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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190182-8 STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190182-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190182-8 MODEL AGREEMENT BETWEEN ~g AND KOi,KflOZ Confirmed by Decree of Council of Ministers USSR, 20 February 1954, Ho 314 [Comment: The following outline was compiled from the Model Agreement to facilitate reference to materiel contained in the agreement. T}:e outline and explanation of terminology were not a part of the material published in Sel'skoye Khozysystvo. OUTLINE OF THE AGREEMERT D. Fodder Procurement in the Kolkhoz 5 E. Receipt of Field and Animal Products and of Monetary Income in the Kolkhoz 6 F. Payments to tha State 6 Article II -- MTS and Kolkhoz Obligations Regsrding Performance of Types of Work Section 1 -- Types of Work A. Winter Werk Type of Work, No 1 B. Spring Work Types of Work, No 2-35 C. Summer Work Types of Work, No. 30-71 D. Fall-Winter Work Types of Work, No 72-q2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190182-8 Page 3 Article I -- MT3 and Kolkhoz Obligations Regarding?,P]pns 3 A. Fulfillment of the Planned Taek fcr 9oun Area, Yield, and Gross Harvest of Agricultural Crops in the Kolkhoz 3 B. Increase in the Number of Collectivized Livestock in the Kolkhoz C. I:,:rease in Productivity of the Collectivized Livestock Herd in the Kolkhoz STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190182-8 STAT E. Work Devoted to Preparation and Application of Fertilizers; Transport Work Types of Work, No 93-105 F. Work Devoted to the Struggle Against Agricultural Pests Types oP Work, No 106-107 G. Work Devoted to Lard Improvement, Mechanization, Construc- tion, etc. Types of Work, No 108. 119 Section 2 -- Rules nn Performance of Types of Work Article III -- MTS Obligations Sections 3-12 Article IV -- Kolkhoz Obligations Sections 13-3 Article V -- Acceptance of Agricultural Work Performed by MTS Sections 39-41 Article VI -- Penalties for Violations of Agreement Sections 42-49 Model Supplementary Agreement to Main Agreement Workday -- rendition of the Russian term, trudoden', (ttnit into which all types of work are converted for wage purposes) Working day -_ rendition of the Russian term, rabochiy den', (portion oP the day during which work is performed) The text of the model agreement follows: Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190182-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190182-8 We, the .................... MTg in the person of its director, ...... ................................. and the Kolkhoz ....... (Last name, first name, patronymic) ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ is the person of its chairman . .. .............................. con.;luded thin agreement for the purPoseofejointly carryiagtoutytlie)taek decreed by party and government for MTS and kolkhozea, namely, the task of raising the yield of all agricultural crops, increasing the number of head of collectivized livestock sad animal productivity, increasing gross production and production Por the market of field and animal products, further organizational and economi- cal strengthening oY kolkhozes, and raising the material well-being of kolkhoz workers. The MT3 and kolkhoz pledge to assure in 19, .; A. Fulfillment of the planned task for sown area, yield, and gross harvest as follows: Minimum Y1e1d Minimum Sowr_ (metric Gross Rarvest Area quintals per (metric (hectare) hectare) quintals) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190182-8 MODEL AGREEt~NT BETWEEN MTS AND KGLKHOZ Confirmed by Decree of Council of Ministers USSR, 20 February 1954, No 314 Winter wheat Spring wheat Cotton Sugar beets flax fiber Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190182-8 -_._ Potatoes Ca; `;nge Cucumbers Tomatoes Fodder crops Perennial greases Por seed +' Annual ra g sses for hay Annual grasses Por seed .................... .................... .................... .................... Minimum yield Minimum Sown (metric Gross IIarveat ~'eB quintals per (metric hectare hectare) quintals) Natural hay meadows Orchards, vineyards, and berry patches .................... .................... B. Increase in the number of head of collectivized livestock in the kolkhoz to the following minimum levels: As of 1 October 19.. (head) Cows IIeifers, over one year old Cattle, total number Sows _, __ - - ,. