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Monthly, irregular periodicals
1948 - 1953
DATE DIST. 7- Dec 1953
/omment: This report presents information, taken from USSR
periodicals for the years 1948 and 1952 - 1953, on the activities
of N.S. Kurnakov and the Institute of General and Inorganic Chem-
istry imeni N.S. Kurnakov. Included are (1) a brief survey of the
development and work of the institute; (2) the text of the resolu-
tion of the Second Conference on the Physicochemical Analysis of
Solid Solutions, called by the Department of Chemical Sciences,
Academy of Sciences 1&SR and the institute; (3) summaries of 14
papers (some presented at the conference) on solid solutions pub-
lished in Izvestiya Sektora Fiziko-Khimicheskogo Analiza; and (4)
summaries of nine papers on the work of Kurnakov and the institute,
published in Uspekhi Khimii.
Numbers in parentheses refer to appended sources
Development and Work of Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry
The expansion of scientific work in the field of chemistry in the USSR can
be traced by following developments at the chemical institutes of the Academy
of Sciences USSR. In iy35, the Acauemy of sciences was transferred to Moscow
ZT-rom LeningraJ . In 1935, the Department of Chemical Sciences of the academy
was founded. Within ':he scope of this department, the following important
research institute:, uifoldcd their activity: Institute of General and Inor-
ganic Chemistry imenL N. S Kurnakov (IONKh), Institute of Organic Chemistry,
Institute of Physice_ Cbes::.t.y, the Radium Institute, and several others.
During the years of industrialization and of the Stalin Five-Year Plans,
work on the investigation of equilibriums in complex systems was pursued on an
extensive scale at the Institute of General. and Inorganic Chemistry imeni
a ss?~sl~^??? ~^^_g
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N, S. Kurnakov. From the practical standpoint, study of equilibriums in alloys
in connection wi*h the practical application of these alloys was particularly
important. The institute developed a number of alloys which have been applied
as catalysts in the chemical industry, such as high-resistance alloys, light-
weight alloys, etc, New types of iron-chromium-nickel alloys were developed for
use in the construction of highly stressed parts and of complete units of equip-
ment which are exposed to the action of high temperatures
The institute achieved particular success in the investigation of salt
equilibriums as applied to the study of minerals and ores. The work of the
institute permitted clarification of the chemical nature and origin of many
minerals and ores, particularly iron ores, bauxites, and various clays.
Important investigations were also carried out by the institute in a field
founded by L A. Chugayev, namely, that of the chemistry of complex compounds.
The work in this field is of theoretical interest, because it elucidates the
stereochemistry of complex platinum compounds.. One of Chugayev's pupils, I. I.
Chernyayev, subjected to thorough investigation the stereochemistry of divalent
and quadrivalent platinum, In the course of this work, he discovered the phe-
nomenon of transinfluence
As early as 1918, N. S Kurnakov 7860 - 19417 had organized the Institute
of Physicochemical Analysis LWhich later became the Sector of Physicochemical
Analysis of the Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry imeni N. S.
Kurnako) After its foundation, the Institute of Physicochemical Analysis
began to further the development of theory and the application of research
results in its special field The work on salt equilibriums done by this insti-
tute clarified the conditions under which salts are deposited from brines derived
from the water of sulfate lakes and of Kara-Bogaz-Gol La gulf of the Caspian
Sea/, In this respect, the work done on the subject proved to be of practical
Also of practical importance were investigations by N. S. Kurnakov, G. G.
Urazov, and N. N. Yfremov /aeceased7 on the composition of concentrated solu-
tions and samples of solid minerals from Solikamsk and other localities. These
investigations were carried out with the purpose of establishing the possibili-
ties of the production of potassium salts from these solutions and minerals.
Research on metal equilibriums and alloys was also considerably expanded
as a result of the activities of the Institute of Physicochemical Analysis.
The work done at this institute formed the basis for a number of extended inves-
tigations in the field of physicochemical analysis which are still being pursued
at present by the Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry imeni N. S.
Second Conference on Physicochemical Analysis of Solid Solutions
The Second Conference on the Physicochemical Analysis of Solid Solutions,
which was called by the Department of Chemical Sciences, Academy of Sciences
USSR and by the Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry imeni N. S. Kurnakov
on the occasion of the _'-5th anniversary of the founding of the Institute of
General and Inorganic Chemistry, took place in Moscow on 13 - 18 November 1944.
