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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190143-1 STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190143-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190143-1 ~ PRCM~ON pF NEr! TYPFS OF ACRICULTUItAL It?IpZ,F7.1Q,~ ~ CHINA ~$UmIDary: This report summarizes several chapters of the Hsin- sbih Nung-chu ti T'ui kua ng, published by the Chung-yang Jen-min Chang-fu, Peiping, 1952. Cl;a tars 1 and imperialism prevented development of tools fors2n0OOhe concepts that the objective of the new tools being introduced now isefor ollective farming. Otherwise, the chapter headings below indicate the content of this report. They are: :hapter ]., A Short History of the Development of Chinese Agricul- tural Implements; Chapter 3, Importance oY' the Use of New Agricultural Tools; Chapter 5, Sett'ng up .'arm Implement Stations; Chapter 6, Work Done by the Farm Implement Stations; Chapter 7, Ob,Jects of ivew-Model Implement Promotion; and Chapter 10, Types of New-Model Farm Imple- ments.. A Short Histo oi'the Devel went of Chinese P. ricultural Imolements Chino~e o?._-- -._ vation and duri -__"""""~" znousands of years of experience in land culti- beginnin ~ that time invented many useful agricultural tools. At the g, these tools consisted merely of tree branches or poles. After society hod evolved from the primitive communistic pattern to a slavish society there appeared in the Yellow River Basin a farm tool that was a sort of forked stick with curved handle which they called a plow (lei). During the Chou Dynasty, after the use of iron had been discovered, there was fashioned a new type of plotr called the "lei-ssu." This implement was very lowerepartchndtanciron~shareuppThisaploWOU&ssting of wooden handles while the pulled by two men. Later, as the population increased other tools were invented, such as hoes and spades. As agriculture flourished, plows were developed that could be pulled by aaimais. PY the time of the Han Dynasty a plow had been invented that was much like the old-style plows still used. For over 2,000 years, from the Hnn Dynasty until the liberation, the develop- ment of agricultural tools was at a standstill. This fact shows that during im- perial domination no emphasis was placed on agricultural tools. During the IQ~PP rule, although other nations all had new tools, none were used in China except a few bought from abrond at a high price and exhibited in agricul- tural schools. During the struggle against Japan many agricultural tools were destroyed. At the same time the American imperialists, wishing to suck up the rich blood of China, insisted on bringing in and promoting the use of their new type tools. This was a direct deterrent to China's progress in development of agricultural tools. All this has resulted in an unprecendented lack of tools in country vil- lages and a genernl condition of extreme backwardness in the matter of implements. Importance of New Agricultural Tools New tools for production are indicators of a new power to produce. With new enthusiasm for increased production, farmers demand better technical aids toward such increase. The old-style tools are not effective, waste effort, and cultivate less acreage. Moreover, tools are of every sort, with each locality accustomed to use its own type of implement. This militates against ur;iting in a collective farm for increased production on n grand scale. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190143-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190143-1 STAT How can new tools meet the aims of incrensed production? 1. Plew tools increase unit production. The new plo~~s go deeper. In test- ing deep Plowing for corn the Sovie+s found that when the depth of plowing wes increased Prom 10 centimeters to 20 centimeters, the amount of corn produced was more than doubled. In Shensi Province in a test comparing new'nnd old plows, land where the new plows were used produced 17 percent more ginned cotton. Other tools are likewise superior. The new drills are better v~d the three-pronged cultivators have wider reach and cultivating is done much faster. 2? Increased production with necr tools is possible also because of the very great saving in labor both for man artd best. This releases the farmer's time, ranking possible production in supplementary industries, and enla^ging the scope of his Productive activity. 3? By using new tools, full use can be made of all labor available in the country villages, male, female, and 'Half-time labor. This increases agricultural Production. At present, the direction that increased agricultural prod~~.cti.on is to take is that of organized collective production. If our agriculture is ;.o advance and come up to that of the Soviets and other new people's democracies, it must gradu- ally change from separate individual production to collective production. Col- lective production is on n large scale and can attain its aims only by the very effective use of tractor-drawn machinery. The present stage of agriculture in China is that of transition from indi- vidual, scattered use cf old-typE tools to the collective use of new mechanized equipment. The use of these new tools is closely li.:ked with collective farming, After collectives are organized, mechanized equipment is essential. On the other hand, the