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Publication Date: 
November 17, 1953
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700150041-8 CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS COUNTRY China SUBJECT Economic -Agriculture, wheat, cotton HOW PUBLISHED Daily newspaper WHERE PUBLISHED Urumchi DATE PUBLISHED 17 May 1953 LANGUAGE Sinkiang Jih-pao 50X1-HUM DATE DIST. / 7 Nov 1953 N0. OF PAGES 3 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT N0. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION SDAICIpNG PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT DIRECTIVE WARNS AGAINST LAXPI'Y IN SUA4gER ~ummary: Following the completion of spring olanting in Sinkiang, a 3irective from the Sinkiang People's Provincial Government was issued in an effort to prevent laxity on the part of the people during the summer. The directive calls for strengthened leadership, expansion of autumn cultivation, proper care and management of fields, preparations against calamities, aad the reorganization of mutual nid teams Spring wheat planting has been completed in Sinkiang; farmers in the southern part of the province finished planting at the end of March and those in the north finished at 'the end of April. At present, cotton planting is almost completed and plans for autumn crops are being developed. Sowing in 1953 was completed from 10 to 15 days earlier than in 1952. Crop growth is very good; in areas where spring wheat was sown early, the wheat shoots are already 4-5 inches high. Spring cultivation was greatly improved this year and in some areas new equipment and techniques were used. In Ti-hua and Pai-ch'-eng hsiens, 20 per- cent of the wheat fields have been row planted, and generally the cotton fields have been planted by the same method. ldost important, there was a greater use of chemical disinfectants together with seed selection and seed soaking. The results of spring cultivation were due to the increased political consciousness of the masses, to the efforts of the leaders or. all levels, and to the strong measures of the land-reform brigades. f Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700150041-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700150041-8 A basis has been obtained for a patriotic, producesion increase plan, However, it must be pointed out that this is only a first step. To maintain the production of individual areas, to fulfill production plans, and to develop an effective summer program, certain, erroneous deviations which have aPPeared is rural areas, and which may api-ar in others, must be corrected immediately. 1. At the conclusion of spring planting, there are some lenders who turn their attention to other activities and neglect their function of leading the masses in a timely sowing of the autumn crop area which occ,.pies more than 50 Percent oP the cultivated land. 2. There are leaders and cadres of some areas who think that with the completion oP spring cultivation all plans are fulfilled and that additional workers are not required for harvesting. 3. There are too many meetings and conferences which require represen- tation and this influences the production work of spring and summer. To complete the sowing of all types of crops and the over-all expanding of summer production, there must be compliance with the following directive: 1? Leadership of production work must be continuously strengthened. In accordance with local conditions, leaders must grasp the immediate and central problems and conquer conservative thinking. Definite summer pro- duction is the key to the patriotic production increase movement. The strength of organizations must be renewed; meetings should be brief and Yew in number. During the critical summer period it is not advantageous to call meetings oi' the masses or large and lengthy conferences of` the leading cadres. The leaders should all go separately into different areas and conduct neetings, organizing the cadres is these areas to study production policies, to avoid duplication and the methods of the old cadre. Business matters should also be avoided as this affects production leadership. 2. .There must be an over-all expansion of autumn cultivation. A variety of crops should be planted, and, moreover, there must be early and careful planting, All types of hardships encountered in difficult times should be explained to the masses. In areas where the growing comparatively should bh~carriedsoutsandethere shouldobe eagreatereapplicatioa ofobasicaandg follow-up fertilizer. 3. The moot important activity of summer production is proper management mfthe fields. Foremost; there must be assurance of timely watering and irrigation of the crops during the growing period; the people must be guided in setting up a system of water usage. New methods of irrigation must be followed; the people instructed to put into operation intensive shallow irrigation, to use block irrigation in rotation, and to eliminate the waste of water. Another technique to increase individual area. production during cultivation is weeding. The masses must be organized to hoe and weed together, loosening up the soil and hilling the plants. Wheat Fields must be weeded and hoed once or twice; cotton fields, and other graving crops require cultivation two or three times. The masses must be aroused to perform these activities. The people should be. guided In the proper pare of the young plants to prevent harm to them during the growing period, Ground which is lying fallow should be plowed once or twice during slack periods. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700150041-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700150041-8 coxFlDSiPrsAl, 4. SPPorts must be made to prevent natural calamities. Summer is the season oP'natural calamities, sad for this reason, calamity prevention ie the main task. OP these calamities, prevention oP damage by locusts is the moat important, Ia 1953, to Frotect the abundant crops and the?velfare of the people, large-scale crop dusting by plane will begin. -All locust-infested areas should set s time in which locust prevention and extermination are to be considered the prime duties. The organizational'leaderahip should be strengthened, sad the masses should be aroused. to assist the planes in eliminating the locust menace. In` certain?areas;?the people should be organized to destroy locusts voluntarily. There must be a correction of the idea that insect extermination and pro- duction are oppoaed~to each other. In other areas where the tiger aphids destroy the cotton shoots, the people should be aroused to find effective methods of early preveatioa and early extermination. During the latter part oP May, the tornadoes in southern Sinkiang and the floods in all areas are the cause oP much damage. Immediate preparations should be made to 'control' tornado and flood damage by salvage activities. 5: Mutual aid teams must be reorganized and the patriotic, increase production,-emulation program expanded. There must be continuous reorgani-' zation and improvement in the thinking of mutual aid teams, in their organi- zation?and system: Hasty planning, authoritarianism, formalism, and the desire Por quantity rather than quality all must be overcome. Meetings oP ieutusl'aid teams should be called to investigate team activities and to eorrect mistakes. Although the summons foi an increase production emulation movement hen been issued, there is s~_11 no formal program. For this reason, the leadership oP the movement must be strengthened. The plans submitted by those participating in the movement must be examined sad criticized to give the?people`conPidence and to lay a solid foundation for the production work of 1953? During the summer, it is also necessary to utilize women and time workers so that no one is idle. Part- CONF.IDENT7AL . i Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13_ CIA-RDP80-00809A000700150041-8 ~