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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190129-7 STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190129-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190129-7 NOMINATIONS FOR ANARD OF STALIN PP.I7.ES~~2 ply 193 Sovetskaya Kultura, No 22-40 Moscow, 20 Feb- Apr 1954 [The following report lists the names and~titles'of works by Soviet natural scientists nominated for the award of Stalin Prizes and the names - of scientific organizations and institutions nominating them. Numbers in parentheses refer to appended sources.] The Committee on Stalin Prizes [of the Council of Ministers USSR] iu the fields of science and inventions announces that the following scientific works, Popular scientific books, and textbooks nave been submitte4 for competition for Stalin Prizes for the years 1952 and 1953? Arzhanykh, I.S. Bitsadze, A.V. Voronkov, I.M. Gel'fand, I.M. Gel fond, A.O. Gnedenko, B.V. ~"olubev, V.V. Title of Work Presented by MECRANICAL AND MATREMATICAL SCIENCES --. Study of the mechanics of a Institute of Mathematics and uniform medium Mechanics, Academy of Sciencs Uzbek SSR "The Problem of Equations Mathematical Institute imeni of the Mixed Type" V.A. Steklov, Acadesiv of Sci- ences USSR "Course of Theoretical Mechanics" (4th edition, textbook) ',Lectures on Linear`~Alge= book) ' "Transcendental and Alge- braic Numbers" "Calculus of Finite Differences" "Mikhail Vasil'yevich Ostrogradskiy" (popular Lectures on the Inte- gration of Equations of the Movement of a Solid Body Near a Static Point" i^_al Theory of Different- ial Equations" (textbook) scientific work) "Lectures on the Theory of the Wing" (textbook) "Lectures on the Analyt- Yefimov, N.V. "Fiig}ler Geometry" (student manual) Korolevich, V.S. "Deviation of the Magnetic Mathematical Institute imeni V.A. Steklov, Academy of Sci- ences USSR Institute of Mathematics, Acad- emy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190129-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190129-7 Kochina, P.ya, (Polubarinova- Kochina) Krasil'ahchiicova, Ye .P.. Ladyzhenskaya, O.A. The Theory 6f the Movement Institue of Mechanics, Acades{y 1'of Ground Waters" of Sciences USSR "A Wing of Finite Span in a Compressible Flc~" Works on the theory of ar+- ments, on the inverse Sturm_Liouville theory and on the theory of stability "Course in Higher Alegebra" (textbook) "The Theory of Groups" "The Mixed Problem for Hyperbolic Equations" A cycle of work on the spectral properties of functions Institute of Mechanics, Acad- emy of Sciences USSR Moscow Mathematical Society Moscow State Universlty imeni M.V. Lomonosov Moscow Mathematical Society Leningrad State University Laeni A.A. Zhdanov Moscow Mathematical,Society Leont'yev, A.F, "Series of Dirichlet Polynomials and' Their Generalizations" "The Completeness of One System of Analytical Functions" "The Problem of Represen- tation of Entire Functions by Sequences of Liaear Sets" Malkin, I.G. Gor'kiy State University ... '"hRory' of the 41k~ ' , Ural State Universit ",bfli't~ of'Mo~on" -~ -~ tuts of Y, Insti- Mechanics, Academy of Sciences USSR "Experimental Aerodynamics" Moscow Aviation Institute (textbook) imeni S. Ordzhonikidze "Certain Problems of the Mathematical Institute imeni Theory of One-Dimensional V.A. StekloV, Academy of Linear Differential