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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 ~ NAR 1952 si-uC CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY FOREIGf~ DOCUMENTS OR RAD O BROADCASTS COUNTRY Rumania SUBJECT Economic -Agriculture, harvest, HOW food PUBLISHED Daily newspapers WHERE PUBLISHED Bucharest DATE PUBLISHED 1 aul-3o aug 1953 LANGUAGE Rumanian 1.110.1 ? II[ C ? Mi i0 O[ ?[[f111 [v .?? ??~a~. [l o~ O[ [l [. o I[ REPORT CD N0. DATE OF DATE DIST. /O bar 195'+ N0. OF PAGES 27 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT N0. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION RUMANIAN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION FOR AUGUST 1 ~omment: The following report was compiled from the Bucharest newspapers Romania Libara, Scanteis, and Vista Capitnlei for Au ust 1953; also, one reference in Scanteis Tineretulu~ Jay 195.1 was used. The report is arranged in five sections: General, re- cord harvest and autumn preparation activities, quota delivery and income distribution, produce collection and crlticism of deliveries, and Inefficient food distribution and exchange of surplus produce. The sections are arranged, alphabetically, by regiunes; however, data vas not available on all regiunes. In a number of areas, there was sharp criticism of negligence in threshing; however, numerous threshing platforms throughout the country reported record yields. Threshers worked day and night in an effort to fulfill the threshing plan on schedule. Negligence and poor organization of crop deliveries to procure- distribution ofsincomegtoncollectivetandOTOZhmembera ~sdsaBa?e~oous have induced independent peasants to apply for membership. The size of deliveries of agricultural products to procurement centers and the large surpluses bartered by peasants appear to in- dicate a bumper crop of grains and vegetables, and an abundance of dairy products: Numbers in parentheses refer to appended sources] Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 GENERAL Party and state organizations must agitate for and supervise the 1953 autumn agricultural campaign. The rich harvests obtained thus far in the 1953 agricul- tural campaign are solely the result of good preparation of the soil and scien- tific planting in the fall of 1952? The incentive must be kept constantly before the eyes of the peasants. Agricultural machines were used to a much greater extent in 1953 and the areas planted with the aid of machines were much larger than those planted in the spring of 1952. The quantity of seed planted in 1953 was 494 percent larger than that planted i^ 1951. The advantages of machines, however, place greater respon- sibilities upon MTS, state farms, and agricultural technicians. They moat assure that machines are used to a maximum and that work is done under the best conditions. Primary party and state organizaticns and executive committees of raion and commune people's councils moat insist that peasants, collectives, and TOZ prepare the soil, select the seeds, and repair machines and implements immediately after threshing and delivery of quotas. At the same time, spring crops such sa cotton, beets, corn, sunPloxer, and others must be harvested and delivered to the state. MTS moat take early measures for repairs of all their machines and implements in order to avoid the shortcomings of the 1952 agricultural campaign.(1) RECORD HARVEST AND AIPPUMN PREPARATION ACTIVITIES Arad Regiune Marcel Nedelcovici, chief engineer of the Sannicolaul-Mare MPS, made the following statement to the press: The Sannicolaul-Mare MTS prepared its machines for the summer campaign as soon as spring plowing and planting xere completed. The first step was to call a meeting of the 13 collectives, 4 TOZ, and el . faculties -~-~m~b~~o discuss the dif- prevlously encountered and tha-sIlCCesses obtained. Field brigades were set up and working plans formulated. Repairs were carried out by the team method. The MTS prepared five reaper-binder combines and ten KD 35 tractors, each drawing two 5-blade plows. The improved coupling of machines helped exceed harvesting norms by 90 percent: The use of ten double ploxa made it possible to begin shallow plowing 3 days after reaping, and, in some cases, even sooner. The new method proved superior in every way to the old one. Blades could be used for 12-13 hectares, instead of the usual norm of 6.5 hectares. The shallow plowing schedule was completed 20 days ahead of time. Socialist competition contributed largely to this suc- cess. The entire summer campaign plan was completed 81.4 percent by 26 July. At the same time, threshers were used to full capacity. Brigade No 4, at the Teremia-Mare Collective, headed by C. Ardeleanu, exceeded threshing norms by 4,000-5,000 kilograms per day. The brigade of Alexandru Mitruc exceeded daily norms by 30 percent.(2) Baia-Mare ReRiune The electrified threshing platform of Vad Commune, Sighet Raion, worked day and night. The daily production of the thresher at that platform was 10,000-11,000 kilograms of grain per day, compared with the normal daily capacity of 6,000 kilograms.(3) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 Bucharest Regiune Party and state organizations in Bucharest Regiune agitated intensively for a successful agricultural campaign, As a result, threshing in Bucharest Regiune vas 90 percent completed, and some raions, such as Vidra, Vida, Crevedia, and others, completed their entire harvest threshing by 15 August. Collectives and TOZ were the first to complete their quotas. State farms, collectives, and TOZ followed the rules for advanced agricultural methods and produced yields as high as 4,000 kilograms of wheat per hectare. The majority of collectives and TOZ had yields of over j,000 kilograms of barley per hectare. This gave individual peas- ants an opportunity to convince themselves of the advantages of mechanized agri- :ulture.(1) ~ Threshing platform No 2, Ulmeni Commune, Alexandria Raion, threshed 26,000_ 28,000 kilograms of grain per day as a result of socialist competition. Daily norms vere exceeded 100 percent. Thresher No 2 completed flue carloads of grain above plan in only a fex days and the tractor operator at platform No 2 vas axarded the Red Banner.(4) Branesti Commune, Braneati Rsion, organized voz'k efficiently and threshed 25,000-29,000 kilograms of grain per day. The planned daily norm vas 18,000 kilogram;.,, The commune threshed 300 hectares in 11 days.(5) The Stea Collective, Ganeaea Commune Branesti Raion, prepared early for fall plan ting8u By 27 August, 70 of *,he 85 hectares owned by the collective had been disked and 12,000 kilograms of wheat vere cleaned and prepared for planting. Seven pious and four harrows had been repaired by the same date.(6) During the threshing campaign, many combine operators at the Budeati-Negoesti State Farm obtained up to 20,000 kilograms of grain from each thresher. Brigade No 2 of this state farm threshed grain at the Vasilati, Nana, Huciumesti, and Ciocovenl stations, with a dally production of 22,000 kilograms of vheat.(4) The Bogdana MPS, Calarasi Raion, vas among the leading MPS of the regiune. Collectives and TOZ serviced by the Bogdana MPS completed harvesting, threshing, and shallow plowing on schedule. The MPS completed its hectare plan 80 percent by 15 August. The fifth brigade of this MPS, under youth leader Noel Silvestro, did outstanding work at the Victoria Collective, Dragos-VOda Commune, The brigade applied the Brediuk method for threshing and the Buneyev hourly graph for plowing, and. completed the summer campaign 100 percent by 14 August. Brigade No 1, under leader Dumitru Volanschi, applied the same methods and completed quotas by 15 Au- gust. Youth leader and tractor operator Dumitru Delivasile of Brigade No 7 com- pleted the summer p.1an 165 percent~by 13 August. Two other tractor operators ex- ceeded their quotas by 20 percent.(7) All seven brigades of the Vanatorii-Mica MPS, Crevedia Raion, engaged in so- cialist competition. This resulted in daily exceeding the norms at the collec- tives and TOZ serviced by these brigades. Threshing vas completed by 8 August. The MPS threshed 12 percent more than called for by the contract.. One tractor aperator exceeded the plan by 216 tons of grain.(8) Thresher No 1 in Draganesti Commune, Draganesti Raion, produced more than 42.3,000 kilograms of grain. Peasants xarking day and night at e7.~ctrified plat- form No 2 completed threshing by 7 pugust.(9) Tractor operator ntthe RadomirestiMfS, Rndomirestl Commune, Dz~aganesti Raion, pledged to finish threshing and shallow plowing ahead of schedule. In fulfillment of this pledge, tractor operator Achim Ion of Brigade No 10 threshed 30,376 kilograms of grain in 10 hours, and vas the first in the raion to attain this quantity. Tudorica Clement of the same brigade threshed more than 28,000 kilograms of xheat in 10 hours. Other tractor operators had similar results.(1) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 CONFIDENTIAL One tractor operator in Brigade No 7 of the Baneasa MI'S, Giurgiu Raion, threshed 20,500 kilograms of wheat in 10 hours. Brigade leader Gheorghe Preda closely supervised machines and encouraged competition.(10) The executive com-. mlttee oY the Beiu Commune People's Council, Giurgiu Raion, cooperated closely with the primary party organization and prepared the threshing campaign effi- ciently. Threshers working day and night produced 22,000-24,000 kilograms of grain daily. Communists and commune deputies contributed largely to this suc- cese.(4) Individual peasants in Ciolanu Commune, Giurgiu Raion, received proper in- struction and assistance from the primary party organization and the executive committee of the commune people's council. Consequently, the peasants were effi- cient and started their work early. The six threshers operating in the commune began threshing at dawn, at 0330 hours each day, and finished late at night. Threshers operators in the commune had a daily production of 18,000-25,000 kilo- grams of grain. Thresher No 1 reached 30,000 kilograms a day, The same efficiency prevailed in Petru-Bares sad Vlasin villages.(11) Individual peasants of Toporu Commune, Giurgiu Raion, threshed 610,000 kilograms of grain by 18 July.(12) Threshing platform No 1 located at the outskirts of Rosiori-de-Vede town, Rosiori-de-Vede Raion, was organized for efflclent operation. The peasants set up sheds, a canteen, a health station, and a reading room. The output of the thresher was 19,000 kilograms of wheat for the first day. Oa the second day, the thresher produced 22,000 kilograms of wheat. Platform No 1 threshed 190,000 kilograms of grain by 14 August 1.953?