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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700180069-5 SUBJECT HOW PUBLISHED WHERE PUBLISHED DATE PUBLISHED CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. Economic; Technological A ricultural machine building Monthly periodical, daily newspapers Moscow, Tbilisi Sep - 28 Oct 1953 DATE OF INFORMATION 1953 DATE DIST. 6 in Ay 1954 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. URGE LOWER METAL CONSUMPTION NEW MODELS OF FARM MACHINE'S REDUCING WEIGHT OF AGRICULTURAL MACHINES -- Moscow, Sel'khozmashina, yap 53 The Soviet agricultural machine building industry is one of the largest consumers of metal in the USSR. Because or the increased production goals for agricultural machinery, the industry will require a still greater amount of metal. In developing new designs for agricultural machines,and in improving old models, designers must make every effort to decrease the amount of metal needed in the production of these machines. The task of ecorimizing metal must begin with the original sketch of a machine. Consumers' demands must oe carefully considered and rechecked for un- necesiary requirements. Unfounded demands can lead to excessive use of metal. An example of the unnecessary use of metal is in the ZSP-2 mobile grain dryer, which weighs 8 tons, including 7 tons of metal. Consumers demanded that the machine be arranged on'two carriages as a fire preventive measure. Experience has shown that the fear of fire was unfounded. A plant has devel- oped a grain dryer on one carriage. Technologically, the dryer is the same as the ZSP-2 model, out requires 2 1/2 tons less metal for its production. VISKhOM (Ali-Union Scientific Research Institute of Agricultural Machine Building) went a step further and developed the SZP-1.25 mobile grain dryer, which puts out. the same amount of work as the ZSP-2 dryer, but weighs only 3.5 tons, including 2.65 tons of metal. VISIthOM has 'ound that tractor-mounted agricultural machines weigh 30-50 percent less than their tractor-drawn counterparts, and in recent years has STATE ARMY DITSTRIBUt10NN I I I fli Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700180069-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700180069-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700180069-5 plow, spreader the hiller, the KRN-2.8 cultivator and fertilizer SON-2.8 vegetable planter, the SNKh-2 beet puller for the KhTZ-7 tractor, the PH-2-30M double-bottom plow, the KPN-3 cultivator, the LDN-2.4 disk plow, the KN-5.4 row cultivator, the KON-2.8 cu.?tivator and hiller for the U-2 tractor, and a number of other machines. The following table shows the relative weights of tractor-mounted and tractor-drawn agricultural machines: developed a number of tractor-mounted machines: the PN b the KON-2.3 cultivator -30 ai 1 Machin= Weight Tra.ior-Mounted Model in T Weight ractor-Prawn Model Plow PN-2-30M 200 P-3-30 in kg) Cultivator 540 KP11-3.0 375 FY-3 Cultivator and 585 hiller KON-2 8 300 KUrs-2.8 Roar c l 5c0 u tivator KN-5.4 710 KPS-5.4 930 - -c.?r 308 LBD-4.5 The ( fore oin 9,0 g g article was written by A VISKhO M ] V C . . . humak, Chief Engineer, DESIGN, IMPROVE FARM l4\CNINES -- Mosccw, Moskovskiy Komsomoletr., 4 Oct 53 G. Gin'ko, ,lcademician-Secretary, VISKhOM (A11-Union Scientific Research Institute of Agricultural Machine Building), states that VISKhOM and other or- ganizations are continually designing new agricultural machines acid improving old ones. The Smolenskaya Oblast Experimental Station is testing a plow with a 60- centimeter plowing depth. The plow was designed by Academician V. P. Mosolov of VISFhOM. The SKG-4 potato planter, designed by VISKiOM and the F:yasLr,' 5iyaz3e1l:nash lgricultura1.'?.+schine Building Plant, has been wifely used in 1)5i. In Mosxov- skayn Oblast, over 60,000 hectares of potato crop were planted by the SKG-4 potato planter. Designers have made many improv,.ments on tho planter and, by spring of 1954, ten, of thousands of improved SKG-4 potato planters will oe de- livered to kolkhozes and sovkhozes. The SUB-48 grain drill, produced by the K!rovograd Ni?as,Zveida Agri- cu.Itural Machine Building Plant, has been supplied to many k,!khozes? Areas planted by the SUB-48 grain drill have shown a consider9b1e increase in crop yields. The 'I7 S-7 for _iizer ^prea:e.,;e,igned 5y ttc ,omel Gom:;ei':eash Agricul- tural Mecic_ne Building Plant, is being tested in the exp2rime::tal ~ ;,r,-ic,n c the -!--Union .kcad>:a:y of .i6ricu1 j ral Sciences imeni Lenin. ,f Thtz Leningrad branch of VISKh)M is working on designs of the .,;P-2.5 straitht-thrrugh comofne for northern regions. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700180069-5 The BTU-0-7 tractor-mounted hay stacker, designed by the All-Union Scien- tific Research Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of State Farms, has shown good results in.tests. The SP::-0.7 mobile grain dryer, designed in 1952 and produced in 1953, has shown excellent results- In 1953, bne dryer has cleaned 600 tons of grain in three kolkhozes in Moskovskaya Oblast. The SPK-0.7 grain dryer requires only one third the metal used in the production of other grain dryers. Production of the OSM-3.0 grain cleaner has begun in 1953. The cleaner is equipped with attachments for cleaning seeds of all crops. Moscow, Komsomol'skaya Pravda, 24 Oct 54 Designers of VISKhOK are intensively working on drawings for the following new muchines: the DDP-30S sprinkling machine, the SON-2.8 tractor-mounted planter, the IG-9 machine for making seedling pots out of peat, and others. The drawings, when completed, will be sent to the plants which are to produce these machines. Many new machines and devices designed by VISKhOM are now being produced or tested. Recently, a top-removing device for sugar-beet harvesters has been presented to plants for production. Th- SK-2.6 forage harvester is now being tested in the Moscow area. The forage harvester has a working width of 2.6 meters. It is intended for tall stalk crops such a9 corn and sunflower. The harvester chops up to 80 tons of .silage in one hour. ,In the very near future, animal -husbandry farms will be supplied with ?variouv types of machines for feed processing. Drawings.of a grinder have al- ready been supplied to six plants in the Ukraine and six plants in the Urals. Several models of a new vegetable planter are being developed. This planter covers vegetable seed with a strip. of. paper to speed germinatipn end check weed growth,.. The experimental shop of VISKhOM is testing a new potato grader. The grader sorts potatoes into three sizes: large, medium, and small. It sorts 10 tens,of potatoes in one hour. TEST AGRICULTURAL MACHINES -- Tbilisi, Zarya Vostoka, 28 Cc. 53 The Georgian SSR machine testing station, located several kilometers from Tbilisi, tests new aaricu],tural machines designed by construction bureaus of various Soviet enterprises. .The SRN-2 two-row tractor-mounted seedling planter has been undergoing tests for 3 years. The planter was designed by the Rostov on Dcr. Krasryy Aksay Plant. c opr vem nts suggested by the testing station helped to make the planter In lp53, the station tested the SKG-4 checkrow potato planter. In 1954, Soviet ur'.cultural machine building. plants will produce :0,000 SKG-4,planters. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700180069-5