Oper_ Sciences USSR; Kharkov ators of the Second Order" .University imeni A.M. Gor'kiy (Parts- I and II Nestorovich, N.M. "Geometric Construe, ion e~~+.,.. ,._ .. __ ... "The IncontravertibilitTT"~ Hoscow State?University of Certain Statemen~s`df imenl M.V. Lomonosov; Moscow the Descriptive Theory of Mathematical Society Sets" Novozhilov, V.V. "The Theory of Thin Shells" Leningrad State Urdversity imeni A.A. Zhdanov Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190129-7 STAT ~~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190129-7 Nuzhin, S.G. Rabotnov, Yu.N. Filonenko- Borodich, M.M. Akhiy~zer, _:.I. Aa::.rt~tskiy, V.B. Shafranovskiy I.I. Vorob'yev A.A. 7,avadovskays Ye .K. Vorontsov- , Vel'yaminov B.A. Title of Work Collection of works on theory of wings "Strength of Materials" (textbook) Works on the solution of the spatial problems of the theory of e]?. ;_ ticity Works on theory of sur- faces "A Short Course in Mathe- matical Analysis" (text- book) "The General Law of Reciprocity" Presented b~ Kazan' Aviation Institute Moscow State University imeni M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University imeni M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University imeni M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University imeni M.V. Lomonosov Fhthema,tcal Institute imeni V.A. Steklov, Academy of Sciences USSR (1) Discovery and study of new superconducting alloys Institute of Physical Problems imeni S.I. Vavilov, Academe of Sciences USSR "Research on Physical con- ditions on the Moon and Planets" "Development of Views on the Cosmogony of the Solar System" "The Struggle.9~ainst Idealism in the Field of Cosmogonic and Cosmo- logical Rypotheses" Works on the Scientific achievements, life, and public activities of Ye.S. Fedorov "Dielectric Stability of Solid Dielectrics" "Notes on the Universe" (popular scientific work, 23 edition) "Certain Voh~etric De- fects of Crystals" "Rardness and Methods of Measuring It" '_'herrtnl Engineering I.=.boratory, Academy of Sciences USSR Kharkov State University imeni A.M. Gor'kiy Moscow State University imeni,.~ M.V. Lomonosov ` Siberian Physicotechnical Institute Moscow State University imeni Di.V. Lomonosov Leningrad Institute of Pre- cision Mechanics and Optics Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A0007001 STAT ~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190129-7 Davydov A,S'. Prikhot'ko A.F. .Obreimov LV. Deryagin B.V. '4~M`?" Ivanovskiy M.P. , Kondorakiy, ye,I, KoreunsKiy, M.I. Krat, V.A. Vyazanitsyn, V.P. Landau, L.D. ' Livshits, Ye .M. Title of Work Research in the field of the spectroscopy of molecular crystals "What Is Friction 7" {Popular scientific work) Research on the beta a:,d game spectra of radio='' ' adtive substances (aeries of articles) "Electron and Ion Etdissioh" Structural study of crys- tals by X-rays ;series of articlesl !'The Birth of Worlds" and "The Conquered Electron" {popular scientific works) Works on the theory of ferromagnetism "The Atomic Nucleus" works on the study of the sun "Crystal~...i.ud Crystal- 1lzatiQh!'