing USSR and foreign wort: on the addition of hydrogen sulfide and mercaptans to olefins, Knunyants indicates his range of interest in work of this type and the standpoint from which the available information on the sub- ject has been systematized by saying that research in this field leads to physiologically active compounds (e.g., mercaptoamino acids, vitamins, and antibiotir_s) and that it furthermore is of importance in connection with the study of rubber vulcanization and the synthesis cf technically valuable elsstamers.(6) One may conclude on the basis of this statement that one of the aims of an extensive series of investigations launched by Knunyants which deal with the addition of alcohols and mercaptans to fluorcolefins (q g) i~ presumably the synthesis of technically useful mscromolecular ccmpounris STATE ARMY NAVY AIR CLASSIFICATION S-E-C-R-E-T ~~_~. _ - NSAR 1 DISTRIBUTION I ~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 CIA-RDP80-00809A000700200153-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700200153-8 c wrtzining fluorine and sulfur, and that Knunyants furthermore must pay close attention to ;lie physiological activity of the compounds synthesized by him in the course of this xork? Some of these compounds may be assumed to have toxic properties on the basis of the constitution given by Knunyants In connection with his prior investigations on the interaction of alkyl.ene oxides with hydroger, fluoride, Knunyants has synthesized toxic and irritant compounds, scme of them organophosphorus compounds containing fluorine. lishecl account of this woe}; (5) In tiro pub- irritant nropert.ies of the co unyants explicitly refers to the toxic and mpounds in question. The assumption that Knun ants must be interested ir. ~ Po-Yin=_ izabl~_ that contain fluarine and sulfur and that may form a suitable starting material for the production of technically useful macromolecular compounds is burr. out by his ex}:eriments on tiro dehydrofluorination of corresponding saturated co.~ounds.(?) Althou3h Knunyants has investigated the addition of thiophenoi Lo f'_uorocoomccundsvinLl M7)Y,ahis work hitherto has been msinly on aliphatic P gupol sY.iy and id. I. Mn.n~ko of the Institute of Grganic Chemistry, Aogdem,,, of Sciences Ln:rainian SSR, have nutlished a paper that describes s new mcthai of synthesizing ortho derivatives of trifluoromethyl- benzene by introducinG a nitrile grouF com?er'ir:g this group into a carbaxylsmide group, acrd then transforming the latter into a ,:arboxyl grow or an amino gro~,:p.(3) A, I. Titov and A. T7. Baryshnikova have described the preparation of l~rafiuorasniline by tiro reaction of phenylhydroxylamine xith anh?rdrous hydro- fluoric acid.(10) Titov points out that prior to that the only !mown method of introduc}n,; a fluorine atom into ar. aromatic nucleus has been diazotizstion of an aromatic amine followed by decomposition of the diazomcmc fiuor:de or diazonium borofluoride. It is ]mown on the basis of work done in Germany that introduct.on of a nitro group ic;to an aromatic in the ortho or Para pose?;o^ to a flucrine a+,om makes the fluorine atom more mobile.(11) The effect of the amino Troup in the compound synthesized by Titov will p;eeumably be opposite to that of a intro P,roup, i.e., the mobility and reactivity of the f'uerine atom in the Ik.ra position wi].i be :?educed. In other words, paraf.luoroaniline cynthecized by 'I'itores method will be a useful intermediate for the syrthosis of compounds containing parafluorophenyl groups. On the basin of dam published by a group of HunGarian irn?estigatcrs, introduction of fluorine atoms into organic compounds by the exchange reaction of clcloro derivatives and bromo derivatives with potassium fluoride is effective, at. leant as far as aliphatic compounds are conce:?red, when the reaction mixture is irradiated with ultraviolet light. +lith the use of this method, ethyl. chloroformiate has been converted into ethyl 1'luoroformiate, methyl bromoacetate into methyl fluoroacetate, ethyl chloraacetate into ethyl fluoroacetate, 1, 2-dichioroethane into 1-fluoro-2-chloroethare 1 2-dibromoethsne into 1- 2-bromnethane~ and diisopropyl chlorophospha.te Into diisooro i r fluoro- (~, 13) ?la?thermore, the Hun;;ar;an investigators u_e p?