This Conference passed the following resolution:
"During 25 ,ears, the important branch of general and inorganic chem-
istry create-- by Aca..:mieia- N. S. Kurnakov, i.e., physicochemical analysis, has
been extensively deve_opr: Reports illustrating this development were pre-
sented at the Jubilee Meeting /i.e., at the Second Conference on the Physico-
chemical Analysis of Solid Soluti-ns%, These reports deal with the theory of
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solid solutions of metals, salts, and organic substances and with the applica-
tion in industry and in the people's economy of results obtained in the course
of work in this field.
The existence of a large group composed of Kurnakov's pupile and fol-
lowers completely safeguards continuation of work on the theory of physico-
chemical analysis anc further application on a wide scale of the results of this
work. At present, physicochemical analysis has acq"ired great importance not
only in inorganic chemistry, but also in metallurgy, geochemistry, petrography,
halurgy, the chemistry and technology of silicates, and other branches of sci-
ence and technology.
The role played by physicochemical analysis grows with every year.
Its application opens up new horizons in science and new applications in industry
as well as in connection with the rapid rebuilding of the economy of areas liber-
ated from the fascist invaders.
The conference notes the immense work accomplished by the Institute of
General and Inorganic Chemistry imeni N S Kurnaov in investigating equilib-
riums within metallic and nonmetallic systems during the 25 years of the insti-
tute's existence. It also notes that the results of this work have been intro-
duced into practice, This work could be carried out only by carefully training
skilled personnel At present, representatives of at least three generations
of docrors of chemical sciences compete wita each other in the development of
physicochemical analysis as a fundamental method for the investigation of the
composition, structure, and t. ?ansformat ions of chemical substances. The con-
ference particularly noses the work on the mobilization of salt resources, and
on ores, alloys, and alloy steels, as well as on military applications of chem-
istry carried out by the institute during World War 11
To expedite the work of the institute in further advancing methods of
physicochemical analysis in the USSR, it ice necessary to expand theoretical work
dealing with the nature of the chemical hod and with the theory and methods of
rbysicochemical analysis; to train more per~onnei shiil_ed in methods of physico-
chemical analysis; to transform Izvestiya Sektora Fiziko-Khimicheskogo Analiza
(News of the Sector of Physicochemical Anatysie~ into a regular periodical organ
of the Academy of Sciences; to publish regularly monographs on individual prob-
lems of theory, methods, and applications in the field of physicochemical anal-
ysis a well as in the fields of inorganic e.nd general chemistry; to accelerate
the publication of textbooks, handbooks, and ceunials on physicochemical analysis;
to introduce physicochemical analysis into the general chemical courses given
at higher educational institutions, including higher technical educational insti-
tutions; to apply physicochemical analysis m^.re extensively in individual bran-
ches of geological sciences and of technology; sad to organize special labora-
tories of physicochemical analysis at, higher educational ins-itutluns, including
higher technical educational institutions
Furtherm^re, annual awards ranged after ! S Kurnakoy (one major award
and two miner awards per year) should be introduced for the best investigations
in the field of physicochemical analysis and i tpplicatiens; a museum attached
to the Institat- of Genera; and inorganic Chemistry shoui_d be founded, to illus-
trate the results f the work dons Iv the institute during toe period of its
existence.; and a request should be sent I. the Moocow sov,.et for the installation
of a bust of Kurnakc, in front of the building of the institute of General and
Inorganic Chemistry
In regard t. cho ? of snb_jerts, partic?:iar attention should be given
to the expansion of ucrr, ceiling with the "opoLog;; and quantitative evaluation
fliterally, metrics/ o ph'-se diagrams; investigation of equilibriums at high
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temperatures in systems containing liquid and gas phases; and further develop-
went of the study of equilibriums and properties of phases of changeable compo-
sition in metal, salt, silicate, and organic systems.