. Presented bey Acade~y of Sciences, Ukrainian SSR _2~7:~ute o ~hy`9"ical Chemistry, Acadea~ of Sciences USSR . Radium Institute,~Acadecgy of ~Ciences USSR Ministry of the Chemical In- duetry; Physicochemical Institute imeni 1SarFov Leningrad Division of the Union of Soviet Writer8 of the USSR Moscow State University imeni M.V. Lomonpsov Kharkov Polytechnic Institute imeni V.I. Lenin ' Main Astronomical, Observatory, Acadeu~y of Sciences-USSR Tomsk State University imeni V,V. Kuybyshev "Theory of r'ields" "Quantum Mechanics"' "The 2lonrelativity Theory" "Statistical Physics" "The Mechanics of Uniform Media. Hydrodynamics and the Theory of Eisat~,city" Lukirakiy, P,I, Institu;e,of Physical Problems, Acadergy uF Sciences USSR "Physicochemical Hyde- -"~""Mascow E ~;..~ ~ ngineering-Pk,ysics dynamics~~ Institute "Photcluminescence of Liquid and Solid Sub- stances" Research on the elementary processes in tl~e fission of nuclei by cosmic par- ticles (series of articles) Works on the study of stellar atmospheres Physics Institute imeni P.N. Lebedev, Academy of Sciences USSR; Fbscow State University imeni M.V. Lomonosov Radium Insti*ute, Academe of Sciences USSR Byurakan Astrophysics Obser- va~:ory, Academy of Sciences Armenian SSR Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190129-7 au,.ov, v.a. Works on the spectrophc- Main Astronomical Observatory, Kuprevich, N.F. tometr of stars and the Acade y rt1y of Sciences USSR photoelectric registration of stellar spectra Mikhaylov, A.A. "Stellar A,;].as" Pekai, S.I, "Research on the Eleciron Theory oi' Crystals" Prokof'yev, V.K_. "Photographic Methods of 4uantitative Spectral Analysis of Metals and Alloys" (tyro volumes) Sevchenlo, A.N. "Investigation of the Stepanov, ~,I. Luminescence of Uranyl Compounds" Semenchenko, V.K. basic properties of generalized critical phenomena (series of articles) Tverskoy, P.N. Zverev, A.S. Kiryukhin, B.V. Kondrat'yev, K.Ys. Selezneva, B.S. Yudin, M.A. Fesenkov, V.G. Rozhkovskiy, D.A. Frish, S.E. Timoreva, A.V. Kha.~adze, Ye .K. "A Course in Meteorology" Research on the processes of'the origin and develop- ment oi' stars (series of articles) "Course in General Physics" (Vol i and II, 5th edi- tion; Vol III, 3d edition Research on the theory of superfluidity (series of articles) "Catalogue of the Indices oi' Light of 14,000 Stars and Study of the Attenu- ation of Light in the Galaxy" "Practical Astronomy" Main Astronomical Observatory, Acadeu{y of Sciences USSR Institute of Physics, P.cademy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR Academy of Sciences Belorussian SSR Moscow State University imeni M.V. Lomonosov Physics Institute imeni P.N. Lebedev, Academy of Sciences USSR Ianingra.d State University imeni A.A. Zhdanov Leningrad State University imeni A.A, Zhdanov Institute of Physical Problems Acadecgy of Sciences USSR Academy of Sciences Georgian SSR Moscow Institute of Engineers of Geodesy, Aerial Photography and Cartography Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190129-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190129-7 Shklovakiy, I.S. Shmi.dt, O. Yu. Shpol'skiy, E.V. Shubnikov, A,V, Alisov, B,p, Drozdov, O,p, Rubinshteyn, Ye .S. Belyankin, D.S. Ivanov, B.V. Lapin, V.V. Betekhti,n, p,C,,. Volf'sori,. F.I. ~ 1`orzhinskiy, D.S. Zavaritskiy, p,N., Levitskiy, O.D. Nikolayev, V.A. Betekhtin, A.C. Brod, I.G. Brod, I.O. Yeremenxo, N,p, Title1 or W_=rk Works on ':he study of vari- ab'_e stars 'Rout and What to Observe in the Reavens" "'r'he Solar Corona" '".forks on Radio Astronomy" The Theory of tk.