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190182-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190182-8 STAT~ Hoge, total number Sheep and goats, total number Sheep Horses Draft horses C. Increase in productivity of the collectivized livestock herd in the kolkhoz to the following levels: Annual milk yield (foraging cows) Wool clip Fine wool Cattle -Sheep Hags Minimum Total (metric tons) Coarse fodder, total Hay Straw and chaff Minimum per Head Total for Kolkhoz (kilograms) (metric tons) Average Weight per Total Head (kilograms) (metric tons) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190182-8 ~ Succulent fodder, total Ensilage Fodder root and tuber crops Minimum ^_'otal (netri'c' tons ) S. Receipt of field and animal products and of monetary income in the kolkhoz as follows: Yield of agricultural cropr. All grain crops Potatoes Vegetables Collectivize3 livestock (pe: 100 ha of plowlaad, meadows and pastures) Cows Hogs (per 100 ha of plowland) Fowl (per 100 ha of plowland) Animal products (per 100 ha of plowland, meadows, and pastures) Unit of Measurement Amount ..,aric ~ui..~,..., _ nccLar:. Meat, slaughtered weight Milk " ........................ n ~~ Monetary incdme (per 100 ha of plovland, meadows, and pastures) F. Punctual delivery to the state of field and animal products as pay_ meats in kind; cf grain for distribution to the MTS Tractor-brigade workers, and of money in payment for work performed by the MTS. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190182-8 STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190182-8 1. For the purpose of obtaining the agricultural crop yields and grass harvests, the number of head of livestock, and animal productivity set by the plan, the M15 and kolkhoz pledge to perform the following xork in the kolkhoz in 19. , A. Winter Work 1. Snow retention B. 6pring Work 2?. Retention of enov water 3? Vernalization of; Spring grain seed ................. 5? EaYly spring harrowing of winter fallow and summer fallow 6? $arly spring harrowing of winter grain crops 7? Spring harrowing of perennial grasses 8? Spring supplemental fertiliza- ticn of winter grain crops 9? Spring supplemental fertiliza- tion oP perennial grasses 13? Presowing harrowing, with harrow alone 14. Presowing harrowing, in combination with other machines Volume of Work Performance Unit of To be per- Time Measure- formed by (working davel went Total MPS $olkhoz MTS~y Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190182-8 STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190182-8 Portion of the total area soxn to grain crops, into which grass is to be sown b. Oleaginous crops, total Sunflowers By the check-row method ans By the check-rox method Volatile-oil plants ...... ............ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190182-8 Cultivation of winter fallox and summer fallow Replowing of winter fallow . and summer fallow to be sown to spring crops Application oY mineral fertilizers Application of mineral fertilizers 18. Sowing of spring crops, total a. Grain crops, total Spiked grain crops By the crisscross method By the close-row methcd Millet Buckwheat Volume of Work Performance Unit of To be Per- Time Measur:- forced by,__ (working darn) ment Total MTS Kolkhoz ::,PS Kolkhoz By the check-rox method STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190182-8 By the check-row method d. Bnsilage crops, total Maize By the check-row method 21. Soxing of vegetables, total Industrial crops, total Volume of Work Performance Unit of To be per- Time Measure- formed ~y (working days) ment Total M15 Kolkhoz MTS Kolkhoz Cotton Sugar Teets ~~ Fiber flax ^ Fodder root crops Perennial grasses without nurse crops Annual grasses Marking of the ground for check-row planting of potatoes Planting of potatoes, total By the check-row method, with potato planters With plow and cultivator By the check-rox method 22? Planting of vegetable plants BY the,c~eck-rox ~ethn(i,, 23? Planting~of tol~'~cdc j? d 24 Soxing of pererinldI gT, aes~ 27, 28. 25? Rolling of soxn'crops' 20. planting of shelter belts, . Construction of mechanized thYeshing floors Units Plowing ~f summer fallow, total Ha Virgin and long-fallow land ^ Deep plowing at ... .. cm ^ Plowing to increase the depth Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190182-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190182-8 Vol+.mie of Work Performance Unit of 2'o Le Per- Time :?iesaure- formed by (working, days) ~ meat Total MT3 Kolkhoz MT8 Ko~.khoz 30. Working of summer fallow, total First cultivation Second cultivation ... ............... .................. 