There should also be concentration on the investigation of (a) iron
systems to which manganese, chromium, silicon, aluminum, niobium, or other rare
metals have been a;lded; (b) alloy syste!.; based on aluminum and magnesium, with
particular attention to processes of aging; (c) systems containing the rare
elements beryllium, lithium, boron, titanium, and others; (d) the systems of
alloys containing noble metals; of the atomic and electronic structure of metal-
lic and nonmetallic phases; (e) naturally occurring salts (sulfates, borates,
and carbonates) of potassium, magnesium, and other metals, as well as of salt
equilibriums in naturally occurring aqueous salt systems and in those which have
been artificially prepared in the laboratory; and (f) equilibriums related to
combined and concentrated fertilizers, particularly in connection with the for-
mation of solid solutions.
In addition, the contact with experimental stations should be
re-established in order to check the agrochemical effect of solid solutions;
broaden the study of the chemistry of rare elements and of equilibriums in salt
and silicate systems; and expand the investigation by expeditions of natural
deposits of salts, ores, and minerals.. For the purpose of facilitating the
development of magnesium alloys, the conference considers it necessary to ask
the People's Commissariat of the Aviation Industry to organize, in 1945, at one
of the plants, an experimental department for the production of castings and
pressed products from magnesium alloys
The conference rotes the theoretical and practical importance of the
work done by the State Institute of Rare Metals (Giredmet), People's Commis-
sariat of Nonferrous Metals (NKTsM), on beryllium bronzes with a lowered
beryllium content. The results obtained in these investigations indicate. that
it is possible to replace expensive copper-beryllium bronzes and the copper-
tungsten alloy "kirit" with cheaper alloys, The work of the State Institute
of Rare Metals, which has been interrupted by the war, must be resumed,.
The conference considers it necessary to publish the transactions of
the Second Conference en the Physicochemical Analysis of Solid Solutions in
the current volume of Izvastiya Sektora Fiziko?Khimicheskogo Analiza. The con-
ference furthermore considers it advisable to call annual meetings and confer-
ences on the most pressing problems of inorganic chemistry and physicochemical
analysis In particular, an all-union conference on problems connected with
the utilization and study of natural salt occurrences should be called in
Summaries of Conference Pars and Others on Solid Solutions
/Izvestiva S: Lora Ficiko-Khimicheskogo Analiza, Vol 16, issue 4, 1948,
curtains published papers, which represent a part of the transactions of the
Second Conference on Physicochemical Analysis Papers marked with an asterisk
were actually given at the conference. The rest were either read by title at
the conference or merely contributed tc the periodical as a part of the sympo-
sium on solid solutions 1) The 14 papers listed in the table of contents of
source 3 are summarized below,/
G. G., Urazov, one of time editors of Izvestive Sektora Fiziko-Khimicheskogo
Analiza, reviews the life and activity of N. S. Kurnakovv x He points out that
;n a dition to being :asoc:- ted with the Institute Of Physicochemical Analysis
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and the Institute of Platinum, Academy of Sciences USSR, Kurnakov participated
in the work of the State Institute of Applied Chemistry, the All-Union Insti-
tute of Halurgy, the Leningrad Institute of Metals, the All-Union Aluminum and
Magnesium Institutes, and others.
He further says that, a's a result of investigations conducted under
Kurnakov's direction at the Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, the
State Institute of Applied Chemistry, and other institutes and laboratories on
the subject of the potassium deposits of Solikamsk and of other potassium depos-
its in the extensive area south of the Urals, north of the Caspian Sea, and
east o, .um Volga, problems in connection with the industrial exploitation of
these deposits have been solved. He adds that, under the circumstances, the
forthcoming exploitation of the Inder salt occurrences, which are characterized
by the presence of chlorides, sulfates, borates, and bromides of potassium,
magnesium, calcium, and sodium, will not present great difficulties to Soviet
Urazov discusses in detail Kurnakov's work on complex compounds, alloys,
phase diagrams of metal systems, and compounds of a transitional type and frac-
tional composition, i.e., compounds of the Bertho.llet type as distinguished
from Dalton compounds.. He states that compounds cf the Berthollet type have
an "irrational" or fractional composition at the phase diagram maximum; and that,
furthermore, the maximum does not exhibit a singular point in the case of com-
