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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700140115-7 CLASSIFICATION aV\t M Li Uilt_1 ~ ~CIkt~ NFp CENTRAL ICLIGENCE AGE Y REPORT F INFORMATION FROM I OL1ecsiOn or vocuments on the Policy of Collecting Agricultural Taxes), published by North- west People's Publishing Company (Hsi-pei Jen-min Ch'u-pan-she), AGRICULTURAL TAX-COLLECTION IN CHINA, 1952 Locoment The following articles and figures are taken from Nung-yeh Shui-ft u Cheng-ts'e Wen-chien-chi (Collection of Docu- ments on the Policy of Collecting Agricultural Taxes), edited by the Department of Finance of the Northwest Military and Adminis- trative Committee and published in September 1952. The articles include (1) the directive on 1952 agricultural tax colle?-tion of the Northwest Administrative Area as promulgated by the Nnrthw=?tMilitary and Administrative Committee, (2) the supplementary notes on the calculation of agricultural taxes in the Northwest newly liberated areas where land reform has been com- pleted, and i,3) the summary of land survey and output assessment procedures as prcn,..,,.ted by the Ministry of Finance, Central Peo- ple's Government, The two figures give details of land-survey procedures and the pr---se of determining output assessment] I. DIRECIIVE ON 1952 AGRICULTURAL TAX COLLECTION OF NORTHWEST ADMINISTRATIVE AREA. AS PROMULGATED BY NORTHWEST MILITARY AND ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE, 12 JULY 1952 a. The old liberated areas of Shensi, Kansu, and Ningsia are to follow the 1951 tax regulations during the year 1952, the tax rate to be 18-20 percent of total annual output. The decisions of these provinces in this matter are to be reported to the Military and Administrative Committee. Since it is expected that 1953 tax-rate regulations will be changed to pro- gressive tax-rate regulations, Shensi and Kansu should make a survey of old liberated areas to consider the progressive tax-rate regulations and should report results to the Military and Administrative Committee of the Northwest Administrative Area. Futt Olt" of 1,i Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700140115-7 COUNTRY China SUBJECT Economic - Agricul e HOW PUBLISHED Book WHERE PUBLISHED Sian DATE PUBLISHED Sep 1952 LANGUAGE Chinese JrtSRO r DISTRIBUTIOW DATE OF INFORMATION 1952 STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700140115-7 b. For the newly liberated areas in which land reform has been com- pleted in Shensi, Kansu, Ningsia, and Tsinghai provinces, the progressive tax rate for 1952 is calculated as 5-30 percent of annual output. A person with an inccme of less than 150 catties is exempt from taxes, but a person with an average income of 150-1,690 catties is taxable. The areas where land reform has not yet been completed w .e to refer to the temporary agricultural tax regulations for the 1950 newly liber- ated areas. The progressive tax rates of areas in Sinkiang in which land re- form has not been completed are to be adjusted according to the 1951 North and South Sinkiang tax. rates. The areas where land reform has been completed are to draw up progressive tax-rate regulations and report to the Military and Ad- ministrative Committee which, in turn, is to refer the regulations to the Central People's Government for approval.. d. For the following categories of land, taxes are levied according to fixed regulations and not according to agricultural population: (1) Farm land owned by schools, orphanages, and hospitals and cultivated by membere or by hired labor is taxed at 8 percent of its annual output; if rented out, at 11 percents (2) Farm land owned by state-operated farms and cultivated by members or hired labor is taxed at 13 percent of its annual output; if rented out, at 25 percent. (3) Farm land owned by family shrines, associations, temples, and churches and cultivated by members is taxed at 20 percent of total annual output; if cultivated by hired labor, at 25 percent; if rented out, at 30 per- cent, (k) Public farm land (land not distributed after the completion of land reform) is taxed at 13 percent of total income, e. Tax-payment responsibilities wct.h regard to economic crops. Ac- cording to the principles of the central directive, the tax-payment responsi- bilities with regard to the cotton areas should not fall lower than 13,2 per- cent. With thc= principle in view, it has been decided that the cotton fields in Shensi and Sian should add 10 percent to the normal annual output of the same type of land, combine this sum with the total agricultural income for each family, and levy according to the tax rate. Tax-payment responsibilities with regard to cotton to other areas are to be carried out according to the 1951 regulations. As .ur tax-payment responsibilities with regard to other types of economic crops. the various provinces and cities should conduct a special survey, if tberc- a need for adjustment, the facts should be re- ported to th Military and Administrative Committee. 2. The administrative area should =t.ress and carry out the aim of agri- cultural tax collection. All area- which completed. Land survey and output assessment prior to the approval of t:,' normal. annual output are reported by the hsien government. ';. The reduction or elimination of taxes should be in accordance with the aims of the tax-collection policy. To encourage collective output, farmers who join cooperatives are allowed a tax reduction of 1.0 percent, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700140115-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700140115-7 4. In. areas in which the summer harvest is important, the summer season tax is calculated at one time and divided into fall and summer collections. In areas in which the autumn harvest is important, payment may be made in the autumn'and formal collection in the summer. The payment in the summer is in accordance with the summer and autumn harvest tax regulations and is reported to the Military and Administrative Committee to be recorded. The principal crop for collection in the summer is wheat; it is advisable not to collect cash or economic crops. Tax collection of summer harvest regions should be completed before October. 