3hallov plowing of summer fallow ......................... Replowing of summer fallow 31. Harrowing of summer fallow With harrow alone In combination with other machines 32. Stump removal from new plowland ~ 33? Brush removal from sew plowland 34. Haulage of stumps from the area 35? Drainage of land intended for sew plowland Digging of ditches Volume of earthwork C. 9cmraer Work ??36. Summer sowing 37? Supplemental fertilization of ??? row crops 38? Opening of irrigation furrows Opening of irrigation furrows ' with simultaneous application of mineral fertilizers 39? Irrigation, total Cotton Sugar. bee*.s Vegetables First?irrigation Second irrigation Third irrigation Fourth irrigation Fifth and subsequent irrigations Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190182-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190182-8 Vclume of Work Performance. Unit of To be Per- Time Measure- formed by (vorkinQ days) meat Total bII'S Kolkhoz MP3 Kolkhoz Opening of temporary irrigation canals on sa area of Opening of run-off~furroxs oa an Leveling of mounds .area of Filling in of temporary irriga- tion canals on an area of Cultivation of rov crops, total Cultivation in two directions a. Cotton; First cultivation, total First Second , Third Fourth ~~ Cultivation vith rotary hoe Thinning Cultivation after thinning? +. Cultivation in txo '~ directions Third cultivation Fourth cultivation b. Sugar beets, total Second cultivation, total e ? Potatoes, total :. ? . . Cultivation is 'tr}o'direc- tions h . ............ ............ 6. ... .... ..... Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190182-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190182-8 0 STAT Volume of Work Performance Unit of To be Per- Time Measure- fo:vied by (working aavs went Tota_1 BITS KolkhoL MTS Kolkhoz 47. 48. i. Perennial grasses J? Ens'_lage trope Cultivation in two direc- tions k. Fodder root trope, total Cultivation in two direc- tions 1. Vegetables, total Cultivation in two direc- tions !+5? Cultivation of she?ter :;.. 46. Hay mowing, tot::' First cutting Subsequent cu'n:ins Hay raking Hay shocking 4~ Hay sweep raking 50. Hay st,lcking 51.. Hay hx+_Sage ~ u 1ive:;?:r,c!: 5? Hr..y b~lin~ 53? Harrowing ._f ter m;;wing 54. Digging ci r.rench si L:,-; 55? Construction of uprl~;ht. ;;n ~ __" upright silos + 56. Repair of silos `l7? Harveting of ensilage crops By combine 58. Haulage of ensilage Haulage of ensilage 59? Cutting and storage o.f ensilage 60. P.r}ificial pollination: Brain crops Oleaginous crops Industrial crops Ha /M'" ~Tf MT/]tri Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190182-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190182-8 Volume of Work' Performan Unit of To be Per- ce Time Measure- formed by (workiaa.dayal went Total MTS Solkhoz Mfg ffolkh 61. Harvesting of crops by combine oz , total Spiked grain crops Other grain craps Suaflowera Annual seed grasses Perennial seed greases ~a ,~ ~~ ...................... ...................... 62. Harvesting of grain crops with binders, reapers, and other simple machines 63? Threshing of grain crops with threshers 66. of straw Haulage oP grain from combine to threshing floor Haulage of grain from combine to 69? Plowing oP second crops 70. Sowing of second crops 71. Haulage of straw to livestock farms and wintering places threshing floor Shallow plowing of stubble With plow attached to combine 72. Drying of grain 73? Cleaning of grain Grain f'or seed 74. Harvesting of hemp 75? Harvesting of bast crops (kenaf, Indian mallow, lute) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190182-8 STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190182-8 ~ 76. Plowing for winter crops 7'~iq Harrowing for vinter crops, with harrow urawn behind glow 78? Harrowing for winter crops, independently 79? Sowing of :inter rrops By the close-row method By the crisscross method 80. Defoliation of cotton 81. Harvesting of cotton, total First picking Second picking _ Volume of Work Performance Unit of To be Per- Time Measure- formed by (::orking Says) ment Total MP3 Kolkhoz MTS Kolkhoz 82. Cleaning of cotton fiber picked by machine ~ 83? Harvesting of unopened cotton nulls Aarveeting of cutton stalks ga " 84. Extraction of fiber from