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SUBJECT Economic - Transportation, rail INFORMATION
PUBLISHED Daily newspapers
PUBLISHED 18 Oct 1953-12 Jan 1954
DATE DIST. / Jr Mar 1954
During 9 months of 1953, 853,700 above-norm-weight trains were operated
on the railroad systems of the USSR, hauling more than 250 million tons of
freight above the norm. The above-norm freight tonnage hauled in 9 months of
1953 almost equals the total for 12 months of 1952.
Vil'nyus, Sovetskaya Litva, 3 Nov 53
During September and the first half of October, engineers of the Vil'nyus
Terminal, Baltic Railroad System, increased the average daily run of their loco-
motive by 15.8 kilometers above the norm. The engineers operated 280 above-norm-
weight trains, hauling thousands of tons of freight above the norm and saving
1180 tons of fuel.
Stalinabad, Kommunist Tadzhikistana, 4 Nov 53
In operating their locomotive, B-203, an engine crew of the Stalinabad En-
gine Terminal, Ashkhabad Railroad System, fulfilled the 1953 plan for the road
operation of the engine by 135 percent. By these operations the crew saved 55
tons of coal and surpassed the average daily run of the locomotive by 14.5 kilo-
meters, thus saving 9,000 rubles.
Minsk, Sovetskaya Belorussiya, 5 Nov 53
Locomotive crews of the Brest vostochnyy Engine Terminal, Belorussian Rail-
road System, are operating several above-norm-weight consists daily. On 18 Octo-
ber, engineers of the terminal operated seven above-norm-weight consists, haul-
ing nearly 5,000 tons of freight above the norm, and saving by these operations
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more than 12 tons of fuel. On 27 October, the engineers operated nine above-norm-
weight express freight trains. Since the beginning of 1953, the engineer having
the best results operated 60 above-norm-weight consists, hauling nearly 15,000
tons of freight above the plan.
Petrozavodsk, Leninskoye Znemya, 5 Nov 53
Engineers of the Petrozavodsk Engine Terminal, Kirov Railroad System, oper-
ated 57 above-norm-weight consists in October.
Riga, Sovetskaya Latviya, 12 Nov 53
During 10 months of 1953, locomotive crews of the Chiyekurkaln Terminal Bal-
tic Railroad System, operated 2,425 above-norm-weight trains, hauling more than
750,000 tons of freight above the plan. Such operations release 33 locomotives
monthly for other service.
Alma-Ata, Kazakhstanskaya Pravda, 15 Nov 53
A senior engineer of the Alma-Ata Engine Terminal, Turkestan-Siberia Rail-
road System, recently operated, from Kos-Kuduk Station to Alma-Ata, an above-norm-
weight train of 2,660 tons, surpassing the weight norm by more than two times.
By this run the engineer save fuel, lubricants, and other materials worth 1,760
During 10 months of 1953, the engineers of the Alma-Ata Terminal have oper-
ated 3,100 above-norm-weight consists, hauling 1.1 million tons of freight above
the plan. By these operations the engineers have saved 1.3 million rubles.
Moscow, Moskovskaya Pravda, 15 Nov 53
mo ?"81ne Terminal, Moscow-Kursk-Donbass
Railroad 3 stem o
Y , operated 667 above-nor-weight trams, hauling 270,000 tons of
freight above the plan. The engineers also surpassed the norms for the average
daily locomotive run and the speed excluding stops. One engine crew operating
on the Lyublino-Serpukhov stretch ran 45 consists, each surpassing the weight
norm by 200 tons br more. These operations saved 32 tons of fuel.
Ashkhabad, Turlonenskaya Iskra, 19 Nov 53
Since the beginning of 1953, engineers of the Krasnovodsk Division, Ashkha-
bad Railroad System, have operated more than 550 above-norm-weight trains.
Moscow, Izvestiya, 12 Jan 54
On the Tomsk Railroad System in 1953, 39,000 above-norm-weight consists:
were operated, hauling several million tons of freight above the norm and saving
40,000 tons of fuel.
At the siding warehouses on the Transcaucasus Railroad System, trucks ar-
rive dai].v loaded with potatoes, cabbage, apples, plums, grates. snd nears from
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the kolkhozes of the Georgian SSR. On all the divisions of the system, refrig-
erator cars are being supplied for the fruits and vegetables. During 15 days
of October, 1,080 cars of fruit and vegetables were loaded and dispatched. At
the stations of Gor?., Kareli, Sadakhlo, and Marneuli, loading is carried on day
and night.
A crew at the Cori Station has w
ed out a new method of handling refrig-
erator cars. Assemblers now form the cars into consists at the loading points
before sending them to the station.
MOSCOW, Gudok, 20 Oct 53
During 15 days -f October, 172 cars of livestock above the plan and two
additional express trains with potatoes and vegetables were dispatched
the Vologda Division, from
Northern Railroad System. The best results in load-
itL and dispatching consumer goods were attained by the workers at the Chere-
povets and Voahega Stations, Northern Railroad System, where the half-month"
plan was almost doubled.
Stalinabad, Kommunist Tadzhi.cistana, 6 Nov 53
Railroad workers of the Sary-Assiya Station, Stalinabad Division of the Ash-
khabad Railroad System, reported on 1 November that the loading and unloading
plan for 1953 had been completed. As a result of the high productivity of labor,
5,000 cars were loaded and more than 9,000 cars were unloaded above the plan.
The layover time of the rolling stock was shortened by 4 hours.
Moscow, Vechernaya Moskva, 10 Nov 53
'In.the third quarter of 1953, railroad workers of the Moscow Division, Mos-
..cow-Kursk-Donbass Railroad System, fulfilled the general state plan for loading.