~ Origin ?of the Earth" "Atomic Physics,"Vol I and II~ ~~S~t2'J!"'B~Anti syam~etry of Finite Figures" Preset__~b~ Odessa State University imeni I.I. Mechnikov Moscox State University imeni M.V. Lomonosov Geophysics Institute, Academy =of Sciences USSR Moscow State Fedagogical Institute imeni V.I. Lenin Institute of Crystall,ograp},Y, Acaderqy of Sciences USSR (21 GEOLOGICAL AND GEGCRAPgICgl, SCIENCES "A Course in Climatology" (Parts I and II) l Main Geophysics Observatory imeni N.I. Voyeykov "Petrography of Engineering Institute of Geological Sci- Stone" ences, Acadecgy of Sciences USSR "Easic Froblems of Know_ ledge of Magmatogenous Ore Deposits" "A Course in Mineralogy" "Water Studies" .~ "Deposits of Petroleum and Gas :` "Basic Geology cf petro- levm and Gas" (2d edi- tion) Institute of Geological Sci- ences, Academy of Sciences USSR Institute of Geological Sci- ences, Academy of Sciences USSR Moscow State University imeni M.V. Lomonosov; IKpscow In- stitute of'Construction Engineering imeni V.V. I;uyby- shev Moscow State University imeni M.V. Lomonosov ~~ . _ Moscow State Univerait ~ M.V. Lo.onosov y imeni Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190129-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190129-7 Budyko, M.I. Laykhtman, D.L. Yudin, M.A. Kucherov, N.V. Berlyand, M.Ye. Krasikov, P.N'. Timofeyev, M.P.'? Gayevskiy, V.L.i Vorontsov, P.A., "Physical Rules of the Main Geophysics Observatory Microclimate of Agricul- imeni A.I. Voyeykov total Fields, Its Forecast- ing and Regulation" (series of articles) Vasil'kovskiy, N.P. "Stratigraphy and Vulcan- Acadesty of Sciences Uzbek SSR tam of the Upper Pale- ozoic Era of the South- xestern Spurs?of the Northern Tien Shan [Moun- tains]" Vakhrameyev, V.A. "StrP.tigraphy and Fossil Institute of Geological Sci- Flora of the Cretaceous emcee Acnde~ of Sciences Deposits of Western USSh Kazakhstan" Regional Stratigraphy of the USSR (VS1 I) Voskresenskiy, K.G. "River Runoff and Tempo- State Nydrological Institute racy Water Streams on the Forest Steppe and Steppe Zones of the European USSR" Ginzburg, I.I. ~ "The Ancient Crust of Ero- Institute of Geological Sci- Korin, I.Z: ~ lion on the Ultra Basic emcee Academy of Sciences Rukavishniko~jyS A. Rocks of the Urals" USSR "Minerals of the Ancient Crust of Erosion of the Urals" Dakhnov, V.N. 'Electric Prosper_ting of Petroleum and Gac De- posits" (2d edition) Davin, V.A. "The Great Russian Navi- Bator, A.I. Ch:rikov" Durnev, A.I. "New Syateros of Construc- tion of Geodesic Networks" Zavaritskiy, A.N. "Meteorites in the USSR" Kvasha, A.G. ' Zakatov, P.S. "r..,~~rse in Advanced Geod- esy" (2d edition) Moscow Petroleum Institute ` meni Academician I.M. Gubkin Military Political Academy imeni V .I. i.entn Mosco.+ Institute of Engineers of Geodesy, :lerial Photography, and Cartcgraphy Moscow State University imeni M.V. Lomonosov Committee w~ Meteorites of the Academy of Sciences USSR Moscow Institute of Engineers of Geodesy, Aerial Photography, and Crrtography (3) Institute of Geography, Acadeu4y of Sciences USSR Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190129-7 STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA- Isa1 ?