5. Agricultural taxes are an important source of national income and af- fect the agricultural output and responsibilities of farmers. On all levels of the People's Government, those comrades who are leaders mist be personally responsible for strengthening leadership, for organizing cadres to go into the villages, for Inspecting and guiding the farm population, and for carrying out the tax policy. The leaders should prevent the violation of laws and guarantee the victorious accomplishments of the 1952 agricultural tax-collection plan, P'eng Te-hual, Chairman, its]. Chung-hsun and Chang Chih-chung, Deputy Chairmen, Northwest Military and Administrative Committee II. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES ON CAI.,iULAl'ION OF AGRICULTURAL TARES IN NORTHWEST NEWLY LIBERATED AREAS WHERE LAND REFORM HAS EEEN COMPLETED (Published by Taxes and Finance Bureau, Department of Finance, Military and Administrative Committee, Northwest Administrative Area) 1. Calculation of Taxes for Average Farm Family a, To calculate total agricultural income for the farm family, add the total income from,fced-crop production (land which is self-cultivated, rented out, or cultivated by hired labor), income from economic crops, and in- come from special. agricultural products, - b. To calculate the average income for each person, divide the total agricultural income. by the number of persons in the farm family. C, To calculate the amount of taxes to be paid by each person, mul- tiply the average income for each person by the tax percentage rate for that average Income. 2. Calculation of Taxea for Special Cases a, Calculation of taxes for rented. or leased land which is under contract to pay a certain amount of crops annually for rent. The amount taxable is calc-ulated by adding the remainder of income from rented or leased land after rental payment to the family'; regular agricultural income to get the total agricultural, income, b. Calculation of taxes for rented or leaned land for which rent is paid according to a certain percentage of the crop harvested on the rented or leased land! The amount taxable is calculated by adding the remainder of in- come from rented or leased land after rental. payment to the family's regular agricultural. income, to get the total agricultural income. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700140115-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700140115-7 c. Calculation of taxes for rented or leased land for which rent is paid according to agreement reached after harvest: The amount taxable is calcu- lated by adding the remainder of income from rented or leased land after rental payment to the family's regular agricultural income to get the total agricul- tural income? 3. For taxes calculated on farm land owned by schools, orphanages, homes for the aged, hospitals, state-operated farms, family shrines, temples, churches, and public land, refer to "Directive on 1952 Agricultural Tax Collection of the Northwest Administrative Area as Promulgated by the Northwest Military and Ad- ministrative Committee," III- SUMMARY OF LM-SURVEY AND OUfPUP-ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES AS PROMULGATED BY MINISTRY OF FINANCE, 5 JULY 1951 1. In order to collect agricultural taxes according to the tax rate, to determine the reasonable amount of collection, and to encourage agricultural production, land should be surveyed and output assessed. Therefore, the "Sum- mary of Land Survey and Output Assessment" is to be put into effect immediately. 2. The operational procedures for land-survey and output-assessment work in various areas are as follows: a.. old s where surve has com, the governmentnofhthose areasashouldedeterminerthe normal annualeoutpuutline1951. In those areas where land reform has not been completed, there should be a con- tinual survey and adjustment so that normal annual output will be determined prior to the end. of 1952. land-regib. in the newly liberated are a to be areas issued. The land survey of has land c status d' should be wade, and normal annual output determined within 3 or 4 years. forced, lower ng of rent and liberated agricultural tax collection are has be not carriednout. Land which has not been reported to the government should be surveyed. Output assessment is the responsibility of the hsien government. Results are to be approved by the provincial government and the military and adadnistiali,,, committee of the administrative area and sent to the Ministry of Finance for furs: approval, 3, Methrds of conducting land survey and output assessment are as follows: a. Land %-ray The newly liberated areae are to use the old land tax material as a and employ the former land-tax collection personnel to review the actual sltva .,n, After revising the tax records, the new tax- collection ].awn are to be promulgated to the villages, b. Output asses ;i-nt: In areas where output assessment was closely calculated, the new survey should use the old regulations as a guide, In areas where output assessment was not closely calculated, the land status should be readjusted and the output assessment should be revised. The hsiang government is to survey, evaluate, and classify land status. If time allows, the output-assessment plan should be sent to hsien people's representative conference or to the district farmers representative conference for discussion, 4. Calculation of taxes for land area and normal annual output should be made in accordance with the "Regulations on Agricultural Taxes on land and Normal Expected Annual Output" as approved and promulgated by the Finance and Economic Commi.ttee, Government Administrative Council, Central People's Govern- ment, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700140115-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700140115-7 5. To expediently complete the land-surveyowand output-asses smnt Work, land-survey and output-assessment e cosmittees bel the provincial level should be formed with personnel from the government as chairmen and agricultural rep- resentatives as members. 