(.13) Threshing platform No 2 of Rosiori-de- Vede Raion completed threshing by 19 August. Individual peasants threshed up to 37,000 kilograms oP grain per day, thus exceeding considerably their daily norms.(9) TOZ and individual peasants in Fierbinti Commune, Snagov Raion, stnrted thresh- ing on 14 July. Good organization and political preparation helped operators to ex- ceed their threshing norms by 5,000 kilograms of grain per day. Agitators were con- stantly at the threshing platforms.(10) Individual peasants of Turbati and Tunari communes were constantly guided and supervised by the primary party organization and the commune people's councils, with very good results. Daily threshing norms were exceeded considerable and threshing was completed by 16 August.(14) Peasants of Carlom Village, Putineiu Commune, Targu-Magurele Raion applied the Brediuk vethod and obtained a daily output of 28,000-30,000 kilograms of grain from a 6-horsepower thresher. More than 140,000 kilograms of grain were threshed in only 4 days. Shallow plowing vas also carried out efficiently and large areas were ready for fall planting by 14 August 1.953?(13) The Viitorul TOZ of Tatarestii-de-Jon Commune, Vartoape Raion, did its best to complete threshing and shallov plowing as soon as possible. Threshers had s daily output or 19,700 kilograms of grain.(8) Tractor and thresher operators in Tatarestii-de-Jos Commune, Vartoape Raion, exceeded their daily threshing norms and produced as much as 14,500-23,000 kilograms of grain per day.(12) Individual peasants of Talpa Ograzile Commune, Vida Raion, exceeded their daily threshing norms by 65 percent. They reached a daily production of 23,000-24,000 kilograms of grain, instead of the 14,500 kilograms required by the plan. The threshing platform in the commune threshed 320 hectares of grain by 1 August.(4), Cervenia Commune, Zimnicea Raion, set up two threshing platforms with six threshers. Each thresher had a daily output of 26,000-28,000 kilograms of grain. Individual peasants were first in the commune to complete threshing and shallow plowing.(9) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 Clu Re lone Individual peasants of Boiam Village and Luncanl,.Tritenii-dews Viteazu, Badeni, and Cempie-Turzii communes, Turda Raion v Pr~'y Party or , M1hai- Banization and assisted b , ere guided by the Platforms immediately after completion oP re ping andpapplied the Srediuksamethod, The electrified platform of the ltihai_Viteazu Commune daily threshed 40-$0 per- cent?above norms, Iadinidusl peasants of this commune completed threshing of 183 hectares of grain by 2g July, pt the same time, they disked 141 hectares. Individual peasants of Poiana Commune completed threshing of 85 hectares. of wheat munesiharvested 190 hectaresdofivh~t and disked 600shectares b~4 AuTurzii com- Constants Y goat 1953?(15) $ea?i~e Threshing vas in full suing on the Baragan plains, Constants Regiune, at the, beginning of August.. State farms and collectives had unprecedented crops'. Accord- ing to statistics of the Institute of Agricultural Research, the 1953 crop vas the beet in the last 70 years; exceeding the average yield of 1,410 kilo t~e? Thousands of tractors and agricultural machines o perated on the BaragaA Plains. Some of these machines, such as mechanical awes of hi ~~ per hec- sad cotton harvesting combines, sugar beet harvesters f ~ capacity, wheat were used for the first time in Rumania. Rev ' ertilizer.spreadera, etc., for beehives, food sorghum, fodder ci pmts, such ae castor; abutilon, reed the Ba:'agan Plains,(16) , umitza, and hazelnuts, are now also Brown~on Craiova=e Tha Desrobirea Collective, Stefan-Cel-lasre Oommune, Corabia Raion. the Brediuk method in threshing. pe a result, the collective threshed 20,000- 21,000 kilograms of grain per day.(3) ~ applied a81at~~,_ Individual peasants of Lacul-Sarat Commune, Braila Raion, xorked day sad night at their electrified threshing platform in socialist competition. The thresher at this platform had an output of 30,000 kilograms per day.(17) H!mg_arlan Autonomous Reaiunn The partizanul-Pacii Collective, Ideciul-de~9ua Gammons, applied the Brediuk method is threshing and produced 20,264 kilograms of grain par day, instead of the norm of 14,400 kilograms, This collective completed ,threshing during the finat. week in Auguet.(18) Tractor operator Ilse Andries of the Targu_grumoa Commune MPS, Targu-F~?umos Raton, threshed grain at the threshing platform of Coetesti Village, ge started out with a daily production of 16,000 kilograms and increased the output of the. thresher to 21,000 kilograms within a few days. Tractor operator Dumitru Aleza of the same MPS turned out as average daily production of 20,000 kilograms of hadieven better reaulta~ ge reapedi~ePlatform. Tractor operator Petro Moisiuc the fields, and completed threshing with anaiaveratee Baltati Collective, disked grams of grain per day. The Targu_Frumoa MPS uasgawardedcthe ti le3of0 lesrling MPS'in the regiune?(17) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 P1O"`.ti Re Lun? A thresher at the Ba:caneati MTS, threshing grain for the Tsrgueorui-yechi Commune, produced 40,000 kilo - grams of wheat daillleitive of The Sageata ro~~e Y ( 9) days, even-thou BII~u Raton, harvested its entire crop in only 12 tensive gh this commune is one of the largest in the raion and hsa ex- kilogram~Hpn fields" Threshing began on 12 July, The daily output was 25,000 Grain, ae :oapared with the required 14,000 kilograms per day.(pp) Ste_1.1 n Re tune Harvesting in Stalin Regiune started later than in other re of tY.e colder climates, The 8 Mal Collective of San giunes, because tares of vheat and 19 t pe ru C hectares of b time disk?d 27 arley in leas than one ~une reaped 82 hec- io the hectares. On 27 July, the collective startedethr ehing according Bred?tik method,.(=) The N !t9 ~akilo^rcri-~g to the Brediuk method andlobtained a0daily ouoptu~teof~eahed `0 0``''- Evame . -21 5,000- ~,!~^^awa fie tune tivo Fall plowing vas rn 9wina in Bot to Sulita C~mrnnun^ dlsk~d more osani Raton by 29 August. One collec- -n the `ommure a!?^ disked lar Chan 20 hectares Sn one des followed the Be areas. Individual peasants of Hantesti a ~ieee areas b ~ good e.cample of collectives and disked 80 percent of fall Y ~9 August, Lndlvidual peasants of Manastirea-Do Planting an3 Nicsenl villages completed 60 percent of shallow amnei Commune R~pa1r centers started machine re Plovin b and Rachiti Progressing well./29) Pairs in man g Y the end of August. y co?unes and seed cleaning is also QUOTA DFyIyERy AND INCOME DISTRIBUTION The collective of Comlosul-Mic Village, Sannicolaul_Mare Raton, delivered its full quota of grain to the state on $ August, The collective also Gottlob MTS in kind for work done in the fields of the collective, and then dis- tributed 40 percent of the income to its members. Paid the to 2,1.57 kilograms of wheat and clo One collectivist received up performed by himself and his wife and daughter; lan~otherocollectivist received around 988 kilograms of wheat and 172 kilograms of barley for 247 workdays. (23) Collectives in Barateaz and Tisa-No~ui Communes delivered their quotas to the state, pald.the MTS in kind for work done in their fields, and then distributed 40 percent of their incomes- The share was generous. For example, one member of Tisa-Nrua Celled*_ve received 1,852 kilograms of wheat and other produce for 51J vorkdaye.r,22) Barau Reciuue The Drumul lui Stalin Collective, Crosnaleanca Commune, Darabani Raton, was organized early in 1953 by 28 passant families of the commune. The collective' distributed its first share of crops in 1953- The members received 40 of the income, which was calculated at 4.4h kilograms of wheat and 0. of rye for. every workda Percent y.(21) 5 kilogram Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 ------ ~a+uascu ?ruz, Balanesti Commune, Piatra-Neamt Raion, planted 41.6 hectares of wheat and large areas oP barley, oats, and corn. Crops aver- aged 1,300 kilograms per hectare, which was considered very good in view of the cold and unPagorable climate of the area. The members of the TOZ received more than 1,000 kilograms of wheat per hectare, after deliveries of quotas to the state an~Paym~n~han lin2.t24MPS Barley and grain crops in 1953 averaged 25 Percent 95 ( ) Bariad Re une ~ . The Odobesti State Farm, Focsani Raion, completed threshing of its entire grain harvest by mid-August and immediately delivered its ft311 quota to the state. (25) The Podoleni TOZ, Bercea Commune, Tecuci Raion, completed threshing on 18 July. Quotas were delivered to the state and the MPS was paid in kind, The T02 then proceeded to distribute the income. Some members of this TOZ who had contributed only 0.5 hectares of land received 700 kilograms of wheat. Others, with less land, received up to 600 kilograms, In view of the good results of this TOZ, many individual peasants requested permission to ,join the TOZ.(26) Bucharest Reiiune . Collectives in Alexandria Raion were the first to complete threshing and de- liveries of quotas to the state.(g) The Vista-Noua TOZ, Atarnati Commune, Alexan- dria Raion, was formed early Sn 1952. The results obtained by the 20 families which constitute this TOZ became known in the entire raion. Upon completion of threshing and deliveries of quotas to the state, the TOZ distributed the income to its mem- bers., Some members received ns much as 3,000 kilograms of wheat and up to 1,500 and Vitanestir o~unesr AlexandriaeRaion1ecompleted7threshingdand deliveriesf ofosca quotas to tae state by the end of August.(28) Individual peasants oP &slaceanca Commune, Braneati Raion, delivered 100 per_ cent of their vegetable, animal products, and wheat quotas to the state by 11 Au- gust.(29) Individual peasants of Balotestl and Fierbinti communes, Caciulati Raion, de- livered the major part of their quotas to the state. The collection plan for ani- mal products for the first and second quarters of 1953 was completed 3 days ahead of schedule. Fierbinti also delivered 40 percent of its vegetable quota. Follow- ing the good Pxample of Communist peasants who had delivered 100 percent of grain. quotas, many peasants in the commune delivered 70 percent of grain quotes by 4 August.(j0) Members of the Bela Brainer Collective, Dascalu-Create Commune, Caciulati. Raion, completed threshing 58 hectares of grain in a few days and delivered their quotas to the state immediately,(29) The 8 Martie Collective of Lipia.Village, Caciulati Raion, completed threshing its entire harvest by 5 August 1953 and de- livered 100 percent of its quotas immediately. In view of the good results ob- tained by this collective, six peasant families of the village requested permis- sion to ,join the collective.