~- ]ccorophosphate, 2-t1~.or~ethanol from ethylene chlorohydrin?(15 '~ pared by this method et.harm: by the reduction of methyl fluoroacetate3)ithelithiumnae,:minum~hydride (15, 1~) Iu a subsequent stage of the investigation, t}:ey prepared fluornm?tha.^.ol by .educing ethyl fluorofa,?miete o :o,-rgv2 fluoride with lii.hium alucninam hydride.{14 13) ` Excerpt for the use of ultraviolet light, the preparation of 2-fiuoroethanol from eL'iiylene chlorohydrin is very similar to a procedure used earlier by Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700200153-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700200153-8 ~ S -E-C -R-E-T Knunyants, who reacted ethylene chlorohydrin with anhydrous potassium fluoride under pressure and used the ethylene fluorohydrin obtained in this manner to synthesize a great number of other compounds, including the tris-(2_fluoroethyl) ester of phosphorous acid, the mono-(2-fluoroethyl) ester of dichlorophosphoric acid, and the tris-(2_fluoroethyl) ester of phosphoric aMd.(5} Some of the other syntheses involving replacement of chlorine or bromine wit?: fluorine had also beery carried out before with the use of pressure and in some instances applied indr;sr.rially? Nevertheless, the yew method of carrying out the re- actions at atmospheric pressure and at relatively Lose temnerat.ures represents sr. improvement. Si;nilarly to Knunyents and his collaborators, the Hungarians have synthesized compounds which are toxic cr can be used as intermediates in the synthesis of toxic compounds? Their research on 1-fluoro-2-chloroethane and 1-fluoro-2-bromo- e*hnr.= is preliminary work leading to an investigation of the possibilities of producing freons with the use of the method proposed ty them. They intend to continue prior work dealing with the addition of acid fluorides to cerbonyl groups. Tire synthesis of fluoromethanoi was carried cut by them wirh the tur- Fose of developing a simple method for its preparation, so that it will be possible to use this compound in industrial iluoromethylations?(13) 'Tito Hungarian investigators have actually prerrired benzyl fluoride by ra.acting benzine with i?luoromethnnol.(14) They furthermore fluoromethylated benzene with parafonraldchyde and hydrogen fluoride, but were unable to isolate benzyl fluoride under the e.?cperimental conditions used, because cnly diphEry:uretlinne derivatives and resinous polymerization products had formed By condensing monof?uorobenzene with f]uoromethanol, they prepared p-fluorebenzylfluoride. (161 On the heals of this description of the -experimental work, ore ,ray a=sumE tt;st the great reactivity of the fl.uoromethyl group can possibly be us.;d to advantage in prrpering hi~ir polymers containing fluerinste3 aromatic nuclei. While the research done by the Rungaris.n group, just as *.he wor'r, cf Knunyantr, which it. parallels in many respects, leads to both toxic and nontoxic substances, a Gernan investigation on trifluoromethyl arsiras {l;j deg].. with a class of substances which are strictly toxic. -? A. L. Petrov, KhLniya Mctornyl?,h Topliv (Chemistry of Motor Y~.;els), Mosrow, 1953, pp 150-'F53 2? The Diost important Directions of Research in Orf;nnic Chemistry frorn the Standpoint of the Decisions of the 19th Congress, Communist Party of the Soviet Union, and the September 1953 Plenary Session, Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, UkrainsY,iy Blrlmicheskiy Zhurnrrl, Vol 20, I}o 1, 195t~, p 7 3? Elections of idembers nrd Correspc::dingy btembers of the Academy of Science= USSR (I. L. Knunyants's Work on Het erocyclic Compounds, Fluoroorganir_ Compounds, A1lanolphosphines, an3 Other Substances), Izvestivn Akademii d 1 .ni ? Khimiches}~ikh IJa l u c No 1 1954 n 105 4. I. L. }:nunynnts, 0. V, Kll'disheva, I. P. Peteov, Reactions of Frliphatic Oxides with Hydrogen Fluoride, Communication I, Zhuinal Obshchey fQrimii, Vcl 19, IQo 1, 19?