6. The land-survey and cutput?a;,cc;osment committees must go into the rural areas and spread the government policy on agricultural taxation and the significance of land survey and output assessment. The committees must acti- vate the farmers to participate in land-survey and output-assessment work. a. Hsiang (ch'uan) agricultural tax survey and evaluation committees are to be responsible for the survey of agricultural population and land area and the recording of agricultural taxes on land. In accordance with the out- put standard for the different types of land status as reported by the hsien government, the agricultural income of the population is calculated and agri- cultural tax records are compiled, b. Hsien Land-survey and output-assessment committees are responsible for determining the normal annual output, for aiding the hsien government in surveying land for levying agricultural taxes of the districts and villages, for controlling the balance of production in districts and villages, and for compiling the hsien agricultural tax records. c. Provincial land-survey and output-assessment committees are re- sponsible for the following., promoting hsien land-survey and output-assessment work, training cadres to spread agricultural experience, surveying the agri- cultural tax records of villages, controlling the balance of production in the hsien, compiling the records on agricultural taxes of hsiens, and, if the oc- casion arises, designating the hsiens, districts, and villages to organize a joint survey and evaluation committee to adjust the land-output assessment at bordering hsiens, districts, and villages, 7, Personnel carrying out land-survey and output-assessment work should not deliberately lower or raise the calculation of normal annual output rate. 8, The finance and economic departments on all. levels of the People's Government, together with the land-survey and output-assessment committees, should establish systems for writing agricultural tax collection records, notices, statisti^s, and reports. 9. All military and administrative committees of administrative areas and the Ministry of Finance and the finance departments of provinc'!s and cities should follow this summary in surveying the local situation. Plans are to be approved by :hp governments of the same level and sent to the Minis- try of Finance for future reference. Figures follow] Po I-PO, Minister of Finance of the Central People's Government Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700140115-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700140115-7 Revi- sion of Books Writ- ing up Rec- ords Au- dit - Log An- nounce to Public Calcu- lation ecord in ooks Leasure nd report Width I and Length ofd Land MeasureddJ) Figure 1. Land Survey Procedures -6- Adjust- ment Group lace ignal lag for Survey- in~ Survey and Place Marker Draw up Blue- prints Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700140 Hsiang Survey and Evaluation Committee Survey. Statie- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700140115-7 STAT Step No 11 Figure 20 Process of Determining Output Assessment (Note: For explanation of steps, see next page.) -7- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700140115-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700140115-7 Step No 1: (Centralized Control) Hsien Land-Survey and Output-Assessment Committee -- Helen calls conference to plan work and draw up rough draft of the division of land within the hsien Step No 2: Disputed Areas Within a District Under Joint Evaluation 1. Establish a central point for evaluation, including bordering hsiens 2. Establish a standard for the land status as a reference Step No 3: Disputed Areas Within the Administrative Area 1. Establish hsiang land evaluation committee 2. Follow the opinions and suggestions on determining land status given by the committee and study the disputed areas Step No 4: Disputed Areas Within a Hsiang Suggestions from the hsiang on the land status are given Step No 5: Centralized System to Determine the Land Status 1. Using the old records as a guide, study and survey the division of land for a hsiang 2. Field work 3. Select certain areas and classify the land status 4. Draw up blueprints 5. Report on statistics Step No 6: Classifying the land Status in Hsiang Areas Under Evaluation 1. Determine the land status 2. Incorporate the survey 3. Report on statistics Step No 7: Classifying the Lana Status in Administrative Areas Under Evaluation 1. Determine the land status 2. Incorporate the survey 3. Report on statistics Step No 8: Grouping Land in Districts Under Evaluation 1. Survey of land under the control of Administrative Area 2. Incorporate the survey Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809AO00700140115-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700140115-7 ANEW 3. Discussion and revision of suggestions districts for output capacity of 4. Report on statistics Step NO '9: Organize the land status of hsien 1. Study the reports on output capacity of the districts 2. Study the preliminary output-assessment plan 3. Organize the land status of hsien Step No 10: The delegates of various groups output-assessment plan from the hsien approve the 1. Report on process for determining output assessment 2. Discussion held by units 3. Approval by majority at conference Step No 11: Ch'u or hsiang convenes delegates of various groups or peasant delegates conferences for the purpose of discussing the implementation of the output-assessment plan Step No 12: 1. Village calls conference on methods plan 2. Village calls people's conference to announce output-assessment Survey of production: 1, Organize unit on output survey 2, Understand output capacity by survey, comparison, and evaluation 3. Survey of average land output 4. Small group discissions 5. Determining output Hsien Joint Evaluation: 1, At the time of output assessment, delimit the hsien boundaries 2. Each point of evaluation includes one or more hsiang from border- ? ing hsien 3. Hsien is to organize and to establish a standard for output assess- ment STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/13: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700140115 77