~, LS. Shuleykin, V.V. Derain, L.A. Vorob'yev, V.I. Seregin, M.P. Yegor'yeva, A.V. Smirnova, V.G. Kudryatsev, M.K. Babakhanov, A.O. Rudovits, L.F. Voli:ov, F.G. Salishchev, K.A. Orlov, B.P. 1Calesnik, S.V. Shvede, Ye.Ye. Snezhinskiy, V.A. Pogosyan, Kh.P. Drozdov, O.A. Title of Worlc "Marine Atlas" (Vol II) "Geodesy" (2d edition) Ramenskiy, G.N. Klimentov, P.P. ~v~ninnikov, A.M. "Engineering Geolog;~" "Clicmtology" "Introduction to Geology" iubuc~v, M. 1. Zaslavskiy, I.I. Tarasov, A.P. Yakimova, M.A. Lapshina, G.M. Davydov, V.I. "Principles of the Regional Geology of Continents" (Parts I and II) "Paleogeography" "The Theory of Comrtion Determination of the Figure and Dimensions of the Earth" Geographical Society of tSe USSR, Acadamy of ciences USSR Moscow Geological Prospecting Institute imeni S. Ordzhoni- :idze Moscow Geological Prospecting Institute imeni S. Ordzhonikidze Main Geophysics Observatory imeni A.I. Voyeykov "Geographical Atlas of the USSR" (for the 7th and 8th grades of secondary schools) _.:a". Central Scientific Research Institute of Geodesy, Aerial Photography and Cartography Institute of Geological Sci- ences, Acedemy of Sciences USSR Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190129-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190129-7 Orlov, P. M. Popov, V.I. Popov, I.V. Rauzer-Chernousova, D.M. Grozdilova, L.P. Reytlinger, Ye .A. Vissarionova, A.Ya. Shamov, D.F. Lipina, O.A.- Rodin, L.Ye. Rukhin, L.B. Samoylov, I.V. Sarkisvan, S.G. .;$fi?liotialova, G.A.} x, Sergeyev, Zetilwl, Skiridov, A.S: Titl~of work "A Course ir, Geodesy" (2d ~ e~itioul ...,,z_.,,, "Study of Formations" (series of works) "Engineering Geology" Presented by w A~aicuitural Academy ni Timiryazev A~c~emy of Eciencee, Uzbek ti. Moscow Geological Prospecting Institute imeni S. Ordzhoni- kidze Moscow Geological Prospecting Institute imeni S. Ordzhoni- kidze mld ` ferpitF ~ IhsEltute of ~eolvgi.cul Sci- ~~~~e Russian des Academv of Sciences "FiSndamentals oi' Lithology" "Petrography of the May-kop and Sarmat Strata of Eastern Georgla~" .,. "General Soil Studies" Botanical Institute, Academy of Sciences USSR Leningrad State University imeni A.A. Zhdanov Moscow State University imeni M.V. Lomonosov Petroleum I:stitute, Academy of Sciences USSR Moscow Suite University imeni M.V. Lomonosov Moscox Institute of Engineers of Geodesy, Aerial Photography and Cartography Leningrad Hydrometeorological Institute "Distribution of Magmatic Leningrad Mining Institute Rocks in the USSZt and Certain Problems of Petrol- ogy" "Gravimetry and Gravimetric Moscow State University imeni Prospecting" 13d edition) M.Y. Lomonosov "Avalanches. Their Moscow Stake Universit;~ imeni Formation and ?rotection M.V.~Lomonosov From Them" ' "Travels in the Mountains" "Recrystalliz9,yt~ion of Snaw and the Formation of,, Avalanches" ,r Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190129-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190129-7 ~ Series of Works on Geo- Academy of Sciences Uzbek SSR chemistry and Mineralogy. Study of Paraelements and Isotopes" Ushakov, G.A. "The Untrodden Land" Political Administration, Glavsevmorput' Fomichev, V.D. "'Rugosa' Corals and the Ministry of Geology a.~d Con- Stratigraphy of the Mid- servation of Mineral Re- d.le and Upper Carbon- sources USSR - iferous e'n1! an`= S3wjMr of the Donets Basin" Shantser, Ye .V. "Alluvium of River Valleys Moscov Geological Proapec;ing of the Temperate Zone and Institute i.msni S. Ordzhonikidze Its Significance in Understanding +,he Lsxs of the Structure "d1Yd Formation of Alluvial Formations" Shatakiy, R.S. Bogdanov, A.A. Zaytsev, R.S. Bropotkin, P.ft.1 "Tectonic Map of the USSR" Moscov State University imeni Nagibina, M.S. j ~flCA~P 1 ?