pounds of this type (-4)
In another paper, B. M, Kedrov discusses Kurnakov's ideas on compounds of
the Berthollet type and other phases of variable composition in greater detail,
emphasizing the historical, ideological, and philosophical aspects of the funda-
mental concept invol.ved.(5)
S, T. Konobeyevskiy states that the formation of solid solutions as a
result of lattice substitution may be regarded as a chemical interaction, and
proceeds to discuss intermetallic solid phases of variable composition from the
standpoint of lattice energies. electron inerac'ions, and quar,rum mechanics .(16)
In another paper dealing with intermetallic ;.o".id solutions, Ya. G Dorfman
points out that the zone theory of solids is too rough an approximation to
explain in a satisfactory manner the behavior of the atoms of admixtures that
had been added to solid metal solutions; in solid metal solutions a rudi-
mentary form of a chemical bond exists between the atoms of the admixture and
the atoms of t}ao -1,-nt.: that this bond is ane to the ocposit= mutual orien-
tation of atom spins; and that the characteristics of the mutual orientation
of atom spins are an essential property which .upplements the crystallographic
description of metal phases.(-7)
In another article, A. A., Lebed,v and Ye. A. Poray-Koshits present views
on the structure glasses iuhich direr in mare; re;oects from those held by
American investigator,' (-S)
On the basiF of data cited in his paper, which were taken mostly from
foreign publications, V. 0 K'rcneteov (IoNKh), af-.r a sic:u ;ion of binary
al'rminuw alloys, arrives the con-lusion that an mutua solubility of metals
cannot be explained by any :Ingle factor, and that the rele'ive position of
elements in the period_c table, together with all atomic properties dependent
on this posi*ion, dr'.vrimines the crystal-chemical interrelationship and mutual
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N. W. Kurnakov (IONKh) reported on original research in the Cr-Si system
which established the existence of solid solutions containing up to 7.5% of
silicon, as well as the fact that the compounds Cr3Si, Cr2Si, CrSi, and CrS12
are formed. Furthermore, as a result of this research the existence of the
compound Cr3Si2 was made plausible.(*lo)
Papers by I. I. Kornilov and A. A. Azovskaya (IONKh) and V. D. Sadovskiy
(Laboratory of Metal Studies, Institute of Metallurgy and Metal Physics, Ural
Affiliate, Academy of Sciences USSR) deal with ferrous metallurgy,(11,*12) On
the basis of their results, Kornilov and Azovskaya conclude that measurement
of the time of transformation may serve as a method of physicochemical analysis
for the characterization of the state of the system under investigation.(11)
Another paper by I, I. Kornilov (IONKh) reports experimental results on
the oxidation of iron-chromium-aluminum alloys The purpose of the investiga-
tion is development of heat-resistant alloys. The author arrives at the result
that a relative increase in the aluminum content in the ternary Fe-Cr-Al solid
solution leads to an increased stability of the solution and to a reduction of
the rate of oxidation of the aluminum contained in the alloy. He also concludes
that alloys which have a high content of chromium and aluminum dissolved in the
form of a ternary solution in iron exhibit a high degree of resistance to heat.(*13)
Papers by N, V. Ageyev, I. I. Kornilov, and A. N. Khlapova (IONKh) and by
I. I. Kornilov and A. N? Khlapova (IONKh) deal with magnesium-aluminum-manganese
alloys (14, 15) The authors carried out an investigation with the purpose of
determining the optimum content of manganese in Mg-Al-Mn alloys.(14) They also
investigated the grain structure, thermal properties, and characteristics of
such alloys from the standpoint of heat-treatment.(15)
The work reported by V. G. Kuznetsov (IONKh) in his paper on platinum-
copper-nickel alloys is fundamental research on ternary solid solutions.(*16)
Tensiometri: measurements on hydrates of complex salts of platinum and
cobalt which were carried out by B, A. Muromtsev (IONiSi) indicate that the
hydrates investigated represent an uninterrupted series of solid solutions of
the salt and water (17)
Summaries of Papers on Work of Kurnakov and Institute of General and Inorganic
_--- ~~-- -
fon the occasion of the 10th Anniversary of N. S Kurnakov's death, reports
dedicated to his memory and reviewing his activity were presented on 27 March
1951 by G. G. Urazov, S. A. Pogodin, and 11 V. Ageyev at a general meeting of
the Department of Chemical Sciences, Academy of Sciences LSSR, and by I. I.
Kornilov, V. K, Semenchenko, I. N, Lepeshkov, N K. Voskresenskaya, M. I. Ravich,
and G. B:. Ravich ac a session of the Scientific Council. Institute of General
and Inorganic Chemistry imeni N S. Kurnakov, Academy of Sciences i.ISSR, held
19 March 1951
These nine reports were published in Usnekhi Khimii, Vol 21, No 9, 1952.