~9, FF 95-100 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700200153-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700200153-8 ~ 50X1-HUM S-E-C-R-E-T 5? I. L. Knunyants, 0. V. Kil'disheva, E. Bykhovskaya, Reactions of Aliphatic Oxides xith Hydrogen Fluoride, Communication II, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol lg, No 1, 1949, PP 101-113 6. I. L. Knunyants, A. V. Fokin, Addition of Hydrogen Sulfide and of Mercaptans to Olefins, Uspekhi Khimii, Vol 19, No 5, 1950, pp 545-564 7? I. L. Knur~yanta, A. V. Fokin, Addition Reactions of Perfluoroolefins, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye Khimicheskilch Nauk, No 2, 1952, pp 261-267 8? I. L. Knunyants, A. I. Shchekotikhin, A. V. Fokin, Addition Reactions of Perfluoroolefins. II. Addition of Alcohols and Tliiols to Perfluoroproperie, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye Khimicheskikh Nauk, No 2, 1953, pP 282-289 9? L. M. Yagupol'skiy, N. I. Man'ko, A New Method of Synthesizing Ortho- Derivatives of Benzoic Acid Trifluoride, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol 23, No 6, 1953, pp 988-991 10. A. I. Titov, A. N. Baryshnikova, A New Method of Introducing Fluorine Into Aromatic Nuclei, Zhurnal Obshchey i4~imii, Vol 23, No 2, 1953, PP 346-347 11. $, Zahn, H. Zuber, On Some Reactive Fluorine Compounds of the Aromatic Series, Chemische Berichte, Vol 86, No 2, 1953, PP 172-180; as abstracted in Referativt~yy Zhurnal Khimiys, No 1, 1954, p 133 (Abstract No 10557) 12.~G.-0lah, A, pavlath, Synthesis of Organic Fluorine Compounds. Z. A Nex Method for the Preparation of Aliphatic Fluorine Compounds, Acta Chimica Academiae Scientarium $un~aricae, Vol 3, No 2, 1953, pp 191-197; as abstracted in Referativnyy Zhurnal Khimiya, No 1, 1954, p 132, (Abstract No 10553) 13? G. Olah, A. Pavlath, Synthesis of Organic Fluorine Comnounds (A New Method for the Preparation of Aliphatic Fluorine Compounds), Acta Chimica Academiae Scientarium Hungaricae, Vol 3, 1953, pp 191-207 as summarized by $. D. Schmidt, Chemische Technik, Vol 5, No 10, 1953, Pp 599-600 lk. G. Olah, A? Pavlath, Synthesis of Organic Fluorine Compounds, III, The Preparation .of Fluoromethanol, Acta Chimica Academiae Scientarium Hungaricae, Vol 3, No 2, 1953, PP 203-207; as abstracted in Referativnyy Zhurnal Khimiya, No 1, 1954, pp 132-133, (Abstract No 10555) 15? G. Olah, A. Pavlath, Synthesis of Organic Fluorine Compounds.' II. The Preparation of 2-Fluoroethanol, Actrs Chimica Academiae Scientarium Hungaricae, Vol 3, No 2, 1953, pp 199-202; as abstracted in Referativnyy Zhurnal Khimiya, No 1, 1954, p 132 (Abstract No 10554) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700200153-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700200153-8 S -E-C -R -E-T 16. 'G. Olah, A. PavA t~t13c'nCoesis of Organic Fluorine Compounds. Fluoro- methylation of Hungaricae Vol 3, 1953, PP~2~4p' Acta Chimica Academlae Scientarium Vol 6, 1954, p 347 5- 9 as abstracted in Chemische Technik, ~7? E? G. Walaschewski, The Reaction Between Trifluorometh 1 ? Arsenic and the Interaction of the Trifluoromethylarsine Iodides Formed in This Reaction with Silver Salts and Mercu S y Iodide and ~~ , No 2, 1953, pp 272_p7? as abstractedrin Referatiemische Berichte, ya, fto 1, 1954, p 135 (Abstract No 10559) v~'3' Zhurnal 50X1-HUM -5- S-E-C_R-E-T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700200153-8