unopened bolls ~ 85. Digging of sugar beets With beet combines Ra " 8r~. Pulling of flax With flax combines ~~ ~~ 87. Initial processing of flax Haulage of flax fiber Haulage of flax fiber MT ~~ }~j~ 88. Harvesting of vegetables Ha Haulage of4vegetables? Haulage of vegetables Harvesting of fodder root crops Haulage of fodder root and tuber crops Haulage of fodder root and tuber crops ~ ~r?Tjkm Ha ~~ ~~~ 89? Harvesting cf potatoes With. potato combines Ha " Haulage of potatoes ~~~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190182-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190182-8 Volume of Work Performance Unit of To be Per- Time Measure- formed by work da~ meat .,Tota1,MT6. Kolkhoz MTS Kolkhoz Plowing to increase depth of plowed layer 91. Plowlag of black summer Deep plowing; at .. ., cm at ..... cm 90. Plowing of winter fallow, total Virgin and long-fallow land 92. Plowing for planting of trees, vines, bushes, etc. li^ E? Work Devoted to Preparation and Application of Fertilizers; Transport Work 93? Haulage of agricultural products Haulage of agricultural products ... ................. Plowing between the rowe?in orchards and vineyards Cultivation between the roxs in orchards end viae- yards Haulage of peat on the fields .., Hau~$ , B4.o1' Pea~'oF1..t~.._ fields Haulage of peat on the MT MT/km 95? Haulage of mineral fertilizers from state warehouses to fields Haulage from warehouse to f ielda kolkhoz Haulage Prom state ware- houses to kolkhoz Haulage from warehonse'to fields Haulage from warehouse to 96. Sxtractioa of surface peat for fertilizer N.T MT/]~ MT MT/km Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190182-8 STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190182-8 1 97? Preparation of granulated fertilize*s ~ 9~? Procurement and haulage of material for production of peat-humus pole 99? Production of peat-humus pots 100. Liming of soil Liming of soil Liming of soil 101. Haulage of manure Haulage of manure Haulage of manure 102. Haulage oi' compost Raulage of compost Raulage of ccmpost ~. 103? Application of mineral fertilizers to winter fallow Application of mineral fertilizers to winter fallow ].04. Haulage of dung water Haulage cf dung water Haulage of dung water 10;. Haulage of other lcad: iIaulage of other leads F'. Work Devoted to the Struggle Against Agricultural Pests 106. Struggle against pests and diseases .of agricultural plants Vegetable crops ? Cotton Sugar beets 107. Spraying of orchards, vine- yards, etc. Dusting of orchards, vine- yards, etc. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190182-8 STAT G. Work Devoted to Lsad Improvement, Mechnaiza- tion, Couetructioa, etc. 108. Digging nrouad trees, vines bushes etc Volume of Work performance Unit of To be per- Measure- formed b Time meat Total ~3- g ~ workin da e MP3 Kolkhoz 109, Work devoted to improvement ,,.,~ oP meadows sad pastures; Leveling of areas ~~ Leveling of small mounds " Pulling oP stumps ,; Plowing up of unproductive meadows and pastures Disking of this land " Borrowing of this land Rotary tilling of this land " Rolling of this land ~~ Liming .of this land Draining oP meadows and pastures Volume-of earthwork ~ Sowing oP grasses under nurse Cu m crops Sowing of grasses Ha Supplemental fertilization of grasses Digging of drainage canals Cutting of brush 6ollec.tion and piling of b rushwood H^~i1aRe of stumps and brushwood Repair of the drainage system Construction and repair of roads Meehanization.of labo~- aonsuming work on live- stock farms.;, Installation of xater supply lines Installation of water supply lines Watering of livestock by means of individual cups Watering of livestock by mesas of individual cups Milking of cows Milking of cows Farm Stall Farm Stall Farm Head _ - - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190182-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190182-8 Volume of Work Performance Unit oP To be Per- Time Measure- forried by (working days) meat Total MTS Kolkhoz MTS Kolkhoz Intrafarm transport germ Iatrafarm transport Stall Processing oP concentrated feed Installation Processing of concentrated ..feed. ~ Processing oi' coarse fodder Installation Processing of coarse fodder MT Processing of succulent, fodder Installation Processing of succulent fodder ~ Steaming of feed germ Steaming of feed MT 112. ~Inatallation of windmills Unite 113. Electromechanical shearing oP sheep Head In spring ~~ In fall 11