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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700150424-3 ... CLASSIFICATION RES"'RICTED CENTRAL NCELL GENCE~AGENCY INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS COUNTRY China SUBJECT Economic -Agriculture, farm equipment f'.OW PUBLISHED Daily newspaper WHERE PUBLISHED Peiping DATE PUBLISHED 26 Jul 1953 LANGUAGE Chinese DATE DIST. /~ Dec 1953 N0. OF PAGES 3 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION AGRICULTURAL STATION IN KIRIN REPORTS SUCCESSES; WORK TEAMS $ELP FARMERS IN SHEi7SI ~ummary: The Huai-te Agriculturnl Technical Demonstration Station in Kirin reported that its achievements during spring cultivation included improved techniques employed in planting and seed selection methods, fertilizer application, insect con- trol, and conversion of farming equipment. The Northwest Agricultural and Forestry Bureau organized two cork teams to instruct the farmers in the use and care of neu type farm equipment_7 SPRING CULTIVATION ACHIEVEMENTS -- Peiping, Je^-min Jih-pap, 26 Jul 53 Good results obtained Suring spring cultivation in the ftuai-te Agricul- tural Technical Demonstration Station in Kirin included expanding the use of new-type farm equipment and developing agricultural skills, Ia four ch'u under its supervision, the station stimulated the farmers to use new-type horse-drawn equipment, initiated advanced techniques, changed from ridge plant_ ing to level planting, and adopted close-planting for millet and soybeans on 680.92 hectares of land. In drought prevention work, harrowing and rolling were carried out. Com- pared to 1952, sowing was completed 10 days ahead of schedule. Seed selection methods were used with soybeans, millet, kaoliang, and corn. Experiments were conducted in seed sprouting that resulted in a sprouting rate of better than 95 percent. With the mutual aid team as the uasic unit, 35 hectares of land were set aside to grow improved seeds with the goal of raising the pure seed level above 95 percent. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700150424-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700150424-3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700150424-3 In insect control and plant disease prevention activities, the demonstra- tion station circulated ten manue',ly operated seed-chemical mixers among the village for seed disinfection.. For wheat, 0.002 s?rength Sa-li-san was mixed with the seed; 0.003 strong+,h Sa-'_i-san was mixed wish kaoliang and millet seeds.. The millet seeds vere alto rinsed five times in clear water. It is hoped that in 1953 kaoliang smut will be reduced to 5 percent (the 1952 disease rate was about 13 percent). Mille! smut and pat-f'a ~hite hair disease] must be reduced from the 10 percent rate of 1952 to 4 percent fn '-953. To exterminate aphids, emperor moths, chafers, and ch'ang-Chuang-hsiang stick-like insects%, experiments using lead arsenate, "1605" arsenic, and soluble "666" powder will be conducted in key areas.. Achievements have also been made in the accumulation of manure, Besides using a ;oil-manure mixture, the farmers also used dried nightsoil and flue ashes. Chien-shah-tzu Ts'un has 1,350 hectares of cultivated land; in 1952, only 50 Percent of this land was far?ilized, but i^ 1953, 73.7 percent was fer- tilized, The Wang Wen-yang Agricultural Production Cooperative was operating only six carts per day, but within ore month more than 2,00 ~icj carts of manure were brought fn from Fan-Chia-t'un, Chang-ch'un, and other areas, resulting ir. 100 percen*. b9sir_ fertilization of the cooperative's cultivated land. The statio^ also stimulated *.he farmers to use 33,000 catties of granu- lar type commercial fertilizer and 300 catties of phosphate of lime. The Huai?te Agricul*.ura1 Technical Demonstration Station considered the expansion ann development of the use of new equipment and of new techniques as its main responsibility Consequently, six disc-type 10-row seedere and three shoe-?ype 12-row seeders were converted in such a manner that wider seed fur- rows for all types of crops became possible. Fertilizer was applied immedi- ately after completion of sowing; and 82 items of old t'arming implements such as plows, hand seeders, etc., vere adapted to wider furrows. Using this type of equipment, the Wang Wen-yang Agricultural Production Cooperative, together with two others, was able to plant over i00 hectares of all types of crops including kaoliang and millet, and also applied more than 20,000 catties of granular type commercial i'ertil?zer mixed with the seed and over 6,000 catties of dried nightsoil Prior to spring cultiva?tar., the Rua1-te Agricultural Technical Demonstra- tion Station conducted short-term training courses Por over 90 activists, Youth Corps members, and other young people.. TY,ey studied several important, skills such as plowing, harrowing, seeding, and rolling. After the training period, these people returned to 'he vi11.9ges and became the nucleus of a yell-organised and well-led progr9m. During spring cultlv.9tion. a L' planned goals were fulfilled. For example, the Chang Ghan-k'uei Agricultural Production Cooperative had originally planned to cultivate 20 hectare; of land, tit by using horse-drawn equipment, 26 hoc- tares were worked, NORTHWEST AGRiC'JLTURAL AND FORESTRY BUREAU AIDS FARMERS -- Peiping, Jen-min Tih-pao, 26 Jul 53 In the '_atter part of Aori'_ 1953, the Northwest Agricultural and Forestry Bureau org?nize3 a gro;:p of 3'_ t~chnici9as ('..^.c'_uding eight ski_led cadres a::o 23 farm-equipment craftsmen) into rwo roving work teams. The teams assisted the farmers of the Pao-chi and Wei-nan Special Administrative Districts of Shensi i^ the repair, maintenance, and use of new type farming equipment. In approximately one month's time, the two teams repaired 1,002 walking plows, 13 pumps, 13 sprayers, and serviced 17 new-type plows. They also instructed 39 carpenters in the repair and raintenance of farm equipment.. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700150424-3 In the past, there were certain problems in the use of new-type farming equipment. The farmers in many areas of Shensi did not knov how to use, repair, or service the equipment. But with the organization of the roving vork teams, there vas systematic instruction and publicizing of the advantages in the use of new-type equipment. Key areas were selected for instruction of the farmers. In the Pao-chi Special Administrative District, two hsiangs - Han-ts~un and Haieo-ts~un __ were selected as centers. In 1952, vhen the nev-type walking plows vere introduced, these tvo hsiangs vere appraised on the basis of the number of mutual aid teams and the area of cultivated land (one ploy for each 40 mou of land), and the two hsiangs were given a total of 509 plows.. Bovever, of the vhole amount only six plovs vere actually useable. This year, after the vork teams arrived in the tvo hsiangs, meetings and instruction courses on the repair and use of new-type equipment were held, and no plov was used until it vas in good condition. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700150424-3