(jl) Individual peasants of Cacomeanca Commune, Calarasi Raion, completed harvest- ing and threshing by 12 August. The peasants then paid MPS in kind for work done in their fields, delivered 100 percent of their quotas to the state,,and still had surpluses of ae much as 2,000 kilograms of wheat.(7) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 1 Individual peaeanta of Bacaleati Commune, Draganesti Raion threshing grain by 20 A , completed ugust 1953? Simultaneously, the peaeanta delivered their full quotas oP grain and vegetables to the state. Individual peaeanta of Baseati Commune, Draganeati Raion, finished threshing of grain 3 days ahead of time?and delivered their quotas to the state immediately.(7) School children of beciu Commune, Draganesti Raion, gathered 102 kilograms oP grain in the fields, under the supervision of their teachers, and then de- livered it to the Radomiresti collection center.(7) Threshing-was completed in Draganesti Commune, Di'8ganesti Raion, by 7 pu_ gust and quotas were delivered 100 percent.(9) The Drumu-Nou TOZ of Maruntei Commune, Draganeati Raion, completed threshing by 13 August 1953 and immediately delivered quotas to the state.(4) The Zorile-Rosii TOZ, Mihaileati Commune, Draganesti Raion, completed threshing and quota deliveries ahead of schedule. ~Y Peasants of the commune xere impressed with the good results of this TOZ' and asked permission to loin it.(?7) The Lunca-Dunarii TOZ, Gostinu Commune, Giurgiu Raion, completed thresh= ing ahead oP schedule. The TOZ delivered 54,940 kilograms of grain to the Baneasa reception center.(7) Individual 610,000 kilograms of grain by 18 Julsanta of Toporu Commune, Giurgiu Raion, threshed to the state,(12) Individual y' They delivered 118,$4$ kilograms oP grain Communists and commune deputies,aworkedonightuand~dayetoucomplete threshiaion oP delivered their quotas to the state as soon as the grain was threshed.(4) B?~ They Individual peasants of Pelinul and Asan-ARa communes, Lehliu Raion~completed~ threshing wheat by 8 August and delivered 100 percent of their quotes to the state. (8) The members of the 30 Decembrie Collective, Stefaneati Commune, Lehliu Raion, received 40 percent of their income. They xere allotted 5 kilograms of wheat Por ' each workday. Some collectivists received from 1,351-1,651 kilograms of wheat, ? according to the number of days worked. The A Cincea Aniversare a Republicii Populace Romans Collective, Poiarv Commune, Lehliu Raion, completed threshing and quota deliveries by 7 August 1953.(29) Pioneers and elementary school children oP EPuresti Commune, Mihailesti Raion, volunteered to help with the harvest, They gathered and delivered to the collec- tion center 1,275 kilograms of grain.(7) Collectives and TOZ in Mihaileati Raion ants lfollowedethiag and quote deliveries of grain by 11 August, Individual peas- good exam le and the raion completed 78 percent oP quota de- liveries by 13 August 1953?(4) The 16 TOZ 1a .Olteniti~$n'ion completed threshing and quota deliveries by 18 August 1953?(12) The:Olga Bancic Collective, Radovanu Commune, Oltenita Raion, completed threshing and quota deliveries. The 40 percent advance distribution oP income followed. Each member oP the collective received 3 kilograms of wheat for ?each workday. Some collectivists received as much as ]250-]~t71 kilograms oP.irheat according to the number of workdays.(32) The J. V. Michurin Collective, Budesti Commune, Oltenita Raion, applied Soviet methods in agriculture and had abundant crops. Threshing xas completed in the Pirst half of August. After delivering quotas to the state and paying MTS in kind for work done in the fields, a reserve of 2 percent was withdraxn for seed and the mem- bers of the collective were given 40 percent oP their shares. The most diligent workers oP the collective received large quantities of produce. For examp]:e, Ion P. Dragon received 926 kilograms of wheat for 282 workdays, Constantin Flores re-': ceived 763 kilograms of wheat for 218 workdays, Nicolas Birtan received 944 kilo- grams of wheat for 269 workdays, and Flores Petrache received 902 kilograms of wheat for 260 workdays. There were, however, some collectivists in Budesti Com- mune xho listened to kulak instigations and did not work regularly at the collec- tive. For example, Gheorghe Cismaru and his family were given only 56 kilograms of wheat because they worked only 16 days.(14) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA- people's council. in organizingLtheathree~threahinperated with their commune Each platform had afire extinguiaheg a first- g platforms of the commune. scale. Threshing progressed well into the niait station, a guard box, and a their quotas as soon as the ~ The peasants delivered grain was threahed.(17) Sixteen communes in Racari Raion completed threshing by 8 August 1953? Leading these commuaes were: Baltaoa, Branistea, Crovu, Lunguletu, Odobesti, Potlogi, Racari, and Titu. potlogi Commune alone threshed 700,000 kilograms of grain. AL1 16 communes delivered 100 percent of their quotas to the state direct from the threshing platforms.(4) The Horia, Closca si Crisan Collective, Cazanesti Commune, Slobozia Raion, completed 90 percent oP all grain threshing by 8 August. Quotas were delivered to the state and MRS were paid in kind for work done in the fields of the collec- tive. The 40 percent distribution of income followed. Each collectivist was allotted 3.5 kilograms of wheat and 0.5 kilogram of barley, beans, and peas for each workday. Some collectivists received as much as 2,380 kilograms of cheat, plus large quantities of barley, oats etc., according to the number of xorkdays.(13) As i^ the previous year, pioneers and students of Snagov Raion helped with the wheat harvest and the gathering of medicinal plants. U to 18 Au pioneers and students gathered 743 kilograms of wheat kernels and 466 kilograms of medicinsl plants such as camomile, linden tea, and others. Pioneers of Tancabesti, Fierbinti, Gruia, Peris, and Tunari communes contributed to this effort.(12) Turnu-Magurele Raion completed the grain delivery plan 100 percent by 25 August 1953.(33) The Gheorghi Dimitrov Collective, Bnduleasa Coa~une, Turnu-Magurele Raion, completed grain threshing and delivery of quotas by 814J e tareadofigrain planned fortthec~mune followed this good example. The delivered by 4 Au oomune were threshed and Pull quotas gust.(30) The members of the Lita TOZ, Lita Commune, Turnu_ tdngurele Raton, completed threshing of grain early in Au their quotas Lo the state. Individual peasants in the communenfollowedrthe good example of the TOG.(13) The Elena Pavel TGZ, Moldovenl Village, Turnu- Magurele Raion, completed grain threshing and quota deliveries by 21 August.(7) Individual peasants of Carlow Village, Putineiu Commune, Turnu-N.agurele Raion, applied the Brediuk method and completed threshing of grain in only n few days. As threshing progressed, the peasants brought their quotas to the delivery center.(13) Individual peasants of Talpa Ograzile Commune, Vlda Raion, completed threshing of 320 hectares of grain by 1 August, Quotas to the state were immediately deliv- ered from the platform.(4) Individual peasants of Casoala and Flamanda communes, Vida Raton, completed threshing wheat and quota deliveries to the state by 1 Augnst~(34) The collective of Dobreni Commune, Vidra Raion, completed harvesting grain and distributed~in advance~40 percent of income. Some members of the collective received up to 1,840 kilograms of grain, including 1,281 kilograms of xheat, ac_ cording to the number of workdays. A thresher on the electrified threshing platform of Vidra Commune, Vidra Raion, threshed more than 25 hectares of wheat per day. While threshing was 1n progress, convoys oP 15-20 carts, accompaniedly delegates from the people~a council, delivered the grain to the reception cen- ter.(8) The Tudor Valdimireacu Collective, Vidra Commune, Vidra Raion, completed threshing early in August. The collective harvested 146,241 kilograms of wheat from 72 hectares. Quotas were immediately delivered to the state and MTS were paid in kind for work done in the fields of the collective. Furthermore, a Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA- 2-percent reserve oP seed was set up. The collective then ,proceeded to distribute a 40-percent advance on Snccm,e. The collectivists were allotted 3 kilograms of wheat for every workday. Gheorghe Tica and family, for example, recAived 1,650 kilograms of wheat for 535 workdays by them. Nicolas Tanase, another leading member of the collective, received 1,358 kilograms of wheat for 456 workdays. Stoian Anghel received 1,062 kilograms of wheat for 354 workdays, and Parvu Tanase received 400 kilograms of wheat for 132 workdays. There xere, however, among the collectivists of the Tudor Vladimirescu collective some individuals xho listened to kulaka who were trying to convince them that work in collectives did not pay. One such member xae Tudor Stavrache and hie family, who worked only 33 days. Consequently, they only received 99 kilograms of wheat.(4) Zimnicea Raion had very abundant harvest as a result of timely planting and the strict application of advanced agricultural methods. Threshing was done efficiently and 100 percent of quotas were delivered to the state. The 40-percent advance distribution of Sncome followed. For exnmple, the Suhaia Collective, Suhaia Commune, distributed 5 kilograms of wheat for each workday. From the 40-percent distribution alone, collectivists will have grain to last them for more than a year and even surpluses to sell.(1) C1u,J Re Sune The Gheorghe Do,Ja Collective, Viile De,Jului Commune, De,J Raion, had a very abundant harvest. After delivery of quotas to the state, the collective distrib- uted the shares of production. Some members of the collective received enough grain for 2 years.(23) Cralov~Regiune Twelve TCe in Bals Raion completed threshing oP grain by 8 August. The average share per member of each TCe xas 900 kilograms of wheat per hectare.(39) Threshiog of grain wsa completed in Calafat Raion by 12 August. Collectives and TC2 oP Baearnbi, Dena, Motatei, Piscu-Nou, Poiana-Mare, Seaca-de-Camp, Smardan, and Tunarii-Noi communes completed threshing of grain and delivered their quotas to the state by the end of July 1953?(36) Oae collective in Desa Commune, Calnfat Raion, distributed the 40-percent advance on income. Some collectivists were given 960 kilograms of wheat, large quantities of cheese and vegetables, and 400 lei in cash for 343 workdays. Others received 1,100 kilograms of wheat and vegetables and 480 lei in cash for 392 workdays.