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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160375-7 50X1-HUM CLASSIFICATION COiiFIUEa':'I:LL CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. INFORMATION 1953 SUBJECT Economic - Industry production, iron, steel, brick, cement, coupe:?, coal, HOW rubber, petroleum DATE DIST. ~m A,Q 1954 PUBLISHED Daily newspapers COUNTRY China DATE OF WHERE S PUBLISHED China N0. OF PAGES DATE PUBLISHED 4 Apr-23 oct 1353 LANGUAGE Chinese SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT N0. . I .... , .IIfc TIxD Txt ,.. ,. DL I.ft DIIT x11[0 ] ? ?I xix Txt xt.xlx4 DI TITII 11' ft[il0xf 1 ?xD nIV or Tx TuA' coot. ? .x .DtD. I T?.xwnll Dx a + unox or I x . o o.f. o r .. . .. no rtnaxYl ~c.n.ooucn oxTe. ,xa .?.. IT ..e..n an IrIDUSTRIAL FiIODUCT DATA APRIL-OC'POBER 195;, EXSIJiCTED FROF1 CHIIdtSr: COh4?fUii 3T PRESS Using 1949 output as 100, t!:e inde:t ;iguree; of major industrial and agricultural outputs of C'rinu for 1952 arc as follows: Cast iron 164 Cotton yarn Steel d46 Parser Steel materials 1348 Flour Electrlcity 164 Sugar Mine-run coal 202 Matches Crude petroleum 35? Cigarettes Idetal working tools 650 Fool Cement 1+33 Cottor. 210 331 220 190 129 151 145 291 The planned 1953 value output of various industrial pro3ucts, as compared to 1952 output in percent, is ns follows: Value of industrial output in general 23 State-operated industries ir. genera]. 32 cast iron 13.3 Steel ingots Copper Lead Zinc btetal working tools Electric generators Electrical output Crude petroleum 22.1 25.6 34.6 3-' 4.6 190.9 1S.3 2?.l 50X1-HUM. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160375-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160375-7 ~ Percent 2,.7 3?f~ "7 9 1953 FIVE-YEAR PLAk7 C0.1IS __ Tientsin, Ta Kung Pao, 3 Oct 53 The main points of a speech given by Liu Po-ch'u, on the 1352 achieve- ments and the 1953 goal under China's Five Year Plan, Were: 1. Coal production Ln 1)52 was double that for 194j but was not up to the productior. of the hLghe?;t previous year. 2. Electricity, crude petroleum, cast iron, steel, copper, cement, cotton cloth, paper, sugar, grains, cotton, and tobacco ir. 1952 surpsssed all previous records for production. 3? In 1952,'state socinlized industries accounted for 60 percent of the production of modernized industry, 30 percent of heavy Lrdu~try, and 50 per_ cent of light industry production. 4? In domestic markets, state-operated trading companies and cooperatives accounted for 50 percent of the flow-of-trade and 32 percent of the reta'1 trade. 5? Plans for 1953 include expanding the value of industrial output by 23 percer_t,, of state enterprises by 32 percent, of capitalist industry by 9 percent, of production materials by 35 percent, and of consumer goods by 16 percent. , a 6? The first pressed steel plant and the first seamless steel tubing plants were opened. 7? A number of new hydroelectric and steam-electric plants were opened. 8? Construction of lirst automobile factory was begun, 9? New textile units were establLshed t2u?oughout the r_~ountry. 10. Construction is in progress on nine railroads; urd, 60~ kilometers of new lines will be opened to traffic ir. 1953? 11. Construction of xater conservation projects os the iiuai Ho and the Yung-ting Ho is ahead of :;ahedule. THIRD-QUARTER REPORTS, 1y 53 -- Tientsin, Ta Kung Pao, b Oct 53 Production infLctcri~ and mines in many places was ahead of schedule in the third quarter of 1953? 1. Throughout the country, heavy industry and mines have completed their third-quarter programs ahead of schedule or have exceeded their goals. 2. The Fu-shim State kfines exceede3 the national goals for coal, steel ingots, pressed steel products, cement, iusulators, petroleum shale, crude petroleum, smelting coke, sulfuric acid, and amrionium sulfate for September. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160375-7 Cement Cotton ysrn Cotton cloth Paper Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160375-7 With the exception of steel ingots and steel product:-, the goals vere attained i'rom 1-12 days before the end of tkre month. 