~i .ni,,,__~ I(heraskov, N.P. Yanahin, A.L. Shtreys, R.A. "Stratigraphy and Tectonics of the Greenatone Belt of the Central Urals" Shcherbina, V.R. "Glauberite, Glauberitic Deposits, and Erosion Crust" and articles on a new type of mineralization of salt-bearing deposits Yurk, Yu.Yu. "The Petrology of they Umansk and Antonovek~ ? Granite Plutonic Rocks" Yakovlev, A.A, "In the World of Stone" Institute of Geological Sci- ences, Academy o: Sciences USSR Institute of Geological Sci- ences, Acadeapr of Sciences USSR Institute of Training Methods, Academy of Pedagogical Sci- ences RSFSR Institute of Geological Sci- ences, Aca3eny of Sciences USSR (4) MS ~C~RCES Ageyev, P.$, "Sanitary and Hygiene Leningrad. Medical Institute Problems of Hydraulic of Sanitation and Hygiene' Engineering Construction" - 10 - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190129-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release Atabekov,; D.N. Bakulev, A.N. Gulyayev, A.V. Kochergin, I.G. Busalov, p,A, Vlasova, Ye .F. Meshalkin, I.N. "' Rukoauyev, S.G. Barsnkcf, M.I.J Bogdanov, F.R. Bogolepov, H.K. Borodulin, F.R. Bykov, K.M. Kurtsin, I.T.} ~? Title of lJork "Antigens as External Irri- Institute of Surgery imcni A.V. tarts of the Nervous Sys-:; Vishnevekiy, Academy of M~di- tem" cal Sciences USSR `'Surgery of Organs of the Institute for the Advanced Chest Cavity" Training of Physicians, Min- istry of Health Georgian SSR "Physiology of the Central Second Moecov Medical Institute Nervous System" imeni I.V. Stalin "Foci of Suppuration in a Moscow Oblast Scientific Re- ' Small Pelvis of a Woman" search Clinical Institute imenl M.F. Vladimirekiy "Notes on Clinical Second Moscow Medical Institute Operative Surgery" SmenS~-LV: Stalir. ' The Great October Social- Institute of the Organization ist Revolution and the of Public He91th and the His- Organi~ation of Public tort' of Medicine imeni N.A. " ~ o+.~~, n~ouawy vl 17ea1Cal Scienr USSR "New Methods of Operative Sverdlovsk State Medical In- "Disturbances of the Motor Functions in Vascular Affections of therain" "6.P. Botkin and the Neurogenic Theory of Medicine" Cortico-visceral Theory of the Pathogenesis of Gastrointestinal Ulcers" "Application of the Novo- cain Bloc and Oil-Balsam .,ALttiseRtics as a Particu- atitute; Sverdlovsk Scientific Orthopedic Society; Sverdlovsk Scientific Research Institute of Plastic Surgery, Trauma- tology and Orthopedics Central Scientific Research Institute of Expert Inveati- gation of the Capacity to Work and the Organization of the Labor of Disatled Vet- ' erana State Institute for the Advanced Training oY Physicians Academy of, Medical Sciences ' USSR .., ~, Therapy" (2d edition) "Local Anesthesia by the Method of Grad+uil Infil- tration" (4th edition) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190129-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190129-7 Gorinevskaya, V.V. Danilov, I.V. Lands, A.M. Ramm, M.C. Rovnov, A.S. Grigoliys, A.L. Kurtsin, I.T. Preae_ted b~ First Moscow Medical Institute "Elements of Traumatology" Ce[,tral Institute for the Advanced Training of Pk~ysiciana Dzhordzhikiye,-y.D.y "Rites-Avadkhara" [Sta- Mge]adze, N.V. II tistics of Illness?) Chubinidze, Sh.R. J/: DavydovsY,iy, I.V. "Gunshot