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Publication Date: 
November 10, 1953
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700140365-0 CLASSIFICATIONyF~r.ROtTaTrrV I~,}~pn'.~'mrag~T1~T~p CENTRAL IrV1hLLIGtNGE AGENGYtI INFORMATION FROM ' FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS REPORT CD N0. DATE OF SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. i?lliRGER OF Ai.OV BLACK SEA STEAMSHIP COMPANIES; PLAII FULh' N'1' BY USSR r'Lr:>;1'; ACTI'JITIi?:S OF .iMAI,L RIVER FLEET SIPIGLE BLACK :iEA STEAI.7S}IIP COMPAIIY CREATED -- Moscow, Vo~lnyy Transport, 22 SeP 53 The Arov o ea:nship Co-:pang and the Black Sea Steamship Company have been combined into a single Slack Sea Steamship Company. The port of 'Lhdanov has been placed under the new co::;pany's ,jurisdition. ili:SULTS OF 'PHE PLAi7 TO LOSv'r:R TRAhSFORT COST -- Moscow, Vcdnyy Transport, 10 Sep 53 The Colleg.ium of the Ministry of Occ~n and In1a.~d Shipping has exa::ined the results achieved thus; far in carrying out t::e 1953 plan Por lowering the cost of water trnnsoort. The cost of river tran~nort durirr; the _oeriod under :;oncideration not only ^ai.lod to dL..inisL, but? actually increased by 2.., percent. Glavtseut.oi'lot (Main Ld:.:inistrstion of the Central Basins Riv=_ fleet), Gla?rvostokflot (6iain Administration of the i:aotern Basins 3iver i?lcet), Glavnefteaut Q?Iain A~lnin- istration of .:he Petroleua Fleet), Glavsevsapflot (Bain Ad.:'_n~stratior. of fhe i;orth::eatern Basins Ri-:er Fleet), and Glav::e?ru:orpub' (;Main Au.:~nistration of the horthern Sea Route) "ailed to fulfill the plan Pon this index .?ue to ..aasparti accoapli:~h:nentr ;;onoiderebly below the plan ~~nu excesnice e:x,:ul?_tures above those ulanned. 'f he task of louer.'.nr; tt~ :ost of ocean iranapoc?b ilns been carried out for the ^linistry as a whole, but aavyvai:flot (t?1a_n AdaL-uistration u: the Southern fleet), Glavdal'flot (lolain Administration of the Eastern Fleet), and Glavsev- moiput' have failed thus far to fulfill the plan for this index. CI~.:,SIFICATION currFlDsIiTI4L_r- STArE NAVY -_L _.I N~H9 _i-T--__DISTRI9UTIDIJ I __ _ __ .~ _~I__..__r1 . _ r___ ARMY I AIR _ 1_... ~ 91-__.._~.._J.~j I I i _ _._~~..T i_-.L___i Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700140365-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700140365-0 Especially unsatisfactory in the lowering of transport cost were the following river steamship lines: Pechora, Yenisey, Volga-Don, Iiorthern, Volgotanker, Moscow-Oka, and Kama. In ocean transport, the most delinquent steamship companies were the former Azov, the Far East, and the Kamchatka- Chukutsk. The plea for loading and unloading operations in seaports vas not ful- filled by a single main administration, nor vas the plan for loading and un- loading operations fulfilled by the river ports of Glavsevzapflot. Not a single main administration completed the: August plan except Glavyuzhflot and Glavnefteflot, which sucessfully completed the plan for ocean shipping but were unable to handle the task of oil transport on the rivers. Glavsevmorput' exceeded the ocean transport plan by more than 30 percent but fell short in river transport, In August, great numbers of idle ships were observed in the Volga Freight, D:oscow-Oka, Sheksna, Northvestern, Volga-Don, Yenisey, Amur, West Siberian, and Caspian steamship lines, and on the steamship companies of Glavdal'flot. MONTHLY PLAN RESULTS -- t9oscow, Vodnyy Transport, 12 Sep 53 The August tonnage plan was not fulfilled by either the ocean or the river fleet, nor did the river fleet complete the ton-kilometer plan. Of the 11 ocean steamship companies, only 5 have completed the plan (Black Sea, Caspian, Reydtanl:er, tdurmsnsk, and Danube), and of the 25 river steamship lines only 10 have completed it (Volga Freight, Volga Freight and Passenger, Dnepr, Yenisey, Moscow-Volga, Upper Irtysh, Northwestern, Neman, Vyatka, and Sukhona). Not s single one of ti:e main operational administrations ful- filled the plan according to both indexes. The USSR fleet cannot fulfill the plan when ships spend 2G percent of their operatinv. ++?^P lying idle (the figure is y~ percent in ports of Glavdal'flot%. About 26 percent of the snips were processed vith delay in ports and at wharves of the river steamship lilies. In September, the Volgotanker Steamship Line in particular is lagging in the transport of oLl. SOVIET SMALL RIVER TRANSPORT -- Moscow, Vodnyy Transport, 19 Sep 53 Large quantities of bread grains and potatoes are being transported along the Charysh, Biya, and Ketun' rivers in Altayskiy Kray. Bread grains and vegetables are being delivered to cities along the Chulym and Guns ~2~ rivers in Krasnoyarskiy Kray. Agricultural products from kolkhozes and sovkhozes in Arkhaagel'skaya Oblast are moving along the Onega and Yemtsa rivers, and large quantities of bread grains are being transported in Omskays Oblast along the Tara, Isliim, and Tom' rivers. The many types of ..