3? The Pen-ch'i Steel Company exceeded September quotas in 13 of its important products, including cast iron, steel, steel materials, and coY.e. 4. Zn Shansi, the T'ai-yuan Steelworrs;, tiro Ta-t'unU Ffi^.c Bureau, the Ta-t'ung and Yang-ch'uan electric power plants, an3 two other electric power plants, the T'ai-yuan Giaci,inery Factory, tk.e Shansi Pachinery Factory, +,hc 'f'ai-yuan Cement Plant, and eleven lLght industry installations including woolen milk , leather factories, flour mills, an3 imatck: factories all ex- ceeded their Septembe:? quotas. 5? Of the state-operate3 factories, 15 out of 18 completed the national government quota for September. 6. State-operated textile mills in Tsingtao -yet standards for quality of yarn and cloth in the third quarter and exceeue3 the goa.1 for output value by 2.7 percent. Accidents were 50 percent less than for the .hir3 quarter of 1952. 7. Steel machinery plants in Shansi an3 Shanghai reached 90 percent of balance in production, others reached ;? ix:rcent, in addition to fulfilling September quotes 4 Says ahead of time. SHAIJGIIAI AIID SOUTH'rlEST INDUSTRIES -- Tientsin, Tn nung Pao, 13 Oct 53 Shanghai held exhibLts of products from privately operated light in- dustries on 7 October 1953. Sixty-i'our industries and 200 products showed a marked improvement in quality. September 1)53 production quotas for 26 of the 2u types of products were fulfilled by 21 industries In the Southwest. Sixteen plants in Chang-chou fulfilled their September production quotas. ALL-CHINA LIGHT INDUSTRIES -- i~Su;cdcn, Tung-pei Jih-pao, 19 Jul 53 In 1953, 137 light industry plants ere to be established ar expanded in China. Of this number, eight ere conide_?ed as large scale. H,y June 1953, 33.65 Percent of the light industry projects had been completed. NORTHEAST PRODUCTIOIJ QUOTAS -- 4huden, Tung-pei Jiir-pao, 27 Jul 53 The Northeast state-operated industries fulfilled heir production quotas for the first half of 1953. Some 120 new products ::ere produced during this period by means of new production techniques. PIG IRON AIuZ) STF~L INGOTS -- l?luY.den, Tung-pei Jih-pao, 27 Jul 53 Northeast state-operated plants continue to produce betier quality commodities. The quality of pig iron was improved from 91.1?. percent purity to 96.2 percent purity, and steel ingots were improved )7.j?, percent purity during the first half of 1953? Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160375-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160375-7 HAHHIPi -- biukden, Tung-pei Jih-pao, 2y Jul s3 Before the establishment of the Central People's Gover:mmeat in 1949, Harbin was a city with small industries. At present, Harbin has hu:ilreds of heavy industry plants including plants manufacturing electrical equip- ment, and measuring and cutting tools. HARBIF, Ii~IDUSTRIES QUOTAS -_ Tientsin, Ta Y.ung Pso, 13 pa 53 Thirty-nine Harbin industries exceeded their production quotas for the third quarter of 1953? The products produced included cement, red brie;:, mechanical equipment, electric wiring, Mass jnrs, chalk, batteries, paper pulp, hemp cloth, woolen raterial, movie equipment ant pianos. Harbin has four government-owned brick plants. ANSHAN IRO}! A},~ STRSL NORKS -- Mukden, Tung-pei Jih-pao, 22 Jul 53 mhe An-span Zron and Steel `dorks exceeded its production quota during the first 6 mouths ~f 1953 far the following products: pig iron, steel, medium-;,ize steel nrodurts, thi.^. steel plates, otecl cable,, co;ce, htgh-grade ore, low-grade ore, and sinter ore. The actual cost of operations for the first quarter in 1956 of the entire plant was 10 billion yuan, which was lower than the amount provided for t}tis period. b}ukden, Tuna-pei Jih-pao, 17 Jul 53 Du.^ing 1952, the An-span Iron and Steel 'rlorks hired more titan 1,200 Eraduates from institutions of hi,;her education or technical inaitutions. Tientsin, Ta Kung Pao, 23 Oct 53 The An-shan Scatnless Steel Tubing brill starts hot rolling process from 1,400 hears on 27 October 1953. Production cpcratior;s of the factory are being Hided by s Soviet technicisn, w}to i, s section chief. Mtzkden, Tung-pei Jih-pao, 21+ Jul 53 A unit of the Metals Alloys Company of the An-shan Iron and Steel hors , in pursuing the national econo;ny progz?am, is able to promise better quality material and to eliminate all waste of ataterie].. Tientsin, Ta Kung Peo, 25 Oct 1953 The Seamless Steel Tub ir,~; ,;;.ll c. the An-:;hap Iron ana Stcei '~dut?its in- stalle3 a new reheating furttacc ~ahich-began operation on 20 October 1953. idtzkden, Tung-pei Jih-pao, ^