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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700150197-6 ~ COPY FOD FILE CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL SECURITY IITORbfATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION FROM ~. FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. COUNTRY Albania SUBJECT HOW DATE OF INFORMATION Economic -Agriculture, animal husbandry, food, pleas Political - Organizations, mobilization of peasants PUBLISHED Daily newspaper DATE DIST. ~ Dec WHERE PUBLISHED Tirana DATE PUBLISHED 7 - 27 Jun 1953 LANGUAGE Albanian ,., . ,,,r a .. , , .... ....?r?~ r, ,. ~ ,. , , rn~ ~ o r..rae.aa .. .~.u,i,o o i ' atria ear ?. . .~o.rr,a u. 2 crat he re-slued 24,Ot70 irks, oeside cloth, table oil, and other commndit?es. The highest record of cotton grewin~ in klbania was mad= by a progressive peasant in M~eke. ?ye produced 3,500 b,ilct,re^s p?r hA`~ Ta Cotton Crops in M}eke Double r duced S00 c n h n produ ed 1e600 ?i1o~r3rt- of rat-pn ..;, ~ d,, an~~her has on 14 d double this amount. y nns in _.: 5_ i:: p;,j~-I; ,. In 7 ; ,: - _ these peas:;t~ ea~cect to At Rapishte, 2,000 kilnhr;1ns f - o : ;;~,,, , age of 1,500 kilograms, i.n otner arses. ~:'rd. :._..,.+ d~~)ris and an aver- Piany women are r?.idinr in hceing erd ?.err?in7 tr.:' Cotton `-'~,Flds i also take Hart in th= hsrvesting and tnreshin,~. - n 14~eke. They They wish to prc^~.rce e~: avenge 1,50:' a,to-r~?ns c" cotton per hectare. An Elbasan peasant stated that by ,=;,;i,l~,vi,l , ~,;,,,,~,_?~ ,uetho;;s and he^in~ five titres, he obtained 1,8^0 ;:iln~rams of ,o;.?oa r: ',' ~}nV?.= of .land in 1y52, With his profit on the eottcn, he acquired r.,ore r ;1,,~ ~ i _l;s, 140 :ncter?f of rl; th, 50 liters of table oil, 40 kiio~rams c - ?? oUgo ~r:d r.ther ccr:,:;:dta...,. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700150197-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700150197-6 CONFIDENTIAL In 1953, he expects to raise 4,000 kilograms of cotton on 12z dynyms of land and be able to supply the Stalin Textile [dill with more raw material.(1) Control of Olive-Tree Pests Measures are being taken in Elbasan Rreth to control olive-tree pests. Bri- gades are being formed in Godolesh, Bishqem. Krrabe, and Dars to spray the trees with a chemical solution.(12) Frasheri Cotton Crons Hoed Bashklmi Agricultural Collective members in Frasheri began hoeing their cot- ton fields on 13 May. Up to 11 June, 400 dynyms were hoed and thinned. In 1953, the collective planted 1,000 dynyms in cotton, or 125 dynyms more than in 1952. It expects to obtain 800 kilograms per hectare instead of X00 kilograms per hec- tare obtained in 1952.(9) Women Aid in Harvesting In the few days since harvesting began in Fier Rreth, 50 hectares were reaped, largely by women's brigades. Verise Collective members have promised to complete harvesting, threshing, and paying their debts by the end of June.(2) Planting Methods Improved Fier agricultural collectives and peasants organized several courses ead lec- tures on methods of increasing the yield of various crops. These talks on check- room corn sowing, cotton pruning, and other advanced methods xere attended by 10,800 peasants. An outstanding exponent of these methods followed his talks by concrete examples in the fields. The corn-sowing method will be applied in 1953 to an area 50 percent larger thar. in 1952.(14) Young People's Brigade3 fte'p Harvey` Fro ram The youth of Fier Rreth has organized 154 brigades totaling 1,560 members to aid in the grain harvesting, threshing, and collection. The pioneers have organ- ized 25 brigades totaling 625 members *,o gat.her corn. The young people have already harvested 25 hectares of wheat.(10) Korce Rreth Sugar-Beet, Potato, and Bean Yields Increas In Korce Rreth, 31 agricultural collectives hove finished spring sowing of industrial crops. They planted 506 more hectares in sugar beets, 369 more in corn, 50 percent more acreage in potatoes, and 3~ percent more acreage in beans. in 1953 than in 1952? They also planted 114 more hectares in Georgian corn than in 1952?