desire for new machines is nn incentive for the farmer to ,join collec- tives, for he has had a taste of the new mneF.ines but they are too expensive for the individual farmer to own. When collective farming has reached a certain stage the realization comes thaw for still greater increase in production fie'_ds must be ,joined and n single crop planted. The use of new agricultural tools is closely related to the development of China trnrard industrialization. In the past, city industries have been out of touch with the needs of the country villages. Fnctor;? products have never been of any use in agricultural work in which farmers still used the hand-made tools of n backward ern. How could agricultural production flourish under such condi- tions? Every year the city has taken large quantities of food and raw materials from the country with not the slighest help, in return, for the farmers, The country has always been isolated from the city with consequent hindrance to the sotthatstheon~ tsdofeindustr~'alTdevelopment ran fbe industry to aid agriculture production. After agriculture has advanced, then industry in turniwillrrea total further Progress. With the nation's present rapid economic development and the increase in the number of ind~istrial laborers country villages must i~rnish more food than ever rawomaterialsi~~rthermore,naseIIndustry f ourishes~andifactorieslincrense moree laborers will be drawn to the cities with n corresponding loss of 1^.bor supply in the country. If agricultural production is still to be drily incrensed what other labor-saving is possible except the use of new agricultural tools? Chairman Mao has told us "The contradictions between .laboring classes and the farmers may be resolved by the method of the collectivization and the mechanization of agriculture:' This meci~anization starts with reform in the matter of tools and grndual?eli.atination of the old implements. We must strive for rapid development of national economic construction so that the mechanization of agriculture may soon be realized. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190143-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190143-1 Setting up Farm Implement Stations 7n the case of average coirsnercial products there is no difficulty about Promoting their sale if the article is good and the price reasonable. In the case of new agricultural tools, however, although they are more effective t2ian the old, easier to use, require no great outlay oi' capital, and are more eco- nomical to use, farmers show an inherent conservatism desiring to keep the old- style tools handed down by their ancestors, t}ie tools they are accustomed to use. They do not understand the advantages of the new implements, or if they du appre- establishsatdeyiniteelocalityeandaa epetialeorganizationcfitted~forepropaganda work and technical guidance. In the last 3 years, the people's government has evervcrhere set up such stations for the promotion of new agricultural tools. This special organization has ,joined general cooperatives, agricultural supply and marketing cooperatives, or other similar organizations. It is essential to have special men with iLll responsibility for this promotional wc-k and to choose suitable localities. The right personnel must be selected and the right: equipment prepared 1'or the new farm implement stations. In choosing locations for such stations the following suggestions are offered. 1.. Localities where farmers have already organized; for they are keen on Production and have greater purchasing power. 2. Places with good transportation facilities either by land, with railroad, trucks, or carts, or by weter, with steamers or ordinary boats. 3? Localities where there are agricultural economic products like cotton. Here there is good purchasing power and the new tools rill increase production. 4. Places where labor is comparatively scarce, foi there the people hope for more effective tools. Promotion of new implements is easy and at the same time great benefit comes to the farmers. 5? State farms. On the one hand, the sew tools will Help state farms work more efi'ectively and on the other hand theca farms become excellent demonstration centres. 6. Waste areas that may be opened to cultivation; for it is very difficult to do such work with old-type implements. Ir. arranging the staff of cadres for these Farm Implement Stations there should be n manager, and perhaps an assistant manager for thc.- administrative and planning work but the main activities should be those of the technical promoters of the new tools, their number being dependent upon the amount of activities in- volved. These cadres, in addition to having a spirit of complete devotion to serving the people should have the following qualifications: a. They should have a thorough knowledge of and full confidence in the new tools. ~~ b. They should possess the ability to suffer hardship patiently xith firm determination to do their work. c. They should be thoroughly trained in the use of the new instruments, xith a spirit of inquiry and experimentation. STAT . ...