They comprise the tota: contents of that issue of Uspekh_ iUA mii,(18) By reason
of N. S. Kurnakov's close association with the Institute of General and Inor-
ganic Chemistry name.) after him, the account of his activity given in the nine
published papers el;o represents a review of work done, with or without his par-
ticipation, at th_-, institute. The contents of the nine papers are summarized
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In giving a general Outline of Kurnakov?s work S. , l'razov states that
investigation of the system formed by the salt, and water is Of particular
interest at present, because the problem of natural sulfate: has acquired great
practical importance. He reviews Kurnakov's research on phase diagrams and
chemical composition-property diagrams.
In a Separate section of the article devoted :t the progress of physico-
chemical analysis since '_940, he says that LGSR work on the construction and
evaluation of metallurgical and chemical phi;e diagrams is far in advance of
similar work done abroad. He further says that a rational classification of
isotherm; of the electrical conductivity of binary liquid Sy-.'tems has been
devised; that collation of exten-ive via^Osi nettri- dais has permitted the
drawing up of various types of isotherms of internal frict!:,n pertaining to
the molt diverse rational and irrational binary liquid systems (water-salt
5:1u-inns, organic substances, silicate melt:, etc.): and that the work of
N. N. 1'efremov 'deceased) on the thermal analysis, ,pecifi: gravities, inter-
nal friction, and temperature coefficients iqui~i Solution= organic
substance has resulted in valuable experir.,ental data illustrating the connec-
tion between internal friction and other prorertie.of the systems involved.
in describing resins ,.ltsi::ed by ? the pr" .;
;ion 2f physicochemical
analysis the udy of i_'id ,olutions of metals, !:razor -e.iona that the
extctencc ,f the -cmpoa::d Mg;:li in A'__Mg_Ss tolu- ha: test .,:ablished, the
presence of .v,02Cd, MgCd, and NggCd in !?i>-Gi n h beer iecermined,
etc He state., that in the investigation of r"er a;.'All s s by the method of
ph,.;e dra,rrans a::,i of composition-prover:y r,_;grlco' with a 'ritw toward apply-
ing the alloys foe __r:ical !;t
pr,: of toners, and inorganic
Chv_:;trr .Scup!'. , thee -emo_ t pi eiti n the . SR but also in the
,rl.,^t? fllr-'it-r i^. a'. =?' -hat i^. ...'.lfy"1: m:.. ha _~'=1_ pr'?Ge..l-'= was
apL ..
..c t .,rly it r . larch on ,
se r_ ' .. w
. 'rk O^ ,:..;.Saar substances,
-.nos ton w .he ion of prab i. :gig p c '!: ,information
1.d i to h i_z_ r.. ngth tf sal _.i it .. .tadv
^+' _ which
pr-.5ture exert, _eac:1^ns brtw?'en 3slo: ?,i ;'a:. A-.,rdtng to
V: az ,v, this. `ype of w k is .. pc-ac' . _..- it ..onion of salts
and f_.`?:ovary. a!.. in arriv1r _. a better isrst,rdi of processes lead-
ing to forms''-.. :f salt dot
of :he most oc:p:rt.nt to;k: of '.ire Institute
of Ge, r`:l aril I rcarfc .."rmir,try in he r.. r f.a_ eccurulation of
and ^_rgani. .ri ..~,._ ---1 scrom ains. to the
Opal.. ti..'.yyat t:ic'c , ocparsture f__'h, _ ..: 1??a?ndet,ce of
tiv ,:r,i:?. ,._ -i-4 'he c^r~,ait_-., of adds thy. , during
year:;, new echniqu_s ,and equipme:.. wu-e de?'elop~! 2-d veil !:?r the
p:. ..._r_.' ?:,:r-t_d ._._... nor ore'cures
? .ixt- a- tempera u_r?_s reaching 6Y _ _rd p e. .. reaching
3C- 3'T atm ti-arc-s.' .er that +r .. :hi 1 1*
co establish
7t .e . _i sec t 1-,a b?tve. squats and .. :, r ca . ^.e_
Y: y a re of
arr... _. ? .^F?: _'. e.r.c ?br the techn,ltgy of s*e.,~ ai h'C.r. an_ i .uperhigh ores-
- .