(37) The 1907 TOZ of Racari-de-Sus Commune, Filiasi Raion, completed the threshing of grain and quota deliveries by the middle of August, and distributed up to 1,486 kilograms of wheat per hectare tc each member. The 6 Martie T02, Filiasi Ceomtune, Filiasi Raion, completed threshing and quota deliveries by 15 August and distrib- uted 1,118-1,596 kilograms .of wheat to its memberq, according to the number of hectares owned by each member. In view of the good results obtained by this TOZ, 12 individual peasants requested permission to ,Join the TOZ.(18) The collective of Lupoais Commune completed threshing s week ahead of sched- ule. Immediately after threshing, the collective delivered its quotas to the state, paid the MTS in kind for xork done in the fields, and distributed the 40- percent advance on income. Each collectivist was allotted 3 kilograms of wheat for every workday. One member of the collective, for example, received 1,305 kilograms of wheat for 435 days worked by him and hie family. Another collec- tivist received more than 1,000 kilograms of wheat for 355 xorkdays. Other members of the collective also recieved large quantities of produce.(23) CONFIDENTIAL 50X1-HUM , Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 ~ The 30 Decembrie Collective, Broateni Cosmiune, Strehaia Raion, was among the first in the commune to complete threshing and delivery of quotas to the state. The distribution of 40 percent of the income followed. Each memb of the collective was allotted er 5 kilograms of wheat for every workday, For example, Mihai pantelimon received 995 kilograms of wheat for 199 workdays, Ion Buda received 793 kilograms of ?rheat for 158 workdays, and Vasile Bazavan re- ceived 776 kilograms of xheat for 155 workdays.(38) Galati Regiune Individual peasants of Lacul~arat Commune, Braila Raion, threshed day and night at their electrified platform in socialist competition. Deliveries of quotas to the state were made directly from the threshing platforms.(17) Huaedoara Regiune The Drumul Socialismului TOZ of Deva Commune, Deva Raion, completed thresh- ing Sy 12 Aur;ust and immediately delivered its quotas to the state.(34) Sarmis- egetuza Commune completed threshing and delivery quotas to the state by the mid- dle of August. Dozens of individual peasants of this commune also delivered their full quotas to the state.(18) Iasi Regiune Many TGZ in Iasi Regiune harvested in the swmner of ~~;3 the first harvest since these TOZ Were set up. The crops of these TOZ exceeded the production of individual peasants by 800-1,000 kilograms per hectare. For example, the Buha- lnita TGZ, Buhalnita Village, and the Plugari TOZ, plugari Village, Harlau Raion, distributed up to 2,600 kilograms of wheat to same of their members, after de- livering quotas to the state and paying in kind for work done in their fields by MTS. The Buruenesti TOZ, Buruenesti Village, Roman Raion, distributed up to 1,970 kilograms of xheat to its members, after delivering quotas and paying MTS. In view of the good results obtained by these T02, 18 individual peasants of vlodeni Village requested permission to form a TOZ.(40) The Drumu-Nou Collective of Cuza-Voda Village, Negresti Raion, was formed recently by 59 peasant families. The collective havested its first crop in 1953. Io~ediately after threshing, quotas were delivered to the state and MTS were paid in kind, and the collective distributed 40 percent of the income. Some members of the collective were given up to 1,310 kilogram, of wheat, while others received up to 1,052 nod 1,038 kilograms of vheat, according to workdays.(32) The BranisteGi TOZ, Branisteni Village, Raman Raion, completed threshing the grain early in August and delivered its quotas to the state. The TOZ paid MTS in kind and then distributed its income. The compensation to individual members was generous. For example, Petre Chiria received 1,970 kilograms of wheat for 1.14 hectares, Vasile prisacaru received 1,820 kilograms for one hectare, and Nica Co,~ogea received 1,150 kilograms of wheat for 0.7 hectare. Individual peasnnts, impressed with the good results of this TOZ, filed requests for admis- sion to the TOZ.(20) Oradea Regiune The Bela Brainer Collective, Santion Commune, completed threshing 13 days ahead of schedule. The collective immediately delivered its quotas of grain to the state, paid 61TS in kind for work done in the fields, and proceeded with the distribution of the 40-percent advance on income. Some collectivists received nb much as 1,452 kilograms of wheat, 322 kilograms of barley and rye, and 600 lei in cash for 534 workdays. Other collectivists received 1,014 kilograms of wheat, 181 kilograms of barley and rye, and 430 lei in cash for 419 workdays.(18) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 The TOZ of Batnr Commune, Saloata Raion, completed threshing and quota deliveries to the state by 27 August. The TOZ then paid the MTS in kind for work done is the fields, and distributed the income. Some members received 2,800-3,800 kilograms of wheat', according to the size of the land they con- tributed to the TOZ. In view of the good results obtained by this TOZ, many individual peasants requested permission to loin it.(40) The maJority of collectives in Oradea Regiune completed threshing by the middle of August and distributed part of the income to their members. For example, the Drumul lui Lenin Collective, Valda Village, Oradea Raion, dis- tributed to some members up to 2,178 kilograms of wheat, 725 kilograms of barley and peas, and 1,452 lei in cash for 726 workdays performed by the re- spective member and his family, The collective calculated the 40-percent ad- vance distribution of income on the basis of 3 kilograms of wheat, one kilogram of bsri.ey, and 2 lei in cash for each workday.(41) The Lupta pentru pace Collective, Valenta Commune, although formed only a year ago, has achieved excellent results. The collectivist completed thresh- ing and quota deliveries by 20 August, and then were given 40-percent advance on their income. One member of the collective, for example, received more than 1,000 kilograms of wheat and barley for work done up to 1 August 1953?(23) Pltesti Regiune Individual peasants of Dragasani Raion worked hard to complete the harvest. BY 28 July, individual peasants of Creteni, Dragcesti, Pemoiu, Orlesti, Prundeni and Zavadeni communes completed threshing and deliveries of quotas to the state. j5) The collective of Stre~esti-de-Sus Commune, Dragasani Raion, completed threshing of grain by 26 July. The 40-percent advance on income was distributed. One member of the collective, for example, received 1,348 kilograms of wheat, 225 kilograms of barley, 67 kilograms of peas, 110 kilograms of dried beans, 135 kilograms of onions, 4.41 kilograms of honey, and 13.5 meters of cotton fabrics for 449 workdays. Another member received 1,293 kilograms of wheat, 215 kilo- grams of barley, 65 kilograms of peas, 129 kilograms of onions, 36 kilograms of dried beans, 3.879 kilo rains of hone members of the collective received similar lquantitiesfof producebrPeasantOshfrom other villages attended the distribution and decided to ,loin the collectives.(25) The members of Scanteia TGZ, Valeni Commune, Dragasani Raion, completed threshing and deliveries of grain on schedule. Following this good example, individual peasants in neighboring villages also completed threshing and de- liveries of quotas by 8 August.(7) The Geamana Village TOZ, Bradu Commune, completed threshing, paid the MTS i^ kind, and delivered its quotas to the state. Income was then distributed. Some members received as much as 2,670 kilograms of wheat from 1.5 hectares.(42) Ploesti Regiune Individual peasants 1^ 103 communes of Ploesti Regiune completed threshing grain by 15 August 1953? Of the 44 communes cf Ploesti Raion, 38 communes com- pleted threshing 100 percent and individual peasants of 12 communes delivered full quotas to the state.(43) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 of grain by 26 pu `' "'"a=~~ ~wumu^e, completed threshing and deliveries goat. The collective earned 16,000 lei from the sale of cheese, 15,071 lei Prom the sale of lambs and hogs, and 19,936 lei from the sale of potatoes to the local cooperativE. The income wsa then distributed. One collec- tivist, for example, received 1,220 kilograms of wheat for 418 workdays. Other members of the collective received similar quantities of pioduce.(44) Stalin Regiune The Ilie Pintilie Collective of Ghltabnv Commune, Stalin Raion, completed threshing wheat, 32 hectares of barley, and 17 hectares of oats by 6 August. The collective delivered 23,000 kilograms of wheat to the state.(41) Timisoara Regiune The collective of Peciu-ttou Commune, Deta Raion, completed threshing grain and deliveries of quotas to the state by August. The collective then proceeded to distribute the 40-percent advance on income. One member of the collective, for example, received 2,000 kilograms of wheat and 220 kilograms of barley for his workdays; another member received 2,453 kilograms of wheat and 266 kilograms of barley. and still another received 2,600 kilograms of xheat and 283 kilograms oP barley.(23) The collective of A;o~nita-Noua Commune was Formed at the end of 1952? The collective progressed well and its members worked hard. By 5 August, threshing of grain ani delivery of quotas were completed. The distribution of 40-percent of the income followed. One member received, for example, 3,617 kilograms of wheat and 675 kilograms of barley for 510 days worked by him and his family. Another member received 2,417 kilograms of wheat and 467 kilograms of barley for 349 workdays. Twenty other members each received 2,300 kilograms of wheat and many hundreds of kilograms of bnrley.(36) The 30 Decembrie TOZ, Rrusna Commune, completed threshing by 30 July and distributed its income. Some peasants received up to 5,837 kilograms of wheat, other up to 2,400 kilograms of wheat ?ccording to the size of arable land they had contributed to the TOZ.(40) PRODUCE COLLECTION AND CRITICISM OF DELIVERIES Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 Dacau Regiune The collection of animal products improved in Bacau Regiune as a result o? measures taken by many people's councils, by collection agents, nod through po- litical agitation during July and August. In ckahiau Raion, for example, the yearly milk collection plan was 50 perceet completed by 8 August 1953? The same good results were obtained iv the collection of meat and wool. Many communes in Ceahlau Raion delivered their full quotas of milk, meat, and wool for the third quarter of the year. The collectives of Tamasi and Racaciuni communes, Bacau Raion; Mnrgineni Commune, Pintra-Neamt Raion; Zanesti Commune, Buhuai Raion, and others were leading in deliveries. While the same facilities for deliveries also existed in other raions, such as Moinesti, Tnrgu-Ocna, Buhusi, and Bacau, collections in these raions proceeded at a very slow pace. In Moinesti Raion, for example, the meat collection centers did not operate properly. Often peasants from Agas, Goioasa, and Asau communes brought their cattle for delivery to the Comanesti collection center, but had to return home with their cnttle because the collection agent, of the cashier of the center, was away. Similar cases were noticed in Buhusi and Bacau raions. 