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Document Release Date: 
August 24, 2011
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Publication Date: 
June 8, 1954
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190005-4.pdf100.54 KB
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190005-4 STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190005-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190005-4 DIRECTIVE OF GOVERMENT AnNINIgTRATION COUNCIL ON WINTER AGRICULTURAL ACTIVITIES IN CHINA Te KunZPao, Tientsin, 2 Deb ci953 Ir South China, winter production is the most important matter for all cadres to give attention to, and any other program that might interfere with it should be suspended. In 1954, a new increase in production must be attained by building on the steady progress ofthe past few years. Only by continued production increases can the national economy be kept in balance. Though certain temporary diff.cul- ties are Still apparent, they are not insurmountable. Promotion of the organization of mutual aid teams and agricultural production cooperatives is a matter of primary importance in socializing the rural economy. It is the main factor in easing peasants problems, raising the standard of living, and increasing production. The winter season should be used to improve the quality and functioning of the organizations. In areas where land reform has only recently been carried out, agricultural production cooperatives may be organized experimen- tally on the hsien level and in more advanced areas en the ch'u level. :success with agricultural production cooperatives will encourage enrollr..ent in mutual aid teams. Special plans must be laid and particular persons charged with responsi- bility for the success of the program. Continual improvement in the internal organization and activates of mutual aid teams and agricultural cooperatives must be effected to insure satisfaction and enthusiasm of members. The most important details of winter production activities are: 1. In areas where all-year cultivation is possible, plant winter wheat and vegetables which mature in the spring. The masses should be organized in ac- tivities to conserve soil moisture and to eliminate insect larvae. 2. Promote a greater interest among peasants in a more widespread and gener- ous use of fertilizers. Since commercial fertilizers are currently in short supply, the advantages of natural fertilizers should be stressed. 3? Promote repair of existing projects and development of new small-scale irrigation projects. Where practicability and existence of technical talent indicate, small-scale water reservoirs may be constructed. The labor force for these projects should be recruited from surplus labor created by the mutual aid cooperative program. 4. During 1953, ep.'demics caused serious losses among farm animals. Insist on better handling and inoculat+on of animals to reduce such losses. Veterinari- ans should be mobilSzed to aid the farmers. 5. Aid peasants in repairing and acquiring implements. Promote new imple- ment sales in accord with the requirements of local communities. Provide better instruction and. demonstrations in the use of new implements and make organized provision for repairs. Provitsion of materials and artisans for repair of old implements is important. 6. Organize winter-type supplementary activities to increase peasant in- comes. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190005-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190005-4 7. Carry out the winter iarm loan and oa:i collection yropa:n. .;bile there are, no doubt, some needy families to whom loans may be ad:ancei, in gen- eral, because of the increased crop purchasing program of 1953, farmers have more money than heretofore, hence the loan collection program should be strongly rushed. This is important Co that fluid capital may he on hand for 1554 loans. Supply and marketing cooperatives :nust try to most the needs of the farmers for implements and production materials. farniars have sold more grain in 1953 than usual and have more money to spend for tiiuse things. When goods cannot be supplied irmmediately, farmers should deposit their funds in the People's Bank, the Trust Cooperatives, or with the marketing cooperatives as advance pa;,7ment on orders `or goods. They may also be cncoiirage~i to invest surplus funds or savings in government bonds. Farmers should not waste their money on nor~ssentials. .t-enuous efforts should be cede to carry, out the product'in-1'or-relief prp- gram. :'wring 1953, gains in agricultural production ware rode in areas free 'rum alamity, but because of calamities in some a'cars th, Iotet ,ational production fell below that of 1552. Failure to get calamit' areas back t. normal will re- cult in inability co meet 1954 goals. Pupplenentary Industries, drainage ~:roj- cets, attention to health of both people and animals should all be used to re- store normal. -on,litions so that 1954 surn.'_uses can mok? up for 1953 shortages. Among m'.nority nationalities, the gei:eral pri:iciple of ir.c_cased c_roduction for 1954 should be promoted, but the many varyin local conditions must be take into account and allowed for in promotion activities. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190005-4 STAT