.'.aril, problem- rn_ io r; gPeriZer.!stry.
,n::u3r.g 1.L, a::o'snt of recent ? irk it. '.}:e field of ;Irys?cochemical
c.:aiy ira'tnv -opplic.'ions, this re'i^,d of an4.'V-so In r.onnection
with-. t.. irduetrial Of natural .:~._urrcnresa.::, -r^phs izes
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700150218-2
That large quantities of sulfates and chlorides of p -assium, magnesium,
stroo.itm lithium; rubidium, and cesium as well as o her useful elements
(Br I B) are contained in natural salt (19)
In an article which follows Grazov's pap- S. A. rogodin Jain editor of
izvestiya Sektara Fiziko?Khixicheskao Ana'-iza to -194g discusses the question
of priorities in various fields of resea ch in which Kurnakov and his collab-
orators and successors were active. He saps that, notwithstanding the fact
that Kurnakov?s results and theories have been accepted by Western science
Kurnakcv has often not received the credit he deserves. According to Pogodin,
this unwillingness to give due reccanitio to one of the foremost Russian
s-ientis,ts is by no means limited to foreign iovest1eq-u-c- two authors of
(3SR -extbooks !B, V. Nekrasov and G. A, Ksshchenkc) are also guilty of the
same fault.(20)
i dis-ussing the chemistry of inte:reta_lic c,mpounds and of alloys on
the bas:, of work done by K-crnak.-v and his s_._essirs. I, I, Kcrnilov points
or that research in thi'-s field is being a'.
:6 "' 'i, present under the direc-
ti-_. of Acsdemi-ian G.. G.. tirezov by a large group of investigators at the
It titute of General and In:organic r;hemistrv Korniiov di cusses in some
detail the subject of solid solutions of lim:ted and unlimited solubility,
compounds of definite and variable composition., and s lutirns and compounds
wnich have harac.eristics in?ermed:ate between 'she extreme categories men-
ti,ned. in conclusion, Kornilov outlines the practical uses ,f such research
and save that relations'nips established on binary systems combined with knowl-
:dqr cf i='ermetalllc compounds. can be used to predict the behavior of multi-
ccmponen*. systems, s, chat actual investizaticn of a multitude of alloys pre-
pared for experimental purposes ca: be svoided'2_)
In e paper dealling with the chemical cause of intermr,-.tallic compounds,
N V. Ageyev discusses phases of variable composition that belong to the Dalton
and Bertheilo- types He advances the concept of a compound of variable compo-
sition based on a lattice in which ions have a wide range of fractional valency
values changing both from I_n , ion and throughout the lattice as a whole,
depending or its 'ompo6i-ion ',SSR research on e__c._.- density in the inter-
ion space confirmed the fast 'ha nc!ou +us deformation the electron cloud
actuc'_Iy takes place i that the above-men" oled _._cept of continuously
varying ionizatl,n ii justified (22)
Che bests of Ktanek^v'a idea :r -he w- k done .- the subject by
members of Kurnakow group and tithe: 'L Onsager end others), V. K.
Semencheako, who is an ed;'or or ekh: Khi:,ii discusses order-disorder tran-
s'`i,n in i.ntermetslli. c.mporads, ferromagnetic. .t;b'tau e. aeignettoelectric
substar_es the barium type and .__u'-ens He disputes the view of
L. D?. Liiu.ia'i and Le. M. LIfshi:s that critical transitions and phenomena cannot
x :u ir. the solid -.rate 'L., D, Landau ?and Ye M Lif;hits, Statisticheskaya
Fizies Ste'tstirii Phystca io Moscow, 191q) and :itea many data
t ed,n w;rk dine by Kurnsrty. , .. Agave B Anuavev, K.. P. Belova,
Z A__zade, S Sidorcv? A G. __rc'ro sad hinse.. .how that the contrary
I'. . ice.' 23)
I:: a paper dealing, th -,:vF; :ga i?ns by Kurnaknv s r'up in the field
sod vats: s_ t, ?.lu_'.ibr:acs 1 H. L peshkcc /ao editor of
izvestova Sek'cra Fi.iko Kioimi-hesk'lto.Analiza i_ 9487 reports on the signif-
-.anoeof tats work _ oztect!-)n wIthindustria_ developments in the Volga-
E:rba region He s that :inking of wells in the course of prospecting in
the: area doling 1931 -939 resrl.T.ed in rte disc^very -?f many deposits of potas-
sium salts, Just ac 6.rnak-v hari predicted. Lepeahkov states -.hat these
p, ass'.nm-mac. es it a? emit c.-posit.;. will form the baits of a new chemical indus-
tr+ ?h:..t will produ e fer'--_zers needed in connection with the irrigation of
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700150218-2
extensive areas of the Caspian Plain. The Carpathian salt deposits have also
been investigated. According to Lepeshkov, tests initiated by Kurnakov have
shown that the use of potassium-magnesium su,fates (polyhalite, kairite,
glazerite, etc.) rather than chlorides as fertilizers presents certain advan-
tages in connection with the growing of some crops, particularly on soils
which contain large quantities of sodium chloride..
