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September 6, 2011
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Publication Date:
May 3, 1954
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700180051-4
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700180051-4
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700180051-4
[This repcrt presents information from an article in Pravda
Vostoka on agriculture and summaries of reports by A. N. Niyazov
Secretary oP the Central Committee of the Communist Party, Uzbek
SSR, and M. A. Mukhamcdzhanov, Minister of Agriculture and Pro-
curement Uzbek SSR, to the Seventh Plenum of the cocimittee in
session on 9, 10 October 1953, Pursuant to the decree of the Sep-
tcnber 1953 Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU "On Meas-
ures .?or the Further Development of P.griculture in the USSR."]
Report b A. N. 2di- zov
bgriculture in the republic has achieved considerable success in its
Many kolkh~zes, ;ovkhozes, rayons, and oblasts are obtainint, high, stable
cotton yields. Zn 1)52, 158 koll;hozes of the republlc achieved yields exceed-
inL 30 quintals per hectare. In 1953, cotton production is to increase to a
level almost twice the preua:? level. Bast growing, silk-cocoon production,
and astrakhan output have increased in the republic..
Nevertheless, there are serious shortcomings in the development of
a~?iculture in the republic. Many koL~thozes and sovkhoze^, still obtain low
yields of cotton and other crops. Land and avatar resources are not fully
used; more than 400,000 hectares of land with irrigation networks are not
being utilized for crops; 200,000 hectaz?es of this land could be Fut tc use
with small capital investment.
The cattle herd in the republic has become smaller in number. There are
fewer cows than in the prewar period. Livestock productivity is very low.
Production of potatoes, vegetables, and rice has declined sharply. irool,
olea;;inous clop, and bast production is low.
An _mportmit test: in the republic is to increase cotton production by in-
creasing the yielri and sown area, the latter to be achieved through reclamation
of presently unused lands and addition of new lands. In the next years, it is
necessary to expand the areo devoted to cottor, by at least 300,000 hectares and,
in the next 5 years, to almost double rsw-cotton production.
Repo.?t by hi. A. Mukhamedzhanov
Plowing of winter fallow is of Brest importance in the achievement of a
higher cotton y{eld. Nevertheless, many kolkhozes and sovkhozes do not plow
winter fallow aad begin to prepare the land for cotton is sprin,; with con-
sequent delayed sowing and a reduced harvest. Introduction of crop rotation
is also ignored. The checl:-ruu method of sowing cotton is not employed.
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700180051-4
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700180051-4 ~
Pravda Vostoka's Articla on Atcricuiture
Ia 1953, the greatest increase in cotton production xaa being achieved in
Surkhan-Dar'inakaya, Kashka-Dar'inakaya, Tashkentskaya, and Andizhnnskaya
ob].asts. Brit many kolkhozes and sovkhozes are still not coning with the tasks
set by the state. In 1952, ?h> a?
of the kolkhozea in the republic xasyunder~2CVyuintalsla in more than one half
4 per hectare.
'Since the September Plena of the Central Committee of the CPSU was held,
28 agricultural specialists xith higher educations returned to kolkhozes ant
MPS of ^_'ashkentekaya Oblast; about 200 Yormer tractor drivers and machine
operators returned to MPS ~f the oblast.
Gn the xhole, little has been done in the republic to implement the meas-
ures decreed by the September Plenum. The Ministry of A(p?iculture and 2~~?-
curement Uzbek SSR and its local organs are xorking very sloxly in that direction.
Earnest xork to transfer specialists from their apparatuses to kolkhozes and
MPS has not yet been undertaken. The other measures decreed are beirh acted
upon very eloxly. ,
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700180051-4