^rei.ght moving on small rivers include mineral con- struction materials an3 agricultural machinery destined fcr _:olkhozes and biTS, r,~anufactured products for the village populations, and fuel oil. The s;na11 river fleet has had good results this year with the use of ,Jet cutters having a draft of 40 centimeters. As of 1 September, there were 22 such vessels in operation, and 9 :pore will be built during the coming months in shipyards at Kashira, Krasnoyarsk, Stalingrad, and Krasnodar. Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700140365-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700140365-0 Next year it is expected that 1,000 kilometers of waterways x111 be added to the small river system. To carry out this work, five shallox-draft suction dredges were built recently, each xith a capacity of 45-60 cubic meters per hour. The nex suction dredges havb operated successfully on the Tsna River in Tambov- skaya Jblast, on the upper Don River, the Voronezh River, and the upper Oka River. Ten more of these dredges are to be built. RIVLR TRANSPORT OF CONSUMERS' GOODS -- Moscow, Vodnyy Transport, 24 Seo 53 To handle the transcort of consumers' goods, 47 additional regular lines have been opened. On the tAoscou River additional stopping points for ships have been established at Mvachkovo, Sof'ino, Markino, and other places; on the Oka River additional. stops hav?- been established at Trubetskoye, Sen'kino, Runovo, and Nlkiforovo. F.ecent_y, freight and cargo-passenger lines have been organized along which 43~ self-propelied an3 powerless craft are operating. The steam- ship companies expert to }:ave 70 cargo-passenger ships operating on the lines with the aim of ircrea~?ing traffic and giving better cervice to kolkhoz workers. G_avtsentrcflet is opening a new run or. the Byatka P.iver, placing the S/S Kotel'rich in service :here. The Dnepr Steamship i.ire alone, during August and the first half of September; carrie3 abo?,t 20,000 tens of fruit, of which more than, 10.000 tons were watermelons. Thirty?f~:4- diese_ vessels are being used for *.he transport of vegetables from kcikhote:: ir.talingradskaya Oblast and Arkhangel'skaya Oblast, Deleys and short.comi^gs do ?xist, however. In '_3 large worts and oading wharves of Gla?.?-tsertrof:ct; more than _7,000 tons of freight have accusulated and are awaiting shipment. Of this total, 1,500 tons are in Stalingrad and 2,500 ton=_ are in Kazan'.. In addition, there are large amounts of freight is K~,,;trma. Bairkhna, l^_'yanov:s, Astra,;han', and ether ports. ADMINI:iTRAT_TON i:EADS .? h?;;..^w Vodnyy "'ranspor*., 24 S?P 53 Gia?r'sertrof_ct :,; ns:r under the iirecticn o;' Tcharaikcv, and G'_av- vostokflot is, u::9rr Kharite: r :he Ad;-ir.istrstion of the Canal Fmeni Moscow is headed by Sher_~her. BARGE I'~J3:-I=NG OPI D;;~P::, TJA;::'E? r.l'i:?~ _. Kiev. Pravda U'rzainy, 21 Aug 53 During the ,:nrzent nav;gation senscn, the raa hirg rtthod of barge pro- pulsion is r~.=.~la~:ia~r ~??orv=nti!:na: tcaing ~ethcd: or_ the Darub=_ river. The M/V (motor vessel) =rkvcslc :iaptain riovsi'chu};i was the first to use the new method on the Danube River. The M!;' 5aratev ;Caetain 'Lhidkov'' recently pushed a tow of 13 barges and ael.v=_red them 40 h~,urs ahead of schedul?. Tows of six, seven, and more barges gave t?~en p?,t~hed ny the Cij'1 ;:viva M/v Krasmadar, and others. Moscov, Gciayy. ::~capor?, __ ;e_ _ During thc- ?953 navigation season, the Dnepr Steamship Line has assigned 13 tugs and 23 barges to cargo transfer by the pushing method. The plan for the pushing method itas already beer. fulfi'_led by 77.4 percent !n tons and by 192.2 percent in tor_-kil^meters. Ueieg other progressive :nethcds with X51 self-propelled ships and 103 powerless. craft, the steamship _ine has already realized a saving cf 1,8C0,000 rubles. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700140365-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700140365-0 NEW GR'.II{ UFiLOP.DING Ii?(STALLATIOti -- i.:iev, Pravda Ukrsiny, 12 Aug 53 +: pnou:cstic installation for the unloading of grain barges is bean; built in 3agorozh'ye.~ The new equip:rent will unload a barge with a deadweight ton- nagE of 400 tons in 8 iio+u?s. The appsratus will also remove foreign materials and warehouse vermin from tiie grain while unloading it. NS.( Vli:i;'s?L;i Iid ::OVT:;i(Y.iiR -- iev, Pravda Ukrainy, 12 Aug 53 Jo?rtnu~ec, ti,e Bla::k S.~a ;,etroleu.^. company, is acquiring new vessels. Pu;ou~ the.r is Cce lighter ::inech;ay ~.ahich has a large deadweight toniu;~e and an urwualiy shallow draft. It recently made its first voyage in the Black ~e::. 'li.;:>~L LOJkCZGII': A