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 The executive committees of the people's councils and the collection agencies were to blame for the slow collection of animal products. They did not organize collections and underestimated the importance of mass agitation. Regiune, raion, and commune people's councils and collectio^ agencies of the State Collection Committee must take immediate measures to correct the situation.(2) Danuc Camnune, Piatra-Neamt Raion, completed 70 percent of quota deliveries of milk for the first three quarters of 1953 and 100 percent of meat quotas by 1 August 1953 Many peasants of Tarcau Commune delivered their meat quotas for the entire year. Similar results were obtained in Bicaz Commune. Rowever, some Roz~nove9Tupilati,oand Dochiahcommunetpeoplehsscouncilseandithe commiuneecollectors neglected collections and the peasants delivered only very small portions oP their quotas. The same situation prevailed in Razboeni, where Cazimir Simion, chairman of the executive committee, did not consider the collection plan his concern or responsibility. The work was left in the care of two commune collec- tors, with the result that the collection plan for the first quarter of 1953 was only fulfilled in a very small proportion. The same was true of Pangarati Commune.(36) Some reception centers in Bucharest Regiune were disorganized and work pro- ceeded very slowly. One of these centers was Ciocanesti Coamuune, Calarasi Raion, xhere the grain was stored in inadequate conditions. The warehouse has not been cleaned nor disinfected, and the windows have qo shutters. The situation was even graver at some warehouses of the Ciocaoesti reception center which are located in the courtyards of kulaks. The doors of these ware- houses are not locked. For example, the warehouse of kulak Radu A. Ghita, in which a large quantity of wheat was stored, was neither locked nor sealed. The door was secured with two nails. The door of the warehouse of kulak Velicu Melinte was secured simply with n string. Instead of a seal, a piece of newspaper wns pasted on the door. Prita Avram and Serban Chirea, managers of the Ciocanesti collection center, as well as warehouse foremen Cristian Vasilache and Ion A. Dinu, must be blamed for this negligence. The executive committee of the Ciocanesti Commune People's Council must put an end to such negligence and punish the guilty.(A5) State farms at the outskirts of Bucharest City made every effort to supply the capital with abundant fresh vegetables. The Budesti, Rosier, and Pantelimon state farms gave proof of such efforts, sending dozens of carloads of vegetables to the Bucharest markets by 8 August. Some state Parma, however, neglected the upkeep and harvest of vegetables, and failed to live up to their contracts with distribution centers. Among these state farms was the Balteni State Farm, Racarl Raion, which did not fulfill its contracts and did not deliver vegetables of the desired quality to the markets. The Bucharest State Farm Trust should super- vise and guide the activity of the state farms~so that the full tonnage of veg- etables is delivered to distributors.(28) Crevedia Rnion efficiently organized deliveries as threshing progressed in most of its communes.. Malu-Spart, Ogrezeni, Vanatori, and other cos?unes were among the leading communes to organize threshing and deliveries. There were, however, some communes in Crevedia Raion, where the executive committees of people's councils did not organize deliveries when threshing was completed, thus causing the entire raion to remain behind schedule. The transportation of grain from threshing platforms to collection centers was slow and inefficient in some communes. In Gaiseni Village, Cascioarele Commune, for example, 2,000 kilograms of wheat remained on the threshing platform for a day and a night. In Cascioarele Village, Cascioarele .Commune, a large quantity of wheat was kept for 2 days before it was shipped to the .collection center. 0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 Corbii-Mari Commune furnishes another example of the lack of organization and transportation. The platforms had no scales to weigh the grain and there were not enough sacks to transport the grain. Petreati Village had only one scale for the entire villa e g and its two threshers. Weighing proceeded very sloxly and it was often necessary to atop the thresher for lack of grain storage apace. The chairman o*' the executive committee of the Corbii-Mari Commune Peo- ple's Council hardly ever came to see what was going on in the Yields. Some cosmmnea, such as Cascioarele and Corbii-Mari, did not prepare grain sifters. The peasants, therefore, delivered below-standard grain to collection centers. Some platforms had sifters, but did not have transmission belts. Considerable inefficiency also prevailed at collection centers. Often txo analyses and two delivery slips were made out for the same lot. These mistakes caused confusion in registering delivery quotas. Crevedia Rnion could have made all its deliveries on time. Urgent measures should have been taken to organize labor at platforms, to organize the transporta- tion of grain to collection centers, to recruit reliable convoy delegates, and to equip threshing platforms with the necessary machines and implements. However, raion and commune executive committees neglected these matters.(16) Many communes in Giurgiu Rnion, such ns Ciolanu, Dlmitrle Cantemir, and others, were guided and assisted by the people's councils to complete threshing and deliveries of quotas by 6 August. However in some communes, people's councils and collection agents did ^ot organize collections, and consequently deliveries remained behind schedule. For example, threshing was fib percent completed in Giurgiu Rnion, but only 74 percent of the grain was delivered by 7 August. ' The commune people's councils neglected to organize transportation of grain and large quantities remained on the threshing platforms for days, In Cucuruzu Commune, for example, large quantities of wheat were left in the fields for days. Maria Ionescu, chairman of the commune people's council, did not organize convoys of rartc to transport the wheat to reception centers sad no delegates were ap- pointed to accompany the convoys. The single delegate had to go back and forth with each convoy, and this resulted in delaying deliveries. The primary party blameibecauseoitCdidrnot nssigneagitntorsbtorith~shinan, is gust as much to peasants for speedier threshing. g platforms to mobilize The reception centers of Ciurgiu Rnion, in turn, were responsible for the faulty storage of grain. The lock of organizatlon was evident all over the raion. For example, at the Stanesti reception center, Stanesti Commune, agi- tation work was not organized, the primary party organization did not devote any attention to collections, and~even worse, irregularities were detected at reception centers. Peasants were forced to wait in line for 2 and 3 days to de- liver thelr produce because of red tape at reception centers. This negligence also encouraged wnre$ouse employees to steal the grain from peasants. Stefan Mnrinescu, for example, stole the grain from the peasants on many occasions, but no measures were taken to punish him. Hostile elements, such as Vasile Cor- nescu and others, were able to get fobs at the collection centers and cause damages. The state committee for the collection of agricultural products should take immediate measures to clean 'tp the irregularities and negligence at the Stanesti reception center and in many other places in Giurgiu Raion.(30) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 Craiova Re tune e belonged. Aninoasa Communeosentia convonoofto wham the various lots of grain a delegate chosen at random. Often convoys wereldispa~tchedrtoacollection centers without any documents and this made registration very difficult. A similar case was the shipment of grain from Brnnesti to the Filiasi collection center without a delivery slip. Some communes, such as Tantareni, Filiasi, and Aninoasa, delivered grain mined with foreign bodies,. The raion and commune executive committees of peo- platformutoisiftioutoforeignmbodiess tFurthermoren theyedidanotvinsurertheip~o_ per use of sifters. In Cernntesti Commune, for example, only two of the six sifters at the threshing platforms worked, and even those were defective. The sifter at the Aninoasa Commune threshing platform could not be used because it had no conveyer belt. Thus, large quantities of unsifted grain were delivered to collection centers, which were forced to sift the grain. This resulted in waste of time, difficulties, and accumulation of large crovds of peasants. All these hardships and shortcomings could have been avoided if the raion executive committees had paid more attention to the situation in the fields, if they had given more guidance and assistance to commune executive committees, and if they had organized a better collection campaign. $owever, such activities cannot be conducted from the office. Not one of the raion executive committee members went out to see how things were progressing at collection centers. The raion and commune executive committees of the people's councils and collection insure the tful~fillmentyofotheccollectiontpluon(46~ointed out in this article and Galati Regiune The organization of daily grain transportation from threshing platforms to collection .enters must be the greatest concern of collection agents and people's councils. The nonobservance of this rule created difficulties at reception cen- ters and caused dissatisfaction among producers who were forced to waste days at the reception centers. In Filiasi Raion, for example, delivery convoys were disorganized and inef- ficient.. In Turceni, Branesti., and Aninoasa communes, convoys were accompanied by delegates chosen at random. These men were not informed on how to handle deliveries to collection centers. Delegate Ion Vaduva of Turceni Commune, for example, accompanied a convoy of grain to the Filiasi reception center without a delivery sheet and ther f In Braila Rnion the collection of milk and meat was shamefully slow. Al- though all facilities for prompt and efficient delivery were present, procurement was behind schedule. The executive cosmiittee of the Braila Raion People's Council, the agents of the State Collection Committee, and the distribution cooperatives neglected collections and were to blame for the lag. The raion committee and the representative of the State Collection Committee did nat properly instruct sad guide the commune executive committees and collec- tion agents at meat and milk delivery centers. As a result, went and milk de- liveries were considerably delayed in Scortaru-Vechi and Traian communes. The executive committees of Tichtlesti, Gropeni, Romanu, Urleasca, and other communes did not take their responsibility seriously. Dumitru Pnndele of the Tichilesti Commune, and Dumitru Trusca of the Gropeni Commune collection centers attended to personal matters during duty hours instead of speeding up collections. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 measures to remove this inefficiency andetosimproveicol].ectionset This situation can no longer be ,tolerated.(47j Isa~gi=ne As of 1 July 1953, meat and milk collections were inefficient in the Iasi Regiune. This vas due primarilq to the indifference and aeglect of the collec- tion problem by the Iasi Regiune CSC (Comitetul de Stat pentru Colectari, State Co?aittee Por Collections). The Iasi Regiune CSC assumed that collections xould take care of themselves and that the members oY the committee could relax at their desks. The committee overlooked the need for checking on the spot and Guiding the peasants. Consequently, many mistakes xere made. Huei Raion xsa a good example of this situation. Large numbers of kaiaks in the co?nunes and villages oP this raion took advantage of the vesknesa of the raion state committee for collections by not delivering milk and meat quotas. As of 15 May 1.953, kaiaks had not yet delivered quotas Por the first quarter oP 1953? This xas known to the raion state committee for collections, but no mea- sures were triken against the kuLske. Similar cases existed in Harlau Raion. Regionala~aCooperativeloredeeColectareplReglunenUnionnoPtCollectlonnCooperatives) is the root of the evil. The Iasi Regiune People's Council and the raion people's councils claimed that collections were not their responsibility, leaving the task of co1le;;tione to the State Collection Cmmoittee. The indifference of the people's councll~e resulted in the Failure to compile proper collection lists. Lists sent to col'Lection centers were inaccurate and late. This caused dissatisfaction among peaeanta. For example, in FruIDUaica Commune, Harlau Raion, many peasants who caned only a few animals were assessed larger meat delivery quotas than required by law, while other peaeanta with much larger numbers of animals xere ase.essed smaller quotas than required. Only half the animals of same peasants were registered. Other peasants were completely omitted. The Olteneeti, Strcesti, Carligati, sad Tatareni commune people's councils used collectors for their own errands. Consequently, the collectors had ao time to attend to their duties and no collections were forthcoming in these communes. Petre Gheorghiu, chairman oP the Cepelnita Commune People's Council, Harlau Raion, and the secretary of the people's couacil permitted kaiak Vaeile Crsamaru to forgo deliveries of milk and meat because he delivered a Free quart o4 milk to their homes every morning. These actions xere definitely Sn contradiction to the statements made by Dumitru Isoveanu, vice chairman oP the regiune people's councils that the raion and commune people's councils had done all they could on the collection problem. At some state collection centers oP the regiune, Por example, hundreds of milk collection record books have been lying around Por months without being used. This occurred ip Strunga, Helesteni, Popeati, and Luncan'communea, Targu- notmfollowotheirhdailykacheduleaoandepessants xereaallowedutoaremain~behindiin deliveries. Enemy elements took advantage of the lack of vigilance by State Collection Committees to infiltrate collection centers and to create dissatisfaction among peaeanta. Atypical case was that of the Targu-Frumos Commune meat collection center, where the management is in the hands of a discharged army sergeant and three sons-in-law of kaiaks __ Michel Ganger, a Former merchant; Gheorghe Lupescu; and Irimia Ion. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 Even cadres in Iasi Regiune set a bad example. Collectors did not deliver their own quotas and, therefore, did not dare to urge the peasants to make deliveries. The shortcomings in collection activities, and the fact that the milk collection plan was F lf u illed only 26.1 percent and the meat collection plan only 14.9 percent during the first quarter of 1953, did not seem to impress the management oP the Iasi CSC which continued to remain indifferent. Gheorghe Mazolea, CSC regiune representative, put the blame on the URCC, instead of rec- ognizing his own mistakes. Conditions Por speedy collections in Iasi Regiune were very favorable. This was proven by the fact that collections in Negreeti Raion were fulfilled 100 percent even though the resources of this raion were far below those of Husi Raion, for example,-which remained behind in collections. Iasi Regiune has a large number of VIM (Uniunea Tineretului Muncitoreac, Union of Working Youth) members who are i^ charge of collections. Many of them did an outstanding ,job. The VTM collector in Butnaresti Cea~une, Roman Raion, for instance, was able to collect 107 percent of milk and 104 percent of meat quotas with the aid of the U'Rd primary organization. There were many more ex- amples of this kind, On the other hand, same UTM primary organiz$tions contended that they were not responsible for collections. Secretary Silberman (fnu) of the Agrarian Problems Office of the UTM Regiune Committee, stated the collections were not an important problem for the youth organization. The Iasi Regiune and Raion UTM Committee should be more axare oP their responsibility and help with collections all over the regiune.(48) Pitesti_ Re_ giune Even though Pitesti Raion had the facilities to fulfill the collection plan Por animal products, this raion has been the slowest in completing its quotas. In many communes, such as Albota, Pietrosani, Racovita, Malureni, Smeura, and Vales-Ursului, the meat collection plan for the first quarter of 1953 was considerably behind schedule. Milk collection was ,just as poor. In Albota Commune, Por example, milk deliveries for the third quarter had not even started by 31 Tuly. Lack of guidance and political agitation by the executive committee of the raion people's council and the state collection agent were the cause oP these delays. A number of collectors, such as Morin Lonita of Dobrogostea Commune, Gheorghe Vaduva of Racovita Commune, Gheorghe Stancu of Bradu Commune, Ion Magureanu of Malureni Commune, and Constantin P. Nicolas of Albota Commune, showed indifference to their duties, leaving collections to proceed at random. A major blame for this deplorable condition Pell also on the raion agents of the State Committee for Collections. Raion inspectors Petro Negrescu and Ilie Anton did not apply themselves seriously to their tasks, and did not check keepvdaily reco~dseCtAnothertshortcoming wasptheulack ofoproperostoragerand proper transportation facilities. Irregularities also took place at some reception cen- ters, such as I~erisani, Margineni, and Cotmeana, where the full price xas not paid for the meat and milk received. Due to negligence in storage, large quan- tities of milk soured. The manager of the Racovita milk collection center, mixed cow's milk with goat's milk, causing the mixture to curdle. The collection of milk was further hampered by the fact that some collection centers, such as those in Bradu and Micesti, do not observe daily collection schedules. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 ~ These shortcomings must be eliminated without delay. The collection plan must be fulfilled 100 percent Th . e executive committees of the raion people's councils and the collection agencies in Pitesti Raion must act immediately.(20) Collection agents in the communes of Costesti Raion fulfilled 98 percent of the meat collection plan and 85 percent of the milk collection plan. They also collected large quantities of vegetables by the middle of August. Communists and deputies set good examples in deliveries. For example, Dan S. Stan, secretary of the Buzaesti Commune primary organization of the Rumanian Workers Party and also a deputy, delivered his entire yearly meat quota in the first quarter of 1953 and kept a close check on collections. Many individual peasants were ia- apired by his example to deliver their quotas in advance. By 1 July~for ex- ample, the meat collection plan for the first quarter of 1953 was completed 116.7 percent in Gliganu Commune, 108.5 percent in Buzoesti Commune, 115.4 percent in Costesti Commune, and 119.3 Percent in Recea Commune. Intensified agitation and supervision in slow communes induced the peasants to speed up deliveries. For example, Suseni and Titulesti communes had delivered only 40 percent of their quotas for the first quarter of the year by 10 June, but completed the plan 105 percent and 113 percent, respectively, by the end of July, Harsh criticism was voiced against anyone who remained behind schedule. Supervision in the fields, however, was not sufficiently energetic and in some instances the commune collection agents did not do their duty satisfactorily. Some of these agents did ^ot report regularly to the commune people's council or to the raion delegate on the progress of collections. Serious difficulties were also caused through the negligence of cooperatives in providing food supplies for thresher delegates. Gheorghe Paun, delegate to the State Collection Commit- tee of Costesti Raion, admitted that he did not devote sufficient attention to details, thnt he lacked orientation and organizational initiative, and that as a result, many deliveries of vegetables and animal products had remained behind schedule. The raion party committee and the executive committee of the raion people's council became aware of this laxity and criticized it sharply. Realizing his mistake, Gheorghe Paun pledged to put forth every effort to correct the short- comings.