Lepeshkov concludes his account by saying that investigation of natural
salt deposits and salt brines of the Caspian Plain, Western Turkmenistan,
Northern Coast of Crimea, and southern regions of the Ukraine along the routes
of the Stalingrad, Main Turkmen, North Crimean, and Southern Ukrainian canals
is of great importance from the viewpoint of Industrial exploitation and also
from the viewpoint of irrigation, because contamination with salt may make the
water unsuitable for irrigation purposes.(24)
A paper by N. K. Voskresenskaya describes work done by Kurnakov's school
on the chemistry of salt melts as follows.. In the early days of his activity,
Kurnakov, in collaboration with S. F. Zhemchuzhnyy, Investigated in great
detail the crystallization of binary systems composed of the halides of potas-
sium and sodium. These investigations were extended by S. F. Zhemchuzhnyy and
P:Rambakh to cover'salts of lithium, rubidium, and cesium.
A. G. Bergman and others, in the course of very Axtensive investigations
on the thermodynamics of salt melts in general and those consisting of mutually
Interacting systems in particular, established that crystallization in mutually
interacting systems always proceeds with separation of salts formed under evo-
lution of heat. After World War IT, the applicability of this rule to systems
in which stable double salts of the type of BaCl2 ?BsF2 or S.Cl?;rF2 partici-
pate was established, and the class of adiagonal :ystems, in the crystalliza-
tion of,which double salts must participate, was isolated and studied., By
comparing phase diagrams of different mutual systems in which the same double
salt forms, the heat of formation of the dcuble salt could be determined. This
method was applied to the salts BaCI -Sal'.
5rC1 ? Srr" and L' S0
-2 4.52..004.
V. A. Sokolov and N Ye Shmidt .unducted a ctudv of the transformations
of barium metatitnnate, a euht a5ce .:nich h:; a:*.rs ted ,c;;;;idersble ayention
during recent years be:aute of its ;:7,? a; .,s dielc,..ri i,-,,rcrties..
- By inves-
tigating in detail the heat _c,rscities and h_at; f fu-1o- of lithium nitrate,
these scientists establishes that the he-: c~c;::ice c.
:ves do not exhibit any
anomalies in the case of this
the II kind are absent., r stio:;s of
In work carried cart h; F,. Vn:tb:r tens::-s-, :dc?rl colubi_ity coves
of Lid , NaCl, KC1, NaF diO;, n1i0:, TIC1 ;,p^1, ar:d PbC1 . were determined
and published data were cc?_leited oi oysters which fora simple eutectics con-
taining these salts., 1Jslni- the matertul that iiuri b?'cn collected and experi-
mental data, the _d.>al eo_ul.ilicy n,rs?=s ere the e ;,mgre! with the actual
solubility curves on the ;:?ri:;,_i,'_e that soy d?v'i*,. t,n- from t..... ideal curves
indicate reactions tc'tween thct salts , contained ir. the systems
LiC1 in Lip501? =.ic1 in SrC1 NaCi__,
?;:lc! , ., _. ?,F, and some
others, the cur tic l or rcu? 7, 1 [rt that
no reactions t=+h.: p_,,ce.
In review,.,-,g wr:?1 on the ch^r_:t_'y sects, /?>,.:res nakaya
s,cated, one octi.e., ressed attention it hair E. raid t the nature of
soiic t.