(2) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700150197-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700150197-6 ~ Forestry Plan Being Fulfilled The people of Korce Rreth are intent on fulfilling the Five-Year Plan for forestry in 3 years and 3 months. By June, the yearly pla_, for digging holes for trees was fu"-filled 93.6 percent. With the completion of the 1953 plan, the Five-year Plan will be fulfilled. The annual plan for forest care has been ful- filled 107 percent. and theehillsfof Korcehand Kamenice9(12)1 be planted are Kloce, Qarr, Dumbrave, Women Work Hard in Vincan Collective The Vincan Agricultural Collective, located in the hills west of the city of Korce, ie divided into three brigades, Half of brigades I and III are women. Bri- gade II has 32 members, including 14 women. They do the same work as men. Nowa- days, one sees in the fields old men and women, as well as school children and children not old enough for school. In Vincan, women take part in productive work, study advanced agricultural ~ methods, and become outstanding agriculturalists, They work hard in spring plant- ~ in?? durinE thre;;hin ~asorr; ant in 50,000 kilograms o~ accts per hectae,~wh~l~ ~ J One brigade promised to produce of 4,000 kilograms over the planned crop, A the cooperative promised an increase Some members have promised to produce 4,000 kilograms of potatoes per hectare and 8,000 kilograms of Georgian wheat per hectare. In the sugar-beet fields, only five or six of the healthiest plants are alloved per meter. The ground is care- fully weeded.. After the beets are thinned, the ground is raked four times. The third and fourth rakings are done by a cultivator when the plants are sufficiently grown. Ordinary chemical as well as granular ~hemical~ Pertilizer is app~.ied.(4) Fush-Kruse FITS Begins Threshing The Fush-Kn~,je MTS is one of the best in the country. Zt fulfilled the 1952 threshing plan 119 percent many days ahead op srhedu'_e, without wasting grain. After analyzing its 1452 successes and shortcomings, the MTS collectives be- gan the 1953 season with a thorough overhaul c~ reapers and threshers and with a reserve of spare parts and fuel. On 1 June, when the first collection commission arrived, it found the DiTS ready for a great harvesting and threshing campaign. In 1953, the A1TS plans to do 15 percent more threshing than in 1952. InBi- viduel members promise to double both their d~iiy quota and the plannez total, Ore Stakhanovite, who operates a Soviet MK-110 thresher, expects to reach a re::- ord `oily quota of 18,000 kilograms. According to the threrh^_ra' f.ticerary, approveP. by the executive committee, three of them left on 5 June for the Gurz area where they will be put io work on 8 :.lane. The Gurz peasan*.s have prom!;-_d the first threshing yields to the state.(4) Kokes Rreth Collection Dates to be Met The active members of the Kukes,Rreth Committee met 'recently to discuss the harvest. It was reported to the meeting that collections had been completely i'ul- filied, beans excepted. Bean collection reached only 87 percent.. The meeting re- solve3 'that cereal collection'must be completed by 9 August and late crop collec- tion, by 18 December 1953?(2) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700150197-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700150197-6 Barley Harvest in Progress Up to 22 June 1953, Mamez village harvested 7 dynyms of barley. The people's council and mass organizations promise to deliver their collection quotas ahead of echedule.(6) Agricultural Methods Improved ------? The peasants of Kukes Rreth have already exceeded the planned epri~g planting 3 percent and are continuing to exceed the plan. Conditions have been improved Dy means of 21: lectures attended by 42 peasants. Twelve lectures attended by 405. peasants, vere also given on various phases of tending Industrial and spring crops.