(38) Ploesti Regiune Ploesti Raion organized 62 milk collection centers for greater efficiency, nod a number of milk processing plants were created in Darmanesti, Bilciuresti, Catunu, and Halts-Doamnei communes. While the collection of milk progressed .normally in some. communes, it was slowed up by a number of shortcomings in others, thus reducing the quota fulfill- ment for the entire raion. Some of the commune executive committees were not interested in how milk collections were made. For example, the executive com- mittees of Sirna and Negoesti communes, although well aware of the situation, did not take any measures to compel the centers to pay for milk deliveries on time. Members of the executive committees of Cocorasti, Colt, Hares, and VLadeni communes did not supervise nor reprimand collectors Lazar Dobre, Ilie Brebeanu, and Nicolas Hotescu of Vladeni Commune, who attended to their own personal matters rather than to collection, and did not keep any records. The cocperative agents were also to blame for the nonfulfillment of the collection plan. The Ploesti Management and the Regiune Uaion of Collection Cooperatives neglected to organize labor at milk collection centers, and he also failed to organize transportation of dairy products. At the Harsa collection center, the milk was not analysed for fat content. As a consequence, producers did not bother to ~ellver good-quality milk. Some centera~such as Stre,~nicu, did not have 'sufficient cans. At the Negoesti center, for example, milk was collected in the evenings only, even though refrigerators were avail- able to hold two collections per day. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 ~ CONFIDENTIAL The executive committee of the Ploesti Raion People's Council must correct existing shortcomings of commune executive committees by a thorough control on the spot and by sustained political agitation. The good work of conscientious and efficient collectors should be popularized, while laxity and indifference should be aeverly punished. Permanent covunittees, individual citizens, and women's committees should also be encouraged to carry on agitation among pro- ducers for better deliveries.(23) Stalin Regiune Although Stalin Regiune has all the facilities for efficient meat and milk collections, Stalin was the only one of the eight raions to make deliveries on schedule. The executive committee of the regiune people's council was also respon- sible for this delay. The committee did not assist and advise collection agents sufficiently. back of control resulted in erroneous assessments. For example, farmer Dumitru Roman of Talmacel Commune, Sibiu Raion, owns 58 sheep, but was not assessed any delivery quota for 1953; however, Maria Rusu and many others of the same commune were assessed delivery quotas on larger numbers of sheep than they actually owned. There was no check on delivery of quotas. Raion agent Mugur (feu), for example, did not care whether the peasants delivered their quotas or not. Ae did not punish such men as Gheorghe Fodor of Medics, who tried to avoid delivery through trickery. Another reason for the poor showing of collection agents was the haphazard Rupee Rnion,gdidnnot evenndrawtupcanroutlineeofnsdutiesrin collectioneagitation. Bureaucratism in the raion people's councils also caused shortcomings. In Agnita Raion, V. Kiss, former chairman of the executive commmittee, and members of the executive committee did not realize the need to stimulate the people to deliver and collect quotas. The executive committee oP the Stalin Regiune People's Council must take immediate measures to speed up the belated collection of meat and milk. The permanent control agents in the field must be convinced of the necessity to expedite and complete collections. The raion committees, in turn, must stim- ulate deputies and permanent committees, as well as individual peasants, to deliver their quotas. The committees must convince producers that no one has the right to word his duty ns n good citizen in the delivery of quotas to the state.(49) Bucharest Regiune The markets of Bucharest City were supplied in general with sufficient, good vegetables. While the quantities were abundant, the quality in some instances waft substandard. One such case was the Vitae distribution center of the 6 Martie Cooperative. On 6 August, this distribution center sold second- quality vegetables at first-quality prices. This could only happen through the negligence of the Aprozar (state committee for vegetable procurement and supply) and the cooperative managements. The store supervisor occasionelly complained to the cooperative management about the poor quality of supplies, but the management paid no attention. This was the case at the Piata Mihail Eminescu distribution center of the Gloria Cooperative. Dumitru Marculescu, supervisor of that store, notified Alexandru Ciplea, chairman of the Gloria Cooperative, that the quality of some vegetables and fruit was belox standard, but the chairman disregarded the complaint. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 50X1-HUM , Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 ~ CONFIDENTIAL The executive committees of raion people's councils have the responsibility of checking the quality of vegetables and fruit brought to the Bucharest market and of punishing those quilty of negligence. The commercial sections of the city people's councils and of the Bucharest Regiune People's Council moat also exercise a strict control over quality and prices. Some Bucharest markets are not well stocked early in the day. They only opened for business at 0700 in the morning, although the official opening hour is 0500. For example, the 30 Decembrie and Dorobanti markets received only part shipments on the morning of 6 August and the sale of vegetables did not start before 0700 hours. A similar situation arose at the Ferentari market and at the Dr. Babes distribution center of Aprozar. The opening hour must be re- spected and working people should not be kept waiting at market places. Ex- ecutive committees of raio^ people's councils, deputies, women's cadres, and citizens should ail contribute to the supervision of mnrkets.(14) The Rragadiru State Farm, Buchnres*. Raion, has one of the largest vegetable gardens in the outskirts of Bucharest City. The farm harvested many thousands of kilograms of vegetables in excess of plan, because it applied the briquette fertilizer method. The over-all production of vegetables was unusually abundant. For exvnple, tomato plant yielded 8 kllograms of tomatoes, twice the quantity of former crops. Cabbage planted in ."all weighed 8-11 kilograms per head, com- pared with former yields of 1-2 kilograms per head for spring cabbage. The av- erage yield was 42,GC0 kilogrm~s of cabbage per hectare. The Mihail.esti Section of the Bragadlru State Farm planted 63 hectares oP beans. The seed beans were mixed with the type of fertilizer used to make briquettes, since briquettes could not be used in this type of planting. The resu.tting yield was 10,000 kilograms of beans per hectare. TWO potato harvests were obtained from an area of 20 hectares. After harvesting the spring crop the urea was planted with a second crop which was sprouted in sand beds for 10 days. By ?0 August, the state farm had delivered 33 carloads of string beans, 20 carloads of cucumbers, 26 carloads of cabbage, 40 carloads of tomatoes, 9 car- loads of peppers, and large quantities of eggplant, potatoes, squash, etc.(21) Individual .peasants in villages and communes of Bucharest Regiune worked according to advanced methods, explained to them by technic inns and MTS operators. Their harvests were rewarding and they had surpluses to sell. The local co- operntlves bought the produce and the peasants received industrial goods in ex- change. For example, individual peasants in Suhaia Commune, Zimnicea Raion, sold large quantities of produce to the cooperative. The sales yielded 60,000 lei, with which the peasants bought cement, lumber, roofing tile, and other materisls.(2~3) Florae. Angheloiu of the IC Frimu Commune Cooperative, Lehliu Raion, and Gheorghini.ta Spann, purchasing agent for the cooperative, convinced a large number of peasants to sell their produce. In a short time, the cooperative acquired from the peasants 22,000 kilograms of wheat, 10,000 kilograms of vege- tables, and '2,000 eggs. The Ixpseanu Commune Cooperative, Lehliu Raion, bought importe.nt quantittes of produce, including 24,315 kilograms of wheat, 11,182 kilograms of vegetables, sad 1,346 eggs.(28) The collective of Corbii-Dtari Commune, Crevedis Raion, had an abundant har~~est both in the fields and in the vegetable garden i.n 1953. Consequently, thn collectivists had more produce than they needed for their own use and sold try the local cooperative 1,250 peppers, 400 kilograms of tomatoes, 400 kilograms pf squash, 255 kilograms of cabLage, and other vegetables. CONFIDENTIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 Individual peasants of Corbii-Mari Commune and neighboring villages sold to cooperatives, in only 5 days, 2,707 kilograms of wheat, 200 kilograms of barley, 225 kilograms of cheese, 1,500 eggs, 3,200 liters of milk, and more than 3,300 kilograms of other vegetables. Individual peasants of Vanatorii-Mici Cotrm tune, Crevedia Raion, sold to cooperativea~ io only a Pew days, 4,233 kilograms of cucumbers, 234 kilograms of onions, 60 kilograms of garlic, 237 kilograms of string beans, and 60 kilograms of squash. One peasant sold in 2 days 1,200 kilograms of cucumbers and vegetables, and another peasant sold to the local cooperatives in 2 days, 1,150 kilograms of various vegetables. The peasants used the proceeds of these sales to buy goods for their families and for their homes.(1) Individual peasants of Basesti Co?une, Draganesti Raion, sold to the local cooperative, in a few days, 12 carloads of grnin.(7) Individual peasants of Crampoia Co?une, Draganesti Raion, sold their surplus to the local cooperative. In only n fax days, the peasants sold 6,000 kilograms of wheat, 4,000 eggs, and large quantities of other produce. Many more peasants sold their surpluses in recent months and received in exchange industrial products for their homes.(50) The management of the Radomiresti hiTS, Draganesti Raion, devoted special attention to the standard of living of 1?!TS operators. The management bought large quantities of food and vegetables for the canteen. Furthermore, the MTS harvested from its own fields 9,.000 kilograms of onions, 8,000 kilograms of cabbage, and important quantities of other produce, by 20 August. The man- agement also provided large well-aired cellars to store winter supplies. The MfS built a bakery with one oven to assure a good bread supply and bought 27 pigs for fattening.