Tdounds in Hurmn Beings" 7drodovakiy, P.F. Golinevich, Ye .M. "General Anatomy and Physiology of Lymphatic Systems" "Teaching on Rickettsiae and Rickettsioses" "Synapses and Reversible Changes of Nerve Cells" "Elements of Normal Anatorgy of Humans" "Transpleural Resection of the Thdracic Portion of the Esophagus in Cases of Cancer" Ministry of Health Georgian SSR Second Moscow Medical Insti- tute imeni I.V. Stalin Surgical society of Pi'gorov Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology imeni N.F. Gamaley, Acadetgy of Medi- cal Sciences USSR Scientific 1?esearch Institute of Psychiatry, Ministry of Health Georgian SSR Central Clinical Hospital, Ministry of Railways USSR "Skin and Venereal Dis- ~J~kn' Kray Scientific eases" "' Society for Dermatology and Venereal Diseases Kipshidze, H.A. "Borzhomi and Its Gorge" Ministry of Health Georgian (popular scientific notes) SSR Krestovnikov, A.N. "Notes on the Physiology of Institute of Physical Culture Physical Exercises" imeni P.F. Lesgaft Kupalov, P.S. "Lectures on the Physiology Institute of Experimental of I.P. Pavlov" Medicine, Acadargy of Medical Sciences USSR Kurashev, S.V. Klirisanfov, N.Ye. G ' ' "Health Resorts of the USSR" Ministry oi' Healt;i USSR ol dfayl , L.G. P Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190129-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190129-7 STAT Molchanova, O.P. Lobanov, D.I. Lifehits, M.O. Skurikhin, M.A. Tsyplenkov, N.P. Ogrev, B.V. ~ Metal'nikov, N.N. Krupachev, I.b'. Kruzhkov, V.A. Petrova, M.A. Makhkamov, G.M. Svarichevskiy, V.S. Shirinskaya, M.A. Petrovskiy, B.V. Rufanov, I.G. Serdyukov, M.G. Title of Work "The-Hound Pro6~'ss ia~ the ~Textbook of Pediatric Diseases" Presented by State Scientific Research Institute of Eye Diseases imeni Gel'mgol'ta Leningrad Mate pediatric Medical Institute "Book of Tasty and Health- Ministry of the Food Products ful Foods" Industry USSR "Therapeutic Physical Cul- ture in Hypertension" "Therapeutic Physical Cul- ture at Health Resorts and Sanatora" "Therapeutic Physical Cul- ture in the Clinical Treatment of Inter~sl Dis- eases" Central Institute for the Advanced Training of Physicians "Elements of Diagnostics and Special Pathology. Propsedeutics of Internal Diseases" "Blood Supply to the Cerebral Cortex Unde: Norcml and Pathological Conditions" "Surgical Interference on the Mediastinum and Its Organs" Operations on the Lungs Under Local,Anaeathetic" "Surgical Therapy of Cancer of the Esophagus and the Cardia" "Hygiene of Nutrition" "Influenza and Severe Catarrhs of the Upper Respiratory Trsct" "General Surgery" "V.F. Snegirev. His Life and Scientific Activity" Institute of Experimental Pathology and Cancer Therapy, Academy of Medical Sciences USSR Institute of Surgery imeni A.V. Vishnevskiy, Academy of Medi- cal Sciences USSR Second Moscow Medical Institute imeni I.V. Stalin First Moscow Medical Institute First Moscow Medical Institute First Moscow Medical Institute Tbilisi Otstetric and Gynecological Society --- - _ - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190129-~-? STAT Tareyev, ye.M. Terrrovakiy, S.D. . Tonkov, V.A. Ferdman, D.L. ' Grigor'yeva, V.A.~ Man'kovskiy, B.N. Slonimskaya, V.M. Maksimavich?, N.A.~ Fogel'son, L.I. Chaklin, V.D. Chernorutskiy, M.V. Shamov, V.N. Samotokin, B.A. Babchin, I.S. Smirnov, L.I. Presented by Ceatr..l Scientific Research