(14) Harvesters and Threshers Speed Up Work The Stalin Tovn Partizari Agricultural Ente*prise has promised to finish har- vesting and t.hresh~ng on 30 Jun-, One member, with a Soviet harvester, fulfilled his norm i02-105 percent. In a very few days, 50 percent of the wheat area was harvested. The directors have appointed a special 18-man squad io operate and service the machines. The squad threshed 1,500 kilograms of wheat in 2 hours. It has also organized night work. Pioneers glean the vheat which falls during threshing.(6) First Threshin 5e1n D~~iv~r d Sincr. 21 June, wagon trans loaded v!th when*, have been traveling on the main roads to the Leohn~e co'_lertion center, Wi:hln a few days, the center w113 ha re 100,000 kilograms of wheat as the "fire*. `..hreahing for the a*.ate." On 29 June, the peasants of Ishull i L-shes, Ishull 1 ShenB3lnit, Magati, and Spiten began paying their debts.(o) Recently, tnuks from Lesh villag-; unloaded 100,000 kilograms of wheat at *_he Lrsh (ci.ty) crlicction center. This xas the first. threshing yield belonging to nc~ stn*.e.(;) Threshing Be it:~ ir. -~ i Ri On 15 Jur.._, thr ~ tr e -. _,h~? n :it?[- lat~ to ccr.::ids: th rr>ob_em, ~ 3-a:t9 aoo !t r ,, t1E eYfJrt has be 'r '~< rt +?+:'r''~ LIl v ~19geS, ilt- rny~e to prrcure Prc,v- ~ l.1 tsmsr ac; ?zv~ or store thEm for vin*.rr. "~,ny ron;um:-: -.n :- t,;.~ ,s. br`:. T - - F , sn fo r Ns;-:- ~~ ~ t ~o Fr;r,1r~ Vl.or R h ~ , ~ ''t a imal P.od- _. n.. t?.~ _lt'_ 1R lln~l~ ? _.O'..5 F U:',._.:: wr; .. IIlmlt_. ..'.7it1 ~iV. .~ n.-::-~ ?n._ .. ... _les like imlonE, are ._? __ _' nth, ,yen ;tr e:.molF;i _ ltckir.v. i[ rnr; - L. rpeF t '-.. no:?_.g vt,< 3or.~ t...~ collrct snd ., o: :! th~_ .. ... .'. _ ... ..r, area, Rrc`.h =xe-tuti^-:~oemtiticea'sn1 r.oo~e:a`:re ): d >tsl:~ :-a3c, n:Ranizatlons ms*. see tY.:,t situ-- ~? 11}LE y`nat :r i?`~, whet: .,ter.::oe vat :Ed oc j:?t.r. one a::.. - nt?,- .r agsln. At ' ;a`. '~Te. -_ :.,~ ?'- "~~ o? arF'e.= were Dried at g' a .J: aRd -~,:L1YL't nn : d. :o s:;t,:, d _ t i,3 Liu Er die'.? potatoes eg -11:, a t, h ,~ .aL ~ as a 1` r ~ , , i- ~r , fl 'h, mr:r? and fsts n1u t, co Fc Ed in ?.c?. atld p:ere-,.Ed, , .1 au 1r.-lt+ s, :oop rs't._;ro arld st t^3d o .an a r-,, lar9,r erterF*'_E , ,du t nt: c., 'n c - insi r1. - ~.., 8ri~' :YEr' tart;i. ~ .. - j:1 ri_ l:t,id?? _ l:i?P aL'd .l__~ a".c` iS '.:,bs 1. ?,i. ': _^ iect~ng? .,,nd presErvicg vir.te: sup.llee. ,`o: ih. -0 .1 - ratsici;, co1- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700150197-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700150197-6 ~ Koio=)e~o_.trol B_igaie Aids Local Executive Committee :n May 1953, the Kolon~e Rreth Executive Committee organized a control bri- gad~ to aid the Leshkovik Lokalitet Executive Committee. The brigade appointed member= -o acs a. chiefs of sections for organization, trade, agriculture, for- _ +,ry, health, and finance and to. prepare analytical plans for their sections. Spiry Dime, head of +he Leshkovik Lokalitet, informed the control sections of the i;hc?:t~oming~ of the Leshkovik Lokalitet Executive Committee. Wi_hin a week, the control brigade put in force some excellent measures. Consultations held in the city of Leshkovik by the trade section brought out many hort.-omings previously unknown to the Leshkovik Lokalitet mcecutive Com- mittee.-For examplE, baker lea had been giving privileges to some and not to c?tte:e. Bazter msrkets had goods in stock which were not put on sale at any time ~+L tug the year by the meth cooperative union. The local authorities and tre Fro:4:eIDent-S81es Union were awaze of th~ae conditions, but did nothing to reme.:iv them. ".'Y.e brigade realized that these shortcomings were, in part, caused by lack of ec:maaion and o:ganize3 courses to teach local authorities their duties. This mov~mFnt !s epresdiag to other lokalitets.(41 EmbBzzlemf?nt in Kolon e P.e.ent'iy, suit css brcught against a group of embezzlers of state and col- lrc;ive property. The g?.oup members, Qerim Verteniku, Sotir Miha11, Laver Bato, and ..^.aci Frifti, were traders and middlemen. who speculated and lived at the ex- F.erse of ;he people. In ].g49, They started in a systematic manner to?sabotage the c._opie's