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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700180001 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUAI~NTS C?R RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. COUNTRY USSR DATE OF SUBJECT Scientific - Biolo gy, bibliography INFORMA HOW PUBLISHED Monthly periodical DATE DIS WHERE PUBLISHED Dioscow N0 OF P DATE . PUBLISHED Ploy-Dec 1953 LANGUAGE Ruasiar, SUPPLEM Uspekhi Sovremennoy Bio1o'ii, Vol 36, No 3 (6), pp 39c_4p3 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP BI07AGICAL LITERARURa FROM SOVIET PERIODICAL DFn"EMEER 1953 [Corment: The following list of titles is taken from a bibliography edited by V. V. nlpatov in Uspekhi Sovremennoy Biologic, l'olume 36, No 3 (6), November-December 1953, PP jig-T+23. Only titles from publications, or certain issuca thereof, which, as far as could to determined, are not avail- able in the US, are included herein.] i Hinman anc nui:7ai Dtorpholc~ T. S. Osi.rtaeva __ The Morphology of the Blood in Several Diseases of the Nervous Sycter;. Trudy Izhevskogo Gosudarstverogo Meditsin::'ro~o Instituta (Works of the Izhevsk State Medical Institute), Vol 10, 151, pp 14h-149. A. Pantskhuva and T. Chkheidze -- The Influence of Miramal Anoxemia on the Diameter of Erythrocytes. Sborni}: Trudov Gru~ins'rogo Zootechnicheskogo Veterinarnogo Instituta (Collection of Wor}s of the Georgian Zootechnical Veterinary InstituteJ, Tbilisi, `!01 7, 1951, pp 325-331> [in Georgian]. }Iua,an and Ar:imal physiology L. I. Ardashnikova -- Mechanism oi' Adaptation to Short Periods of Anoxia Sbornik: Kislorodnaya Terapiya 1 Kislorodnaya Nedostatochnost' [L~reinafter called KTKNj (Collection: Oxygen Therapy and Oxygen Deficiency), .?{fev, 1952, PP 77-84. E? A. Asratyau ?- I. P. Pavlov's Teaching and Some or the Problems of :7ilitary physiology. Voyenno-tdeditsinskiy Zhurnal, No 1, 1952, pp 16-21. STATE ARMY CLASSIFICA7! NAW NSRB AIR FBI 11/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700180001 ___ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700180001-9 Kh. S. Koshtoyants -- Belkovyye Veshch:slue, Obmen Veshchesty, i Nervnaya Regulyatsiys (Protein Substances, Metabolism, and Nerve Regulation), A::ad Sci USSR, 1951, 100 pp, L. S. Persinninov -- The Quantity of Acetylcholine in Blood Flowing From the Uterus and the Sensitivity of the Uterus to Acetylcholine During Various Stages of Pregnancy. Voprosi Eksperimertal'noi Biologic 1 Meditsiny, rIo 1, '95'--, PP 84-89. Metabolism V. P. bezuglyy __ Basal Metabolism and Consumption of Oxygen in Hyper- t=nsion During Oxygen Therapy, KTfU7, Kiev, 1952, pp 292_297. I. A, VoL'?:ova -_ The Influence of Oxygen Therapy on the Urine-Secreting Functior, of the Kidney iu Hypertension. KTKN, Kiev, 1952, PP 324-326. A. I. Gefter, A, p, Matuseva, and S. N. Sorinson -- The Role of Oxygen Sturvatior. ir. the Pathogenesis of Circulatory Deficiencies During Chronic Diseases of ?he Lungs. KTKN, Kiev, 1952, PP 110-120. :7, A, Kurshakov -_ Errors Encoun;,ered in the InvestlEation of Gas Metabolism Both Under Clinical Conditions and During Oxygen Therapy. K~{N, Kiev, 1952, pp 164-170. 0. P, Molchnnova -- The Scientific Basis of Nutritional Norms for Various Professional and Adult Groups o; the Population in the USSR, and n Criticism of Bourgeois Theories in Regard to Nutritional Norms. Novosti Meditsif:y, No 22, Moscow, 1951, pp 6-8. G. M. Provolotskaya -- Gas Metabolism in Various Types of Endocarditis. KTKN, Kiev, 1952, pp 255_2gg, 0. Ye. Tsukershteyn -- Interrelationships Hetxeen the Patholop? of the Storuich and That of the Intestines. Voyenno-Medltsir,skiy Zhurnal, No 1, 1952, PP 43-46. L. L. Shik, A. bi. Kulik, and M. G. Shneyderovich -- Pecullaritie~ of Airing [Ventilatior.J of the Lungs in Some Forms of Oxygen Deficiency. KTKN, Kiev, 1952, pp 53-62. K. A, Shchukarev and Yu. N. Shteyngart -- Complex Analysis of External Respiration [Respiration Through the as a Method of Clinical Investi- gation. KTKN, Kiev, 152, pp 141-147. V. N. Va1'chuk -_ Changes in the Nitroger. Composition of the Urine of Hypertension Patients While They pre in an Oxygen Tent. KTKN, Kiev, 1952, PP 329-332. :;. V, Derviz, 0, N. 3ulanova, and S. A. Lazarevskiy -- The Respiratory Function of the Blood at a Lowered Arterial Blood Pressure, KTiGV, Kiev, 1952, PP 129-140. N. S, Zanozdra -_ The Interruption of External Breathing as an Indication of Oxygen Starvation in Hypertension and the Lrportance cf Physical Therapy Under These Conditions. KTKN, Kiev, 1952, PP 298-307. K. A, Kumpan -- Changes in the Indexes of Peripheral Hlood Circulation in Hypertension During Oxygen Therapy. KTKN, Kiev, 1952, pp 309-313. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700180001-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700180001-9 IJ, V, Lauer -- Ape Characteristics of the Blood-Pressure Reactions to Asphyxia. KTKN, Kiev 1952, PP 1+7-52. R? I. Lirtsman -- The Influence of Oxygen Therapy on the Activity of Some of the.Enzymes in the Blood of Patients Suffering From Hypertension. KTKN Kiev, 1y52, PP 317, 318. T. P.?Malakhova __ The Permeability of Vascular Walls in Hypertencion During Oxygen Therapy, I,-~qv~ Kiev, 1952, PP 321-323. F. Ya. Primak -- The Rasic Phenomena of Oxygen Starvation i.n Hypertension and the Influence of Oxygen Therapy on Them, KTKN, Kiev, 1952, pp 267-275? L. I. Goge1'son and T. N. Feldman Circulation. KTKN - HypOXiB Due to Interruption of Dlood , Kiev, 1852, PP 121-128. K, N, Ts u}:esman -- The Change in Vacant [sic] Oxygen and the Oxidation Coef'ficien.t ^f the Urine in $ypertension Patients Under the Influence of Oxygen TheraPY? KTiGY, Kiev, 1952, PP 327, 328. Ye. F? Chuprina -_ The Change in the Viscosity of the Blood of Putierts Suffei?ine From Hyperteneion. KTKN, Kiev, 1y52, pp 319, 320. B. C, Vinnikova __ The Effect of Scme Enzyme Poisons on the Irritrhility of the Medullary Layer of the Adrenal Glands. Trudy Leningradskogo Sanitarno- Sigiyenicheskogo Meditsinskogo Institute [hereinafter called TISMI] (Works of the Leningrad Saritary_~ygienic Medical Institute), No 12, 1952, pp 77_90? A, V, Yemel'yanova _- The Effect of Acetylcholine on the Output cf Nit;ogen- Containing Substances FPOm the Adrunal Glands. TISMI, No 12, 1y52, pp 91_94? Ye. D. Kolpakov and N. S, Ozadovskaya -_ The Effect of $ypoxis on the Reproductive System of Young and Old Rats. KTKN, Kiev, 1952, pp 102-109. Physiolot?, of ~iuscles I, I. Bashlykov and V. A. Karyakina -- The Effect of Some Vitamins and Hormones on the Acetylcholine Contraction of Skeletal Muscles? Dcklady Obshchestya Testestvoispytaniya pri Molotovskom UniversitPt? (Reports of the Natural Science Society of Molotov University), No 1, 1951, pp 3-8? Physiology of the Nervous System Ye. I, Babkin and I. P. llolgachev -- Concerning the Analysis of the Path of Pathological Reflex, Processes During the Action of Radium Emanation on Peripheral Nex?ves. Vestnik Rentgenologii i Radiologii, No 6, 1952,, pp 1F6-50. _> Ya. D1. Britvan -- q~he Role of the Ce.^.?ral :7ervous System in the Disruption . Repiraiion and Blood Circulation During Various Types of Anoxie. KTKN, Kiev, 1952, pp 29-38. Ye. N. Domontovich -_ Chonges in Some Aspects of the Metabolism of Brain Tissue During Oxygen Starvation and the Role of the Ad2ption Factors KTKN, Kiev, 1952, pp 14-20. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700180001-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700180001-9 h. :Y. Dytv~.hits and L. 5, b:ashr.cvich -- Corcar:dng the btech~nic~. o' th~_ Irritation of. the Carotid Reiexoeenic Zone During Ano;;iu. };'I,C:, iarv, '_ X52 1^,p 71.76. , A. Z.. };olchins};aya -- The Efi'ect of Anoxic on the Higher Nervous r:cti?:ity of titan. KTKN, Kiev, 1952, pp 2i-23. A, V. Palladio, B. I. Khaykiaa, IJ. bf. Polya'rova, and others-- I'he gation of Carbohydrate Metabolism in I[ypoxla. I:TKN, Kiev, 1952, pp ;_ij. F. IJ. Serkov end B. S. Shklyar -- The Effect of the Inspiration of Oxyget; or. the Cerebral Cortex of Persons Suffering From Hypertension. KTKIJ, Kiev, 1952, PP 276-281, Pharmacology ~n~: Toricoloiy 5. V. Anichkov -_ Substances Which L-1ocY. N-cholinoreceptors, any Their Application ac Vcsodiiative Agent:., Sovremenyye Voprosy Di_,iitsir..;kcy N:-.tL'