~ __ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190143-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA- d. Feeling closely united to the masses they should be humbly recep- tive to idens presented by the people, with a desire to learn from their ex- perience. e? They should manifest n love for tools and fer property belonging to the people. Work~~the Farm ImnlemPUt Station firstFto establishdouly a feu stationsnafteregainin3lePperience it is beet expand the promotion work. In such activities the foglowing steps muustlbeto tak~.n. 1. Survey and Investigation The natural characteristics of the area and the social conditions must be noted. This xould involve several inquires, as io: a? The soil and topography (including nat,u?e of the soil, rich or poor quality, distribution of dry land and paddy fields, hills and plains, with per- centnges of each). b. Economic conditions of the rural villages. c. Degree of organization in 'the villages of mutual aid teams and degree c_? enthusiasm of model xorkers. d? Kinds and distribution of crony. e. Local habits of cultivation and calendar of planting. f. Kinds of agricultural tools originally employed, their rumbei?, effectiveness, and methods of use. Kinds and numbers of farm animals. h? The situation regarding other agricultural promotion work in the 2? Promotion and Instruction After land reform the farmers were enthusinstic about production but still rather conservative in the matter of agricultural tools. When new agri- cultural ,tmp].ements come to a village there are three differing reactions. A few individuals are opposed to their use, a minority approve ~ahi'e the vast majority hold an attitude of skepticism. One must not underestir5atg.the diffi- culties involved in changing their viewpoint. Anyone who thinks promotion of new tools ?.ill be easily done is due to have a rude awakening. Promotion xork should use all sorts of methods, such as bulletin boards, cartoon posters, exhibits, etc. Stress should be laid on explaining the vslue of the nex tools in increasing agricultural production and in demonstrating their e:fectiveness. 3? Organizational Work The promotion of the use of new agricultural implements is not like that of coaunercial products where one simply nuts up an advertisement and xaits for customers. It must be geared to the developing tendency In agriculture and must guide farmers along the path of organized effort. In the case of the large Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190143-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190143-1 ~ suitable for purchase by the/individualyfarmerlbu~srathereshauldn?eaboughtnand used by n group. In Grganizing the massep,;t is important to take cognizance of organi- zations dlreac~ existing. Individual farmers sho::ld be persuaded to organize by showing the advantages of such organization. rail use should be made of the leadership of model wcrkers and the more active elements in influencing them to try the new a~-ricultural tools. However, there should be no compulsion in the matter. ~? Instruction and Inspection In using the new agricultural implements there are many complex tech- nical matters to be considered. The installation, regulation, repair, and gen- eral care are all important. At present, the farmers greatly lack scientific knowledge, especially as it concerns machinery. This vitrlly affects the success or failure of the neu tools. Workers must patiently instruct the masses. There are many ways in which this may be 3one, by explanatory addresses at conferen~.s, with practical demonstx?ation, with short term classes, or w.'th :ndividual in- struction. The final aim is to see thst the masses possess all these skills, managing the new tools as well as the old-style ones. ... 6 ce ma?~nerY-~ oomplex,after the implements have been turned over to the farmers the cadres promoting theix? use should from time to time make in- spection of their effectiveness, helping solve arty technical problems that mzy have arisen. As the farmers use the new tools they will gain valuable experience apd will offer suggestions. The cadres should humbly receive such ideas, ex- plaining why some are not useable but collecting and circulating hose that prove valuable. .Objects of New-Model Implement Promotion All new materials and new skills affecting agricultural production should first be recommended to the state farms, whence they can later influence the masses. Another ob~ecti should be the groups of organized fnrmers, who certainly should make use of new tools. It is an assured fact that the path of agricul- tural production is not toward individualized farming but to:rard collectivism. In accordance with this tendency new agricultural tools should first of all be promoted among mutual aid teams and local cooperatives who are comparatively progressive. An important purpose of the promotion of new tools is to hasten the organ- izing of farmers as they advance along the path toward collectivism. Types of New-Model Farm Implements Agricultural tools increase in number and in complexity as society advances and the needs of she farmers increase. Classified by motive power there are tractors, horse-driven machines and hand tools. Classified according to the nature of work done there are implements for preparing land for cultivation, platting, cultivating, threshing, irrigating, and spraying. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190143-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190143-1 ~ 1?. I~aplements to prepare Land for Cultivation 8? Plows Classified according to construction there are three kiacis, the moldboard plow, the lisk plow, and the revolving plow. Classified according to the nature of the activity there are the walking plow and the sul Classified as to motive power employed there are those pulled by animals and those that are mechanized. Each kind, in turn, has several varietie~ plow? (1) Moldboard Plows ordina (8) Walking plows with distinctive kinds, including the reclamation worknor usehonly land, one for deep plowing in dry soil, one for d;.tch making, and one for lgrassy land,aone for ilu~row plowing used also in for furrow plants ght cultivation by shallow plowing, are used often ng and for the eradication of grass, (b) Alight adjustable plow; a large horse-driven model is suitable for use by organized farmers on large fields. or the (c) The tractor plow; according to the size of the tractor amount of horse-power available several plows may be dra??m at one time. This plow is fitted for use by collective or State farms, and d (2) The disk plow is suitable for use in clay soil that is hard rY, or i1z7.1 of weeds and brush. but is ve (3) The revolving plow is very effective in pulverizing the soil ry expensive and must be pulled by n powerful tractor. b? farrows The importattt t^sk of the harrow is to pulverize and level off the soil and to remove the grass gust starting to grow. There are four kinds. (1) The spike-tooth harrow is not suitable for clay or wet land. and for land ~overedewithismallostones~ ~ SUitaLle for soil comparatively hard soil, crushing3clodse lmife-tooth harrow is.ver,~ effective in leveling off the of soil. ~ Pulverizing the soil, and flattening out arty surface layers (4) "he disk harrow is able to cut up comparatively large tree stumps. Tasks proven impossible for other harrows can be turned over to this machine. It is suitable ?or farms of large acreage, c. Rolling Machinery wind. After plantinchinery packs down loose soil lest it be carried axay by the three main t g has taken place it helps units seed and soil. There are ypes of machines. Several can bel) Rollers. Some are constructed of stone and some of iron. pulled abreast, or in tandem fashion. They are not suitable for use or, muddy land. re;n=..... ~, 1.-.. _.... .: .. ,: ,. ._ .. .... __ :: Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190143-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190143-1 {2) Rollers With Hollow Tubes. After land has been rolled with these machines the surface is not too ^,mooth and even, moisture is and so the surface is not too packed down after rain. conserved soil and level3offDthess Planks dragged along the ground can break u 1 urface. P amps of 2? Implements for Sowing Tools for sowing can complete three processes, simultaneousl a furrow, sowing the seed, and covering the seed with earth. There are four main kinds. Y digging 8? Tools for Scattering Seed but their usesisdstillenotPtoo general an Therenamecmachinesdwithea are e seed, or with outlet behind the wheel. There are horse-driven carts withponeed or two wheels. Airplanes ma sack for the Y also be used to sow seed. b. Drills . The drill ti~at makes the ilirrrna, plants the seed, and packs down the earth is very efficient since the depth of planting is the same and the furrows are always even. Drills may be pulled by manpower, horses, or tractors. c. Planting in Sills seeds like corncandebeanr,plarting in hills are suitable for com paratively coarse d. Other Machines for Planting can plant onlytaesingleivariety.plant groundnuts, cotton, etc., but each machine 3? Machines for Cultivating Crops Such machines are used to loosen the soil and remove weeds around grow- ing crops. They include: a. Garden Cultivators Parts of the machine can be interchanged to ba:;k up the earth or to do harrowing work. These cultivators are u.stutlly prcpelled by manpower but may be tractor-drawn. b. Horse-Drawn Cultivators The varieties are many and include the following: {1) Cultivators using spade-like teeth to soften the earth and cut off the weeds. {2) Disk Cultivators are best for land covered with weeds or creep- ing vises. the head of the)bladeiso that thetbladeriswnot in,jurediwhenestrikive a spring at ng an obstacle. STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190143-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190143-1 c. Tractor-priven Cul;:ivators These cultivators differ only in the motive power thnt increases their efficiency. Some are separate machines drawn by tractors while others are cultivators with installed motive power. 4 ? Harvesting Machinery These machines include all types that harvest the crops. Some are horse- drawn, others are tractor-drawn, and there are some in which harvester and trac- tor are combined into one machine. The harvesting of cotton and flax requires special types of harvesters. a. Horse-drawn harvesters are divided into (1) horse-drawn mowing machines to. harvest hay for fodder; and (2) horse-drawn reapers. Ir. addition to the bar of cutting knives it has revolving arms to pull the grain over to be cut. b. Tractor-driven harvesters differ only in mctive power. ~. The harvester combine can yerform five ilu;ctions of cutting the grain, feeding it into tt;e machines, threshing out the kernels, separating the grain from the ch~ff, and cleaning the Pais is the best and most effi- cient machine. Some harvesters are drarin by tractors while others are self- propelled. -- d. Other harvesters, such as for flax and cotton, can be used only for these particular crops. 