(29) Members of the hiuncu Collective, Varte,~u Colimune, Mihailesti Raion, har- vested, from 36 hectares of irrigated vegetable gardens, 11,000 kilograms of tomatoes, 6,000 squash, 9,000 kilograms of oabbage, 3,000 kilograms of string beans, 12,000 kilograms of cucumbers, 15,000 bundles of garlic, 16,800 bunches of scallions, 10,000 kilograms of peas, 8,700 bunches of radishes, and other large quantities of vegetables, by 20 .lugust. The collective sold these vege- tables to the local cooperative for 50,000 lei, which will be distributed to the members of the collective. The example of the collective was followed by Individual peasants, who also sold large quantities of produce.(29) Individual peasants of Comani Commune sold their surpluses to the coopera- tive is order to buy other needed goods. The peasamts sold more than 6,000 kilograms of wheat and received, in exchnnge~tin plate for roofing, cement, and other materials and merchandise. Peasants of Mihailesti and Stoicanesti communes also exchanged their surplus produce for merchandise.(8) Individual peasants of Lunguletu Commune, Racari Raion, were the first to start digging potatoes after completio^ of threshing. The peasants followed the instructions of the primary party organization and harvested large areas of pota- tcea in a few days. The peasants delivered their quotas and sold 51 carloads of potatoes to the Aprozar center.(13) Individual peasants of Potlogi Commune, Racari Raion, finished threshing and plowing, and proceeded to dig summer potatoes. In 3 days, the peasants delivered three carloads of potatoes to the Lunguletu and Crovu reception centers.(45) Individual peasants of Odobesti Commune, Racari Raion, harvested the entire summer potato crop in a fax days and delivered their full quotas to the state.(30) I~ ^ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 The main preoccupation of the Brezoaiele Cooperative management was to ful- fill the purchasing plan of all items. The commune primary party committee assisted fully in this effort by organizing agitation teams of one or two party members together with two members of the cooperative committee in all four sec- tors of the commune. Each team went from house to house to agitate among pea- sants. The team of Nae Dumitrescu, for example, carried on sustained agitation and convinced the .peasants in the entire sector to sell their produce to the cooperative and fulfill their contracts. Some peasants delivered 100 percent of planned quantities and thousands of kilograms of potatoes more than required. 5'he agitation resulted in completion of quotas for the second and third quarters of 1953? For instance, in the second quarter, the plan for wheat purchases was ex- ceeded'by 10 percent, for sunflower by 500 percent, far vegetables by 5,1$5 kilograms, scallions by 14,245 kilograms, turnips by 4,100 bunches, and dry beans by 165 kilograms. During the second quarter, more than 30 carloads of potatoes were purchased by the cooperative. The management canmiittee intensified work for the second quarter and purchased 28 carloads of potatoes, which was 100 per- cent fulfillment of contracts for Brezouiele Commune. In July, peasants sold 17 carloads of potatoes in excess of contract agreements. The purchasing committee expected large overfulfillments of contracts for the third quarter of 1953 and Prepared stocks of industrial goods for the pea- sants who wanted to buy merchandise with the proceeds of their salea.(9) Individual peasants of Baduleasa, Islaz, Seaca, Segarcea-Vale, and Uda-Clo- cociov communes, Taegu-Afagurele Raion, sold their surplus produce to local cooperatives: For example, Seaca Commune sold 4,000 kilograms of wheat and large quantities of other produce.(50) Individual peasants of communes and villages in Turnu-Magurele Raion de- livered their quotas to the state and had enough produce to sell surpluses to local cooperatives. Peasants of Salcia Commune, for example, sold 40,000 kilograms of wheat in a few days end received in exdiange lumber, cement, lime, roofing tile, woolen fabrics, and other goods needed for their homes. Individual peasants of Lita Commune sold 17,000 kilograms of wheat to the local cooperative. The Muncitorul Cooperntive of Turnu-Magurele Town bought 63,788 kilograms of wheat from peasants in n few days. In exchange, the Muncitorul Cooperative sold to pensants from 1 July to 9 August 1953, 12 tons of roofing tile, 3 tons of construction lumber, 45,000 kilogrnms of cement, 50 cubic meters of other lumber, and construction materials.(7) Village cooperative agents throughout Turnu-Magurele Raion carried on nn ir.tenaive purchasing campaign among peasants to convince them to sail their produce. From 1-24 July, village cooperatives in the raion purchased Prom in- dividual pensants more than 110,000 kilograms of wheat. With part of the pro- ceeds from this sale, the peasants bought building materials for a stable. A portion of the money was contributed to the fund of the collective. In one day alone, several peasants of the collective sold 900 kilograms of wheat and received~in exchange industrial goods needed for their homes. The Salcia Commune cooperative also hnd good results in convincing individual peasants 'to sell their produce. This cooperative bought from the pensants more than 35,175 kilograms of wheat in 25 days. Individual peasants of Lissa Commune sold 7,000 kilograms of wheat in a few days.(13) The spring potnto crop was rich in Vartoape Commune, Vartoape Raion. In- dividunl pensnnts sold their surplus of potatoes and vegetables to the local cooperative. For example, individual peasant Alexandru D. Nistor sold 2,000 kilograms of potatoes and Nistor D. Dumitru sold 1,500 kilograms of potatoes.(9) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 ? - C GI~r I=,~ r?'_., ~_~~ cooperative of Smardioasn Commune, Zimnicea Raion, organized agitation an3 collection work so well that it was able to produce from i h purc ase large quantities of ndividual peasants. One of its most active agitators and agents brought i? more than 4,000 kilograms of wheat in one single day, 27 Jul cooperative set up tents at the threshing platforms and exchanged merchandise for wheat. The agent in Smnrdiosa Village exchan ed y' The of wheat. (43) 8 goods for 4,500 kilograms C1u~Re~,i-une The commercial section of the Club Regiune People+s Council devoted increa- sing attention to the procurement of supplies for the town of Club, Large Victorlaecoopera~ivesles~w~inga~heplastaveektintJulwaanrtouses of the Aprozar s?d August, city markets sold 50,000 kilograms of y the first veek in bags; 19,000 kilograms of onions; 22,000 kilogramstofsat 6108 beansp s?as of cab- kllograms oP other vegetables, such as peas, cucumbers, etc. The collectives of Gadalu?, Alahida 55,000 Iclod, Gilau, Pata, petresti, and Rnscruci commuoea supplied 18,000 kilograms of vegetables, 3,000 kilograms of flour, and 1,3pp kilo corn meal in a few days. Prices dropped considerably on the Cluj market as a result of abundant g~?~ of ~upplies,(2) Cralov~giu_Re Individual peasants in nine communes of Novncl Raion set u n dairy collective with an inventory of some 15,000 ehee offer P cheese and great advantages to Peasants, because the productio These dairy collectives greater than at the individual farms, The Novaci dairy collectiveeproduced times large quantities of cheese, which were sold on the Pree market after delivery of quotas to the state. The dairy collective of Bumbesti-Piticu Commune sold 3,000 kilograms of cheese, and the collective of Baia-de-Fier Commune also sold 3,081 kilograms of cheese in a few weeks. The dairy collectives of Novaci Raion delivered 18,99"2 kilograms of first-quality cheese by the end of August.(40) Grade---~uAe The collective of M adnras Commune, Salonta Raion, has devoted special atten- tion to and animal raising. The collective has a farm of 400 ho e cove, 270 birds, and 4g beehives. It hers planted 60 hectares of rice and 26 hectares of Vegetable B ' 31 kilograms of fresh chee3edfrom its edairyefarmeand11,5pp~0 liters of milk and 100 far~s? The collective also sold to the village cooperativeg6,000 kilo poultry wheat and g28 kilograms of wool. It also sent to market two carloads of cabf .bags, one carload of cauliflower, large quantities of tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, etc., up to 5 August 1953? The sale of vegetables alone yielded 54,000 lei and. the total income of the collective was 120,000 lei in 1953? Some collec- tiviats used their income to buy building materials.(20) Ploesti Regiune ,'More than ever before, peasants of Buzau Raion sold their surplus produce to :local cooperatives,. In exchange, they bought textiles, industrial and con- struction material, cement, roofing tiles, lumber, and hardware. i ~ T2je Costesti Commune Cooperative, for example, was able to overfulfill its quarterly purchasing quota by 45 percent. ,Three individual peasants sold to this dooperative a total of 1,856 kilograms oP vheat from their surplus. ~: Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 At the Poster-Calsau Cooperative, the grain-purchasing plan xas exceeded by cooperative. Peasants oP TintestieCaommunesso1d3483001kilograms ofexheat insone daY?(32) Individual peasant Tome Marculescu of Stalpu Commune, for example, sold 800 kilograms of xheat, Dobrita Troche Bold 374 kilograms of wheat, and Toader Oheorghe sold 288 kilograms of xheat up to the middle of August. They received in exchange construction materials, cement, roofing tiles, and lumber. JulyStalpu Cooperative fulfilled the grain purchasing plan 116 percent for Individual peasants of Sapoca Commune sold to the local cooperative 1,450 kilograms of wheat, 120 kilograms oP barley, and 4,960 kilograms of summer plums] in only one day. Individual peasants of Merei Commune, which is largely orchard country, sold 15,441 kilograms of plums, 1,483 kilograms of apples, and 4,900 kilograms oP pears to the local cooperative. The fruit purchasing plan of the Merei Com- mune Cooperative xas fulfilled 150 percent during July.(51) Timisoara Regiune The collective of Otelec Commune, Timisoara Raion, had a good vegetable harvest. The collective sold from its surplus 2,000 kilograms oP peas, 6,344 kilograms of cabbage, 6,278 kilograms of squash, and 55,000 kilograms of cucum- bers in the first days of August. 1. Vista Capitalei, 15 Aug 53 2. Romania Libera, 8 Aug 53 3? Ibid., 18 Aug 53 4. Vista Capitalei, 13 Aug 53 5. Scanteia, 3 Aug 53 6. Vista Capitalei, 27 Aug 53 7. Ibis., 21 Aug 53 8. ibid., 8 AuB 53 9? Ibid., i9 Aug 53 10. Zbid., 1 Aug 53 u. Ibis., 4 Aug 53 12. Ibid., 18 Aug 53 13. Ibis., 14 Aug 53 14. Ibid., 16 Aug 53 15? Scanteia, 4 Aug 53 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 ~ 46. Romania Libera, 2 Aug 53 k7. Ibis., 7 aug 53 48. Scanteia Tineretului, 1 Jul ~+9. Romania Libera, 6 Aug 53 50. Vista Capitalei, 26 Aug 53 51. Romania Libera, 13 Aug 53 50X1-HUM'" " Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160430-5 ~~