They surpassed the plan for dispatching ferrous metals, light and food industries,
ght, and' agricultural freight. For example, the plan for grain loading was
surpassed by more than two times. Car turnaround time in the division was ac-
celerated by 17.7 percent and the norm for the average daily locomotive run was
surpassed by 29 kilometers.
Stalinabad, Kommunis, Tadzhikistana, 17 Nov 53
At Leninabad Station, Kokand Division, Tashkent Railroad System, railroad
workers surpassed the loading and unloading norms for the month of October.
Thirty percent more freight was dispatched from the station during that month
than in September.
Moscow, Izvestiya, 20 Nov 53
In the Melitopol' Division, Stalin Railroad System, '^'ain and flour are
being loaded and dispatched on express freight trains for Moscow, Saratov, Riga,
and other cities. The express trains leave Akimovka, Partizany, and Prishib
stations regularly. The layover of each car unL:rgoing loading operations has
been reduced by half an hour.
Moscow, Pravda, 12 Jan 54
In 1953, railroad workers of the Tula rail center, by better utilization
of the rolling stock, released 1,400 cars for other service.
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.Formerly, the production of the Tula Wadding Mill was packed in large bales
which, when placed in a car, occupied only two layers, leaving an empty space
of 30 centimeters between the ton layer and the ceiling of the car. Now the
bales are made smaller and are stacked in three layers, thus more fully utiliz-
ing the carrying capacity of the car. Because of this new loading method, the
amount which formerly was loaded in five cars is now loaded in four cars.
Also, as a result of a new method of loading refined sugar, four additional
tons are now loaded in each 50-ton boxcar.
Tashkent, Fravda Vostoka, 25 Nov 53
Because of more compact loading wethcds, 12,000 cars have been releas^d'`
for, other service on the Tashkent Railroad System since the beginning of 1953.
17 Nov 53
Railroad workers of the Ashkhabad Railroad System fulfilled the October load-
ing norm for only 20 out of 35 types of freight destined for agriculture and the
light and food industries. Agriculture and industry of the republic fTTurkmen
SSR7 failed to'receive thousands of tons of oil cake, cotton wool, flour, etc.
. The management of the Ashkhabad Railroad System is doing little to help or-
ganize the freighting operations of intermediate stations. Dzhebel, Kazandzhik,
Kelyata, Karabata, Ravnina, Uch-Adzhi, and Kala-I-Mor Stations have warehouse
areas which are not being used in the freighting operations. Archman, Baba-
Durmaz, Gyaurs, and other stations have no warehouses.
Much of the freight for the agricultural trade centers is sent from the ob-
last and in less-than-carload consignments. However, this
type of'hauling on the Ashkhabad Railroad System is poorly organized. As a re-
sult~'many agricultural procurement agencies are often forced to haul the freight
100 kilometers or more in trucks. The freight handlers assigned to package ship-
ments on local trains for unloading the freight at the small stations are not
fulfilling their function. Since the beginning of 1953, a great deal less freight
has been hauled on these cars than was received at the rayon and Oblast centers
for shipment.
Leningrad, Leningradskaya Pravda, 17 Nov 53
It was estimated that on 1 November 1953 there were 350 cars of unclaimed
freight at the railroad stations of the October Railroad System located on the
borders of Leningradskaya Oblast.
At Leningrad-Tovarnyy-Vitebskiy Station, 52 cars of atone accumulated which
had arrived in July.1953 on consignment to a railroad repair office of Moskov-
skiy Rayon. The chiefs of the office ignored the many demands for stone. Also,
several cars with stone arriving at the'Detskoye Selo and Leningrad-Tovarnyy-
Vitebskiy stations for delivery to Construction Administration No 75 of the Min-
istry of Railways accumulated and were not delivered on time.
At?Oraniyenbaum Station, nine cars of slate arriving in July and August
for a brick plant were held up, and at the Sosnovo Station, 28 cars of bricks
were detained which were destined for Construction Section No 9 of the Sell-
stray (Rural Oonstruetion) Truest.
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Although the Transcausus Railroad System fulfilled the 9-month loading
plan by 103.2 percent, the system failed to load 737 cars of flour, 164 cars of
salt, and 763 cars of consumer goods and raw materials for light and food indus-
tries. The Tbilisi, Baku, and Kirovabad Divisions of the system are partic-
ularly poor in hauling freight for the kolkhoz villages.
Car turnaround time is 7.8 hours above that prescribed in the. norm, and
car station layovers amount to 86 percent of the car turnaround time.
' At Tbilisi-Tovarnaya Station, the layover time of a car from the time of
its arrival until it begins to be loaded is, ca the average, 12 hours; during
loading operations, 3 hours; and until it is dispatched toward its destination,
26 hours. The same situation exists at many other stations of the Transcausus
Railroad System.
Tbilisi, Zarya Vostoka, 18 Nov 53
Ashkhabad, Turkmenskaya Iskra, 14 Nov 53
By adopting progressive work methods, railroad workers of the Mary Division
of the Ashkhabad Railroad System surpassed the load rirm for each car of cotton-
seed by 2.2 tons and for each car of cotton fiber by 3.5 tons.
However, not all the divisions of the Ashkhabad Railroad System are doing
as well as the Mary Division. The norm for carloading established by the Min-
istry of Railways is disrupted from year to year. It was determined by experi-
enced loaders that 7 tons of raw cotton could be loaded in an r*dinary boxcar,
instead of 6 tons as prescribed in the norm. On the Ashkhabad Railroad System,
on the average, only 6.3 tons of raw cotton are loaded in each car. Because of
this, during the present half of 1953, an additional 6,503 cars above the plan
have been used in theiloading and hauling of cotton.
The failure to fdlfill the loading norm for local cars, which are usually
dispatched half empty, also caused great losses to the Ashkhabad Railroad System.
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