5? Threshing Machinery a. Grain threshers perform the four functions of conveying the grain, threshing out the kernels, separating, the chaff, and cleaning the grain. Three kinds of power may be employed; animal power,~electric power, or belt-trans- mission of power from a ~nctor. ?~ b. Corn threshers are of two kinds; the spring t;?pe, using manual labor and the rotary motion type using transmission power. The latter is more efY~-p- tive. c. Hay cutters are of two kinds; those with revolving krif.Jen and those with rollers bringing hay to the knives. Some machines are turned by hand .chile others rely on electric power. d. Rice threshing machines usually use manpower in tread mills. The larger models using electricity can thresh rice six times as fast as the old- fashioned type. e. Other machines slice potatoes and turnips, gin cottonseeds, fluff cotton, hull rice, and press oil from soybeans. 6. Machinery fox? Irrigation There are three types according to motive power used (those using man- power are the old type . a. Tools using animal power include water wheels of the cylindrical type (liberation-type water wheels) and of the dipper type. These prevail in North China. Small animals can be used and the machines are easily moved and easily installed. STAT i -- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190143-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190143-1 c. Tractor-Driven Cultivators STAT These cultivators differ only in the motive power that increases their efficiency. Scme are separate machines drawn by tractors while others are cultivators with installed motive power. 4. Harvesting Machinery These machines include all types that harvest the crops. Some are horse- drawn, others are trac+,or-drawn, and there are some in which harvester and trac- tor are combined into one machine. The harvesting of cotton and flax requires special types of harvesters. a. Horse-drawn harvesters are divided into (1) horse-drawn mowing machines to. harvest hay for fodder; and (2) horse-dx?nwn reapers. In addition to the bar of cutting knives it has revolving arms to pull the grain over to be cut. b. Tractor-driven harvesters diffe.- only in motive power. c. The harvester combine can rerform five functions of cutting the grain, feeding it into the machines, threshing out the kernels, separating the grain from the chaff, and cleaning the amain. Phis is the best and most effi- cient machine. Some harvesters are drafin by tractors while others are self- propelled. -~ d. Other harvesters, such as for Flax and cotton, can be used only for these particular crops. 5? Threshing Machinery n. Grain threshers perform the four functions of conveying the grain, threshing out the kernels, separating, the chaff, and cleaning the grain. Three kinds of power may be employed; animal poaer,~electric power, or belt-trans- mission of power from a ~Ysctor. " b. Corn threshers are of two kinds; the spring type, using manual labor and the rotary motion type using transmission power. The latter is more effaa- tive. c? .Hay cutters are of two kinds; those xith revolving kni.Jes and those with rollers bringing hay to the knives. Some vachines are turned by hand :chile others rely on electric power. d. Rice threshing machines usually use manpower in tread rills. The larger models using electricity can thresh rice six times as inat as +,he old- fnshioned type. e. Other machines slice potatoes and turnips, gin cottonseeds, fluff cotton, hull rice, and press oil from soybeans. 6. Machinery for Irrigation There are three types according to e~otive power used (those using man- power are the old type). a? Tools using animal power include water wheels o? the cylindrical type (liberatiott-type water wheels) and of the dipper type. These prevail in North China. Small animals can be used and the machines are easily moved and easily installed. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190143-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190143-1 b. Power irrigation 'tools iely on electric transmission or have their own combustion engines. Tney include reciprocating engine pumps, centrifugal piuaps, high pressure pumps and rotary pumps. All pump a greet supply of water. c. Irrigation tools relying on natural forces make use of the wind or of water pressure to irrigate. There are windmills, tube wheels, dipper wheels, movable well-bucket wheels and spiral revolving pipe wheels. In the Northwest this water power is widely used, while along the coast windmills prevail. 7. Spraying Machinery There are hand tools and power-driven tools. a. Hand sprayers include some that have a single tube and others that have two tubes (used with liquid d..ainfectants). There are also dusters that sPr+;y powder. These models are small and suitable for use on small plots of land. b. Power sprayers usually have internal ecmbustion engines and are for spreying liquid disinfectants. They are suitable for orchards and large fields of vegetation. Their efficiency is veiy high. The most progressive method of all is that of using airplanes to spray liquid or powdered disinfectants to control plant diseases and prevent insect injury. STAT STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190143-1